Man Sues 27 Women For Posts About Him In Facebook Dating Group
Man Sues 27 Women For Posts About Him In Facebook Dating Group



@TheYoungTurks Says:
Should you become an annual member? Of Couuuurse! Click Here:
@ImCaviar_UrSubpar Says:
Only men who are guilty of misusing women are mad about this group. Not necessarily speaking on the guy in this scenario but generally. If you aren't violating women, no woman should be able to say you are if your photo is posted.
@JasonM-yw8tu Says:
I don't know if these women defamed him or not. What I do know is, laughing about, and publicly stating you think it's funny when people are attacked on net verbally, is NOT going help women maintain equal rights. If anything the public is going to turn on women, and view them as the aggressors in modern society.
@plau2007 Says:
Do young women realise that they share on average 2 men?
@TheSistaWarrior Says:
Why is that heffa laughing? Those males on the panel should put that chick in check and point out that those females who put that young man's life in danger, are hate crime criminals. Only females get away with BULLsh*t like that. For the record. I am ANTI-feminist. Always have been. Always will be. That man should also sue metaface and suckerberg...and name yungjerks in the lawsuit too! Hit em where it hurts....pick a spot.
@Ghost_PM11 Says:
Super funny, let's make an app to rate women Says:
Women should have these groups for safety. It’s shouldn’t be Yelp for men. That’s basically like how problematic it was in school when boys make “hot or not” lists for the girls in class. A clingy person who also ghosts people = Women ☕️
@BoubaHaidara-nn4ho Says:
I want a good wife please help me for that
@alanlisting2080 Says:
she's laughing . i think anybody with any bad interaction with her should post it here
@adamlippert4209 Says:
My wife belongs to one of these groups, and she became upset with me when I took a picture of her phone after noticing my friend's photo on their page. I explained to her that since my friend, who is single and doesn't use social media, didn't consent to his photo being shared, he has the right to know about it. Additionally, I was disappointed to discover she had joined this group. I mostly stay home and rarely go out without her, except for the times I'm at work with my friends.
@Julzartnerd Says:
Men need to have more integrity and then you wouldn’t have an issue. If men treat women like their sister or mom you will be fine. But they don’t. No one posts your full name or personal info. Behave better if your worried
@bigdeweyj Says:
Fuck Progressivism, I'm done. I'm seriously thinking about supporting politicians that will damage women's rights after this bullshit episode.
@Gavin-mf3sj Says:
Is this woman a treat to me? I say women are a bigger threat to men the men than women, let's talk paternity fraud?
@joerock8200 Says:
How’s this funny?
@nunosantos989 Says:
Yeah, only a couple of women in Chicago, sure just take it and shut up, never mind if men's reputation and career are destroyed as long as women can vent!
@JeremySayers38 Says:
A mid woman laughs at men. As usual women devalue men for things women want protection from. Have at me for calling her mid.
@JD2.0N54 Says:
If it was a woman suing 2 7 men i don't think they'd be laughing.
@randallbokma2619 Says:
Good job LAAYYYDDDIEEES! You played yourselves! Hope they face the full brunt of the court system they are so accustomed to wielding in their favor against men.
@DarnIDidntKnowThat Says:
all the men who have been defamed need to get together and and sue the heck out of these women
@ravidaking100 Says:
These women bully and doxx men they don’t like and say they’re doing it for their own “safety” I hope he wins the lawsuit.
@nikkik3263 Says:
But it's 27 women. 27 women are lying? I dont know
@nikkik3263 Says:
I donno but if 27 women dated a man and share their negative experience i dont seehow this is a court issue
@cincinnatias Says:
At first they gave some seiois insight but then switched everything into a joking matter. Its all fun amd game until something like this is at our doorsteps.
@TheBazino Says:
Well, if the judge is an actual judge, he will show these women that making up shit about someone and post that publicly is not covered by free speech, but defamation. We finally need equality for women in terms of accountability. The time when women were allowed to gain rights without responsibilities has to be over (i.e. voting rights without draft).
@mycatsnameiskaren8253 Says:
It's not that deep y'all. Don't be an a$$hole.
@davidsoapman6921 Says:
Men should make a group with all the girls they slept with to find out a girl real. Body count
@randomusername3873 Says:
I don't believe people think this groups are not incredibly dangerous and damaging for innocent people. Is insane how they pretend to think "is about safety"😂
@blueskys6265 Says:
From my experience, its mostly evil evil jilted women on that forum. Definitely destroying destroying dating in a major way. Just not worth it anymore.
@justinmillette9110 Says:
When it's he-said-she-said, I reserve judgement until I have more evidence. When it's he-said-27-said, I lean towards believing the 27. However, it does damage the women's credibility that they have contradictory complaints. If one woman calls him clingy and another calls him a ghost, then they had very different experiences with him. It could just be down to different perspectives; a woman who wants her space would refer to 3 text messages per week as "clingy", while a woman who wants constant interaction would refer to 3 text messages per week as "ghosting". But regardless of the truth of those 2 allegations, if either of the 2 women presents evidence to support her allegation, then it will undermine the allegation of the other woman.
@sandwichblt9111 Says:
I have been victimized by doxxing and revenge porno threat because I cancelled a date after having a second thought due to personal circumstances. Even before the threat, I offered to pay for the hotel cancellation fee and take the date out on a fancy dinner as an apology but the date doxxed me with false claims and threatened to release private photos and videos they took without my consent. The problem i see here, it seems the accusations of the members have different definition of what is justifiable predatory activity for enough to share private information of your previous date online.
@beng4647 Says:
Of course. Women don't care. The will screw literally anything for money.
@jackcuellar357 Says:
Boring. Didn't hear that he was a threat
@barnettmcgowan8978 Says:
I'm curious to see how this case turns out. While I approve of a site that allows women to protect themselves from dangerous men or married men pretending to be single. None of that seems to be what was happening here. It seems like he was probably a jerk, who was interested in casual hook ups with lots of women and nothing more. That seems to be a completely different problem than him being dangerous or an adulterer. I hope for their sake, that all their comments were true.
@errormac9 Says:
You know this is the first time hearing about this, now I got to go check to see if I'm on a black list even though I haven't dated anyone in 10 years. Women and men can lie and claim they dated you without you even knowing them.
@SantiAprende Says:
There should be a group for men to complaint about women too. Women sometimes think it's only men who are messed up
@cfcg2416 Says:
If these groups had an equal space/opportunity for guys to defend themselves, I'd have no problem with it, but of course, they don't; modern women prefer to be able to accuse with no accountability for it; MEN! This is our opportunity! Let's do a tit-for-tat site/group outing all the modern women: -"Watch out for that one, she only wants to do dinner dates for free food" -"If you're looking for a relationship, don't date her, she's had sex with tons of guys I know" -"Leave that woman alone, she'll falsely accuse you" -"That woman used to do hardcore porn and now has an anything-goes OF account" -"Stay away from that one, she just wants money, has a roster of guys, is a crazy person, had another man's child and pretended it was her husband's, is a feminist pain in the . . ." etc, etc. Let's see how long modern women will think these arbitrary, public editorials on a person's behavior and character in romantic settings continues to be appropriate
@cockthesheep3051 Says:
L rizz
@NJtwentyone Says:
Are we dating the same guy!? One girl posts she got ghosted.. admin should have removed her… it’s one thing for an awkward date, or no chemistry and it’s another thing if he’s married and has multiple girl friends and everyone things they are on monogamous relationships
@oldschoolcollodion Says:
So he thinks he’s a celebrity and this will harm his career, or???? Does he make an income from dating???
@jkdatlvnv Says:
To prove prima facie defamation, a plaintiff must show four things: 1) a false statement purporting to be fact; 2) publication or communication of that statement to a third person; 3) fault amounting to at least negligence; and 4) damages, or some harm caused to the reputation of the person or entity who is the subject of the statement.
@davidtreywq Says:
What if it’s not someone you’ve met for the first time but a relationship that ended
@davidtreywq Says:
Look at Facebooks rules and regulations. They themselves don’t allow anything in any other form 😊
@filtrotp40 Says:
This is why I focus on the money. I don't really even talk to women as friends anymore. If you like me, come and get me. If not, I'll just pursue women who are more discreet.
@Poochipup Says:
They didn't use his last name, list his phone # or any of that. There was no doxing. They used his first name and showed his photo from what I understand. The group does not allow doxing. If that many women talked about him so negatively, 27 is a lot lol, he should work on becoming a more decent person rather than trying to shame people who have freedom of speech on their side. There is no defamation if it's true. He was worried about his reputation yet just made sure millions now know about him. He sounds like an opportunist to me! Hope he loses :)
@MS-715-7Y Says:
What will happen when men create the same platform against "toxic females", and make comments like, "half of her body is made of plastic", or "she's just another gold-digger", or "too much make up for me!", or "has too many kids by several men," or "Run! This one is a total psycho! And she's practically bald without that wig." Women in the USA are not victims; most of them are predators, taking pleasure out of ruining men's lives for kicks, like those "gym creeps" videos that popped up all over the web. Women keep finding more and more creative ways to be unaccountable for their terrible actions, including murder and underaged sex with students. They will step on a man's spirit and walk away laughing with their friends; and somehow this makes them the suffering victims, because the date did not take them to a 5 star restaurant on the first date, and spend half a grand on the evening.
@SummerSun-sg3wf Says:
I'm torn...on one hand its a good way to expose bad behavior...on the other hand, it could be slanderous.
@Frank-zv7gu Says:
Yeah, women, how you gna talk shit in social media... make a rap about it, or at least make a joke about it like we do. Take lessons.
@733t0ne-yd6qf Says:
Uh.. what does safe sex have to do with anything.. More so... 2 have to practice.. he just cant go up in her.. thats rape .
@733t0ne-yd6qf Says:
How can you be clingy.. and ghosting.. HAHAHAHAHHAA... WOMEN!!!
@Johnny.Brahvo Says:
Lmao women in the comments HATE accountability 😂😂😂

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