Zach Kidd (LogosRevealed) on Communism and Jewish Psychology
Zach Kidd (LogosRevealed) on Communism and Jewish Psychology



@gildathury5205 Says:
Like your content but who are you really trying to attract to your channel dressed like a whore
@ktex4873 Says:
The absolute best explanation I've heard is that the 'international wanderers' utilize the following method: *Embrace* *Enfold* *Extinguish* They slowly move wealthier/highly entrenched peoples to fresh new location (infiltrate) as they finalize the plundering of their current location/host civilization. They utilize well established tactics to infiltrate new host location, including: -victimization narrative - bribery and pay-offs -investments in infrastructure & institutions -weaponized philanthropy -Marrying into current local high level positions of new host country -abuse/manipulate innocent altruism of new civilization through multiple 'causes' Eventually, they effectively infiltrate, fund and therefore control every institution, local & national government etc. (Ebrace) Though the host country initially is very prosperous, they eventually run through the local resources, transfer legitimate, tangible wealth (non-fiat), bankrupt host, implement fiat currency, plunder, sell off bits of host to other countries bit by bit and drive them further into debt (trillions+++) until they are no longer satisfied with the returns from the plundering/usery/exploitation. (Extinguish) Then, as they are already content with the fact that they are a 'wandering' peoples, they move on to do the same to the next host. Wash. Rinse. Repeat . Embrace. Enfold. Extinguish.
@bln150 Says:
Men needs to start being men again. That's a start.
@bln150 Says:
Download this, before it's too late.
@nathanhornok Says:
This guy's falling for the exact trap the Jewish spirit wants him to fall for. He, like Jews, thinks they have something special about their DNA. How'd that work out for Hitler? The EMJ take on this is much better, I don't think he and Blonde realize the nuance of EMJ's position. If you don't put Christianity first as you prime identity, then you loose all other identities too. It doesn't matter if you slap a fancy term like "arian" onto your ethnic identity.
@charlieparker5678 Says:
Rebecca saying "The kids are all right" when she looks younger than Zach. lmao
@robbpowell194 Says:
If y'all were to read Mein would seem both strangely contemporary and ancient. Grievance in search of a scapegoat. There is a whole Grievance Industry today but it is primarily on the Left. There are university departments named as such. Resentment and Retribution leads to bad ideology and politics.
@PaulHosse Says:
"Communism"? So where is the government is taking over corporations, shutting down small businesses, and seizing personal property? Certainly not here in the U.S.. In fact, the neo-fascist corporatocracy we find ourselves in seems to be doing quite well.
@SantinoBaca-e4z Says:
In the book, Abraham’s Children by Jon Entine, he shows how Jews survived by being chameleons, they actually incorporated out group breeding in order to create a layer of Jews that looked like the people they were living with.
@Anabolicnerd Says:
I’ve been j pilled feeling like falling into nihilistic hedonism due to hopelessness.
@JasonAdank Says:
Hey Rebecca, this is one of your best guests, thanks for having him on!
@developerdeveloper67 Says:
4:58, common bro, that is cringe. Your whole intellectual foundation is Nazi propaganda? Lol. Dude literally got brainwashed online... and he is speaking as if he is proud of that.
@Truth_sets_me_free Says:
@KittSpiken Says:
Great interview, compelling and rich. You need to get together with Pete Quiñones for the next one; he just started reading "Crying Wolf: Hate Crime Hoaxes in America." Considering you and Matt have been unknowingly compiling the reference material for a revised edition (if not sequel) to the book for years, the moment is now.
@maan9176 Says:
I'd never thought I would here such antisemitism on youtube... and I love it! 😄👌
@stigcc Says:
44:30 The Roma people (gypsies) do like this as well.
@miked5266 Says:
For November ya know the Anniversary on the 22....Recommended interview: Cory Hughes. Book out last year, "A Warning From History."
@derschafer1012 Says:
America has terminal stage 4 Judaism
@michaelfern4079 Says:
The Zionist homosexual conservative Douglas Murray was on PBD and came charging to the rescue about Churchill then admitted he didn’t even know of his 1920 article Bolshevism vs Zionism. All these propped up puppets for the masses to dance to.
@tnwhitley Says:
People need to separate the Jewish nation of Israel from the Jewish players that are operating in our world both behind the scenes and right out in the open. This is like finally figuring out that our government was deeply involved in 9/11, that the towers free fell because they were rigged with demolition explosives, & if you think I'm crazy here answer me this question? Why did building no.7 free fall right after the people inside cleared the building & it only had a fire in one end of the building?
@readtherealanthonyfaucibyr6444 Says:
Why do you guys refer to the "cyclical rise and fall of civilizations" towards the end of the video like it's some natural pattern in nature? Aren't all the "falls" in the last few millennia the result of a certain specific type of "weather (underground)" that some mystery people caused on purpose?
@bploan8464 Says:
I've been listening to your show for years with Matt and first time seeing you, sometimes you hear someone talk and when you finally see them the person doesn't match the voice or look like what you thought they would... Not you, you look exactly like I thought you sounded and hot as F, awesome subbed... And happy birthday
@CellTherapyCream Says:
Zionism VS Bolshevism A battle for the soul of J3ewish people. Good article written by Churchill. I've been sharing this with Tucker and his peers for a while.
@jamesmurphy1389 Says:
Thank you! A fascinating dialogue which raises several points (20 in fact😎): 1) Decay comes from within. A strong people always determines its own destiny. 2) Exclusive concentration on Jewish malfeasance is a distraction: it diverts attention away from our own failures as European peoples. 3) None of this could've happened had we Europeans not already lost contact with transcendent meaning, purpose and value. 4) The Age of Reason (scientific materialism) killed European spirituality, both pagan and/or Christian. No Jews in that. . 5)) The infiltration thing (Jewish princess etc) ---- Yes, but a people's mythos is often woman-driven: Helen of Troy. No Jews in that . 6) Consider Jewish taxi drivers, tailors, etc. No power in such professions. Jews are not a monolith, psychologically speaking. 7) Jews didn't have their own culture? Tell that to the Romans! (Judaea [ Kingdom of Judah], Mosaic Law. 10 comm'dments). 8) A significant number of 'European' Jews have undeniably assimilated with, and greatly contributed to, European culture at various times. 9) " " " of 'European' Jews have identified more with European heritage than with Judaism & died fighting for our countries in our wars. 10) " " " 'European' Jews have converted. I know several. They don't even consider themselves Jewish anymore. 11) At the end of The Merchant of Venice (Shakespeare, aka, The Earl of Oxford) has Shylock's daughter convert - and prove it sincerely. 12) High culture unifies and transcends racial obstructions. Buddhism spread all over the East. - India, China, Korea, Japan, etc. 13) Hypothetically, the best from all races can cohabit constructively and build culture. 14) America never was - and is not an example of that. (surprise, surprise). 15) Because the races interpret high culture differently, they should be left alone to do so. - English Gothic, French Gothic, German Gothic. 16) Most human beings are tribal: race mixing confuses them. Allowable (just about) at the margins. Otherwise, try and avoid. 17) Hitler killed a lotta Europeans. This was presumably to save their souls. 18) Churchill was a murderer redeemed by a people's need for myth. 19) All politicians are, by definition, psychotic. 20) The only solution is secession. There is no reasoning with our enemies. They are pathological. You cannot reason with a mental patient. Very best wishes for the coming challenging autumn. As Nietzsche said: "to those human beings who are of any concern to me: I have no pity for them - precisely because I wish for them the only thing that can prove today whether one is worth anything or not --- that one endures!'
@collincutler4992 Says:
1st interview I've seen by Blonde before. I like her about 150% more now:) She's never been more attractive to me lol.
@SeraphimGoose Says:
I have a superpower in that I'm incapable of being attracted to Jewish women, even back before I knew anything about this. Young Jennifer Connelly comes close though.
@SeraphimGoose Says:
Is the common Manheim translation bad too? What's bad about these translations other than having cringe introductions?
@Michael-wu4om Says:
"Drop the hedonism" one hundred percent.
@maryphagansrevenge Says:
Reminds me of 2012 youtube, good old days Mark Weber IHR debating the cookie question.
@madlynx1818 Says:
What about current day jews that are blue (or white collar) workers that have nothing to do with the past or government or media and love Trump and America and just want to live and be and are part of normal American culture? They ARE out there. I live next door to a great one. Why do they have to be hated? Can’t you differentiate? I have black friends, Spanish friends and Jewish friends all of which have nothing to do with the stereotypes. They are the ones that people will go after and these ones that own everything will have money or power or whatever to escape. What about all that? Thanks
@arielbenjamin3253 Says:
Read Richard Pipes, read Milton Friedman. Right-wing Jews include some of the most articulate and influential anti-communists of the last 100 years. It’s a shame to alienate support with this primitive Hitlerian distraction. It also plays right into the hands of leftists who want to discredit anti-communism by pretending that all anti-communists are closet Nazi sympathizers.
@americanphilosophy2701 Says:
Can you believe YouTube recommended a video from Blonde to me? I was surprised.
@DouglasHPlumb Says:
The Orange Messiah will save us. I posted a picture of his white horse on Twitter as proof.
@QuakePhil Says:
14:35 this is where you lost me. USSR (where I was born and raised) was anti semitic and unfairly prosecuted Jews during communism. Being a Jew was considered second class citizenship.
@mortef Says:
Douglas Reed's 'Controversy of Zion' may be the most enlightening book on history of Zionism and its role the 20th century.
@jamesmccann355 Says:
Zoomer Historian is a good channel for historical information paticularly on this period in time.
@crusadesdidnothingwrong Says:
"I've been researching the JQ for almost 3 years, here's what E Michael Jones has to learn from me!" This is by far the lowest IQ conversation on the JQ I've ever heard. Pop up pundits are the worst
@trexx32 Says:
There is a difference?
@jam1087 Says:
One word sums it up, goyim. Even if you want to go against Israel you'll only wind up in bed beside a communist
@conspiracytherapist1869 Says:
The truth is coming out! 👏
@PeoplePerson666 Says:
The majority of Jews in the world today not of Hebrew descent
@alexandermccallum-y5b Says:
Sorry I am not going to take seriously anyone who only read one book in thier life try reading more books all the way through
@scotttheo3711 Says:
I worked at Trump Hotel before during and after he became President! HE IS RUN BY THE JEWISH OLIGARCHS-I HEARD A STORY FROM THE SECURITY TEAM AND SAW “THEM” WITH MY OWN EYES!!!
@steverid Says:
This video just popped up in my feed. 2 minutes in, and my jaw has dropped. How have I never seen any of your videos? What a breath of fresh air. Thank you for this channel, and thank you for having this young man as a guest. I'll help get the word out.
@Maverick-ne3mr Says:
Wow normies discussing the JQ. That gives me great hope
@basedincali8707 Says:
Is it trad when you are online, doing interviews with men, and your tits on display?
@billanderson1075 Says:
Listening to this pseudo-intellectual is difficult. He has noticed that a particular ethnic group is talented and wealthy. He also noticed that they are not all that well assimilated to his culture and tend to be hostile to his nationality and nationalism in general. Since they are not a large portion of the population, they don't really like democracy or "the will of the people" and use their money to influence politicians and the media. He is starting to resent their disproportionate political power and their negative effect on the morals of the nation. This is every society in history, whether it is the Indians in Kenya or the ethnic Chinese in Vietnam. Leave the Jews alone. They are merely a distraction for demagogues like Hitler to exploit.
@elijah5791 Says:
You guys are scaring me.
@wattjock Says:
Truth will out... as in this video. (((They))) have just about overplayed their hand now... it is almost time.
@cconder19 Says:
Not voting is the stupidest idea ever for “winning” if it’s being floated seriously, but I think this is actually the enemy influencing us to “lose harder” in order to “win.” No battle was ever won by putting your army in a tremendous deficit of power and access to necessary resources. By not voting, they will take your guns, enslave you, install a social credit system that will render us all as slaves. This video is a road map to slavery. It was the great German General Clausewitz that famously said, “War is the continuation of policy with other means.” Strategic defeat is not the surest path to victory. Don’t listen to the “solution” these two midwits are offering.

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