Tim Pool CHEERS For Child Labor
Tim Pool CHEERS For Child Labor



@TheYoungTurks Says:
Should you become an annual member? Of Couuuurse! Click Here: https://go.tyt.com/tytjoin
@katiez688 Says:
That guy does not look old enough to have been able to legally have a full time job at 13. I am 42 and my sister is 54 and neither of us could legally work 40 hours a week at age 13.
@mikee6571 Says:
To be honest. There is nothing wrong with teenager's working. There should be rules and regulations. During school day's. They can work part-time. In the summertime. They can work full-time. You can't let teenager's work full-time during school. They need their education. It should be balance. I understand. Some households are below the poverty level. Teenager's have to work to support themselves. Let them work at summer youth camps. At summer youth camps, teenager's and adults work with smaller children with daily activities. Adults don't want to work because of the pay. The minimum wage in these states is $7.50 an hour. Bring up the minimum wage for the adults. Instead of hiring undocumented teenager's. Both Democratic and republicans need to fix this child labor law. Nobody isn't winning.
@SystemzOverload Says:
lol, they love setting the bar lower and lower for intelligence dont they? wait, aint tim pool a bald nonce? aint he for marrage being a lower age? im just asking questions... how the hell do they breath while eating? xD
@Crim222 Says:
Son we'll jave 13/14 year olds working at Disneyland while 13/14 year olds from rich families visit and enjoy Disneyland.... Does Floridand have to be a State? Cause they are goddamn embarrassing to the rest of the country.
@widde4113 Says:
Meh, who needs free time anyways..? Free time is time wasted not working...🙃
Seems like Cenk has an obsession with Tim. He's infatuated with him possibly romantically interested in him.
@DeadbeatGamer Says:
Never forget TYT are pro beastiality.
@leparfumdugrosboss4216 Says:
Pool's audience is made of teenagers who can't read. You can't blame him for trying to enlarge his market.
@JSuper7 Says:
I worked for the driving range our high school golf team practiced at. Was a private owner, drove the golf cart and pickup truck. I never touched the ball machine, I never had to work on the truck or golf cart, nothing I did was life threatening. And we didnt have lights, so I could never work past sundown anyways. Did it make me strong, and a hard worker, with work ethic! No. It made me angry that I had to have it in the first place cuz of my families divorce left everyone with no money. Stop acting like poor people are weak, or kids can’t learn skills outside of the workplace. They don’t need to be taught that only productivity matters which drives the workplace. Beauty matters, nature matters, creativity matters, sports and leisure matters, human connection matters. F*CK THE WORKPLACE! Save our kids from the evil that is egomaniacs vying for control over others.
@theprodigalheel3942 Says:
The dumbest among us work in journalism today. You listen to this stupidity, and it really makes you wonder who even watches this 💩🤦. Like literally millions of people worked in school. I worked full time hours, I played football and took Martial Arts!🤦 Believe if our not, there are more than 80 hours a week! There are 88 more hours in a week! Listening to the left dumbing down something to the lowest common denominator, and then listening to them still be confused about the subject they just dumbed down!🤦 This is why anyone ( not very many) watch this. 🙄
@jamesedwards8387 Says:
When I was 12 and my brother was 15 we cut lawns. At one time we probably had 10 or so lawns. But for the most part we did it when we had time and most of it was during summer break
@talyahr3302 Says:
Not only are kids cheaper, theyre more powerless. Kids dont unionize!! After the hot union Summer last year, thats why they've started pushing this with such effort as of recently.
@jabraun00 Says:
he wrestled
@JMcMac4t Says:
Florida has run the migrants out of state, now they want the kids??? I’d bet the wealthy children are at team practice or play rehearsal…Get those lowlife welfare children in our fields and our meat packing plants… you marxists… I can hear the part they’ll never admit to… Wonder where our SCJ Thomas family adopted /teen, that he and Jinny adopted, who Leonard Leo paid for… Anyone know? 🤮
@wendymaclean6364 Says:
That's what Republicans do, turning back progress that was fought and won.
@nsbadgrapple60 Says:
When the gop says let kids be kids this is what they mean. These politicians had their childhoods ruined and cant wrap their minds around it because they were rewarded for it.
@alexzeo9553 Says:
Kids need to be kids not getting jobs and missing out on years of their life because Republicans want kids to work full time. Get out of here with that logic. Kids just go to school, learn and become smarter than these Republicans.
@ShabumkinSpleen Says:
Now that the Epstein connection is gone he needs to find another way to get access to young hookers... Allegedly...
@leas.5596 Says:
They've been running around saying 'let kids be kids' to hold up their bullshit CRT/homophobe/transphobe rhetoric. And now KIDS NEED JOBS?!
@ep0chf4il53 Says:
So it's Florida they've driven out the migrants, slavery is no longer a thing, and since the oranges and lemons and limes have to be harvested..... Child labor.
@heathermacdonald9736 Says:
If we don't want as a society to exploit everyone for the pursuit of wealth, then we need to change the concept of wealth. People are greedy and the creation of wealth and money has only exasperated the greed to the point that the most greediest humans will take and destroy everything from everyone else! Human greed is our own worst enemy!
@5thGenGames Says:
your content is awful, thank you for the great soundbites. Quit
@aurei7775 Says:
"My child mowed the lawn & vacuumed the house" Ana: "I'm calling child protection right now, the kid should be learning how to read not slaving away"
@aurei7775 Says:
From the serial hypocrites materialists that rely on child labor from abroad for their products including billions of masks polluting the waters or 8 year olds to harvest their toxic lithium or cobalt. & these are not 17 year old young men
@romper4444 Says:
I promise NO ONE is accusing you of being dishonest 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@romper4444 Says:
Just Stop your being stupid, working at a young age breeds responsibility and motivated young minds that can enter an adult world with some skills. Or we could do the opposite and when your "child" is 18, done high school and only wants to sit at home and play vids cause working is too hard. I mean if that works for ya. My daughter got a job the day she was eligble at 14, finished high today, a semester early mind you. already has a full time job and has been accepted into a motive power trades program starting September. OH! and her new car is arriving tomorrow that SHE PAID FOR. ....but nahhhhh its child labour, thats bad right? Lets shelter them until they're afraid to come out of the shelter right?
@theunusualcivilian Says:
Get real 😂
@lisadioguardi5742 Says:
Tim Pool has no concept of the importance of making sure young people get an education: "Pool attended a Catholic school until completing the fifth grade and left school at the age of 14."
@kanjo4976 Says:
It’s videos like these that push people TO the right.
@flibble89 Says:
The left wing propaganda machine will even attack centrists.
@chrissnodgrass8638 Says:
Lol anna come on. I know this is how you get paid but lying to this degree? Do better.
@franklegrand4227 Says:
"Forcing kids into low paying jobs". All kids who work are payed low. It actually will hurt adults wages. im sorry but these are idiots
@franklegrand4227 Says:
Ill never get these types, dont most liberals, leftists, ect. Believe children should have more agency and the right to choose. The bill allows it not forces it.
@GX328382 Says:
If it's ok for kids in China then it's ok for the US
@hughjass69933 Says:
Of course the wealthy elite and Republicans want to exploit kids. They're all a bunch of power hungry pedophiles.
@steverose3019 Says:
When I was 16 I had a job at fast food that I would have worked more if possible. That was my choice and not everyone gets to coast through life and go to Harvard like fat f Cenk.
@silent_unseen2099 Says:
You want them to work, let them also vote.
@jont8555 Says:
When it comes to Tim Pool, channels like this are like some jilted and embittered ex-girlfriend. They hate him, they can’t stop talking about him, and more often than not it’s just spiteful nonsense.
@gailjohnson5950 Says:
These companies are just looking for an excuse to have CHEAP LABOR. PERIOD. They aren't concerned even about whether these kids are able to perform a task adequately.
@ThisIsCottonMouth Says:
I’m pretty sure Tim’s side of the argument is to give kids, teenagers, the ability to work if they have the desire/ambition to do so. Some people WANT to work but they can’t due to their age early in life, doesn’t mean now people will MAKE kids, teenagers, do work for cheap. You learn great skills in early jobs imo. Any ENTRY level job will be “cheap” compared to someone who has more experience but if you work early in life you can leverage that later versus someone who hasn’t had a job until they’re out of HS or college. Worked for me. Doesn’t mean it’s for everyone but those who WANT to, I believe they should have the ability.
@MrCroel Says:
You commies want to remain children until you're out of college at 25. You're butthurt that you are less successful than college dropouts and people who had their first job at 16 (myself included).
@darkhorse505 Says:
From a person from the UK. This just blows my mind. We have kids that work that are no younger then 16. Only during summer breaks, they can only work 6 hours a day. And no teenager can work past midnight. We prefer to exploit foreign contractor companies to give us cheep labour 🙄
@elingrome5853 Says:
Oh ffs could TYT stoop any lower?
@MrNakedslave Says:
Kids needs to get off their ass and work. My first job was mowing the lawn at 8year old for 25cents/h At 9 I was delivering mail door to door. At 12 I got my training to be a certified and registered babysitter sitter. At 15 I went to burger King and got rejected cause I was too young so I went working at the church. Age 16 to 20. Work dishes at burger King and worked my way to up to become manager while working highschool. While volunteeing at hospitals on Wednesdays Age 20 i got my certificate for pesticide technician. I van keep going on. Kids needs to work. I've seen too many tik tok videos of YOUNG adults age 18 and older doing 8hour shift and complaining. Do you want a bunch of weak children?
@shad0wCh8ser Says:
Well...now this anti-abortion law makes a lot more sense. They want to have an endless supply of child laborers. And as a self-inflected "child laborer" myself, I can give you more insights. It's not that you can't work more hours at 16/17 yrs old bc I legally worked 35-40hr/week at 16-17 yrs old while still attending school. There were multiple paperwork that had to be signed between the school system and your parents along with the requirements were that you had to have a certain grade point average and maintain it. Basically, I signed myself up for a "work-study" program where I could leave up to 2 periods early to work extra hours but I had to get the school to sign off (make sure I meet the grade/GPA requirements) and have the parents okay the workload. There were other work involved, like I think I had to write reports or something about it, but anyway, you can already work longer hours if you prove that you are responsible enough to have a job and keep up with the school work. So that's a nonsense bill to look like they are doing work but not really work. And if you can't keep up your GPA then you shouldn't be working unless you had to bc it shows you need more focus on school. My GPA was so high that I could have failed every class Sr. year, made a D in Language Arts, and I still would have graduated. And I never even study in school. I was totally bored in class and I need to to save up money to get a car so I was like can I leave early? LOL. Technically, if I had better academic guidance, I probably would have done more academically with more advance classes but, since I'm a first gen American with clueless parents, I just did what was required while wondering why I had to sit in class to listened to someone speak on stuff I could read and learn on my own time. I would not "loosen" the requirement bc big corporations would abuse it in every way possible.
@adorablecreature79 Says:
Tim looks like the kind of guy who owns a pet bird and beats it.
@davislindsey9719 Says:
Kasparian logic... if a kid works 30 hours a week they sure as hell can read.
@Timcast Says:
Haha im famuz
@Bluegreenman99 Says:
I had to work part-time as a teenager not because I wanted to but because my dad was in the hospital and me and my mom needed to pay the bills and my grades suffered for it and I barely graduated high school. If I had a choice I would have not worked and actually focused on school studies because it was not easy and I need to have every chance I could get.

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