Josh Shapiro Makes A CRUCIAL Error
Josh Shapiro Makes A CRUCIAL Error



@magfam9980 Says:
So what about the arms embargo, she said that about immigration
@neoepicurean3772 Says:
This is great analysis of what's going wrong for the Harris campaign, but it's alarming to read the comments and witness the TYT fans implode when they get hit with a basic and obvious truth. Understand this people; Harris is on course for a big loss on Nov 5th. And there is one central reason for this – Biden's admin was horrible. I'm a Norwegian and I experience the repercussions of Biden's clueless foreign policy and complete lack any sense of power or principle. We're all praying for a Trump victory so we can see some resolution to the Ukraine war. It's fine for you guys to keep prolonging and escalating, but we have a border with Russia. I have a young daughter and want her to have a safe and joyful future.
@Mr_Timi1 Says:
Wait is Josh Shapiro running for VP because if he is this is the first I'm hearing of it... this sound's like Ana hitting the Harris campaign for no reason.
@jonirenicus6655 Says:
How would Trump be worse for palestinians ? Biden/Harris is funding the wars against Lebanon , Syria ,Palestein and probobly Iran in the near future , they are putting american boots on the ground in Israel right now .
@elisabethkuhns6076 Says:
It was a horrible border bill!
@voxpopuli5663 Says:
Harris is done and she is the SAME as dud Biden
@lauren6585 Says:
Ya, there’s literally nothing wrong with what he said. He’s absolutely correct. F*** TYT y’all are right wing loons now
@JollyJumper-c7h Says:
If the only alternative to Trump would be a half eaten turkey sandwich I would say: let's vote for that already!! So yeah, Kamala will do more than fine...
@breezevicknair3585 Says:
No, Ana He asked, "is there a policy that stands out to you that you would change?" She said, "my APPROACH to what we need to do around medicare covering home health care" THAT IS SAYING NOTHING!!!! what does she mean HER APPROAH ON WHAT WE NEED TO DO??? TF - an actual answer would be, yes we're gonna get home health care covered by medicare and everyone is going to pay for it via higher taxes - another actual response would be, we are going to tax the rich only and they will pay for free home Healthcare for sick people KAMALA DOESN'T GIVE YOU ANY ANSWERS!!!!!!!!!
@Grisostomo06 Says:
Another crazy rant by Ana and Cenk. There is only one issue that matters. Who would you rather have as our 47th President, Harris or Trump? How many important politicians are interviewed on TYT? Zero. Shapiro got right to the important point. This election is between Harris and Trump not Harris and Biden.
@javiernajar1457 Says:
Interviewer: tells us how you are better than your boss, who endorsed you.
@ingibingi2000 Says:
Good job on Harris not picking this guy as vp
@javiernajar1457 Says:
So these mistakes, do they make Democrats for Trump? Trump tries so hard to screw his election and his base loves him even more, yet the tiniest disagreement with Harris makes a democrat vote for somebody else?
@harrywan2604 Says:
Super odd thing that has happened to the Democratic Party, it seems that her campaign is PAYING social media influencers to go after Jill Stein and gain votes, and paying celebrities, rappers to fly in on a billion dollar jet and say "we be detroit". It is all so fake. Usher was on the view last month and said he does not want to get into politics its a personal choice, his name was mentioned in the DIDDY case and suddenly after he has an entire new head- he suddenly LOVES Kamala, he is a changed man. What changed his mind a bribe? Its so insane, as it reminds me of Rachel Levine pressuring the medical associations to REMOVE the age limit, and they did - the NYT covered this and not one other person. They are using extreme power and bribes to control the narrative, monger war, and silence people with "LOOK OVER THERE".
@mikeanderson9266 Says:
Trump/Vance is my vote!!
@mkcstudiollc5948 Says:
You guys are pushing people away from Harris at the worst possible time. The important thing is for Trump to NEVER be President again. I'm starting to think you might hope Trump wins so you can say "We told you so." Just terrible. Unsubscribed.....
@defcon1africa676 Says:
Ana if you cannot make a counter point without drawing a Trump equivalent then you do not have my respect. Grow a spine.
@michaelsamra3171 Says:
Kamala will not win Michigan. The Arab voters are not supporting her and most of the UAW rank and file are voting for Trump. Many of the Arab voters are choosing Jill Stein and the others are choosing Trump. There are a ton of Arabic business owners who are also voting for Trump because of the high price of gas and food has eaten into store profits even at the wholesale level.
@Bordeaux1979 Says:
She made a specific point 4 years ago that it was going to be the “Biden Harris” administration - she will always be seen as Biden unless she makes a distinction
@FlipFlop-y4d Says:
Nazionists did blow up 9/11 to find an excuse to attack the entire Middle east for isra hell s expansion ,called the greater isra hell...the entire middle east is at war alp neighbors of israel...this war is not about Palestinians its about the entire Middle East...and russia is attacked not by Ukrainians but by Zionists its a proxy war ,cause russia and putin since 2014 defends syria and iran and stopped zionists to finish the take down all arab countries...arabs are attacked by zionsits and usa and israel the middle east arabic countries victims are the vicitims ,arabs never attacked usa ...zionists created terrorism to demonised arabs so zionists are jews appear as victims and the world would support isra hell and zionists..
@bigrigexperience9294 Says:
It is hard to defend Kamala Harris on any grounds despite her rational reasoning. The basic fact that Kamala will lose is solely determined by her menopausal poor health that mimics Biden's dementia. A mighty nation calls for a driven, masculine boss which Trump appears to match. With 90s some criminal indictments, Trump is more qualified as a boss of crude masculinity and brashness than boring, slimy Kamala.
@gregzornek Says:
Top democrats realize this is an opportunity to rid themselves of Harris and be in a much better position in 2028
@wy2528 Says:
She is a weak candidate. They should have a primary.
@aliveandwell8730 Says:
Cenk, you said that Trump was the only one who didn’t like that border legislation. Couple of things, nobody really liked it because again, in an effort to push through more bs funding for pet projects the Dems lumped border policy in with funding for Ukraine, funding for Israel, funding for illegals in the US, etc. it was a garbage bill that would have done nothing to address the issues and only provide a fast track for more immigration that is illegal under federal law, but now would have a nice new name that didn’t taste like a shit sandwich being swallowed. Further, 6 Dems voted against it and very few republicans voted for it. So no, it was a garbage bill. Also, the first two years there was a Dem potus and vp and Dem controlled house and senate. If they wanted a fix all border policy they had the opportunity to do it and didn’t. So the Dems issue is that the first two years is ENTIRELY their fault and the last two years they’ve just put forth bs bills that were sure to go nowhere so they could say, “see, the republicans really don’t care about border policy.”
@christophertaylor9847 Says:
This race is just about Kamilla isn't Trump. That won't win her the presidency. She really is a weak candidate. She has flip flopped alot and hasn't given good reasons why. Then her democratic politicians are basically just saying well at least she is not Trump. This is so SAD
@robertdog Says:
7:24 I would love for someone here in the comments to argue against his point. She is more concerned about billionaires and mega corporations than she is for regular people.
@josleijten3194 Says:
I'm starting to like TYT 😂
@robertdog Says:
5:21 Shapiro talks about reducing burdens on families, but importation of Third World workers suppresses wages and inflates cost-of-living. Why the hell would I vote for Harris?
@bricem2041 Says:
Keep in mind that Biden removed the executive order keeping them in Mexico. And that border bill that Trump blocked was an amnesty bill for millions of illegal migrants to give them citizenship keep that in mind! You should tell the truth and not try to just say part of what happened
@CGAcheer Says:
If you want to be the change candidate- you have to show something that will change
@incorand6664 Says:
Shapiro is absolutely right not to take the bait. It's not politically smart to be divisive towards your own party. Also, it's concerning that yet TYT comment section has been taken over by Trumpist trolls.
@st4331 Says:
Simple question: Why is Harris held to a much higher standard than Trump?
@bugsy9007 Says:
What's killing Que? Mala is the absurdity of promising things when you are in power now and not delivering on the promises. It's an absurd campaign.
@andrewmartinez8340 Says:
Even if they raise the taxes to 35 percent, it wont balance the budget.
Stop. This election truly is not on policy. Ana stop.
@Atticus6557 Says:
Thank you Ana and Cenk for telling the truth about Harris, Biden, and Trump! It makes me laugh how bootlickers for Trump and Harris cries in the comment section.
@dieterradeke4612 Says:
FASCIST CENK also does nothing else as bashing HARRIS with spreading lies.
@dieterradeke4612 Says:
@dieterradeke4612 Says:
DUMB AS ROCK TRUMP PRAISER ANA tries to fulfil her main task: BASH BIDEN AND HARRIS to support her beloved wannabe fascist dictator Trump.
@willieshoemaker8680 Says:
soooo your a trump voter then... gotcha. trump will be so much better, right? F it.
@JAY-JAY74 Says:
Why would Kamala Harris propose a public option when TYT fought against Congress taking a vote to support Medicare for All during the Lame Duck session 4yrs ago.
@FOGSmokebeer Says:
lol so many bots Elon will run out of money soon {we can only hope}
@tinalevan1984 Says:
Between Kamala and Hillary, not to mention their views on letting trans ppl play sports and win women's awards, the Democrats have set women back fifty years.
@mattwhitely1067 Says:
Harris has promised less than biden did lol so she will do less obviously
@teddycheong Says:
Communist Kamala is worse version of Biden and people HATE Biden so much he had to drop out. That's the truth.
@seth_sesu Says:
Misrepresenting Harris's position on Gaza. 😏
@mrtee3477 Says:
IRS want my tax information from ebay on $600 sale. The threshold used to be $20k. How is she helping the middle class on taxes?
@returnedfrompanama Says:
Nancy Pelosi said Biden deserves to be on Mount Rushmore. The gaslighting by the Democrats is incredible!
@MrWhiltetail Says:
You are stoned Anna. She has a FAR better foreign policy than Trump except for Israel. It's Ludacris to base all foreign policy on the F'd up policy we have when it comes to Israel.
@FatVulcan Says:
I think Ana is a closet Trump supporter.

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