Historian Explains How The U.S. Was An OBSTACLE To A Two-State Solution With Israel, Palestine
Historian Explains How The U.S. Was An OBSTACLE To A Two-State Solution With Israel, Palestine



@TheBOFAcookie Says:
''what we are offering the Palestinians is less than a State'' like England over Scotland
@joaobaptista8377 Says:
The titled shouldve said: "how the US alongside Israel is an obstacle for a 2 state solution"
@darrelljohnson1319 Says:
God forbids Israel to break his law Israel for Jews and peaceful allies only until the end of this age . Muslims have 24 sttates to live in Identical culture and Religion always works
@RossZ976 Says:
Clearly it was never Palestinians who refused a two-state resolution.....it has always all along been Israel.......they keep labelling everyone in Palestine as terrorists.....the world should wake up.....
@antifazisbonifaz6964 Says:
Yeah but the reality is that nobody would give a sworn enemy a strategic position and room and time to gain strength. The problem is that this two peoples are irreconciliable enemies. Sworn enemies to the end. Only if the World (the ONU) Would partition Israel/Palestine on the basis of north/south Korea resolution we would have a stop to the carnage. A parallel. Jerusalem crossed in two halves and the north part of the country (the most suitable for farming and agriculture) for Palestine. And the southern part of the country from the parallel who dissect Jerusalem to the south (including Gaza) For Israel who are more capable of thriving in a desert with his ingenuity/resources. Till this equation is achieved through war or peace (north and south Isralestine like north and south Korea) Nothing can be achieved there. Once that parallel is established and the country divided more or less in half north and south lasting peace for centuries and even the best friends in the long run (even Israel could do of "big brother" of Palestine and Palestine would greet it. If that result is not achieved by peace it will be achieved trough war. So the world should movilice to settle things once and for all
@bejimathew Says:
2 state solutions is failed I don’t think these people can stay permanently peaceful in long term because trust already lost they hate each other it’s time Arabs and neighbouring countries sit together take firm decision for this region for long term peace
@Ama36910 Says:
The whole saga seems to be about land stealing. Any excuse to explain what’s been going on for such a long period is nothing but a cover up for the lie. People consumed with greed and power tend to stop at nothing at getting what they want even if that involves depriving their victims their rights to live in peace. Makes you wonder what kind of humans these leaders really are!!!
@moester75 Says:
The Supreme Court has roundly rejected prior restraint you censoring bastard.
@michaellama1124 Says:
As long as Aipac ,control, run the Congress and senate, there will be no solution for the Palestinian.our congress is an Israeli occupied territory.
@elkobit7415 Says:
Ana has such a familiar face. Does she appear in films with little talking and lots of action?
@765Parsec Says:
Jimmy Carter might have succeeded in getting 2 states had he been elected to a 2'nd term. But we'll never know.
@bernardbeaudreau7330 Says:
It's the geopolitics.....Israel is the 51st state......and a safe haven for the West in the oil-rich Middle East. And a thorn in the side of the Arab world....not to mention an obstacle to pan-Arabism....where a united Arab world becomes a major geopolitical player. Unfortunately, the Palestinians are the ones paying the price for the West's ambitions. We in the West are collectively responsible for the fate of the descendants of the Caanites.....the true Jews.
@republica13 Says:
Takeway - the US has always and only paid lip service to a 2 state solution. The US' only plan is to maintain the reality of the oppressors and the oppressed relationship, while offering no concrete peace plan in the Middle East. Am glad I heard this man enlighten us on the real politics in the Middle East. Jarod Kushner, just a weasel. Ditto for Trump. Completely dismayed with Yitzhak Rabin.
@gustavgustavsson1736 Says:
Its so obvious Netanyahu rules America, Biden is just a puppet on a string.
@elkobit7415 Says:
Gaza is conquered by Israel and if the Jewish settlers hurry up a little bit in the West Bank, it might just be a ONE state solution.
@william_henley-invictus Says:
No need of a two state solution when there is nowhere to live or Palestinians left alive in Gaza. It's obvious there just herding them into the south to push them into Egypt. Honestly some days I feel ashamed to be part of the human race. For those that suffer let these few words find solace. Out of the night that covers me, Black as the pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul. In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the bludgeonings of chance My head is bloody, but unbowed. Beyond this place of wrath and tears Looms but the Horror of the shade, And yet the menace of the years Finds and shall find me unafraid. It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.
@imas1239 Says:
I wish you pass your comments to the whole world so they will now the problem.
@avivde Says:
העבר סובייקטיבי לגמרי. ביחוד אצל באנטישמים. אנה איפה זה פלסטין שלך? מי המדינות הגובלות בה?
@avivde Says:
צריך לזכור: הבנות אנטישמיות מצד שמאל. הבנים המוסלמים סתם אנטישמיים. אבל כולם כדרך האמריקקים בורים!
@danawakes2001 Says:
Chomsky’s been saying this for decades.
@passion4nation Says:
Khalid the blockade of two state theory is Islam.. Rest all damn political stuff... The hate against Jews must eliminate from your books 📚, that will only reach to a positive results.. Keep venom inside your fangs and talk peace ✌️ is a bullshit.. Period
@brujita788 Says:
Depressed In short, the Palestinians are screwed 😔 There is no will to solve their problems. They stole their lands and no one is going to give them back.
@collins48lc Says:
This idiot is lying They were offered a 2 state solution in 1948 Israel.even offered to give some land up They said no
@collins48lc Says:
Idiot they were offered a 2 state solution 5 times they said no
@ediahoxha3996 Says:
I think the best solution is for Israel to go back to Europe where they came from and the native Palestinians take their land back
@BadBunnyBaller Says:
The US and Israel are terrorist organizations. They should be hauled off to the international criminal courts to pay for their war crimes.
@juicyjules7409 Says:
Hmm 😢😮 🥶😞always at war k. What now ........😢😝😒😢🧐☹️
@JamesDoe-ie1sb Says:
I wish yu luck trying 2 neg. a 2 🙄 dream un...muz knot hav i ng et....u c what happened 2 dah egypt due. How much all dis spectisim is going 2 cost taxpayers...britz and Mahmoud Abbas must get involved and pull up their sleevez to help settle what day messed up! Im sure the great Arafat RIP wood not be hidden from the me d ia if he was alive Is Abbas under a house arrest programme?
@bearislandthuglife3463 Says:
The British gave a Group of European Jews someone else's land, imagine i take "Security Control" of your House and than give it to one of my Buddies?
@SportsIncorporated Says:
I don't see how Israel can cede control of the West Bank. Just looking at the map I'd say the West Bank was the high ground. For the same reason Israel needs control of the Golan Heights, they need control of the West Bank.
@Kiziarayen Says:
We don't want peace now. We want liberation for the Palestinians ❤
@patriciahenricycruzalegui4547 Says:
STOP PALESTINE HOLOCAUST holocaust=ethnic cleansing, mass murder of an ethnia fountain: google
@robertriteman3227 Says:
There has always only been one obstacle to the 2- State solution and it was and remains the Palestinians . They can change course today if they want but they have chosen not to because the leadership has only preached death and destruction of Israelis and Jews.
@Darr-vp4um Says:
They both disgust me, and l want no part of their ancient animosity. All they do is blame each other and ain't nobodies hands clean. They can all go f..k themselves.
@Realist-dr2ts Says:
TURKEY IS OCCUPYING CYPRUS: TYT, please do a debate when turkey is GOING TO LEAVE Cyprus, and when it will be held accountable for the war crimes against the Curds.
@Barcafan987 Says:
United States is not an honest broker
@RechtmanDon Says:
Why are Palestinians labeled terrorists and Israelis are not? HINT: "Follow the Money."
@ReBuild_conscience_palestine Says:
How can human still support this ethnic cleansing?! This mass killing genocide?!
@anthonymorris5084 Says:
The only obstacle to a two state solution is Arab intransigence. They have been offered numerous solutions, numerous times and reject every offer every time. If you haven't figured out that after 75 years of trying to destroy the state of Israel that these folks have no interest in residing beside a Jewish state, there is no hope for you.
@nahumhabte6210 Says:
AIPAC is too strong
@hunternedib1119 Says:
Notice how he failed to mention that not one of the 50 Muslim/Arab countries has offered any help to over one million displaced Palestinians? I'm sure there is a logical reason for that.
@easy_sleko-sz4bq Says:
USA politician have been bribed by israel lobby. So, their desiciin is to ban two state solutions.
@MadhumitaRoy-i2l Says:
US is good only Isreal is wants to problem increases with Palestinians . US only helpings to isreal but US not wants to Palestinians has minimum importance
@hunternedib1119 Says:
Joe biden has my vote. Every Jew in America is voting for Joe Biden because of his support with Israel.
@Metalblowing Says:
My dad was born in the USSR and thsy had "free Palestine" post marks in thw 60-70s. The USSR was adamant that middle east never gets any peace deal whatsoever because its international doctrine was built around local conflicts. So, it wasnt the US alone. There was a few global players thst benefited from this.
@flixfan1 Says:
Hamas is trying to destroy Israel and murder all Jews. That isn't an obstacle to a two-state solution?
@sarifffakun1021 Says:
Palestine isn't a piece of cake to be shared to mr a b c d e f Palestine is for Palestinians. The law of Allah the Almighty is clear: drive them away from your land where they drive you out .
Wow! Amazing! Shocking! Another biased, one-sided report from your channel.Well, you're consistent if nothing else
@maryboggs9554 Says:
How quickly we dismiss the fact that Israeli and Palestinian differences could be resolved but..... Palestinians didn't attack Israel. HAMAS DID.

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