Putin pulls out of NUCLEAR deal, MTG calls for voter BANS, Project Veritas founder OUSTED

Putin pulls out of NUCLEAR deal, MTG calls for voter BANS, Project Veritas founder OUSTED


Russia suspends participation in last remaining nuclear treaty with U.S. Howard Schultz says unions are 'a manifestation of a much bigger problem'. James O'Keefe resigns from Project Veritas after employee complaints. Pete Buttigieg does an interview on GMA and talks about how he's holding the rail companies accountable. Florida state officials are weighing a 'classical and Christian' alternative to the SAT. Illinois poised to mandate paid leave for nearly all workers. Ben Shapiro says there's no such thing as a non-living wage. A Massachusetts bill sponsored by Democrats proposes allowing incarcerated people to donate organs in exchange for shortened sentences. Vanderbilt University staff apologize for using AI to write an email to students about the shooting at Michigan State. Bernie Sanders accidentally stumbles into a TikTok video and seems immensely annoyed by it. Be The Change #TYT #TheYoungTurks #BreakingNews Support The Young Turks by Subscribing Like Us on Facebook: Follow Us on Twitter: Buy TYT Merch:




@brianbrodkorb45 Says:
They should unionize EVERY Starbucks!
@brianbrodkorb45 Says:
Red states would allow their children to be ILLITERATE!
@shellyburgess1183 Says:
I have a better idea. Let’s ban MTG
@keeptruckin5109 Says:
@seanbreen7556 Says:
I find it comforting to know that Russia's nuclear stockpile was probably painted over rust 40 years ago when the Soviet Union was maintaining them. Russia isn't maintaining them. Just like their navy and air forces as well as what we've seen from their ground forces. They're too broke to maintain any of their equipment. It's Putin rattling the last sabre he has left.
@duanecrockett4086 Says:
Has the mut That Growls lost her F CKEN MIND she is professing SECESSION! SMOKE AND MIRRORS ain't politics it's ignorance at it's best !
@duanecrockett4086 Says:
Russia has a past of telecasting it's moves ahead of time . We are in a new Era where threats are accepted as possibilities . I just hope our women and men aren't dragged into a game of CHICKEN . EVEN THOUGH I KNOW OUR MILITARY PERSONNEL WILL SPILL BLOOD AT THE ORDER !
@dimitri3046 Says:
pig putin terrible situation feel sorry for ucraine
@XtomJamesExtra Says:
Epaulets (ep-ah-lets) are the shoulder straps found on her shoulders, and are commonly used in 18th and early 19th century clothing and in general military uniforms.
@ExtremeRecluse Says:
If we could actually watch a human being disappear from the sun's energy times 1000. The radiation will boil your insides. The cloud caused by all of the debris launched into the atmosphere will cause an artificial nuclear winter which will kill all vegetation. This will cause famine and mass starvation. When are we going to wake up? Nuclear weapons do not discriminate. This is not a duck and cover commercial. It is one nuclear football away. WAKE UP!!!
@dankoppel6271 Says:
What is the music at 26:22 ?
@jasonraymond9691 Says:
I try. Honestly, I try to listen to you guys. But you sound less intelligent than me and a couple of buddies shooting the shit. You state some overly simplistic thoughts, and fail to come to any reasonable conclusions. So, as usual, you are preaching to those who know very little, and painting this dire picture. I'm sure I'll try again, because there's not enough liberal content. We are more intelligent than you think... or maybe we're more intelligent than you.
@pamelabyers5947 Says:
Marjorie Traitor Green is all for division... 🙄 To me, she is a traitor to fundamental American freedom & values. Just a dumb wannaBe blonde .. Says:
I love the fire in you both
@jbarnard1766 Says:
As the days of Noah!
@ronny9407 Says:
That cenk guy is a Turkish Muslim who is hated by his own people for eating 1700 big macs since 64 thousand were killed in an earthquake there and not sending them a penny in aid
@dsddala467 Says:
I agree with the US on this matter. Putin made it clear BY HIS OWN STATEMENTS, that he wanted to assemble the former USSR. And if we did not weaken Putin, he would soldier on and try to take Romania, Latvia, Lithuania and Moldova fully (Russia already holds part of that country as their territory). Putin chose this. Let him fully enjoy his decision.
@stevenking3659 Says:
You guys do a great and informative program!
@TheBilly962 Says:
divide and conquer... is the name of the MTG stupid game.... so disguisting....
@kathrynanneperry4651 Says:
If the shooter was white Cenk would still be pissing his panties about it. Like a recorded queef on loop.
@lindawatkins6582 Says:
I wish mtg would suck a bucket of lemons before she open her mouth
@jayaujo9904 Says:
Shapiro talking inflation and housing crisis like it's just an American thing lmaf So why is the UK ruled by conservatives and deregulated the last few decades is having to give utilities checks to the population and free meal to kids at schools?
@othelo989 Says:
man ana is becoming insufferable Jesus its a 2 person show and she keeps cenk in the corner 90% of time.
@bonniesouthard7313 Says:
Oh my God I love that video I love seeing you guys get fired up I will share it with every Republican friend I have and I have a bunch cuz they're good people they're funny it like to have a good time honestly I never paid any attention to politics until Donald Trump was elected president a my best friend for 8 years at that point was a Republican and I had no idea I wish Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren boebert and the rest of them would just go crawl in a hole
@lars3877 Says:
I just want to note that I have had a very difficult time listening to TYT coverage of the East Palestine disaster because Cenk and Anna constantly conflate legislation (the law), enforcement (of the law, and it's interpretation in regulation, by an enforcement agency like the DoJ) and regulation (which is written and codified to interpret statutory authority delegated to the regulatory agency in legislation). It is driving me nuts. Cenk is literally saying "Isn't your job as a regulator to enforce rather than urge?" No, no it fundamentally isn't, and his point is contradicting the very language he is using to describe it.
@tamieckert4548 Says:
PUtin’s favorite things nuclear weapons.What he eats,sleeps and drinks,a bit more than other dictators. People are just illusions to him,cause he’s not in touch with reality,like a balloon ready to pop in wanting to kill more than ever befor.
@Calcprof Says:
Georgia's a blue state. We have 2 democratic senators, and we voted for Biden. Clearly blue.
@numchucklee4279 Says:
its ep - e lauts- not e-paulets
@marilouducharme4291 Says:
Ana is spitting bars right there. She inspires me so much. 🥰👌💕
@Kari.F. Says:
It would be interesting to see how happy the red states would be without the tax payers in blue states giving them their money. Republicans hate democrats and government handouts? Well, why not stop giving it to them? Let's see how that goes for them.
@sydneycopsey1190 Says:
If they did divorce would the red states be trying to win a large alimony from the blue states to maintain the manner to which they have become accustomed. Has M Traitor Green any idea how the red states rely on the taxes that are quite hefty from the other states. It would be interesting to see how they manage! Or have I read the numbers wrong.?
@ollllj Says:
16:00 usa republican wants treason, treason by any other name.
@leeneufeld3322 Says:
I just subscribed, this is in fact the first channel I have ever subscribed to. You folks down there at TYT are absolutely fantastic.
@saywhatKavs Says:
Where is the chat?
@michaelbgray441 Says:
i fuck with russia so does china but i'm no hunter biden
@Sefus88 Says:
Good afternoon sir
@cyelgreen4655 Says:
Why do we have to hear from MVT.
@harrygonzalez4946 Says:
@williamrosswhite Says:
If Ana can't take this anymore, she should quit and go do something she would enjoy more
@sharonnagle5782 Says:
I made a list four years ago of the states I don’t want to visit because of their governors. I’ve added several since then. Mardi Gras today. Too bad no direct flight.
@hotirish123 Says:
If it wasn't for the blue state taxes the red states would be expletive expletive
@oldchandrilan4093 Says:
Thank you TYT for standing up for truth & justice
@stephanieclark6154 Says:
@BrianBoniMakes Says:
You'd think the penalty for making that video would be the video its self?
@thegeorgiacreekwalker491 Says:
Why TF am I getting notifications from the young turds? but I’m not getting notifications from channels I’m actually subscribed to? YouTube trying to shove their liberal propaganda down peoples throats, I’d rather poke my eyeballs out rather then watch this shit🤑
@SoulPhotog Says:
Unzip Putin’s pants, get out a ruler, problem solved…!
@mrlaw711 Says:
We need to see MTGs prehensile toes.
@The_Chibs Says:
No bonus link ALL WEEK
@SuzanneDeniseB Says:

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