Radix Verum on Whitmer Kidnapping Doc & Spiritual Warfare
Radix Verum on Whitmer Kidnapping Doc & Spiritual Warfare



@andrewczuba498 Says:
Michigan capitol plan failed, J6 worked, well it worked well enough to incarcerate innocent good Americans . they have wanted to demonize Americans especially anything or anyone 'militia' related for a long time now, through propaganda and false flag situations. ironic, as militias are specifically mentioned in the our Constitution . they have been scheming and lying a long time now, my lifetime for sure! -also, amphibious landing done by birchbark canoes, cue them song from last of the Mohicans! Lol There should be a waterfall scene with whitmer where hero fed says "no matter what happens, stay alive. I will find you!" also, meanwhile, Trump has now had 3 actual assassination attempts made on his life...........!
@nordgrinder6119 Says:
Thank you for this! Keep up the great work!
@unbannablebob395 Says:
Awesome interview, awesome film trailer, just donated 👌
@critterm4713 Says:
😂😂😂 Pete is 46. He will be 47 in November. He looks much older with the beard. He doesn't care if people know his age. 😊
@critterm4713 Says:
Yashewa was right with all of us during the raid and has never left. By the grace of Yahweh we are still standing. I can't wait to have my husband and son back so we can open our ministry/outreach to help others. I can't wait to tell everyone about how Yahweh has kept us going. THANK YOU both for seeing that people hear the truth. ❤❤❤ May Yashewa keep you and your families safe.
@NameLess-ks4fi Says:
Never trust good looking women in this space.
@but_iWantedTo_speakGerman Says:
It's just antiwhite. Christianity is doomed because it will never put our ethnicities first, consequently it will just become a foreign people's religion
@YourFrenSanta Says:
You should interview Nuclear Grifter next and tell him to make another fking video.
@ImOnlySIeeping Says:
feds didnt create AN that's a ridiculous lazy contard take
@ImOnlySIeeping Says:
shame they aren't all like these two
@joshwells4280 Says:
If you close your eyes, she sounds a lot like Whitney Webb
@mikey8718 Says:
Blonde looks like neverending story girl😂🎉, ginger girl looks like annie😊
@brianedwardmorgan7304 Says:
Did she interview whitmer?
@drubradley8821 Says:
Rebecca, you need to be very careful of this girl,if this is elissaclips or thenchannel is using a stolen picture of this girl fornthstnchannel? she has caused allot of people allot of trouble. And once she sets her targets on you, she will not stop, until you are destroyed, by clipping stories out of context.. she is a clipper... "Elissaclips"... There is people helped her get her channel built up, and those people each got burned by her.. from that, i would say she is a compulsive corrupted liar, while propping up her self as lil Ms innocent.. she'll keep the pressure on as she leeches off them ... She does no work, other then clipping other peoples efforts.. just my opinion from what I seen.. from her. And worse if all, this is pure speculation, butninthink she is d leftist plant . She'll go on as a guest on right leaning channels, claiming to be XYZ, to curry favor with the host, then act like she is on their side, gets them talking like she agrees with the subject matter . Months later, she is trying to burn your channel down by clipping you to death.. she's lazy.. Nowz this is important... None of her content of her other channels, has ever once attacked and destroyed a left leaning channel... But sure does act like she is against the left, but only serves to destroy the right of center channels . Hypocrite in my opinion.. Lastly, my lady went to school with her, and that is my secret weapon, to thr measure, i can say whatever I want, as all I have to do is interview my lady, and let her say who and how elissaclips is and how she wasnin school to others, to my lady... Almost, like a measure of discovery... Fillowed by a list of other school mates from back in the day.. my lady would say, there is something wrong with her, eay beyond just being a mentally ill woman, and hate her to a very high degree for hoenhigh school was, unless it was middle school.. i forget which grade level it was.. not the less, the damage was done, I think shenworks for an agency either state or fedeal level.. i would love to ask her live, if she does, in a direct ir indirect manor/fashion at any capacity even if it is theough a 3rd, 4th, 5th tier sister company(s) like so many others I and my team have investigated .. just havent investigated her, as it seemed too close to home.. but, now that is see shebhas another person in her sites, I will be watching further now. Might want to ask yourself, are you a threat to the Democrats and or leftist marxist communistic part's agenda, or is somebody in your family ? As you will make person number 15 to 20 she'll spend months with daily clipped videos destroying your channel and your work.. if not years... Be careful with her...
@pp-bb6jj Says:
Americans are living under occupation of mostly foreign regime.
@johnlewis1078 Says:
Great interview! God bless both of you two beautiful souls.
@CliffJaded Says:
My girl Radix on Blonde's podcast? Say no more. GROUNDZ!
@pureblood3813 Says:
Gretchen whitmer is a man: change my mind !
@Toylandsrs Says:
The FBI did the same thing Jan 6. If they don't have a white supremacists - they will manufacture them.
@fun_gussy Says:
"It could have been any of us!" Speak for yourself. All these guys were some kind of loser. Maybe if your social group revolves around a bunch of disabled vets, unemployed men, and homeless you're at high risk. Thankfully I'm around none of those groups in my personal life.
@ethanfleisher1910 Says:
So many of the best journalists around are self taught. I hate the term "citizen journalism" because it's often considered synonymous with "amateur", when in fact these self taught reporters and journalists are doing twice the job of mainstream hacks.
@paulpaustovanu8816 Says:
@AH-yu2pi Says:
@bigles9083 Says:
She needs to talk to Tucker ,this seems the kind of story that would interest him.
Radix Verum is great I have been following her since her appearance on FTN. Her work and content definitely deserves a larger audience
@1cdmap Says:
For the algorithm
@samuelspiel8855 Says:
We're in Satan's Season. The Millennial Kingdom's "rule of an iron scepter" was the Middle Ages. Christ said explicitly, and plainly that he would return in one generation. His return was in 70ad.
@Ed__Powell Says:
The thing that people don’t realize is that FBI agents themselves, along with them being evil, are not that bright. Like, not short bus dumb, but on the margin. This didn’t used to be the case. J. Edgar Hoover had very high standards for agents. Not anymore. By the 1980s, they were hiring the C-students BEFORE the DEI push in the Obama-Biden years during which the floor dropped out of the mean IQ of FBI agents, Hollywood portrayals to the contrary notwithstanding.
@beakerboy4039 Says:
Always love every show u put put Becca even love em more when they are BEAUTIFUL like Christina 😍
@rjsims9117 Says:
Great content, again. Thank you, Blonde.
@markwarning7305 Says:
Great show. Only thing that could improve it is if Blondie sang a few bars of Coat of Many colors at the end
@memyselfandi8544 Says:
Yeah, hurray. I haven’t watched your show in years, because I woke up to the spiritual war going on in society, and you were still in secular politics. So great to see you catching up, Blonde. I used to watch you when you were in a Seattle high rise off I5. Now that you have broken through the lies behind the religions, look at the Freemasons and the NWO. Research witchcraft and paganism, but not through academia. It’s like putting on “they live” glasses.
@SamSneed0 Says:
Check out these 2 beautiful women...
@danielnln Says:
our government is at war. upon the American peoples
@justinbordner6528 Says:
Nothing is more beautiful than a loyal woman.
@internetcomments950 Says:
Is that an Addams Family pinball machine? Oh my.
@MrTrenttness Says:
@eduar2971 Says:
Sounded objectively at the begining but went downhill from 19:15 minute mark: finding execuses for the capitol attack, sarcastically calling George floyd saint Floyd. I couldn't watch it, just stupid lady blinded by her stupidity. Why don't these people worship whiteness and leave Christianity alone because that is what they worship? Their God is the gay-looking blonde guy they call Jesus and not the spritual God in heaven.
@barneyboyle6933 Says:
Listened on X. Here for the algorithm. Great interview. Great lady.
@buddyduddyful Says:
My morality is centered upon service to white wellbeing. The GO FREE method is the key to this philosophy.
@R0d_1984 Says:
I'm not saying Christina is, but one of the ''Fed''s" tactics is to scare you into thinking the you can't trust anyone (which you shouldn't)...
@whitepilled22 Says:
I knew the basics of this story from watching episodes of Warren and Emily's Modern Politics show. This story is important, and eerily similar to what FBI did to me and likely tens of thousands of other White Americans.
@R0d_1984 Says:
Its was a shotgun, the fed had been harnessing him for along time to do it, Randy Weaver and family were doing very badly financially, he needed the money; A.N Had been infiltrated by a few Feds (same old); The Fed who asked Randy Weaver to shorten the shotgun was ''in'' the A.N. Re the court, Randy Weaver was given the wrong appearance date... Vicki Weaver was pregnant at the time, the unborn child was also murdered. Randy Weaver ended up winning his case, he got $3+ million Dollars...
@glendavis6180 Says:
Blonde rocking that Dolly P look🤩
@fluffywaffles Says:
Didnt know you were doing this, BitBotB.
@freddieoblivion6122 Says:
Coupla Aryan QUAAAAYYNS hea
@PB_324 Says:
Your bangs are so 1980's Groupy
@christophersantoro8212 Says:
I'm surprised you don't talk about ammon Bundy... Or Schaeffer cox.
@mikep608 Says:
Juuuze. White supremacy boogie man in a country that is virtually all white people?
@Hillcountry_Catholic Says:
Damn this was good! I didn’t know about the movie or Christina before, great job Blonde! God bless y’all both, form another fed up mama in Texas.

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