AOC on TikTok Ban

AOC on TikTok Ban


AOC does not support the U.S. banning TikTok. Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur discuss on The Young Turks. Watch TYT LIVE on weekdays 6-8 pm ET. Read more HERE: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on the possible Tiktok ban - it just 'doesn't feel right to me' What also doesn't feel right is On 12/13/22, Bytedance, Tiktok's parent company, "gave" $150K to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute, of which AOC is a prominent member of *** The largest online progressive news show in the world. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE weekdays 6-8 pm ET. Help support our mission and get perks. Membership protects TYT's independence from corporate ownership and allows us to provide free live shows that speak truth to power for people around the world. See Perks: ? SUBSCRIBE on YOUTUBE: ? FACEBOOK: ? TWITTER: ? INSTAGRAM: ? TWITCH: ? ???? Merch: ? Donate: ???? Website: ????App: ???? Newsletters: If you want to watch more videos from TYT, consider subscribing to other channels in our network: The Watchlist Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey Unbossed with Nina Turner The Damage Report ? TYT Sports ? The Conversation ? Rebel HQ ? TYT Investigates ? #TYT #TheYoungTurks #BreakingNews 230327__TB02TikTok




@David-x2c8l Says:
yes , tiktok should be ban in USA . I support the ban
@Derek-kt5tb Says:
@IndustrialSoundFreak Says:
If they ban Tik Tok, they should ban Facebook. Us gov keeps spying on us.
@hamidabdullah-b5x Says:
Tiktok have free speech concerns. In Malaysia, Tiktok block freedom of speech as well regarding corruption in Malaysia.
@Mrmarley79 Says:
@tammyowens7776 Says:
no. it shows up govt misdeeds
@Darealbignate98 Says:
So could going after and trying to ban Tik Tok could that be considered an attack against small businesses?
@staceybarnett2385 Says:
People on tik tok know why the government is banning it! For once .. they actually know!
@staceybarnett2385 Says:
Yes! It's actually about Amazon, Google & Facebook is lobbying the government because Tik Tok is eating their lunch!! It's actually dangerous too for Biden ....there is going to be a lot 170 million users/ voters pissed. Also, what are they banning next? Also, wth are they going to do about American media stealing info.
@midnightcaptain8344 Says:
AOC talking about borders is laughable
@midnightcaptain8344 Says:
TikTok has enabled zoomer losers, pathetic Newport babies to become gods and make money. It needs to be banned. It was a mistake.
@carwashfreak97 Says:
No tik tok should be left alone
@hengpohsee Says:
Banned tik tok usa dies mark my words
@timmyisthereason Says:
tik tok is the worst app i've ever seen. it's a cesspool full of racist's, misinformation, pseudo science/history, e-begging, scams, and tik tok takes such a huge cut from the creators that actually do something worthwhile that it should be a crime in itself. i am strongly opposed to censorship, even when it comes to things i don't agree with, but the vile content and misinformation is just too much to handle even for me. then you throw in whatever issues it has involving China and i feel like it's a no brainer.
@optomm Says:
@rickmorty7284 Says:
TikTok should be banned. Its making American kids stupid. No other country has this problem.
@megamanmegamanmegamanmegam8725 Says:
I don't think so, since that can cause the tik tok stars to move to youtube like the viners did and seeing with this one viner called Logan Paul. That did something so stupid with that bad video of his that he actually harm youtube and even cause the small youtubers not to be able to Make money, which I'm sure a tik tok star could do something idiotic too by making a bad video that can harm youtube and could make this platform. Even way more worse to use! which I'm sure those people that hate tik tok would wish tik tok never got banned even when the tiktok migration Could happen to youtube and would cause a big harm to this platform seeing what Logan Paul did.
@pan8753pan Says:
Is it a crime to behead someone in the USA? It is not in Afghanistan. So what would happen to someone like AOC in Afghanistan, dressed as she is in this video?
@jamesstevenson7725 Says:
Hopefully they will not be able to ban Tiktok.
@1m2rich Says:
Cookies on the internet are wanting too much private information. What crap.
@SpecialEdDHD Says:
Stop calling AOC a Progressive. She's a Democrat. Don't insult us.
@BeeRoyLee Says:
Straw man fallacy. Because other social media companies are nefarious does NOT justify allowing TikTok to do the same. All the companies should be more regulated and a reasonable argument can be made that some, because they pose increased threat, should have more regulations.
@BeeRoyLee Says:
@Dan16673 Says:
Lol progs get donations and it doesn't matter but any other group, corruption!
@EsotericallyWikked Says:
I’m cool with it
@ikerrodriguez9088 Says:
Do these idiot reps even have security clearances?
@ikerrodriguez9088 Says:
Aoc lost me
@ikerrodriguez9088 Says:
Tik tok is an company of our foreign adversary where they have no freedom of speech smh
@ikerrodriguez9088 Says:
Yes tik tok should be banned
@davedave3236 Says:
Jamal Bowman is the one who leads the TikTok campaign, not AOC.
@thesilver3794 Says:
all other social media sells ur info to china better then tiktok tbh
@theromulanwarhawk Says:
Like social media companies here don't do the same thing. LOL! Every cell phone and notebook or tablet - just about - has a microphone, a camera, and a means to transmit data. So, I turned on every microphone and camera across the entire planet and they redirected the data through different social medias and. Boom! Limitless resource of vocal and facial interaction for facial and voice recognition software. Make no mistake: We do the same thing here, but we're led to believe that somehow because it's us, that it's being done for altruistic reasons.
@twelvenation6393 Says:
They are trying to ban crypto in that bill too fuck them
@dennyduane Says:
Tik Tok is a private company.
@thatdiyguyraymondmonk1225 Says:
Should any government worker or official use it on their government phone? No they should not use any social media on official phones, but China only collects data on average Americans is the same reason Facebook , twitter and truth social collects data, to sell it to advertisers…. But government phones should never have any single social media on those phones. The corporation I work for “nameless” ( I like my job ) does not allow any social media on company phones!
@wontononionslicer1004 Says:
People, even if China has all these data from US citizens....what are they going to do with that? Push adds? come and find you? you know that if a country, any country is determinate to find someone in the world, they are able to do that no matter what right?
@Silentbet1of Says:
She got served for lying about a citizen! She’s no good for us as American even the Chinese ban sissy boys and the tik Tok they use doesn’t allow any of the videos we have here, they only allow educational content and real men hmmm 🤔 wonder which culture makes it the next 100 years
@Lu-MingPan-b5w Says:
Banning Tik Tok in the US is more important than taking care of poverty and homelessness in the US or providing affordable health care for all. What a sick society!
@Goatcookie Says:
We need to ban tiktok
@lilposie3504 Says:
For those who haven't read the "BAN TIKTOK Bill" it does NOT say TikTok anywhere in the document, what it does say is that AMERICANS will no longer be allowed to use VPNs. That means journalists will no longer be able to talk to sources anywhere on planet earth without Government approval from America and any other other country. TikTok is doing nothing different from other social media platforms except it posts how many times Government requests take down of certain videos, which is damning for America being the example of freedom of speech
@ghostccc8089 Says:
They give $150K, an amount that we know about, assuming there isn’t other cash in other places it’s still an issue. She’s a puppet and everyone knows it.
@daveh5575 Says:
These arguments do not work for why Canada is considering banning TikTok
@EclecticMystic Says:
Why isn't TYT covering the text of the Restrict Act? It gives them sweeping powers, and is the roadway to fascism.
@robertrussell1879 Says:
The answer is irrelevant. A market for the positive services that TikTok provides has been proven exists. The argument seems to be whether or not a foreign country can collect and use data collected by the software to its benefit. Whether or not a US business can collect and use such data for the companies own benefit has already been answered in the yes. Haven't heard one word from a single Republican about whether collection and use of such data by the US Government is a good or bad thing. So far seems to be more about creating a boogey-man that we can blame for every bad thing that happens than safety or security.
@regan2010 Says:
You provided the answer a few months ago...
@nikushim6665 Says:
From a Infosec background, it should absolutely be banned as long as its in the hands of the CCP. Bytedance has proven over and over that they shouldn't be trusted. Infosec researchers have been raising alarms about them since 2018.
@seabreeze9296 Says:
recap: Without going into the issues of your private data being stolen by the chinese gov, Ana and Cenk are suddenly against banning Tiktok , an app they were never really concerned about before, because NOW they are ironically worried about "free Speech" being taken away, all of a sudden. LOL
@michaelmirabal6349 Says:
Great post.
@worldpeacewishing986 Says:
How can a country move forward if the people making important decisions are just concern about winning elections and not focusing on the real problem. Data privacy is the real problem to tackle.
@grapesofhypocrisy9842 Says:
Can we ban Fox?

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