This Is An ABSOLUTE Joke
This Is An ABSOLUTE Joke



@Scott-W Says:
Against the extremes back then, against the extremes now. The easily swayed: “why did you change sides?!”
@MarthaPennington88 Says:
I’m new here. I like your video production skills and thank you for letting me know whats going on. I don’t understand why anyone thinks it’s helpful to swing to extremes. We all do it but the point is not to stay there if it’s causing harm.
@esprit-critique Says:
Ernest Renan once wrote: «  Liberals who defend Islam don’t know it. It is the heaviest chain humanity has worn. » The problem is that most people know nothing about islam and the sharia and how backward this legal system is!
@jannjordan3787 Says:
Women who are independent be they Feminist or Conservative haven't helped the floundering majority of men get an education or a wife and offspring, they have helped each other while men fell behind and now women face a dating market disparity of too few peer college educated men for to pick from to date. Men proving they could blue collar aggressive provide and protect was once what got men access to mating with woman and so the ability to pass on their genes. Now educated aloof female careerists like Lauren who has no need for a provider because she is so independent self providing and has contributed to the destruction of the provider role men took status from has a child with a foreign man and gets divorced while claiming she has "Conservative" morality rather than the independence from men women's lib values that she does. Conservative female college educated careerists who are tied up with their careers and social media aren't the ones with time to stay home working hard at raising/educating their man's children like a dutiful partner. Stop pretending your cosmopolitan single mom life is like Conservative traditional family values.
@TheMone22 Says:
Big respect to you Lauren for making this video and saying this. 👏👏
@alexstrasza4938 Says:
great video but what is this weird editing lol >.<
@darthdooku6483 Says:
Muslims are still living RENT FREE in your head 😂😂😂😅😅😅
@mikebrown7269 Says:
Islam not compatible with humanity..
@rikudotenin9773 Says:
It's not 2018, go back to your hole. 😂
@jannjordan3787 Says:
Conservatism in America used to mean Men in charge of the home and property, and a society that lauded John Wayne Conservative physical/sexual powerful stud hero figures rather than nerd intellectuals. Conservatism has "progressed" into essentially Feminism light because of women and has taken all of the meat out of the male experience of life and their male sexuality. Conservative women in the west from peasant women to noble women used to supportively raise their boys and shower them affection as they were to grow into heads of house and inherit the property and position of their father. Western society wasn't Muslim society but has abusively cut out all of the "red meat" of experience form men's lives and sexuality. There is no reason to be a heterosexual male in a world where male sexuality and it's purpose of violence, appetite, and dominance are so suppressed. If we had kept John Wayne sexual stud figure traditional Conservatism that supported jock culture and men's spaces as our culture we would have kept a balance that served the needs of both sexes and not be where we are today, but the push of women's independence has destroyed the male blood experience of being heterosexual alive creating a backlash. Women's influence has become sexually oppressive and "sexism" is just a term women use for hating on the role/instinct of male blood to be head of house with that authority and status. Women will always be fighting men now on this for the rest of human history because women have destroyed the experience and benefits of being a male. Men would rather experience their own testosterone blood sense of stud destiny and raw sexuality than put up with modern society of women suppressing them.
@lifttted6744 Says:
Woman file for divorce 80% of the time. That number jumps fo 90% when the woman went to college. Also, you should take another look at the study you cited. (I'm aware there are two different arguments here. Your study is still wrong) Tell me you didn't read the study at all without telling me you didn't read the study at all. Since 1920 we have gotten two major world wars. The US in countless other conflicts. You've gotten abortion, no fault divorce, birth control and other society decaying garbage. Women are the ones that predominantly push the gender stuff. Educated does not mean intelligent. I would argue Women of the past were probably more intelligent. Look around, we don't think you're stupid. We think you're easily manipulated. The past hundred years is what years I lay in front of you for proof. Women significantly outnumber men in population and at the polls in the United States. Family Court shows that you'll happily use power to destroy a man when it is at your disposal. Why should Men look to the Future with any thing other than dead eyes thinking about points I've laid out in front of you. Your arguments are not a great demonstration of the point youre getting at here. I love woman. The ones in my life made me who I am today along with my dad and other men in my family. So no I don't think women should be in politics. I don't believe that they should be working. Because I think they have much more pressing things to worry about. Those things shouldn't be off limits to women. But the way that our society has uplifted this go girl b******* and manipulated women into destroying themselves which will inevitably take down men with you is sick. Ultimately, it's men who got us here. Weak men did this by allowing it to happen. Men need Women as much as Women need Men. Yall are supposed to be making the home, raising the next generation, building boys into men along with their fathers. The nuclear family has officially been destroyed. The truth is women have completely abandoned their role in society for materialism, hedonism. I hope you understand where I'm coming from. My guess is you probably don't read your own comments.
@TomNook. Says:
Definitely turkeys voting for Christmas. But it'll be women ironically voting for weaker rights whilst wanting stronger rights.
@TheGolfCommunity1 Says:
Is Lauren southern using Ali Dawah to get attention 🤣🤣
@razzaman9023 Says:
This woman’s logic is so dumb and far fetched it is ridiculous that right wingers even watch this nonsense
@ReformedSooner24 Says:
Lauren you just completely outed yourself as a 19th century liberal progressive. Take a look around you. The rest of us have woken up to the fact that liberalism is the root of basically all of our problems. Meanwhile you try to conflate it with western values. You’re a liberal and you are outside the camp with the others who have been exposed since 2020. Goodbye Lauren. You won’t be missed.
@Ixiah27 Says:
Talks about literacy, quotes a study without reading it to the end, where its concluded that agreeableness is a _far bigger factor_ for educational success and lower divorce rates than Literacy. Cant make this up.
@mynewxiaomi4828 Says:
Says the woman covering herself up with tonnes of makeup. Make it make sense Lauryn!
@MarushiaDark316 Says:
Lauren continues to be one of the most-reasonable people on the internet.
@TheStrainers Says:
You're still badass and totally beautiful and smart
@megharoni Says:
Yeah the right ain’t what it used to be. I’m so glad I disconnected from politics and found peace in nature and with my family. I’m pregnant with my first baby now and I’m so calm and happy. Life’s good, offline.
@TheStrainers Says:
Glad to be able to see you on YouTube again. You rock always have
@redpillras3456 Says:
Alli with the white board was hilarious 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@redpillras3456 Says:
Allie with the white board was hilarious 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@nightfalls5462 Says:
the pathetic 1.6k dislike SOB losers are the same people people that are walking in the march
@Frederick1483 Says:
We don’t want you back, Lauren. You aren’t even White anymore.
@philipfitzsimons7540 Says:
It’s not fear of Islam it’s “ Narrcissism “ - the public ESP’ young women are totally delusional _ not capable of objective rationalism & full of faux compassion, p modern, illiberal memes that are self attacking cultural sabotage. There will be HELL to pay for this willfull ignorance. . . But my opinion is that this is a consequence of rampant Narcissism which was turned the public into idiots !
@doctorcatnip2551 Says:
So Lauren Southern is now an obnoxious, worn out, feminist single mom. 😂😂😂
@snazinhouston Says:
Brain dead mass public.
@thestonemaster81 Says:
They did a great job dividing us. First day destroyed the family. Out casting the mail. No father in the home they downgraded God Christian roots to become become more atheist so you have no religion. They promoted promiscuity so here we sit where everyone’s thinking is. What is the the future?
@GPMD606 Says:
Lauren you are a genuine feminist. Lady balls 👑
@hayleys1260 Says:
Islam is utterly incompatible with any form of civilized society.
@neodaltiair8624 Says:
I think all these redpill guys are to thank for the regression of the role of women
@equityjustice2695 Says:
Are you trying to be the new ann Colter 🤣? Oh but you're just a liberal. All your hate on ISLAM ☪️ is just making ISLAM ☪️ more appealing to others.
@nathislda Says:
Loved it!!
@paulw3182 Says:
This isn't an ABSOLUTE Joke - but a tragedy. Hard to fault predictions which come true. Better to cancel, criticize, marginalize the speaker, fill the comments with useless bots and angry opposition cat-calls, because nothing cuts deeper than the truth. Narcissism has killed debate. Without an honest dialogue, the civil society is over - Without virtue, those who attack speech today, will be purged tomorrow. Don't believe me? Google the Russian Revolution - Mensheviks and Political Purge's - Predictable.
@3VVK Says:
The Boys Are Back In Town..
@Joshua_Uwadiae Says:
Cooked with this one
@sarlaz3407 Says:
I'm 4 years late...welcome back Lauren!
@andrewwhitehead3649 Says:
This is an absolute joke ? Sorry Lauren, I think that’s the pot calling the kettle black.
@KingNigelthegreat Says:
I destroyed everything and they all trying to suck the last bits and act like OH WE KNOW WHY LET US NEWSCASTERS BE YOUR NEW PARENTS. dead. IDGAF The Internet is starting to Break - Here's Why.
@KingNigelthegreat Says:
ill extort ya alright. can you imagine the devil getting extorted as a joke and all he does out there is cry about himself into his own fallen manufactured crisis and I gotta do all his initialization too. Im the number 1 spot in advertisement. the gospel
@simonjunior7404 Says:
Stop the Islamic plague before it's too late
@mrblank-zh1xy Says:
@jonathanramos8414 Says:
Want to go out sometime Lauren lol
@spartanlambda1884 Says:
Men of The West need to stand up to the taking over of their societies. Far too many have their head in the sand.
@metcaelfe Says:
Never disparage Grug by comparing him to islamist ideology again
@mooocowcowcowmooo Says:
Queen Victoria was right.
@Jnvlv247 Says:
A common trait among these lefty protesters is that they seem to have NEVER been called out or questioned on anything remotely contrary to their beliefs. Their reactions tell it all. The fact they can barely defend or debate is also common. It's almost as if it's all just show and very little to no substance.
@ammoorthelearner5478 Says:
White western Christian doesn't matter. Let men be men. If men want to isolate and improve themselves why it bothers you? I applaud the creativity to box in the red pill with islamists.

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