RadFemHitler on Modern Relationships
RadFemHitler on Modern Relationships



@BlondeintheBellyoftheBeast Says:
@cunamarra Says:
One of the products of the cultural Marxist program of feminism was a large number of men who were raised by bitter and resentful feminists without the presence of a father. When you are brought up in an ideal two parent home you have the example of a father that hugs and loves your mother. Products of divorce don't have a father that teaches them that being a good father first requires being a good husband and before that a good boyfriend and before that a good man. What they instead get is the example of a series of men that wonder in and out of their lives whose primary goal is having sex with their mother and just see the kids as an obstacle in the way. They don't grow up learning how a healthy relationship works or looks like. They instead have to hear about it or theorize how it works. Husbands and Wives, Mothers and Fathers, Sons and Daughters, among many things, must have a thorough understanding of Duty. This concept of Duty, unfortunately, has nearly completely vanished from our culture.
@StpMakinMeChangMyNam Says:
This is the first time I've ever heard or seen anything from RFH. She sounds like her resentment towards the right stems from hanging out with and dating men in her and their 20s who didn't live up to the ideals of the right despite espousing them, but that she ultimately still thinks a lot of the values of the right are correct and just resents the fact that so many people fall short of their ideals. Her resentment was also never resolved because now she's a social media personality where her interactions with men remain terrible. It's surprising so many people in the comments hated this interview so much. I think a fair amount of what she said was pretty reasonable. Things like men and women aren't meant to always be together all the time and both would benefit from having more time apart and men would benefit from having adventures all sounded pretty good to me. The way our society has systematically destroyed sex segregated spaces has definitely exacerbated this problem. Probably the only thing she said that I disagree with heavily is that women are more empathetic than men. I've found that most people are incapable of actual empathy, but that women try to hide it more because their social status comes from cooperation with other people where as men don't hide it because their social status comes from competition with other men where empathy can be a liability. This gives the illusion that women are generally more empathetic than men. The average person is actually quite stupid and it requires intelligence to empathize. If you can't imagine how you would feel if you didn't eat breakfast this morning you aren't going to be able to be empathetic. High achieving men and women are both empathetic though. Women because empathy is a great way to avoid open conflict which women have historically not been equipped to handle; typically exercising soft power through influencing others which heavily relies on empathy. Men because good leadership requires the ability to be empathetic and strong leadership skills often result in high social status for men.
@Jigsaw0097 Says:
Blonde is great as always, but RedFem is a moronic grifter. She is just another "The Left left me" TERF type that cannot take accountability. It is so cringe. A good book to read to understand this psychosis would be "Feminism Against Progress" by Mary Harrington, which is an absolute expose on the delusion of modern women that think feminism can fix feminism. Another perfect example of why the 19th needs to be repealed.
@TickleMeChelmno Says:
The 19th amendment was a huge mistake. It’s literally worse than immigration.
@TickleMeChelmno Says:
You vvomen need to start calling out your version of femcels like this. You have actual influence. Men don’t.
@Holasir385 Says:
RFH's Twitter feed is even worse than this
@proxywar99 Says:
this RFH chick is insufferable
@InquisitionFren Says:
The fact that you went out of your way to invite this nutjob on your channel but won’t host any manosphere content creators is very telling
@MikeSmith-go8wk Says:
This girl just needs to marry a rich man and shut up
@kykywawa Says:
After RFH got facedoxxed it's clear why one of these women is on camera and one isn't and why for each of them.
@williamdouglass2926 Says:
The whole male female dynamic is so screwed up that I don't think there is a way back.
@conspiracytherapist1869 Says:
Women pick bad men and blame everyone but themselves for it
@DatterAfDanevang Says:
I found this conversation interesting. I didnt agree with either lady on several points BUT I found it interesting to hear some female perspectives on these contatious matters. Personally i try to focus on helping to heal the rift between men and women and restoring the sacred alliance we should have between the two genders. Because I think this is priority number UNO - if white ppl are gonna stand a chance against the 8,5 billion poc ppl who hate us - we need to put these nutty genderwars aside and just focus on 14... PERIOD!!! Everything else is a waste of precious time - of which we have very little.
@mapro3594 Says:
@emcoulter4459 Says:
@thisworldaccordingtome9495 Says:
Marriage fails because married couples were not designed to live alone together where they are the end all be all to each other. People lived closely with extended families. Also, women all want the one guy who all women seem to want. When a man has only one wife, she becomes a monstrous diva, but if she has competition and her man is getting validation from other women, then she is content and happy.
@mikep608 Says:
Juze stress us financially. WW2 generation were given an economy where just about any job could afford a liveable wage and family. Why? Because they had the skills and training to "fix" the government should things go wrong. You'll notice that things changed during the seventies when this generation were about to retire.
@mikep608 Says:
Let's be honest, most women are put off by so called conservative men because most of them are in fact poor losers who get just as triggered over every bull sh-t thing they hear.
@mikep608 Says:
The so called right is filled with guys who've been wound up by "wokeness", to the point where they cannot tell the difference between regular manners and wokeness. One thing you'll notice about so called conservative men is that they are all about wanting the hot stripper right up until they are wound up with hearing some feminist rant. All of the sudden, they are all wanting the woman who stays in the kitchen.
@aylmer666 Says:
Wrong. Men won’t reject hooking up and fooling around with a woman for having a kid, BUT they will be far less likely to want to commit to a woman with a kid. This assumes that the men have a positive self image enough to where they believe they can do better than a woman with a kid. If you present a woman who is a 5/10 with no kid and a 7/10 with a kid, the man will choose the 7/10 to have a fling with but would be far more likely to actually have a long term relationship or marry the 5.
@Sam-lm8gi Says:
Why do I keep hearing women say the word "ick" all of a sudden? Is this the new flavor-of-the-week buzzword? It's so obnoxiously infantile. You might as well just use the word "cooties," like some immature kindergartener.
@happystoat99 Says:
"Ask any mother if she would die for her children and she says she would" Yes, but when you look at videos of accidents/exceptional circumstances, you see them usually waiting for the men around to go save their child.... (there is a trend right now on Youtube of shorts of people saving others in circumstances like that : "Starman"/"There is a starman in the sky", it's basically 100% men, even when it's about saving children...)
@happystoat99 Says:
No, boys are not evil in high school, 95% are nice guys, truly, you were just chasing after the few assholes and psychopaths because that's what got you wet, and now you extrapolate to all men, who are overwhelmingly nice people, and you are cynical, bitter and psychologically damaged forever. That is why the value of a woman diminishes with each partner she's had... She just becomes worse and worse, mentally, and the poor nice shmuck who is dumb enough to marry her and become her ATM/servant is going to be despised or looked down upon and usually treated like shit, when he has done absolutely nothing to deserve it... Stop projecting your fantasies everywhere, we are not evil/assholes/rapists/werewolves/whatever your fantasy this month is.
@spindlehammer Says:
well. it was def the only interview youve done that i stopped watching. is what it is i guess.
@rightnow7068 Says:
Conservatives like Rebecca and her friend are so nonsensical. You are turned off by a man who cries at a movie, but then are disappointment that your husband doesn't understand your "internal world?" How could a man connect to you on that deep emotional level, if you are so close minded you can't even let him have emotions at all? Also having children to 'repopulate the white race' makes me worry for your daughters. You are using them as pawns in your non-existent race war which makes your love conditional and ultimately fake. Some people should not have children.
@but_iWantedTo_speakGerman Says:
Men cannot handle criticism.
@bobfred159 Says:
Men crying in movies is so low T. It gives me the ick. *5 mins later We can only be happy when mens T drops in their 50’s. This is why you should never trust a woman on dating advice. They will give you two diametrically opposed positions and never seem to acknowledge the inconsistency. Don’t take me too seriously. ~ RFH We don’t, thanks
@frydemwingz Says:
Listen to Stefan Molymeme about relationships and how to raise kids. hes spot on about most of that stuff. He seems really lost of how modern relationships form now, but so is everyone that hasnt been in the dating pool for 2 decades.
@CarlLo-mein-k3i Says:
Talk about pure subversion. This lady was literally never a traditional wife. This weird subversive lie she’s trying to push that feminism is actually the ideology which protects traditionalism and that Christian traditionalists are secretly the ones who hate it, is textbook manipulation. Ironically exactly the type of Manipulation that abusive partners engage in to get their partner to accept and tolerate harmful behaviors… Creepy to listen to. The reason we can’t afford anything and traditional relationships are rare, is BECAUSE of feminism. Lol. We used to have normal relationships. Now we don’t. What happened? Something had to have happened to have altered this so drastically. (Spoiler) it was FEMINISM. And this subversives assertion is that we need more feminism to fix it? Brilliant. So if you accidentally consume cyanide, this dummies solution is to eat a bunch more cyanide. Don’t take any charcoal. Oh no! That’s evil and mean!! Charcoal HATES you. The new cyanide is actually really good for you and loves you. That’s summing up what this subversive said. Saying that gen z feminism is pro-traditional families is so laughably absurd, that I’d think it a joke if I wasn’t aware of the fact she actually believes this. Women shouldn’t vote. If ever there was evidence confirming the validity of that statement, it’s this interview. Too much irrationality. If ever you wondered how we in the west got to where we are now, you need not look beyond this interview. Women believe and will support the most objectively incorrect, harmful, destructive things so long as it makes them feel good and excuses all their bad behaviors. Feminism tells RFH that she can do nothing wrong. So she loves it. Traditionalism tells you all that you are doing wrong and gives ways to correct it. Modern Western Women hate accountability. So they reject it whole sale and come up with excuses for why it’s bad.
@jedward5155 Says:
God damn, BITBOTB is so beautiful. Sorry for harassing you.
@charliemilroy6497 Says:
Getting rid of all women sounds pretty gay
@stoneylonesome4062 Says:
I think it’s time for us as men to stop asking/expecting women to empathize with men’s issues. Most of them are not going to be capable of doing that. Generally speaking, The only women who are truly capable of empathizing with men’s issues are mothers with sons or grandmothers with grandsons, and, even then, they still can’t relate to the male lived experience and probably aren’t going to be aware unless their son/grandson deals with a specific problem.
@thatokker9542 Says:
unpaid domestic labor lol. do "trad" women expect an invoice every time their tween unloads the dishwasher?
@mariaconcepcionrodriguezhe2850 Says:
Im pretty pissed off tbh. Made it halfway thru the last one not even gonna try this one. Try get devon on again or smthng
@thatokker9542 Says:
bring on TFM
@BlahBlah-kb1wf Says:
Emergency Emergency Paging Dr. Beat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LsQk8hxoWDY
@TründiMolisher Says:
I looked at her Twitter timeline and immediately knew this wasn't someone I was interested in listening to. I hope she finds her soul someday because she's clearly lost it.
@nothanksmegan Says:
She was a product of divorce herself, that tends to make women have bad-pickers. I bet her best friend knew her ex was horrible and didn’t say anything - speak up! 30 is not old to have children. I was healthier and more fertile in my late twenties than my early twenties.
@ktbrhs03 Says:
The only thing I heard in this is when women get treated like men it's a bad thing, but when I lied to, treated like they are disposable, lied to and ignored it's just to be expected.
@Foredore Says:
omg wat a tard
@drgre4265 Says:
Woah Rebecca looking smoking
@southernstoic8279 Says:
12:12 "You gotta admit that they all probably wanna have sex with you." - "I'm sure! Yeah." Another narcissistic, solipsistic, female "women rule, men drool" stream. The kind of attitude that says, "Men wanna have sex with me... or they're gay." Mix that together with the desire of men to stick their dicks in anything that doesn't screech at them, and I am one misanthropic sonofabitch. Add the sexbots to the list and I really want to be off this planet now. I can't believe I'm just in my thirties. So long before death. Hmm... Maybe I'll get stage 4 cancer. Or maybe I'll be murdered on a cold, rainy night. Or be hit by a bus. Any premature death will do! I'm not picky. . .
@dooglesw Says:
I blocked her a while back because I need to make X a less angry place for me. But I decided to give her another chance after I knew you liked her. A couple of posts in I blocked again! I don't have particularly thin skin, but there's only so much man-hating I can take.
@Morbutt Says:
I spent all of a few months on Twitter before I gave up on that crap. That display picture looks very familiar. I recall she posted some serious r.e.t.a.r.d.e.d garbage almost daily. Is this stream going to be worth an hour of my time? I doubt it.
@HerbertDarewood Says:
this was painful to listen to.
@someshtbaglcpl5455 Says:
Wanting to raise your daughter to have right-wing values but also not be self loathing while also embracing their femininity without being the nightmares that are “modern” “empowered” females is a very relatable thing, Rebecca, as a father of two daughters myself.
@bangoskank7018 Says:
Damn, you are good looking, Blondie.
@someshtbaglcpl5455 Says:
As to “returning to traditionalism”, I’m married with 3 children and my wife stays home. We own a house and property and none of it was given to us, I do all of this with the salary of a UPS delivery driver and a monthly disability payment for my destroyed left knee from my time in the marine corps. You don’t need a dual income home, not even in “current year”, and you don’t even need a degree to do it.
@someshtbaglcpl5455 Says:
The points she makes about right wing men actually hating women is an actual problem, a serious problem, in the movement. It’s one thing to be frustrated with women, it’s another thing to be genuinely hateful and bitter. They’re the spiteful mutants of the right. If you’re a racialist or even just a nationalist, you can’t have that without your people’s women. We fulfill each other, they’re not all the sex objects you see through your computer monitor.

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