Federal Ban on Selling Handguns To 18-year-olds Ruled Unconstitutional

Federal Ban on Selling Handguns To 18-year-olds Ruled Unconstitutional


A ban on handgun sales to 18-year-olds has been ruled unconstitutional. Sharon Reed, Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur discuss on The Young Turks. Watch TYT LIVE on weekdays 6-8 pm ET. http://youtube.com/theyoungturks/live Read more HERE: https://www.cnn.com/2023/05/11/politics/federal-handgun-ban-18-20-year-olds/ "A federal judge said Wednesday that federal prohibitions on licensed dealers selling handguns to 18- to 20-year-olds are unconstitutional, in what is the latest legal volley over age-based firearm regulations � a court fight that has escalated since the Supreme Court's major Second Amendment ruling last year. US District Judge Robert Payne of the Eastern District of Virginia said that under the test laid out in the Supreme Court's recent ruling, the federal regulation runs afoul of the Second Amendment."* *** The largest online progressive news show in the world. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE weekdays 6-8 pm ET. Help support our mission and get perks. Membership protects TYT's independence from corporate ownership and allows us to provide free live shows that speak truth to power for people around the world. See Perks: ? https://www.youtube.com/TheYoungTurks/join SUBSCRIBE on YOUTUBE: ? http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=theyoungturks FACEBOOK: ? http://www.facebook.com/TheYoungTurks TWITTER: ? http://www.twitter.com/TheYoungTurks INSTAGRAM: ? http://www.instagram.com/TheYoungTurks TWITCH: ? http://www.twitch.com/tyt ???? Merch: http://shoptyt.com ? Donate: http://www.tyt.com/go ???? Website: https://www.tyt.com ????App: http://www.tyt.com/app ???? Newsletters: https://www.tyt.com/newsletters/ If you want to watch more videos from TYT, consider subscribing to other channels in our network: The Watchlist https://www.youtube.com/watchlisttyt Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey https://www.youtube.com/indisputabletyt Unbossed with Nina Turner https://www.youtube.com/unbossedtyt The Damage Report ? https://www.youtube.com/thedamagereport TYT Sports ? https://www.youtube.com/tytsports The Conversation ? https://www.youtube.com/tytconversation Rebel HQ ? https://www.youtube.com/rebelhq TYT Investigates ? https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwNJt9PYyN1uyw2XhNIQMMA #TYT #TheYoungTurks #BreakingNews 230512__TB03Handgun




@mikeveis6393 Says:
More proof that the American government is totally corrupted
@brianosborne1096 Says:
In 1968 Vietnam was getting serious which led to a draft of 18 year olds who had no choice but to go and fight with handguns and automatic weapons for our government. Kind of interesting that they could not purchase a handgun when they got home though this is hypocrisy in its greatest form . You can vote at 18 drive a car and can be drafted to fight for your country but can not buy a handgun to defend yourself? You liberal idiots need to move to a communist country if you don’t like it !!! The people who fought and died for our freedom and constitution were all young men .
@timrobertson4168 Says:
Big Pharma experiments on our kids brains and Anti-Christian Liberalization is the root cause of mass shootings that never existed prior to these culture changes. Armed Citizens are a countries last line of defense. Every country should have this option. America has the worlds largest civilian army for good reason, its our last line of defense. No country should be left to be tortured when their military has been defeated. Everyone deserves to be able to defend to the end. China has the worlds largest army until you including our legally armed, law abiding citizens. That’s why the Chinese are working so hard to disarm us with the support of communist Rhinos and Democrats. Democrats have promised prosperity for Blacks for decades yet the ghetto’s just grow bigger and worse. Why? Because it brings in crisis money, Federal aid from prosperous states. Money they launder and reallocate to fund their elections and fill the greedy pockets of the people they sponsor like Sharpton and Jackson who keep Blacks believing in empty promises! It’s why Democrats love the quote “Never Let a Good Crisis go to Waste!” California inflation is ramped across the nation but not California wages! Once the pain becomes unbearable it will be too late to go back. Liberals are easily steered by fear. It’s a pity how they never wake up or learn the truth until the pain reaches them on a personal level! By then the whole country will be dead!
@peteford7258 Says:
You are a group of idiots if you think 18-20 year olds are mature enough to vote, serve on juries, serve in the military, get married, & sign contracts, but not own guns or drink or smoke!!! It is like those wanting to raise the voting age to 25 and those thinking those under 18 should be allowed to transition to a different sex, they are partisan idiots!! The age needs to be set at the same 16, 18, 21, 25, whatever for all! But be f'ing consistent with regard to what is maturity!!
@crobinson2624 Says:
I’ll tell you one thing, if I were a politician, judge, public figure I’d be very concerned about which people are permitted to own firearms and which ones can’t because if Jan.6th can happen once it can happen again and they might just come for you.
@crobinson2624 Says:
You gotta get a constitutional amendment on the 2nd amendment for a more clear, concise and comprehensive 2nd amendment. Because the ambiguity of the 2nd amendment is a problem. It was written at time when people had muskets that fired a single shot and invasion from foreign countries seemed likely. It didn’t take into account automatic weapons, stupidity/carelessness, mental illness and right wing extremism, and political corruption.
@TheArmchairrocker Says:
Either 18 year olds are adut r they're not. If they're adults in the eyes of the law, then they should have all the rights that adults do.
@transitionalspecies4365 Says:
The conservatives on the supreme court are very concerned about original intent of the founders until they want to impose Christianity. Then they can ignore the constitution and the founders' clearly stated intent and make up some historical tradition which overrides the supreme law of the land somehow.
@christhegoat9477 Says:
If you know nothing about guns, if this isn't a good law, make it 21 to join military
@cheerfulrunner31 Says:
Nice kitchen 😻
@renardleblanc5556 Says:
Question: what part of "well regulated militia" precludes the government from, you know, *regulating* the *private* ownership of weapons? Sooo... is it constitutional to restrict free speech on social media? Clearly, when the founders wrote the first amendment, they didn't know what online media even was, so Democrats should have free license to censor twitter. Don't get mad at me: their rules, not mine.
@hatchetwound666 Says:
Sorry the constitution is clear your side has abused it for years you're the ones that backflipped and now it's backfired stay away from our constitutional rights.
@kaomatic Says:
you can be underage and get a sex change you can be 18 and sign up to fight in the military 18 is the age of consent you have every right to own whatever gun you want at 18
@scottmullins87 Says:
Its at the point where the GOP are choosing gun violence and all the death and destruction that goes with it as a way to be in power . Political power was meant ro improve rhe country as a whole not rhe " owners"
@300beatz Says:
And this is why im glad im able to buy and own a bullet proof vest because its about to be a whole lot of john wick clone wanna be's running around...🤦🏿
@benketengu Says:
The purpose of moving the drinking age to 21 was to reduced the drunk driving deaths of teenagers especially high school students. The idea was to make it more difficult for high schoolers to get alcohol. Not a bad idea. Under the same logic guns should be restricted to those 21 and over. Not a bad idea. Also guns have got to be deglamorized
@matthewmencel5978 Says:
oh no!! We can't have legal adult citizen be allowed to exercise ALL of their rights because we shsitlibs are scared of a piece of metal". Let's change the democgraphic from age to color or from age to gender!! You'll quickly understand why it's unconstitutional. You might want to go read the Equal Protection clause!
@tripdjoint Says:
White people will kill and die before ever being a minority in this country. Their forefathers never envisioned that. Today it's a position that they are desperately clinging to.
@jad1079 Says:
Not sure I agree with stripping constitutional rights from 18 to 20 year olds.
@bradlopez3681 Says:
I mean im on the left and yeah its clearly unconstitutional
@TheRhino154 Says:
Leave it to the Young Turks to stand up for stripping 18-20 year olds of there natural rights.
@TheZaros666 Says:
Hah get wrecked anti gun groups
@stopmakingsense1543 Says:
First off.... Must be really nice to be able to afford crashing a plane and cameras. Second... Who the hell goes through the time and expense of getting a pilot's license only to do something so idiotic? Right up there with "I'm gonna own the libs" which sometimes involves multiple felonies....
@loki3991 Says:
Didn't the founding fathers also consider child labor laws unconstitutional? Women's rights Race equality were also unimportant to them. Maybe it's time for a few new ammendments
@ianleary5780 Says:
Bans are a tough sell when it comes to anything associated with individual liberties. There isn’t an individual right to drink alcohol (though maybe there ought to be), but there is an individual right to self-defense. Outright bans on handgun ownership for legal adults based purely on age was always going to be highly vulnerable to challenge. A better way for the gun control advocacy to manage ownership by people with a suspect commitment to safe ownership and operation is to get a licensing requirement established for ownership of any handgun. I would also caution that using licensing as an ersatz ban—which is exactly the way blue states will try to go—won’t stand up in court. Licensing requirements have to be oriented on public safety, not on denying Americans the opportunity to own handguns. Properly established requirements will do the job that is necessary, which is to exclude those who cannot demonstrate that they will be safe owners from becoming legal owners. The gun ban crowd is going to have to make peace with not getting the gun-free paradise they imagine Europe and Japan to be.
@fullaregrets5015 Says:
They'll regret it when it's one of theirs... oh, wait, they won't.
@user-sq3cg6er2o Says:
Show me the young man who is mature enough between the ages of 18-24 to handle alcohol responsibly and I'll show you a unicorn.
@RussellThomas-ll3kx Says:
Remember that democrats want to lower the voting age below 18 but raise the age limit to own a gun to 21. They call republicans hypocrites while being hypocrites themselves
@paulaburrows8660 Says:
18 yr old soldiers are trained. 18 yr olds who hang in mum's basement are not
@jason4453 Says:
18 is plenty old enough to own a pistol
@mak88119 Says:
So you can get drafting and die for your country but can't own a gun. This doesn't make sense. OK, make it so only adults 21 years old can vote and get drafted
@teresaodle857 Says:
We have too many stupid people in our country
@danbrooks2584 Says:
The Supreme Court has weighed in on this issue, most notably in the 2008 case of District of Columbia v. Heller, where it held that the Second Amendment protects an individual's right to possess firearms for self-defense purposes, unconnected with service in a militia, and that this right extends to firearms that are commonly owned and used for lawful purposes. However, the Court also stated that the Second Amendment is not an unlimited right and that reasonable gun control laws are still permissible. Overall, the Second Amendment is a complex and controversial topic, and its interpretation and application continue to be the subject of ongoing legal, political, and social debates in the United States.
@unafraidjlay Says:
Didn’t George Washington shoot down the cherry tree with an AR-15?
@okaro6595 Says:
There were very few restrictions on guns before the 20th century. The idea that I've should somehow interpret it through the 18th century lens is insane. We do not live in the 18th century.
@5drtfygunjm Says:
Fine, make it "technically legal", but make it EXTREMELY DIFFICULT and also EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE. 18 year olds can rent a car, but it's far more expensive. Anyone between 18-25 should have a LOT more difficult hurdles to jump through, too.
@ManuelMorales-km7hq Says:
18 yr old having guns is cool for these animals
@ManuelMorales-km7hq Says:
of course it is anna this is the gun country
@johnchricton6470 Says:
Guns for the military should not be for dopey random people to get their boners......🤦‍♂
@syngonsmythe38 Says:
As an outsider, I'm only interested in one thing: if an 18 year old can buy a gun in the USA, then why does he have to wait 'til 21 to drink a glass of wine or beer? No american was able to explain the logic in this.
@gatorboymike Says:
I'm actually OK with this, since 18 is the established minimum age to buy a firearm. Or serve in the military, where you'll be using firearms. If you want to propose a bill to raise the minimum age, that's a different conversation. As things stand, this was the correct ruling
@sebastiansmothers9806 Says:
So Its alright for 18 year old to have a gun in the military but not in their regular life
@romulus463 Says:
TYT should study history as an armed citizenry favors the, Poor as Arms Control favors the rich, powerful and connected. Example One: Henry II and Edward I (Longshanks, Hammer of the Scotch) by law, Edward by act of Parliament, "Armed every Englishman To Maintain the Peace." The results, Serfs, after they were armed and able to resist the Lords, graduated to Land Renters, (The Lord provided the means of production, seeds, beasts of burden or consumption, or whatever was produced) keeping around 14% of their production, which if properly managed, they were able to buy their own farm or shop in about ten years. England went from an island that every other country would invade to a Fortress Island. Following Kings and Nobles had to concern themselves about the People, as they had the means to remove an abusive Lord or King. Henry VIII (*Sarcasm Warning* Who executed wives for the high crime of birthing daughters *Sarcasm End*) wrote many decrees he never enforced because the people would revolt and James II, he decided to retire to France when the People finally got sick and tired of him. Example Two: Germanic Countries, every head of household was required by law, to be armed, with a year's worth of provisions and supplies, train their children in the use of arms and one day a month, the men of the cities, and their sons, would drill with their arms, repair or improve the defenses of their city and have a feast prepared by their wives and daughters. Niccolo Machiavelli noted the Germanic People were the freest people in all of Europe with the highest level of education that made Germanic Countries the center of technology and craftsmanship in the known world with a government that would do as little as possible, because the People wouldn't allow it to do a whole lot. There's a reason why Hungry was the high watermark of the Ottoman Empire, for less than a century. The Germanic People withdraw into their cities, with a year's supply of food and arms, burning the crops in the field, harass the Ottoman Supply Lines, the Germanic Winter would send the Ottoman Armies back home freezing and hungry. There are other examples where an Armed Citizenry favored the poor over the rich, powerful or connected, but I think those two would be enough for now.
@guesswho343 Says:
The founding fathers wouldn't let thomas be a judge ... or any of the women on the bench .....
@JosephNine Says:
@naruto5437 Says:
there is a huge problem in us constitution that judges are appointed by corrupt politicians and these judges almost held their positions for almost lifelong
@dae0ne Says:
Well since there isn't any age stipulation in the constitution. Can a 11 year old buy a gun? And if not wouldn't that be unconstitutional? When will the madness stop
@dennygreene7693 Says:
Control the Supreme Court, stack the judiciary, and you can stop the progressive movement, no matter how popular it is, no matter how much legislative power it has, for decades.
@redpapa859 Says:
Okay I'm keep it 100 this is retarded you're endorsing tyt that it's okay for 18 to 21 year olds to go to war but not have a gun 😂 now fun fact lean to the left lane to the right guess what you just participated in a circle jerk
@user-zz5bc2bj2q Says:
Judge pain🤣🤣🤣🤣

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