Conservative Sensitivity Training
Conservative Sensitivity Training



@LaurenSouthernOfficial Says:
Apologies for some of the audio and focus issues - they will improve in future video essays if you all want more! I promise! Let me know though if you enjoyed it so I can begin writing again soon ~ šŸ«”
@user-yl8pl6ic6m Says:
I just watched this again. Very well stated. A tour de force.
@MarkSmith-yd9kh Says:
Missed your voice - great content!
@wesleyblake6249 Says:
Recently Matt talked to Jordan Peterson about his views on therapy and the mental health scenario as a whole and admitted that he hadnā€™t made up his mind on some things. Peterson even corrected him on a lot of things too. Matt listened carefully the whole time because he was there to learn. Honestly a great video.
@Terrhammer Says:
7:23 Well done lmao
@mavrosyvannah Says:
You are the best person I don't know. ā¤
@Usammityduzntafraidofanythin Says:
Maybe Lauren should put her foot forward. Get into the right wing art space, if the youtube thing declines.
@yapeseguy9261 Says:
One thing i cant stand about my fellow men is their small brained urge to flex about how little they need in their house or room. "Oh just a mattress and a tv and i'm good! only women need all that all that other stuff!" They dont think to prepare a place for a serious partner or a potential family. They talk about not accepting "ze pods" and eating "ze bugs" but that mentality is the first step towards it by having no imagination or thinking of more for their future.
@RomeCreative Says:
Lauren!! This video is so cool! The message is so powerful and needed. The production value is off the charts. I would imagine it took a great deal of time to produce this. Thank you for making this, you nailed it!
@BrianBledsoe53 Says:
I remember a similar video some time ago where she flipped the saying "Facts don't care about your feelings" to "Feelings don't care about your facts." For me, who became a conservative based on logic, finally understood why my communication on issues would be ineffective because I intentionally didnā€™t try to appeal to emotion. So, since that understanding, I've backed off because i still believe that while effective, it is a manipulative tactic to appeal to emotion, especially in political discussions.
@laurelin3422 Says:
I think might be an Edmond Bruke fan girlšŸ„¹. If the right sounded like him and people like him today I would be on the right. Alas, I am stuck in nowheresville.
@Andy-oy3yg Says:
I was hesitant to watch this video from the title, but the message was far more engaging. You might want to change the title and make it more attractive! GREAT VIDEO - loved every second (except the movie clips haha) I think the title of this essay should be "Why Conservatism is Similar to Progressivism than You Think"
@behelertrespass7002 Says:
Literally a danger hair now
@williamwarrenhauptli Says:
Imagine how sensitive and butthurt you have to be to make an hour video about the other political party ā€œtriggeringā€ you thatā€™s so wild. And Iā€™m a democrat, but like damn girl wake tf up
@astrospect Says:
That country song is kinda shit. I respect the message, but its like audible vomit to me. Dude rhymes "away" with "away". "-ay" is one of the easiest vowel sounds to find a rhyme for, and he went with all the easiest ones and even repeated one. Trash.
@HouseholdDog Says:
Why does Lauren sound like a troon?
@user-yw5me7pb2x Says:
You went too far when you said we should care about deranged libshits
@sayuas4293 Says:
It's funny to see you arguing against insensitive trolling when you've done so much of that
@darbirhian Says:
Politics are so stupid. Keep doing what you're doing, Lauren.
@Tomas-vy5xg Says:
šŸ‘€ *Promosm*
@rr-fn5bs Says:
dang you look especially pretty throughout this vid. youre legitimately very pretty. pshhh, you could model for a gas-chamber catalog like vanna white for refrigerators. doesnt matter if you were in a pantsuit or a bikini.. id buy!šŸŒ¹šŸ˜
@Dyl482 Says:
therapists control too many state resources now
@DiggitySlice Says:
As a Christian, the first priority is the truth. It is also our job to share the truth in love. If being soft and nice is the only way to break the truth through, then do it. (Jesus did this.) If yelling at someone or being sarcastic is the only way to break the truth through, then do it. (Jesus did this too.) Take it as a case by case basis, but always lead in love. Remember that you want to save people, not destroy them.
@shriker5969 Says:
Lauren forgot to take her dose of Soma.
@alephmale3171 Says:
I have no idea why, besides for selfish mercenary reasons, you could possibly think being a partisan is a good thing. Why do you think a one winged bird can fly?
@DistrictWitch Says:
deffo a man fam
@bankbarcomo806 Says:
34:00 That the girl probably votes Dem and the singer votes Rep. Not saying Rep are super great, but there's bad and then there's really freaking crazy stupid and destructive.
@deanschneider8775 Says:
Pondering if I get hired by the local university. Mandatory 'land statement'. They present statement. Me: add 'ceded and treaty'. Add to the X and Y and Z band list. X THEN Y THEN Z. See, they were busy killing each other in sequence before bad yt showed up. Also perfectly accurate. Me: I'll sign this if you do, to HR. FFS.
@mommased5697 Says:
Love your neighbor as YOURSELF. We went all the way around the world just to come back to God's word . A world where people could REALLY love each other like that, I can't even imagine what that would look like....
@Roel93 Says:
You have matured, Lauren. I'm proud of ya. I see a lot of cringy videos in my feed where right wing speakers at universities and college campuses crack down on nervous left wing students who dare speak up during those Q&As. They're doing more harm than good to be honest. And I understand that those speakers are on hostile territory but don't go if you're not confident in your own ability to reason if it leads to you publically humiliating and insulting students. Jordan Peterson is one of the few that I've never caught doing this. He's good but It's a shame that he's not as far right as I'd like him to be. šŸ˜‰
@susuhsullivan Says:
Every bit of this needed to be said. Thank you!
@cheesypotat0es Says:
I live in California the liberals here outnumber us at least 15 to 1 it's terrible
@Ormland Says:
This video low key changed my life
@monkey6207 Says:
Juxtaposing the conservative country singer guy with the girl on tik tok is a great point. It's not cool to put women down all the time and worship men. Never thought I'd have sympathy for feminists.
@monkey6207 Says:
Thank you for what you said about art! I've been wondering why my facebook friends who want to be "trad" share classical artwork all the time that they supposedly admire, yet produce nothing! And when they do, it's an ugly meme of chad, or AI art, or sometimes an anime picture objectifying women. I really despair over the creativity on the right.
@joseignaciohileradorna5122 Says:
Great job on this one!
@shrunkensimon Says:
Left and Right is nothing but a pantomime. A curated dichotomy that is not organic in the slightest, but one that has been crafted by experts who sold out to the machine. You only need look to what happened post-2008 to the Left for the self-evident truth of what I just said.
@skov3d Says:
Lauren do you love the Shrek movies by any chance?
@stevenroberts7256 Says:
Thoughts donā€™t come from feelings but feelings come from thoughts. That is why oneā€™s capacity for quality thought has an impact on their emotional outcomes.
@NeoN-PeoN Says:
We're not "ceding what therapy is" to them by admitting that it's corrupted as hell. It's surrendered to them because they OWN the Department of Education, academia, and, of course, every single organization that even TOUCHES psychotherapy. So, we aren't CEDING it. It's done-gone BEEN ceded.
@NeoN-PeoN Says:
There's a reason the "number crunchers" won - and continue to win.
@craigwillms61 Says:
Three cheers for Lauren. Nicely done. I always thought of myself as compassionate and caring, but I found myself squarely on the "right". I am a walking oxymoron, am I not? This video spoke to me.
@Denny-Thray Says:
I think it's less of an issue with Conservatives becoming insensitive and more the radicalization that is being pushed by EVERYONE. That's one of the reasons why I dislike Donald Trump. Yes, the left is radicalized and we need to fight them, but Trump (and his followers) try to fight fire with fire, by radicalizing the conservatives against the liberals. And this turns into both sides putting up walls, shutting each other out, and gatekeeping each other until the values of BOTH SIDES are completely lost. I'm not saying we need to compromise with the libs. There are a lot of issues where there is no compromising. But we have to understand that we can't fight those issues by being assholes about it, either, we have to show that our side is compassionate.
@INeedJesus55 Says:
Jesus Christ is the answer to all things and there is no greater heart or mind than that of Christ.
@SolikBrrr Says:
I feel if you're a Christian, you value emotions such as love and compassion. Christ was a servant leader. I've cried more from the effects of Christ's effects on my life. The Bible is the inerrant word of God and can melt the coldest hearts.
@Vaidanis. Says:
excelent video.
@alfaholic3 Says:
Last time i heard someone say "care about your feelings" and mean it was 2019. I think this video is about 6 years too late. In recent times it's become more about being in control of your emotions and not letting them completely control you not a total rejection of them.
@narrowgroundentertainment Says:
An excellent explanation of the importance of empathy.
@ahmadjcharles Says:
I wanted to make a video about this topic for so long but you beat me to it. Which I'm happy about, because you explained it beautifully. Well done!
@fishjcb Says:
The video was well researched with great production value and an obviously earnest message. It had many good points, even though it had a lot of straw men, or out of context, or ineffectual points. I do admire the effort. It was a best effort even if I disagree with a lot.

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