Iran Strikes Israel! Will The US Get Involved?
Iran Strikes Israel! Will The US Get Involved?



@silvabakx6396 Says:
bibi & diddy got these elites by the balls
@anarockswuv2000 Says:
This guy wants to wipe out the Middle East.
@simonlegrange5583 Says:
Candace . For someone so intelligent your viewd on this can at time make you sound like an Ignoramus
@Jesusisking2pw3 Says:
Candace is getting boring and uglier your hate for Israel, allies they help each other, exactly like Iran and Qatar are helping Hamas and Hezbollah
@chidozievictor8066 Says: "The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the 'agentur' of the Illuminati between the political Zionists and the leaders of the Islamic world. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Muslim Arabic world) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile, the other nations, once more divided on this issue, will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual, and economical exhaustion. We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out into public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time." (Albert, 1871)
@hassanshah9989 Says:
Focus on homelessness in USA and sorting out your own country before funding the beginning of wold war three
@unlocktheuniqueyou2154 Says:
We need a regime change in Isreal. Who is anyone to have the audacity to govern other countries. When we humble really humble ourselves, we wouldn't be killing ourselves.
@rw2698 Says:
Tremendous evil & deception! Crying victim while victimizing. When they're exposed & brought to justice, its antisemitism. Satan - SOS
@miaadam1574 Says:
Would you fight for the devil?
@lisamayo7657 Says:
I know I'm not going against Israel
@n.batshevay.7009 Says:
She sounds a spoiled brat a child who doesn't like to share or help or both 🤔
@JohnStrange-v4y Says:
Lost me b.....
@SMShersi Says:
Amen to that!
@faizan418 Says:
While Americans don't get medical care while trillion spent on Iraq war and thousands of Americans dead. For what?
@niarusso6625 Says:
Did you see how all of congress bowed to this man. It was quite repulsive. BIBI is running US . WHY?
@MsKorara Says:
You can thank the Biden administration enabling Iran, please follow the money. You are such a hypocrite.
@Jus4-Us Says:
Israel is the satellite and bride nation of the West. It's coming into existence was initiated by the Rothchilds under the Balfour declaration. It was financed by the U.S. and the U.K. and guaranteed provisions and protection throughout its existence. It's a political state disguised as a religious Jewish state reclaiming it's ancient homeland, when in fact, the only people who have any legitimate claim to that land are the descendants of the Children of Israel who were sold into slavery, and sent around the world in the holes of slave ships. However, that is a narrative that can never be acknowledged and a secret that must be kept until the time of their redeemption comes. Well, that time is upon us today, and as the wicked, lieing rulers of this world are revealed and their systems dismantled and natural disasters increase to overwhelm them, the real Jews will emerge out of the ashes of their fallen world to usher in a new world under the King of Kings, thr Lion of Judah, the Prince of Peace, the Messiah- Yesuah. All praise be to the Most High!
@robertasmith1888 Says:
I got news for you Darling if America does not Pray and help Israel we will be next, you said you were a Christian and I have no reason to believe other wise, But, Israel is God's Gem,NOBODY BUT NOBODY touches Israel and not pay for it,GOD IS IN CONTROL, JESUS is a Israelites and when he returns it will be on the temple mount in Israel, anyone that is a born-again Spirit filled Christian should at all times Pray constantly for Israel and America because America needs help also...God Bless you .😊
@lydiaramafoko8745 Says:
I think Candace is just a spiritual baby. God said if you wsnt to be blessed, bless Israel 🇮🇱 and if you want to be cursed , curse Israel 🇮🇱 so maybe she is not aware that God has not destroyed America bcos she has supported snd and blessed Israel. Candace you are a politician but domebof us have invested our lives in spiritual matters. Whrn God spesks, in His word or specifically to you you obry. Uou do not question God bcosbofbuour feelings, emotions or opinion. Candace you are disobedient to God period. You hsve too much of yourself to surrender to His authority and Goddhip.
@wakeleyfamily Says:
You are unfortunately over your head Candace!
@revtevye Says:
I like you, C. But you truly are clueless about geopolitics.
@TinyHomeinTexas Says:
People obviously have never read the Bible, but first of all we all as Christians must bless and pray for Israel. They are Gods chosen people. Also, this is all prophecy… and things are only going to get worst. Read the Bible people, this is happening and no one can stop God from doing what he’s promised he will do. I for one am excited to know that Jesus is coming soon.
@NowStopandThink Says:
Candace, I love most of your viewpoints, but I am totally on the other side on this one! Iran launched 181 ballistic missiles at Israel! Yesterday was the one year anniversary of Hamas' horrific invasion of Israel, killing, raping, burning babies alive and kidnapping over 1,200 people! Have you gone insane fighting woke people?! God said He will bless those who bless Israel, and will curse those who curse Israel- which would you prefer?
@RiannaLevy Says:
Candace ignorant woman let me educate you since you never been a soldier and has no clue who r we fighting for these r radical Islam who cuts human flash while you alive Jewish or Christians! The western civilization is next you actually should thank Israel for doing USA a favor getting rid of radical Islam!! Stay out of middle eastern affairs as clearly you make f joke out of yourself!!!
@RiannaLevy Says:
Candace stay out of Middle East affairs you r ignorant and your ignorance speaks louder than words
@RiannaLevy Says:
Candace ignorant woman stay out of Middle East affairs
@RiannaLevy Says:
Candace stay out of politics especially Middle East affairs you are ignorant and need to educated yourself! Stay out of politics f ignorant
@RiannaLevy Says:
Candace stay out of politics especially Middle East affairs you are ignorant and need your educated yourself! Stay out of politics f ignorant
@RiannaLevy Says:
Candace you r F ignorant women who had no place to talk politics matters and especially Middle East!
@patrickpaladin8698 Says:
I disagree, we are not working for Israel, we’re working for God.
@Nehoets Says:
Israel was the first to build nuclear weapons, and they did so by stealing our uranium... 😅
@clara42658 Says:
Candace hates Israel so much. She’s been taken by the propaganda. No doubt she’s been affected by Kanye. I wonder if she even cares what our God thinks about Israel being the apple of Hs eye. He said if anyone comes against Israel He will come against them. She said Israel killed their enemies’ children who use them as human shields, yet Israel’s enemies are out to kill and have killed Israel’s children. I hate that children die in wars as most mothers do, but war is war. The hatred for Israel is very strong and their only want them annihilated. There is usually no reasoning with Israels enemies. Every country has a right to defend themselves. War is ugly.
@TaraNagy Says:
@kingsta3174 Says:
"Enormous reverberations"- Yes. Positive? Not so much. 👺
@Josephmanase Says:
I'm a huge follower of Candace but on this issue I beg to differ It's very easy for her to seat comfortable on a podcast because no one is firing missiles at her place or no one has taken her children hostage.....if her children were taken hostage on 7th of October the approach would have been different
@lizardking7772 Says:
Let them fight there own wars, I bet if we get into war Ukraine and Israel won’t help
@Beti-i5l Says:
Don't mess with the God of Israel period!!!
@yokastamasis7661 Says:
ZIONIST! How can the government have money for unnecessarily wars for other countries and the American people are not taking care of? STOP PAYING TAXES, no money for the hurricane victims NC, GA, FL,BUT MILLIONS of dollars for ZELENSKY AND ISRAHELL. Corrupt government get out now …
@thbuk Says:
The state was created to guarantee perpetual war for profit?
@David-aij777 Says:
Candy girl your expressions 🙄and eye 👁 movements crack me up 😂😆🤣
@oria2123 Says:
Floating candace Owen! 👿👿
@kinettkinett6246 Says:
Candace should be grateful that Israel is still standing in the middle east which is a limiting factor for these extremist to achieve their goal of eradicating the west The freedom of speech she has right now as a woman will not be possible (check the women of Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq etc) Stop taking your democracy for granted and stop acting like a privilege brat
@niccolomedici4482 Says:
"Israel can't defend itself" It can. The problem is with US administrations, which prevent Israel from finishing wars.
@hailholyqueen Says:
We love candace, but I worry for her family and her.
@IgnorantFishermen Says:
@IgnorantFishermen Says:
Israel is handling themselves they don’t need US troops; just aid to fight terror? What’s so hard to see;??
@IgnorantFishermen Says:
You’re a fool C 🤡; insane how you miss all this; it’s your only bad position; and it’s major! You’re one of the best out there; do some deeper diving and be objective in your research; you side with the woke commie Marxist American Left Democratic Party on this issue; I really believe if you fix your biblical theology you’ll see it clearer - John 3:3-7 Wake up C; Gen. 12:1-3🇮🇱 Evangelicals for Israel’s e distance Maranatha ☝️ America at present IS NOT really supporting Israel; at ALL; look at the money they give Israel and then Iran; look at the money they give Israel with tons of pork that must go with it to get it past;
@blackpepper468 Says:
Netanyahu calls the shots and every evil wish is granted by the US that's the name of the game. ..
@ABCDEF-os5or Says:
US is already involved.
@MYTAccount Says:
*The 🆄nited 🆂laves of 🅰ipac!*

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