Argentina Elects Trumpian Right-Winger Javier Milei As President
Argentina Elects Trumpian Right-Winger Javier Milei As President



@TheYoungTurks Says:
Should you become a member? Of Couuuurse! Click Here:
@Mark-i9k5i Says:
He won because people are sick and tired of socialist, like the sponsors of this channel
@maxborde210 Says:
Love the far right wing♥️ Not fan of (turks)!
@SILVIOV76 Says:
Young turks? They don't even know anything about US politics LOL much less Argentina politics. Don't worry these marxists/communist/socialist don't realize they are the problem.
@dansweet6793 Says:
Fake news, Javier is a Libertarian
@agustin20091 Says:
Ok. Now I know why TYT are not to trust. I'm from Argentina and it blows my mind how it is portrayed
@brettdavidson3866 Says:
This guy is a nut and yes hes far right not libertarian i can say im libertarian doesnt make it true
@rocknroda Says:
You would have to be a left extremist to consider the middle to be far right
@rocknroda Says:
how is a man with very libertarian views and policies far right??? these "journalists" are fckn biased af idiots
@mauryeetss3561 Says:
These idiot presenters... "Oh, you don't want tourism? you don't want transportation?" ... No you poor idiot children. it's actually very clear that he is dismantling the ministries which waste taxpayer dollars on bureaucrats. The entire stinking government was a money pit, dragging its own people further into poverty. He is just cleaning out all the parasites. The transportation systems throughout the country won't all just stop functioning all the sudden. Just because the ministry of tourism has been liquidated doesn't mean that all the sudden tourists can't enter Argentina. Every one of these departments he is liquidating costs money to keep. When 57% of your country is in poverty and the storm is still yet to pass, every taxpayer dollar saved matters massively. As president during this tough time, what he absolutely must not do is keep people on the payroll for the sake of saving face.
@animefansextreme928 Says:
Soy de Argentina, y al final cuando Milei dice "Afuera" los periodistas no entendieron nada del porque elimina esos ministerios xD
@AlexanderJankovsky-x2j Says:
lol @Theyoungturks 9:55 bringing up Lula as an example of successful leftist who was released from jail while serving a sentence for corruption
@Shylls1114 Says:
Jajajaja la rubia estúpida y el gordito mamador, deben estar llorando ahora. Milei esta cumpliendo todo lo que prometió. Ahora entiendo por que eeuu se convirtió en un pais socialista/comunista, con esto periodistas cagones, que podes pretender.
@ymaifiyv6589 Says:
Russia is bad, but have you forgotten about the Soviet Union? Lol. Socialism is the real enemy here (and there)
@willmill409 Says:
And look at that he has already improved the country
@Beccabubblicious Says:
Personal Freedoms - family- non interfering government is what average people want The. Left have massive media support - but People now see through the propaganda smearing all that don’t agree as racist etc Trump was hampered by media lies and the old guard but still did well and treats all as Americans equally Milei will do well for Argentinians Government are not good at running departments- hence many will be scrapped
@mikeylejan8849 Says:
Milei is amazing!
@v4vinaceous Says:
The left winds easily because they promise magical solutions to people...
@v4vinaceous Says:
I cannot believe some people take these two clowns seriously... These people should check facts, because they said a whole bunch of lies about Milei, starting from the fact that nobody in Argentina calls him "El loco"... he is more coherent than any politician that these two clowns follow... do your research, it's incredible how people still follow these liers
@v4vinaceous Says:
Is there a company that pays these 2 clowns?
@DaDankStrafe Says:
I love how Cenk attributes Milei's election to "a change" acting like it's just any change from the establishment. No, Cenk. It's specifically a change to less government and more economic freedom. It's the exact opposite type of change that someone like Bernie Sanders would be in America.
@TuranZeynalliArmWrestling Says:
So much wrong information in this video
@redcarddino Says:
This a religious election Milei and Trump are the last opportunity to protect our Judeo Christians values and only will MAKE THE WEST GRATE AGAIN
@Redneck_Wizard Says:
Cry about it.
@Gabriel-qr9dv Says:
Nothing shows more how politically ignorant someone is, that them calling Milei, Trump like and far right....
@senatoraz Says:
Who were the villains in Atlas Shrugged? Big corporations and crony capitalists. True libertarian capitalists aren't in favor of all corporations. They are in favor of a government and economic system that punishes bad corporations and lifts good corporations. This is what you misunderstand.
@lidiareal1067 Says:
@improv6616 Says:
You should know he is libertarian not far right wing thank you very much
@jacebeleren3 Says:
@Lukytazcuervo Says:
@ismaeldo3142 Says:
Well, I was about to let you know of some important mistakes you made on your coverage of this topic, but after clicking on some of your videos I realized you’re just propagandists, so nevermind.
@rodolfoaiello3434 Says:
Very DUMB analysis about Argentina’s Politics 🤦🏻‍♂️ Shame
@fjm1991 Says:
Argentinian here. This video is full of bull crap.
@r.m.4192 Says:
11:27 she loved it
@pablonavas8808 Says:
@szililolabu Says:
best news ever
@mathieumeulen4241 Says:
Suddenly, it's the media that is misrepresenting Milei.
@kaldetanke9472 Says:
You cant see it.
@manuelpujol8355 Says:
Legalising organ trade is nowhere in the government plan. He is not far right, he is libertarian. In trade he is the opposite of trump, he is for full bilateral free trade (not special contracts trade for corporations). Trump was for more budget deficit, Milei is for cutting the deficit. You don’t need a ministry of tourism or transport to have tourism or transport. You don’t need a ministry of labour to have labour unions or proper wages. He was voted to eliminate corporativism, all big companies are living from the state and it’s protections. Massa was the definition of corporativism and he was going as the leader of the left populist party. So many other things are wrong its unbelievable. All complete misinformed propaganda.
@nicolascorrea3590 Says:
Its incredible how many things that lady has got wrong
@t.g_b_7118 Says:
Socialist 😂😂😂
@calebmerkellyt Says:
Sorry to say this, but almost half of your information is wrong. Please, please next time do a proper research, not just google things or look information on "X".
@silviasam4783 Says:
@araguaney911 Says:
hey there is a women as a vice president isnt that good??? lol
@araguaney911 Says:
it makes you think, why would a country govern by the left for more than 20 YEARS would make such a drastic change????????? whats the current state of argentna???
@nuclear_addict Says:
Far right and a Jewish zionist puppet
@samuelsop371 Says:
So this guy says that the populist left is the solution for Argentina when people are voting exactly against it because they ruined the country? Or maybe he wants the left-wing populists to rule the USA so they can ruin his country too? You know very little about Milei; he is a libertarian, not far right; those are different things; he is not a conservative. You just repeated the same fear campaign that the left tried here in Argentina; it didn’t work, and if he does well and becomes an example of how things can be done differently economically, it won’t work there either; he's becoming really popular internationally.
@davocreative Says:
That Milei is Nuts. Really bad things are gonna happen here in Argentina.
@vane5992 Says:
These media are all about being a contrarian, wokeism, pushing an agenda, they never look for answers or causes, it is entertainment not journalism, in fact audiovisual information have being gotten so low quality around the world that now I only read.
@jorgebarka3232 Says:
Javier Milei has no resemblance to Trump.

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