Armed Group THREATENS FEMA Workers Helping Storm Victims
Armed Group THREATENS FEMA Workers Helping Storm Victims



@4idhero798 Says:
It's looking more and more like Russia in America, thanks to Trump and Magats playing right into Putin's hand.
@dermotfont-wk8gm Says:
Republicans loooove american people because they are the most malleable people on earth! They will believe anything they are told!
@ospididious Says:
Trump needs to be put in dementia ward.
@MichaelScrip Says:
These comments are interesting. People are complaining that FEMA workers are taking up all the hotel rooms so there aren't enough rooms for other volunteers. But if FEMA *didn't* come... they'd be shouting "WHERE'S FEMA?!?!? WE NEED HELP!!! F--K JOE BIDEN!!!"
@evonanderson905 Says:
Donald Trump's lies are threatening people in the storm-ravaged areas.
@milascave2 Says:
We thought it was barbaric when Somali Warlords and Islamist extremists attached the Red Cross. And now we are doing the same kind of thing.
@franziskani Says:
a group of yelling armed people show up to intimidate relief workers. It does not matter whether it is FEMA or another group. Unbelieveable. The people that had the time to show up likely were not really hard hit - they would not have time.
@beeforeal5497 Says:
I believe the videos of people saying that it's way worse than MSM is admitting, the death toll is way higher than we're being told and that FEMA isn't helping. People are even being denied their big $750.
@leannthomas2103 Says:
@maximvandepoll3008 Says:
...You do know that there are stories about how FEMA wasn't actually helping, and how they're just in the way right? Hell, one of the people who was *actually* helping was forced to sleep in his car because FEMA workers filled any hotel, preventing actual helpers and survivors from getting a roof over their head.
@michaelbeavis2632 Says:
Typical MAGAts working against their own best interests because they believe Trump’s BS. Sad. Losers. Most gullible sheep ever. Everyone says so, including many very smart, very rich people. Friends of mine.
@perkeyser2032 Says:
Americans: Help isn't a dirty word. Empathy isn't illegal. What happened to you? To the outside it looks like every one looks out for himself.
@chrisii1867 Says:
There is no good information anymore. It is like all dis-info. I can't deal with news these days either.
@russcontact Says:
There’s a whole bunch of crazy misinformed people in the US and there are guns everywhere. It’s a toxic mix and it’s only getting worse. We need some legal protections against misinformation in certain contexts, I’m concerned it’s already too late. Trump says totally bonkers things and yet people actually believe it. It’s so obviously lies, it’s painfully obvious, yet they still can’t figure it out. As long as these people vote were doomed.
@waveygravey9347 Says:
All these wild stories and nothing to back them up.
@neeldani7450 Says:
I heard the Kamla relieved herself during the Fox News interview today. Her handlers allegedly came running to cover it up with paper towels but Fox News staff stopped them as recording was in progress. So, it was there for everybody to see.
@anthonymaldonado5301 Says:
whats MOST LIKELY pissing off the people is hearing the Gov't say that there is NO MONEY to help the people. Doesn't matter that the illegals are being helped by other funds..all funds should be redirected to help AMERICANS!!
@chamuelolivier1594 Says:
Trump should be charged for so many things...His tongue is an evil sword.
@sunshinesun101 Says:
OMG...This Totally REMINDS me of when those Venezuelan GANGS Took Over those 100s of Apartment Complexes...
@terrencemyers1033 Says:
I am sick of their uncivilized behavior that is protected by this two-tier and racist justice system. EFF THIS CORRUPT, WICKED, AND RACIST SYSTEM CALLED WHITE SUPREMACY THAT'S FALLING LIKE ROME! Nothing built on lies is supposed to last forever. 😊 GOOD RIDDANCE!
@johnchricton6470 Says:
All the clips for today are Kamala bashing and defending Trump's obvious mental decline. Just put the red hat on already Ana.....🤦‍♂
@starshake8998 Says:
WTAF! 🤦‍♀️ 45 and his copycats are a menace to society.
@Hkage420 Says:
FEMA isn’t helping they are taking supplies and giving them to immigrants there’s a whole videos about this iykyk stay clueless 🐑 the government isn’t helping
Sad that ignorant weak brained non critically thinking internet bubble trapped citizens fail to THANK volunteers but instead knee jerk to some selfish politician making fools of his followers who believe his lies and shame on hannity, fox, newsweek for not helping citizens with factual truthful news but instead continuing to spread false claims and statements.
@kranahan5267 Says:
How very Hamas-like
@magfam9980 Says:
Got to watch Kimmel monologue at 1520, best Harris campaign ad, it's epic
@beeforeal5497 Says:
Private citizens had tents and tables set up with supplies to help people and an unmarked black helicopter came and purposely got low enough to blow everything all over the place. There's video of it but I'm sure that not many democrats would have seen it because most don't want to believe things like that happen.
@magfam9980 Says:
Trump took money for the border from FEMA disaster fund, cause all he does is project
@Atticus6557 Says:
All the money is going to Ukraine and Israel. No wonder Americans are blaming their own; it's because Trump, Biden, corporate news media, and the rich has everyone confused.
@ronaldwhiting57 Says:
Living in the age of stupid
@Stop_Project_2025_Now Says:
Yup , Trump and right-wing media brainwashed these people to sabotage the hurricane relief efforts so they could blame it on Biden. 💯 Reminds me of how Republicans sabotaged efforts to fix the immigration problem by blocking immigration legislation and shipping immigrants to New York and Chicago. 💯 Republicans are trying to destroy the country to help themselves in the elections , it's crazy...💯💯💯
@beeforeal5497 Says:
I also hear that the death toll is way higher than MSM is saying.
@Butterbugs Says:
I live in Asheville and I confirmed with a Police Officer that yes, these threats against FEMA are true. So much so that FEMA application help has been scaled back and field inspections are being canceled. :( 💔 FEMA workers drop everything in their lives to come help us. I'll never understand how people can think it's ok to hurt their own community. 😢
@savvy1221 Says:
Don't let this distract you from the fact that the Harris admin authorized DOD Directive 5240.01. Sec. 3.3 to be edited on Sept 27, 2024 in such a way that US citizens are now greenlit for lethal military force under certain situations. The point is that it doesnt matter the situation, adding citizens to a directive for lethal force is never something you want your gov considering
@mindyrosin Says:
This is still happening? Disgusting. 🤢 Why can't Trump n Thugs just say...hey, don't threaten the helpers? Oh wait, that would be decent. SMH
@beeforeal5497 Says:
I hear that not only is FEMA not helping people but they're also stopping other people from helping them too.
@bronsondixon4747 Says:
Ana -Look up disaster equity. There’s video clips of fema officials saying they’re pivoting away from utilitarian principles of helping those in the most need to helping marginalized communities first. It’s not a conspiracy theory - it’s out in the open.
@uncomfortabletruth3831 Says:
I have decided this is not reality, I am dead and in hell.. All for believing Alex Jones that Obama was stocking coffins for the fema death camps. This conspiracy is more than a decade old… Sorry for my stupidity…
@chukozkorrea714 Says:
Ignorant entitled Americans
@verachino3356 Says:
Trump is the cause of all of this! He always causes chaos. 💙
@4idhero798 Says:
Bigger and more widespread natural disasters require more money from the federal government. It's not rocket science. It's also not rocket science to know Trump will do or say anything to make him look good and everyone else look bad even though he's the king of bankruptcies, the king of taking credit for other people's work, the king of gaslighting and deception. 😅
@ihartevil Says:
Heard a noise it sounded like from the curtain area where the wicker thing located Sort of feeling scared
@1954SkyKing Says:
Totally absurd. Historically this same behavior has been a pattern for angry people from the dominant group in rural America.
@Josh-s2u Says:
Go hunting with a farm kid its amazing how accurate they are
@nevadamav648 Says:
Good reporting.Thanks guys from Illinois. I voted blue.mail ballot
@shadowjudge921 Says:
Traitor Trump doesn't care who he steps on, so long as he gets what he wants in the end.
@CULT539 Says:
TYT lying and grifting as usual. Sad.
@Josh-s2u Says:
I never want the federal government to help me i hate the feds.
@rcLdrcH Says:
Vermont is still suffering from the last disaster and when FEMA came the state was only offered 700K for disaster relief and still hasn't received it in over 4 years now (unless the state kept it...) The state capital and many other roads, farms and homes were destroyed and flooded. And now the people want to take offers from FEMA for their land that were originally offered which they said no to and the state and counties say NO! so how selfish of them to get 70 something million and are threatening the help

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