Chicago Mayor Blames THIS Man For 100+ Shootings On July 4 Weekend!
Chicago Mayor Blames THIS Man For 100+ Shootings On July 4 Weekend!



@rosco1960 Says:
Don't forget, Mayor Brandon Johnson also has a police guard detail of over 150 officers just for himself and his family.
@zeroman155 Says:
Not even your 👃 is safe in that area. 😢
@terrieormonde2340 Says:
Thank you ABL, I was going to bring up that infamous statement from LBJ Someone needs to pull this man aside and give him a history lesson. He sounds like a fool. LBJ was a "good old boy" and a racist of course, he can not go changing history now too, just because he is ignorant about it, but not by his own fault. White washing fences again as needed, to blame shift, LBJ was a contributor to the problem !!!??? Or they had selective jounalism back then too !!!???
@AlanToon-fy4hg Says:
Richard Nixon left office 50 years ago, and died 30 years ago. If hizzonnor wants to blame a President for urban problems he needs to start with LBJ's Great Society...
@trey9775 Says:
Chicago is a paradise compared to your homeland
@jayjaymontes9172 Says:
How is this mayor not in prison? The most corrupt mayor in the country, but this is what the people in Chicago get for voting for a mayor because of the color of their skin, would think the folks I. The city would learn from Lightfoot , Chicago just has no hope .
@charlesgray3458 Says:
Just drawing a pay check! Basically still on welfare. Quit allowing these idiots to suck our system dry! What a joke our country has become!
@BandLChickenRanch Says:
I remember the after-school programs and recreation centers as a kid in the 70s and how fun things were and then the 80s and the dismantling of opportunity for the kids made the rise of gangs (Good old crack days) in my neighborhood.
@TheOnlyCentaurus Says:
9:25 whoooo? 😂😂😂😂
@emilfjachmann215 Says:
@thomasshoff6512 Says:
@Blueknight415 Says:
Worst Mayor in the country, can’t accept his own failures, weak on crime, defund the police, sanctuary city, DA who respects criminals over victims, he needs to resign.
@marvinbaudoin7769 Says:
Just keep thinking like that and you'll never move forward.
@Abel_Texas_Republic Says:
How stupid are the voters have to be to keep him💀
@G00neyBird Says:
The root cause is government with politicians like the mayor starting most importantly THE NEW DEAL initiated by democrat president Franklin Roosevelt that cemented the welfare state that over time destroyed the black communities it was supposed to help taking fathers out of the equation and with the failed public educational system lead us to the black on black violence today.
@KahyohBe Says:
That is NOT a bad area I live in that area I am from Chicago~ Becuz it happened at the ER hospital that was probably some sort of retaliation of something that was started in another the hoods and extend over to the ER hospital probably where both perpetrator's saw each again
@jah5487 Says:
So this has been a problem in the black community since the FBI framed the black panther party and destroyed the fabric of the black family and y'all think it's the Democrats what about when Republicans were in the white house it wasn't any better trust me
@markjury6633 Says:
Keep voting Democrat. Elections have consequences.
@ronjon5386 Says:
NO WE DONT EXCEPT IT. You do!!!! Don’t you just love how this guy blames everyone but the true thugs responsible along with the democrats. Let’s face it. You don’t see this kind of killing in republican run states. It’s democratic policy’s that cause all of this. So you need to clean it up. DemocRATS equal crime. Period. And we all know the reason.
@Mr.M-c4z Says:
As this comment below which is right-on correct........"Mayor blames everyone but the Black Community." And......not addressing that majority of the killings are black on black crimes. City of voted this mayor in office and he keeps blaming others instead of addressing the real issue of Chicago crime. I would not step foot in Chicago and I feel sorry for the law-abiding citizens living there.
@JoseRoman-lj6eq Says:
And desantis he really broke the law he trafficked migrants from another state not Florida with tax payers dollars lol make that make sence
@JoseRoman-lj6eq Says:
Why dont you talk about why we got these transnational criminals from Venezuela desantis and abott flew them to are city they didnt walk or drive republican governors flew them here they where trafficking in undocumented migrants point blank you can try to justify it all you want it was done under false pretence to those people facts
@yhoshuajoshua7267 Says:
He is lieing bastard.
@JoseRoman-lj6eq Says:
And that narrative you pushing that kids turn bad just for lack of parents bs its alot of factors that go into why kids go bad you just speak on the ones that are talking points for a political ideology
@JoseRoman-lj6eq Says:
And the reason the cops cant do nothing half are corrupted just facts got look at the numbers of cops found guilty of crimes or have been investigated numers times its bad are communities do not trust them you know how many black and brown people are lock up in Chicago before body cameras for crimes they didnt committ its alot when your a sheep and blund and follow the narrative you never see the real truth
@JoseRoman-lj6eq Says:
Yall not from here or knows whats going on republican and democratic administrations both have robbed the people and lined their pockets just facts but are constitution gives us a clear answer how to deal with it
@JoseRoman-lj6eq Says:
Obama lived in the hood its like a 4 to 5 block nice area but everything around that is getto
@JoseRoman-lj6eq Says:
Yes its a bad ares just has two important hospitals close
@JoseRoman-lj6eq Says:
You funny pushing fox and newsmax propaganda goofy
@JoseRoman-lj6eq Says:
If the federal government wouldnt have took guys that kept these hoods safe and made sure they didn't target civilians would have this crime no on cared when it stays in black and brown communities but now wealthy ares and business ares got it to yall crazy most of people's shot are black but black people wont hold them accountable even carjacking are them just facts
@JoseRoman-lj6eq Says:
You probably live in the suburbs never had to struggle in your life
@JoseRoman-lj6eq Says:
Not smart goofy people from the hoods can survive a natural disaster before you why we got urban combat trainig
@JoseRoman-lj6eq Says:
Johnson a goofy he gives criminals hungs
@JoseRoman-lj6eq Says:
This jappen where the hospital specialists are but it's in middle of some of worst hoods
@JoseRoman-lj6eq Says:
Their ain't it's more crime downtown than the hoods right now this area where Obama house is
@JoseRoman-lj6eq Says:
Might be ridiculous to you but I'm a life long Chicagoan lived in worst areas poverty unemployment ect yea they all play a problem you don't live here never have shouldn't speak on things you know nothing about crime is bad all over Chicago even areas with money downtown got it to
@patricksnyder3446 Says:
Johnson's PERFECT SOCIETY did nothing but create a bunch of liberal programs that reinstituted the plantation and put black people on government entitlements! It's snake oil salesmen like this that proliferate and continue the deception within the black community!
@ChicagoGurl Says:
This is the worst mayor this city ever had. I never thought I’d Miss Lightfoot… but I do now
@InTheGame21 Says:
I drive Uber Chicago 7 years all areas I hear and talk to everyone. The city needs help they deserve help
@theczar6171 Says:
50 years later. After Nixon. Three black mayors voted in. And this man is number three. Yet the problem is worse. And the community just keeps bringing these clowns in. All these Democrats have done their best to strip the schools of everything they can. Then you had a community scream at the top of their lungs defund the police. And what you have is now even more chaos. And a mayor of Chicago blaming something from 50 years ago. Chicago’s been under Democratic control longer than I’ve been alive. And I’m 59 years old. Oh by the way you did reject the last president sending you help. We the people of Chicago need to vote better. But then again it doesn’t seem like the smartest and the bravest people want to even get into politics.
@carlmorris6744 Says:
Stop blaming others, because we are the problem.
@jaybz1276 Says:
Liberal deflection at it's finest
@zoomanx9661 Says:
He’s a dip💩
@shonuffshogun1265 Says:
I grew up in Milwaukee and once when I was little I remember something like 16 people were killed in 48 hours from what started as a $2 misunderstanding at a craps game.
@RusselllTaylor-o1g Says:
Shut the social media down in Chicago... They about to banned most platforms
@stephenlancisi9087 Says:
We forget that humans are wild animals like all the rest. And to think we should expect wild animals to not be violent just because we paint positive slogans on billboards is just being foolish. No one wants to do what it takes to fix a problem they just wat to give the appearance that they are trying!
@Mhel2023 Says:
Walmartavius 😂
@fredbarberjr5100 Says:
This is ridiculous and pointless,how dare he blame someone else for the gang violence in Chicago, what a joke,they put him in Office based on skin color not Character, it's not Gun violence it's Gang violence and no one has the balls to admit it this is very sad ,as far as these punk ass kids there's no respect for one another,this could've been avoided if there were jobs in those Neighborhoods to their own money and not have to steel or loot stores if the parents would've taught them better if both parents were there,this is an Embarrassment and very sad.
@cdbeardown1234 Says:
It’s crime ridden
@billyhuskey333 Says:
Always blaming never leading!

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