Why Sandy Hook Families Offered Alex Jones A SETTLEMENT Deal
Why Sandy Hook Families Offered Alex Jones A SETTLEMENT Deal



@C1rnobyl Says:
It was very excessive and shows why damages should be capped in certain circumstances.
@mxtthe3 Says:
Sandy Hook Families making venture capital like deals now
@jeffreysmith2069 Says:
Third ear?. Dang it-!. I wanted night-visions w/vax.
@winesap2 Says:
Jones likely has all kinds of money in various investments, so what he can pay on an annual basis based on annual revenue is really irrelevant because he can pay from his assets.
@easye.2236 Says:
How does this reporter brainwash people every day with a straight face?
@David-hc1zh Says:
Did you see the clip of the father who’s child died, I can see why Alex Jones thought it was a psyop https://youtu.be/7ir4sWOPEdM?si=5EsNm2mYY4OSzxPx
@Abigail-ns2fk Says:
He's worse than Rush Limbaugh
@andreslucero8421 Says:
I support Alex Jones...! He tells the truth...!!
@ojsglove6221 Says:
Oh you mean they can’t sue him for 1 billion dollars then counter sue him for 2.75 trillion? Lmao who would have thought that?
@kathryns560 Says:
Sofia Smallstorm presented the Sandy Hook "story" at Conspiracy Con. Jim Fetzer then wrote a book based on her presentation called "Nobody Died at Sandy Hook" and wound up on the Alex Jones show about 4 months later. He didn't develop the narrative, rather reported on it. And Sofia Smallstorm got away unscathed and is now striking up the band on Chemtrails.
@acworthian7340 Says:
Excessive political prosecution.
@PaulReinhard Says:
"It's not about the money." It's clear that it's all about the money.
@LOADING...o.o.o Says:
If judge is asking him to pay massive amount, then we can sue media for providing fault information. It goes both ways. Everyday CNN, fox and even congressional hearings providing fault informations and feeding wrong informations to the audience who watched television at home. These people can sue against these media for millions of dollars.
@brambostic2009 Says:
So vax-ine injury is all conspiracy? Here's the latest data from Yale on Post Vax-ine Syndrome .(i guess yale is into conspiracy too)........
@steevo211 Says:
On The Run J
@matthewhelsley2840 Says:
He should also have to pay for the "forensic accountants" -- he's clearly trying to defraud the system. If he was going bankrupt he couldn't pay for the advice that requires forensic accountants to unravel it.
@xavierjackson6779 Says:
credible source like CNN or fox gtfoh
@xavierjackson6779 Says:
because AJ doesn't have 1.5 bil to pay it's a crazy amount to demand
@aaajjworm Says:
Jones got fined $1.5 billion for saying words?? Really? Gimme a break. Free speech includes offensive speech.
@bevzilla8863 Says:
This is ridiculous in my opinion! I don't think they're entitled to anything.
@giacomobianchi6854 Says:
Alex it’s probably full of shit , but the conspiracy are all around you, you don’t need to grow a third eye to see that !
@geraldrate8752 Says:
Sandy Hook families are completely despicable by not just saying something y'know freedom of speech, but to litigation millions of dollars you never could of come close to earning yourself in your entire lifetime, because someone's words offended you. P.O.S. all of them.
@HowDoesFrankyEven Says:
oof. I accidentally clicked on a Young Turks video, I'll see myself out
@kjflyte5088 Says:
Sandy hook hustle he didn't defame them , this is a garbage pushing channel.
@eddymia139 Says:
Alex Jones as president 2024. ✊
@williammielenz3752 Says:
$7,900 for house keeping? That hires a small army of Illegal imagrants.
@ServantofGod07 Says:
85M is still extremely excessive. Liberals are crazy
@reidabney9005 Says:
I don't understand how wealthy people get to decide whether they're going to do with the judge says or not poor people have no choice to just say this is the penalty you can't say well I'm bankrupt or I don't have time to go to jail I got to work and take care of my family no poor people got to do with the judge says rich people seems like they don't and I don't get put in prison for disobeying court order
@MWhaleK Says:
They should take Jones for all he is worth.
@GrantPearson Says:
Isn't it fraud to declare in a court case that you're bankrupt when you really just transferred all your assets to family and friends?
@DevilDaRebel Says:
Freedom of speech. Plain and simple.
@jimmerrill5471 Says:
1A rights loss for Jones is a loss for all. Freedom of speech, If you don't like what someone says don't listen or move to a country that jails people for talking theories. Founding fathers are rolling in their graves. Ps not a Jones fan.
@catherinebateman1877 Says:
He needs to be taken off the air! After paying a smaller settlement!! 😂😂😂
@kennethallen4988 Says:
The dude made a mistake so you ruin his life.. should take free speech at face value. Wth she mean. They is a sham to quite a individual
@kennethallen4988 Says:
He claimed bankruptcy bc they took all his money.. lmao. This chick silly af
@gtiguy727 Says:
$1.5B is unrealistic. $85M is very real.
@vincentnastri7736 Says:
Just a load of money grabbers then! You do know he never actually shot those kids! This is absolutely insane amount of money but hay there you go! Also I bet some of those families wish there were armed Guards in that school but I believe they were anti gun! Both of these two speaking are biased to hell! Whatever! May those poor kids rest in peace! 🇬🇧🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
@MrsV777 Says:
The innocent should never settle! NEVER! When this ends can Alex sue all the slanderous media like TYT?
@AngelaKSellsHomes Says:
Unfortunately because we have to deal with their stupidity.... We are never able to address the real issues. The vaccine does have some cardiac complications. Our CDC tells them not to aspirate before injection. Too many people are getting this injected into their blood stream because of their policies. 😢😮😢
@floridabudgetbuilds4157 Says:
Imagine trying to become filthy rich off of such an event.
@floridabudgetbuilds4157 Says:
I love how people that should support the first amendment never do.
@c431inf Says:
For a channel that has supposedly 5.6 million subscribers , interesting live news cast avg 42 viewers 🤨
@yubeluchiha Says:
Yo if all the famous celebrity told they fans to vote to ban guns across the world would they? Stand up and do it
@brambostic2009 Says:
Oh ok, his ear didn't fall off, so the va-xne must be fine. Like, hey it's cold out, so there couldn't possibly be any global warming. Amateurs.
@SenjiaMurtic Says:
Woah what happened to The Young Turks!!?? I remember watching them when everyone was just getting the scoop almost a decade ago and now it's sad to see another sell out..
@andresd4464 Says:
Alex jones is the man. Young turks isnt a news organization its communist propaganda. Hes right they are trying take guns from Americans. Young turks is not a credible source
@reubenhandel210 Says:
These Sandy Hook parents seem like terrible people trying to exploit dead children for profit. Its no surprise that a mass murderer came out of their community
@Blake_the_Drake Says:
Sorry, them going after Jones showed that they only cared about the money, they should have been going after the people showing up to their houses and making the threats. There is a reason why those people have in stocked even though Jones has. Honestly if I was him I would just keep doing what I'm doing because he's not paying a dime, and the original judgment as well as the settlement is way too much. Jones is scum but they're only after money which is kind of sickening.
@VictorianDad Says:
Does America have debtors prison? Because that's where Alex Jones needs to be. Can't imagine what these parents are still going through. I wouldn't make any deal with Jones that allows him to be free. Can't the justice system apply an order on his bank accounts to get the money?
@blessedheart3917 Says:
drug companies had to pay much less for the opioid crisis. which killed thousands. his fine seems a little steep.

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