Arthur Kwon Lee: Artist to Edgelord
Arthur Kwon Lee: Artist to Edgelord



@tejave0ojnc Says:
think Rebecca is attracted to Arthur
@CliffJaded Says:
There is a White Asian Alliance brewing. LFG!
@bploan8464 Says:
Aaaaasaaaannnnddd he's suspended from X 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
@bploan8464 Says:
Wow you have awesome guests Blond💪💪💪
@Matt-Parker Says:
Great interview, a very cool guy
@dopechannoodles9791 Says:
Most Asian bros are based but AKL is on a whole nuther level man. Love to see it
@kinghenry100 Says:
this guy is cool
@19Slim68 Says:
Diane Yap and Arthur Kwon Lee are my favorite Asian allies of the West. I'm not white and I'm Asian myself. 😁 ✊🏻
@ourfatherinheaven7790 Says:
Generalizations are useful, however the way it made up 80% of what "Arthur Kwon Lee" had to say for himself, sounds uncultured to me. Some races may not have as a high an "IQ" as others, but they also have good traits where other races don't have their strengths. For example africans don't have as many weird perverts and machiavellian "long term thinking" psychopaths that the "colder climates have". Rebecca talking about sending black americans back to Africa, lol. What a silly, vapid, and ignorant thing to say. Your machiavellis are the ones who intentionally poisoned their culture for their own gain. Their crime rate, is not something inherent in them. Not even you would survive if you were to be put in an unrelenting bad environment for decades. You would become a different person, the nurture becomes nature. But it's easier to focus on that, than to talk about the real evil powerful people. Goodness and talent comes from God, not skin colour, don't get that twisted. God prolly blessed western civilization because of Charlemagne's leadership. The reason why western civilization is declining is because of Godlessness not the great replacement or the jews, blacks, or whatever. The Bible says that a man without self control is like a city with broken down walls. You failed yourselves before others invaded. You can see this with Israel in the Bible. "Arthur Kwon Lee" saying that the black "lowly victim mindset" 🙄 is genetic, while ironically defending whites who are having a victim mindset about their current plight is very ironic. What even is the difference between this so called high IQ white and asian alliance and the BLM blacks, when you guys are doing the exact same thing.
@EntertheDragonChild Says:
The CIA also funded modern art, don't believe me, look it up! And what about Taiwanese, TSMC a semiconductor chip company beats Samsung?
@Alifarliam Says:
Cool guy but I checked out the art, I can see why he won the prize in NYC. It’s modern art, frankly. The painting are indistinguishable from the rest of the post-modern milieu.
@LennyCash777 Says:
Great guest and great discussion. I think this is my favorite one you've done in a long time, Rebecca. Thanks. Not only is Arthur incredibly based, but he's also a fellow Christian too. Would you be willing to get *Nick Griffin* on sometime? Nick also recently had a good half an hour discussion with *SyrianGirl* about our 'subversive amigos' and the lesser issue with the Islamists. I'd like two see you pick his brain a little and the discussion you two would have. *Jayda Fransen* of the British Freedom Party I think would be good to have on, as well. God bless. ✠✝️✠
@scaringclaring5240 Says:
Sound on his side made it difficult to watch thru.
@Titantitan001 Says:
Grey pilled. The problem with “bringing” muslims and Christians together is their “bible” literally tells them to lie to us. Their religion exists for a reason, to keep the middle east unstable. There was a Catholic cardinal that claimed it was the vatican that created islam. All of the texts are head cannon and they make stuff up constantly or flip flop when its convenient. The types of Muslims you meet that are normal are usually ones that aren’t truly islamists, they just claim they believe in Alah. BUT there was literally pamphlets encouraging muslims to move to other countries to subvert the culture and to go after white women. Dont get me started on hindus or the full scale war towards white women and asian women to brainwash them into being classes and have less and less feminine traits. Its sad truly because thats one of the easiest ways to destroy a man. Corrupt his wife. Marketing in its early staged was targeted at the wife while the husbands gone. That or get them young and they literally never embrace their role. Why do you think the devil targeted Eve first. Hold fast my fellow brothers. Strength is the only thing that wins this. Sharpen your blades and get right with Christ.
@trdpro2012 Says:
I don’t know any white nationalist that dislikes Asians (specifically Koreans, Japanese and Chinese) it’s actually quite the opposite.
@switzjon8405 Says:
53:23 Are Black folks really the only group that is a problem with people?
@switzjon8405 Says:
52:55 The more I listen I hear the overall consensus the Black diaspora is just wanted in the world.
@switzjon8405 Says:
This is similar to When an Asian teen bought home a black girl. His mother was okay but pops looked at him and her and walked out of house. Gave him a second look and kept walking. Awkward 😂
@switzjon8405 Says:
44:04 I've also admitted that when it comes to shooting whites hit the target they're aiming for. Other groups of folks shoot everyone else who have nothing to do with the situation and at times still miss the target.
@BrianZiskie Says:
My wife’s Korean and she’s slowly but surely coming around to what’s actually going on and I’m proud she’s working her way out of the “Boba liberal Asian “ mindset
@mattjarvie6443 Says:
@julieaxis9564 Says:
I am American with German/British heritage. I visited Germany in 1998 and immediately felt at home. There were people like me...everywhere. I was overwhelmed with a feeling of belonging that i had never felt in America. It was an unexpected feeling. I wasn't racially aware back then. That experience shaped my beliefs in the current year.
@julieaxis9564 Says:
I went to Washington DC expecting to feel uplifted by the monuments to American greatness. But the degenerate and depressing art on the mall left me feeling sickened.
@matthewmallan1995 Says:
Human artists will become the pets of the rich again. Which caused a great deal of art to happen in the past, so not necessarily a bad thing.
@madeinengland1212 Says:
Account suspended on X. Wtf elon.
@blappichulo9015 Says:
My azn nigga, get a microphone
@jCrItCh5 Says:
@twopintsofmilk Says:
Mixing the 86's with Christians is like the Aesop's Fable of "The Scorpion and the Toad".
@VariantAEC Says:
There's not much I agree with here, unfortunately. There are definitely some things I do agree with. Asians largely can tell each other apart, I agree with race realism in the sense that it plays a substantial part in our developmental trajectory, including the level of cognitive skills one will be able to develop and... I think that is all I could remember off the top of my head. The idea that a certain very small cabal of a specific group of people are controlling the world but can't even keep their own homeland in check seems ridiculous. Just look at what happened when America lost the plot. The whole world fell apart. So, I can't get behind the idea that that group controls everything because they never had a decent grip on their small sliver of land - a nation America built at the request of the UN for them. Last I checked the UN was never run by the group that everyone in the video thinks controls the whole world. We shouldn't look at another nation defending itself as bad unless it is a bad nation. If the nation in question is a bad nation filled with bad people. Well, just remember that white people built that nation for them. It's also no surprise that the nation in question is not doing well because those people with a different faith are still all white.
@martinm3474 Says:
Snakes are in the grass, they are also the grass.
@martinm3474 Says:
The Art World was highjacked by government. Nick, the Fat Electrician has a video under his Fat Files dealing CIA and Post-modern art to fight Rusia's Communism. This video is well researched and a good watch.
@dolucks1 Says:
This guy is misinformed and ignorant about China. Its the most advanced country in the world by far.
@dolucks1 Says:
The higher you go "up" in society, the more you encounter secret society people who hate Jesus because the took the oath to serve the devil
@rmurray8913 Says:
So good.
@Gingerphile00 Says:
done with this worth less meatsuit
@lifetodamax Says:
There was a guy in China who like sued and divorced his wife because she had so much plastic surgery, but then their child was ugly lol...AND he won!
@marlonmoncrieffe0728 Says:
❓️ Why are you blaming Jews for white guilt? 🎙 Could Blonde interview British activist, ALEX PHILLIPS someday soon? Alex Phillips was recently interviewed by Andrew Gold on his Heretics channel.
@Chris-wb9wg Says:
Racist Whites and racist Asians unite
@AirJordan-25 Says:
вот это классные интервью! но почему-то миллионные просмотры в посредственного дудя...
@deflamrek Says:
This guy is incredibly charming
@dagoobertron Says:
His prediction around 47:10 are pretty spot on, the revolutionary resentment doesn't stop.
@dwightsornberger8916 Says:
Blonde In The Belly Of The Dragon
@shaunpatrick8345 Says:
Blonde, as I recall you're from St Louis. I hope you saw or can find time for Devon's Insomnia Stream on the fall of East St Louis and the programs that haven't worked for 60 years. Your "I wish we had that in America" remark about the Japanese chef could have referred to the police chief in neighbouring Belleview, Illinois in the 70s. The police used to run checks on drivers coming in from East St Louis and the people had a nice place to live. Then some journalists found out, put some pressure on and got results. There's a newspaper headline from the time celebrating Belleville's first black municipal employee in its 175 year history, and today the city ranks as safer than just 21% of US cities on neighborhoodscout's crime index.
@danielaorthogirl887 Says:
loved the interview very interesting conversation 👍👏👏❣
@neitsytmaria6401 Says:
the uglocracy 😂😂
@imochonai5723 Says:
I'm married to a Korean. She's beautiful and she sees through bullshit in a way that women in my own country (Ireland) can't seem to do any more.
@devlinX Says:
South East Asians are great. Im a white British guy that almost exclusively watches Korean movies and TV shows now. Zero propaganda and diversity.
@h3llonearf697 Says:
Bring more Nationalist Noticers!!
@thebeautifulones5436 Says:
Koreans can be pretty fascist. I mean that as a compliment.
@herbiehusker1889 Says:
Cool guy, but just looked up his art. It's ghey modern art crap.

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