Right-Wing Conspiracy Theorist Holds Father's Severed Head In YouTube Video
Right-Wing Conspiracy Theorist Holds Father's Severed Head In YouTube Video



@TheYoungTurks Says:
Should you become an annual member? Of Couuuurse! Click Here:
@Nirrrina Says:
A bunch of Trucker's are now boycotting New York. They say they're going to stop all deliveries there. Thats not nearly as bad as this obviously but it's just one more thing Trump has egged them to do on his behalf.
@davidl4658 Says:
He didn't lie.
@cxa011500 Says:
Jesus...absolutely horrible. 😥
@MrGoodman39 Says:
It's tyt predictable labels and smears and comments . Repeating same bs obviously not independent politically aligned biased
@VoteBlue4Peace-LoveInUSAagain Says:
Proof MAGA's are mentally ill and need help.
@user-qx8vp2vi7x Says:
These people are real and they are grouping up under Trump. America is just screwed.
@nw9353 Says:
This is what happens when you allow insurrectionist to continue in our government. This should have been done 2 years ago. You know when the DEMS HAD THE HOUSE. Look where we are now. Begging us voters to save them instead of them taking care of this already.
@jasonhosea9331 Says:
And fox says inbreeding is only antichristian and not leading to mental problems
@deannak1841 Says:
It’s funny you call him “right wing”… when he wanted Gov Shapiro to “team up”… last I checked, he was a democrat. You quoted him, but I didn’t hear anything that makes him a Trump supporter or right wing, you guys are such liars, “violence to push goals”… yet I only ever see people on the right being attacked. Rand Paul, Steve Scalese, pro-life centers, 80 yr old pro life woman, 16 yr old republican, the guy that attacked Pelosi was far left- until you guys tried to rewrite history, who fire bombed the the guard shacks at White House? Who killed and burned down half of America… I really just don’t what to tell you, you ppl are so delusional
@terryblack751 Says:
Same as the left does
@annetterizzi1589 Says:
I don't think Justin Mohn was right winged or left winged. He was a broken wing...a one man militia who acted in the name of Justin Mohn NOT Donald Trump or anyone else! I don't think even far right wing people think to this extent! He was an undiagnosed Delusional Paranoid Schizophrenic undergoing a psychotic episode. All of the symptoms were right there! Hear the neighbor's testimonies! Many of times Schizophrenics off their meds or undiagnosed especially experiencing psychosis will have these twisted unrealistic delusions that a group of people like the government or even aliens are out to kill them or beam them up and truly believe this! Take Charles Manson for example with his belief that there was going to be a race war. This is not the first time this has happened. Look at the Vincent Li or the Bahsid McLean cases. People have been cutting people's heads off since the beginning of time. Before there were guns they did it with axes. I'm not saying it's right I'm just saying it's nobody's fault, but the person performing the criminal act because it all boils down to us being responsible for our own actions well or not. It's very disturbing and unsettling, so society has to has to put the blame somewhere to ease our minds of the gruesome nature. Unfortunately sometimes people with mental illness act on their beliefs even sometimes thinking that they are doing the world good when in fact they are only hurting others! We need to do more for mental health! My heart just bleeds for the family especially the mom! What a horror!
@kaleilw Says:
Dare anyone criticize Kirsten Sinema on YouTube or have your ability to comment suspended, but post a video attacking Biden,lying about marginalized communities, and threaten the lives of federal employees all the while cooking your father's severed head on the stove?? That's A-okay with YouTube!!! YouTube will probably give him an ad-free pass while he's in prison!!!
@flukeoutdrsy650 Says:
Wonder how trump would feel if someone went after his wife or kids? He doesn’t care what he stoked in his base that ends up in violence against others with different opinions.
@black4pienus Says:
I can't think of any act of violence in the name of Biden. Acts of violence in name of Trump have become a long list now.
@Vlagstaf Says:
Patricide… Purchased LEGALLY a weapon, used to kill his own father… Background check ???????
@user-fd5ez7gi4k Says:
These Trump fuelled nut jobs, are NOT, they are gullible, bloodthirsty, lawless, miscreants! Period.
@dawnpalmby5100 Says:
"X Files... The Truth Is Out There" lol its so hard to understand, like this is a decades long progression and some of them even know about the tactics but are falling for them
@flibble89 Says:
The cia invented the term “conspiracy theory” to discredit people who know the truth and expose corrupt government. You all have lapped it up, you have fallen for the psy-op.
@ericjackson9508 Says:
What about B.l.m., tearing up cities, destroying, violence, etc, left wing let it go on all over our country‼️ You should not damn God‼️✝️🩸
@lazarusdarkstar3015 Says:
Cocaine, it’s always cocaine
@marquesedillinger131 Says:
For some reason the justice system doesn't seem to take these folks seriously. Jan 6 conspirators only got a slap on the wrist. With Mohn folks are already talking about mental health and drug use -- mental health and drug use are factors in most crimes (but all the crimes have victims). IJS Austin Harouff is a classic example of 'privilege' in a court room, literally killed two people and ate their faces. Harouff he is not guilty by reason of insanity. A few years prior, a similar aged person of Haitian descent -- did the exact same thing , killed one person -- ate his face, the black guy was summarily executed at the scene (Rudy Eugene). IF Justice is blind -- why aren't the results the same? Cause it appears this justice system is remarkably tolerant of matricide, patricide, church shootings, and school shootings -- as long as it forwards their political agenda of death and division.
@markturner2606 Says:
You think its an extreme right wing problem lmmfao.
@stevenread5473 Says:
I would bet he watches FOX constantly , if it isn't FOX it's OANN or News MAx. Thats where they are brainwashed.
@michaelmckinney401 Says:
Like anyone would do anything that little pinhead wimp said they're stupid too. He had to ambush the old man to kill him what an idiot
@ZacharyWhaley-hx4xt Says:
You think a single obviously unhinged individual diagnosed with schizophrenia murders his father is a representative of the entire 'right wing' as you call it? What if I said all lefties are whatever? The fault lies with the killer and only the killer.
@theprodigalheel3942 Says:
Of course this is fake news! I guess this is how far you people have fallen. Desperation huh!?!? The video was up for 14 hours! 😂😂🤣😂 If this isn't cause for concern , let me enlighten you. This is the very first time I heard about this! Not on YouTube,,,,no I just saw this video posted on a Rumble video. This video was apparently made Saturday , so the Video in Question had to have been uploaded last week sometime! I can tell you one thing, you mention Vaccine side effects and note any kind of empirical evidence on YouTube, that video will get taken down in less than 2 hours! My channel got taken down for questioning election integrity! So,,,, since I know the story is a psyop, this allows me more liberty to expand on these stories! So allow me to add some context for you! What if the vaccine is responsible for deteriorating the frontal lobe and causing the amygdala to swell? This sounds more reasonable! How about this? The Father was doing experiments for the Army Corp Of Engineers! What if it was like some Lazarus Effect 💩? Either way it goes, don't expect me or anyone else apparently judging from the traffic to feel sorry for you when outrage does actually boil over because of all the psyops and people start hanging you from the rafters! People like me are going to either think A. It is probably just another staged psyop! Or B. Well at least we don't have to worry about them pushing more psyops!
@healingsoul13 Says:
Gettin' kinda trolly in here.... How does the killer spout all the right wing talking points and still get called left wing names? You guys twist everything wrong with the world into the fault of the left so much you end up looking crazy.
@Ardwick-Crome Says:
If a left winger does something like this (as they often do) it's Aw, poor thing was suffering mental health and was denied treatment due to Conservative healthcare in the US. If a right winger does it, it's, This guy is evil, right wing politics that drove him to it, Trump's to blame! You people are clowns.
@moweems5802 Says:
Will Trump be able to pardon him?
@hobodarkness7696 Says:
@sonjaleesloth Says:
Marjorie Taylor-Greene probably cackled when she heard of this.
@Jilac1 Says:
Trumpism is a *BRAIN DISEASE* ! This is the latest incident that *PROVES IT* !
@expatiate1 Says:
The guy who hit Mr Pelosi was not a republican he was a liberal and here illegally because he had over stayed his Visa status he was a liberal Canadian
@euroyankee2003 Says:
Why does this guy care about America at all ??
@robdillon8922 Says:
He was a biden supporter
@kingayy9267 Says:
4:56 If tRvmp thought Pence "had it coming," what does he think _he_ has coming after all his bigotry and blatant encouragement of violence? We all know he thinks he deserves nothing but praise.
@simo3873 Says:
It is astounding, as we all have to wade through an ocean of blood spilled by a seeminly endless string of reich wing white Christian "patriots", their media is absurdly, and sadly successfully, consistently vomiting out unhinged fear mongering lunacy about BLM, antifa, immigrants, Democrat "thugs", trans and queer people, etc, etc. We are through the looking glass in an upside down backwards world of ceaseless deadly bullsh*t.
@Punshr Says:
A firearm wasn’t the problem in this particular case but the right wing ideology and mental illness definitely was. Better gun control and healthcare can make a difference.
@eric_a_ Says:
Does Pennsylvania have the death penalty
@Cidran100 Says:
What no giggles? Giggles.
@touringthecitywalking9209 Says:
It could be anything else but is certainly not a 'terrorist act' because it happened by one of them! Thanks be to Allah for the blessing of Islam. His brain was deteriorating from the inside out. Biden needs to make psychiatric medications freely available for individuals struggling with mental health issues. After all, these individuals may be influenced, either directly or indirectly, because of him!
@Tyrone3rdLegAKAChrisCellMate Says:
The irony of theose who love to wave the confederate flag calling others traitors is not lost on me.
@michaelballiro880 Says:
U take 1 insane person and put him in a group of everyone? Funny left wing supporters support blm shooting looting burning a city down and the right wing is dangerous. Did anyone ever stop to think maybe people are just sick despite the political views? People are more than a political view I don’t want Biden I personally think he’s awful but a good friend is a Biden voter and despite that my friend is a amazing person regardless of his political view. If u search for something to hate u will always find a reason if u search for something great I bet you that you will learn u have so much more to that than hate.
@johngrissom9147 Says:
I'm surprised that none of these IDIOTS haven't taken out TRUMPDY DUMPDY AND THE others in the REPUCKLICAN TALEBAN SNOWFLAKE CRYBABY COWARD PARTY for all the lies being told to them when they finally realize that they have been scammed !!!!!
@johngrissom9147 Says:
I'm surprised that none of these IDIOTS haven't went after TRUMPDY DUMPDY AND THE REPUCKLICANS that are BLATANTLY lying to their voters !!!!
@user-mg1so2us5p Says:
Actually my parents come from a country where you cannot even carry a pocket knife legally it carries a 6-year prison sentence yet alone firearm. yet ,people are getting killed in Mass there every day if someone wants to get a gun even if guns are outlawed and banned they will find a way so stop your nonsense
@4idhero798 Says:
Biden needs to make psycho meds free for Magats.
@CityBoiATX Says:
His brain was rotting from the inside out
@glenpeters9097 Says:
Many years ago I sat down and compiled a list of words I associated with the right and the left. The list included words like lies, brutality, fascist, anger, mean spirit, racism, misogyny, etc. And for the left open-minded acceptance, progressive, honesty, integrity, etc. At the time I thought; Is this just my bias, could I not see the other side of the coin, maybe my impression of the right was somehow skewed and I just couldn't see it? Fast forward 30 years and I'm convinced conservatives are all of those negatives and many more. They are falling behind evolutionarily speaking, primitive people who believe force is the way, that brutality is the way, that might is right, win no matter what. Don't worry about looking bad, do whatever it takes. Maybe it's just wishful thinking but I see humanity heading in a more civilized direction where lust for power, and acts of enormity are discouraged. Maybe in a thousand years, we'll all be standing around wondering what was so wrong with woke? Or Trump could become president and we all go extinct?

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