Is Diversity a Good Thing?
Is Diversity a Good Thing?



@privateer0561 Says:
Diversity of what?
@dawnmathis2659 Says:
It’s the same as putting to much salt in the recipe.
@JimLongCO Says:
Diversity is wonderful so long as the team is formed based only on merit
@spencergsmith Says:
Sure, diversity is great. Forced diversity is terrible.
@SimpleTruth1309 Says:
The Right has natural self-checks and balances. There are no self-checks for the Left, which has enabled the Marxist (anti-Jewish) Democrats to existentially take over (usurp) the agenda of the Democrat Party from the old party Liberals.
@marshall4759 Says:
Assimilation is our strength. In many one. United, we stand divided we fall.
@tonkajahari3010 Says:
We don’t focus on any of the things that bind us together except the ones that can be capitalized on for $. We all want to fuck each other, eat gross foods, and waste our minds on entertainment. So we have a culture of fat, empty headed porn addicts all trying to fuck each other in one way or another. This country is Satan’s paradise. 🤷🏻‍♂️
@illalima6670 Says:
Ben Shapiro said Palestinians are animals. Doesn't really aligne with your message, does it?
@qcontinuum514 Says:
Should Israel enjoy diversity?
@millsrickman7703 Says:
Diversity is supposed to be flavoring, not the whole recipe
@cosmictreason2242 Says:
Diversity is, intrinsically, a weakness. You can only afford it if/when you are already strong.
@JustaGoodOlDodge Says:
Didn’t watch the video, but no. 😂
@technicaldifficulties2522 Says:
Humans are tribalistic by nature..
@CoopBo Says:
Ah, yes, the one-many problem.
@rustyshackleford4942 Says:
No diversity is the death of culture
@clwaid5407 Says:
DEI is a terrible thing.
@EVLfreak666 Says:
There is no diversity in many countries because they hate everyone else.
@zayneunderwood1488 Says:
Intellectual word soup for a bad idea ...😮🎉
@patrickbaustian4455 Says:
automatically i want to break this down to right and left political factions. but its more interesting to think about this within each group.
@xzaviuraurai Says:
It could be... but it seems everyone brings their luggage full of problems past, which they were trying to escape in the first place. Due to everyone else being so different, people fall back onto what they know, even if it's severely restricting and thus conflict is born all over again when there is no agreement. Basically this is the leftist dream because they can prey off certain demographics.
@jesseshaver2262 Says:
No, it’s not. And you won’t have that thing that binds people together, without a common ethnic heritage. It’s why USA will keep being worse. It’s no longer a nation primarily of ethnic Europeans with all the good of European values and culture. Diversity means conflict and distrust
@stahhpppitttt Says:
Yes I agree but in order to be united we have to understand we are all one
@hawaiidispenser Says:
Unity without diversity is uniformity. Diversity without unity is tribalism.
@alanchilds1456 Says:
Diversity based on merit

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