This STUNNING Trump Lie Says Everything You Need To Know About Him
This STUNNING Trump Lie Says Everything You Need To Know About Him



@Aza351C Says:
That’s why he’s swearing more. His “poorly educated” “basement dwellers” cheered when he swore; now it’s a regular part of his campaign rants.
@aussiegrandpa Says:
All Trump wants is; to get elected, override all his (past and future) criminal changes, take his retribution, hand over to Vance then retire to the golf course.
@ChuChuBelo Says:
Ok so Trump isn't in favor of banning TikTok and vaping. That's good; right? Ya got anything else? Anything at all? Alrighty then.
@johnherold7289 Says:
Straight out of the BOWLES of the g.o.p....... There is the G rand O ld P otty..... The MOVEMENT came out...... Where the DICK TRAITORS "hang" out....... And the Dum Ass's do What Ass's do...... Bend over/ Push out the stool........ Could somebody tell them to SHUT THE DOOR! Nobody wants to see/smell that CRAP! PU!
@Kiki-en9vm Says:
Trump a d Elon are paying people to vte in Pensylvania, folks is that not against the rule.
@mercbenzy Says:
I am an independent I am appalling by the level of ignorance of many people. Trump was a business man all his life, he is not a career politicians like the rest of the others. He was president for 4 years and he was not a dictator, was the only president in the history of the Republic who donated part his salary to the country. He has less money today than when he became president. Lets do a reality check: How much money has Obama after his finished? His net worth was 70 millions Biden has a net worth of 9 millions, Bush has doubled his fortune since leaving the White House from 20 millions to 40 millions, Bill Clinton 80 millions according to Forbes. The president salary is 400, 000 I don't think Trump is the Swamp.
@paulmmr Says:
Loser Trump for Jail
@strikeleader5269 Says:
He changed the swamp into sewage
@raztube90 Says:
I am gonna vote with my stomach this election I am done with inflations endless war high gas prices lawlessness Voting red this time
@userOSBERT Says:
I think we all know, deep down that, Putin is the real winner.
@DomesticatedDemon Says:
The problem is that trump's cult has absolutely no idea who or what "the swamp" is. They just take trump's word for everything. Why would they learn anything or critically think about anything, when trump is taking care of all of that for them? They basically think that "the swamp" is literal monsters, pedos who drink baby's blood and eat pets, etc. We're all doomed....
@damienkarras9127 Says:
Trump should have been arrested and indicted back in January 2021, so the US, Republicans and Democrats alike have only themselves to blame.
@babybro70 Says:
I always said "You ARE The Swamp..."
@patriot4life450 Says:
@Tomscomment Says:
Trump does not want to "fix the system", he wants to take his narcissist's revenge on the political system and create havoc because it never really accepted him.
All Trump Doners must be PUBLICLY SHAMED
@LyndaToombs Says:
Has anyone else ever noticed that he holds his fist up and I noticed one time he held his hand up like Hitler always did
@johnchricton6470 Says:
🤦‍♂ Oh boy, the "I wanna be fair" Ana again defendng Trump.I thought he was a huge threat and a terrible person, how about keeping him out of power and then do your both sides💩
@danielzielke9997 Says:
Trump didn't "drain" the swamp ... he simply "pardoned" the whole list of swampsters. Why are candidates allowed to receive millions of dollars to get some pay-off benefits by giving promises to act on their profit concern? Blame Trump all you want, but the system is not bending in its corruption -- no matter who your corrupt politician of choice is. American "democracy" a big joke. Even the media groups, like yourselves, take advantage of flipping coins from one candidate to another. You guys are going to bow down to Kamala as your "best bet" of choice as the crooked voting count racks up the "winner". The elections are just as fake as all the BS political rhetoric presented in the "news".
@rikgto9351 Says:
Cheney and the Establishment are the swamp and they and the Pelosi’s and Bushes do everything to keep power
@petelosuaniu Says:
Yet Ana the traitor keeps pumping this schmuck
@HooHoo-7 Says:
Man who is always me me me and money money money has now invited his friend Elon to the jam jar
@jaigupta945 Says:
❤ your rant for Trump 😂😂
@JeanetteMacLaren-cv8ls Says:
i...I..I..I..and only I !!!! I this....I that !!!! 🤑
@jaigupta945 Says:
Ana and chenk pls wait until November 5 before you start your meltdown.. did you not see $ 1 billion donations to Kamala 😂😂😂
@outerrealm Says:
OK, I'm sick of all the Trump shit, I'm gonna go watch cartoons for a while.
@outerrealm Says:
The Swamp Thing.
@outerrealm Says:
Wow he actually doesn't look orange in that clip.
@aograi Says:
How is it that Trump followers only look into conspiracies on the democrats but do not even fact check Trump's blatant moves? It is sooo weird.
@lyleswanson7557 Says:
drumph did drain the swamp. Right into his own bank account.
@wiseman235 Says:
your news are outstanding - thanks for sharing it team.
@FDR_progressive_liberal Says:
I hate vaping. Idiots vape on buses saying "I'm not smoking I'm vaping" but there is no difference.
@marklittle2615 Says:
Trumphas always donated to the Democrat or the Republican party that suits his interest and he's always been part of the swamp. He just found a way to make money off of it. And that's what he's all about the grift.
@rpokh1978 Says:
Young Turks now is no better than MSNBC or CNN. They are propagating the democratic party agenda.
@calliey59 Says:
I have always said that Trump is a swamp dweller.
@Hardcastle83 Says:
2016 primaries Trump was the most promising presidential candidate of all time, and all the promises were broken.
@deborahmaupin5092 Says:
Only in your own twisted little mind, Trumpler!
@AdiBuddhi Says:
"This STUNNING Trump Lie Says Everything You Need To Know About Him." Trump lying? That's got to be a lie. LOL
@daguard411 Says:
Thank you.
@paulpaul1260 Says:
Kamala and Joe Biden are the BEST DUO in History !!! Gaza ... Lebenon ... Iran ... Ukraine ... ALL VOTE FOR HARRIS !!! They LOVE Wars !!! So do the Turks 🎉🎉🎉🎉
@brettcrawford8878 Says:
Agent Orange 🍊 is needed to thieve top secret documents if he can get elected. Who else can put top secret information into the possession of foreign governments if he does not get elected? Have a good 👍. 😊
@jimrosnak Says:
It is NOT TRUE that TRUMP never drained a swamp! The Trump Administration removed MANY Environmental Protections which protected lakes, rivers and Wetlands! As a result thousands of acres of Wetlands were drained. Wetlands absorb heavy rainfall and help prevent severe flooding!! How much flood damage from Hurricane Helena could have been prevented?
@veganbadass Says:
Foreign diplomats spent thousands of dollars a night at his hotels for rooms and room service without ever actually being there. They simply gave him money/bribes in the guise of a stay at his resorts. Emoluments Clause = broken
@LucasGjeloshaj-nk5vk Says:
Zionists are the reason why y’all hate trump so much it’s because they hate him too
@GridleyMike Says:
Trump is a traitor and a racist
@pariahnation1284 Says:
tyt gettin desperate
@LucasGjeloshaj-nk5vk Says:
Stop lying to us about him that’s exactly what swampy shitbags do
@CowPokeCash Says:
One thing I like about Trump is that he does listen and consider others ideas, he's open minded. But it appears TYT thinks that is a bad thing.
@brettcrawford8878 Says:
Me thinks he is on the side of big bussiness (to get money out of it) and against the interests of the public and workers to get higher wages and improving peoples lives. Republican Federal politicians refused to pass legislastion to raise the minimum wage. "Yippee poverty for everyone forever" should be the moto of the Republican party as far as i am comcerned. And "Where are those millions of dollars of free money that lobbyists happily give our political party to betray the public and keep them in poverty by preventing wage rises and keeping medical costs as high as possible including for medicines costs to the public." " "Where's that free billion dollars i demanded the crude oil industry give me. Wheres that damned money. Do you want me to help you and betray the public by giving you higher profits. Then give me that damned billion dollars. No one is gonna notice." "Hey Mr t.v. bossman lets have a talk so that i can threaten to terminate your broadcat licences if you don't stop showing those damned lefty adds promoting Kamala. Your not in bussiness to make money. Your in bussiness to damned well get me elected as president."
@terrencemyers1033 Says:
So-called Europeans are living in an alternate reality. Where everything is centered around a fake MAN-MADE "white" identity. That the Most High YAHUAH who is the creator of nations, nationalities, and dna does not honor. It is because of this alternate reality that someone as unqualified and corrupt as Trump is allowed to run for President. And that's exactly why white supremacy is falling because it's built on nothing but white lies that the TRUTH has finally caught up to. So-called "white people" what does it feel like to be deceived by you own white lies that are no match for the truth?

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