Historian Rashid Khalidi Joins TYT To Discuss The History Of Palestine's Oppression
Historian Rashid Khalidi Joins TYT To Discuss The History Of Palestine's Oppression



@obediahpolkinghorniii564 Says:
It’s a pity he treats Jews as colonists on Jewish land. For 3,500 years the Jews have lived there. He’s just bitter because the newcomers aren’t Arabs (for a change).
@hmth86 Says:
How about talking about how Palestinians and HAMAs have an active role today in continuing their “oppression”… if Palestinians want to be free, fight back against their terrorist leadership. Oct 7 - what exactly has that expected to achieve? Was Israel expected to relinquish sovereignty?
@craigjohnson4011 Says:
Another viewpoint! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEoVzKyD_IM&pp=ygUVYmVuIHNoYXBpcm8gcGFsZXN0aW5l
@jordankoop2930 Says:
If I ever heard a more distorted version of history! For one mandatory Palestine included also the whole of Jordan (who controlled the West Bank till 1967- ask them to take it back now see what they say). A day after the UN resolution local Arabs and 7 Arab armies attacked Israel. Arab leaders told the Arabs living in the area (cities like Jaffa and Haifa) to leave since the Jews didn’t have a prayer in hell they will be wiped out. That is why they didn’t accept the deal. And BTW the area given to the Jews by the UN was mostly desert (the Negev) and malaria infested marshes (Hula marsh as an example). Against all odds Israel won. Arabs never welcomed Jews like some like to say. Look up Hebron massacre of 1929. Finally no solution comes from debating history or finding odd misleading cherry picked half truths to create any solution. Solution comes with a compromise 7 million jews will not just disappear. Here’s a fact for you from the Hamas charter "Israel will exist, and will continue to exist, until Islam abolishes it, as it abolished that which was before it." [From the words of] The martyr, Imam Hasan al-Banna', Allah's mercy be upon him. Recent poll from Bir Zeit university in Ramallah shows 75% again 75%!!! of Palestinas support Oct 7 massacre. Try and spin that truth or just change your name to young antisemites and get it over with. Just have the courage to come out already.
@nancydreaney4923 Says:
How much does Biden get out of the War in Palestine?
@westhoboken8167 Says:
All quite true,the partition plan was unfair but Israel is now a nation with a strong military,nuclear weapons and is here to stay. Some 7 million Jews are not going anywhere.What has to happen is the 2 state solution and the removal of the illegal Jewish settlements from the West Bank or at least the vast majority of them.
@ChaosMagic Says:
Thank you 🙏
@cpchris2 Says:
Poor Palestinians have been persecuted since 1917
@jeffs7915 Says:
You don't support the dismantling of Israel, really? Just about everything you say calls for it. Yeah and just a small country called Jordan to the Arabs.
@ellenpearce6257 Says:
I can’t vote for Biden. He’s a murderer. That isn’t a war, it’s a massacre. My family is voting for Conrad West. It’s hard for democrats to do that, but I can’t possibly vote for Biden
@tonyprice2256 Says:
What he failed to mention regarding the Balfour Declaration of 1917 was the powerful influence the NWO Zionist Rothschild family had on the British Empire, and still does to this day. It was Rothschild who wanted a home for the Jews established, and most likely demanded it, and Balfour obliged.
@berniefynn6623 Says:
SOME HISTORIAN,Besides them, many Arab sources confirm the fact that the Holy Land was still Jewish by population and culture in spite of the Diaspora: ·In 985 c.e. the Arab writer Muqaddasi complained that in Jerusalem the large majority of the population were Jewish, and said that "the mosque is empty of worshippers..." . ·Ibn Khaldun, one of the most creditable Arab historians, in 1377 c.e. wrote: "Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel extended over 1400 years... It was the Jews who implanted the culture and customs of the permanent settlement". After 300 years of Arab rule in the Holy Land, Ibn Khaldun attested that Jewish culture and traditions were still dominant. By that time there was still no evidence of "Palestinian" roots or culture . ·The historian James Parker wrote: "During the first century after the Arab conquest [670-740 c.e.], the caliph and governors of Syria and the [Holy] Land ruled entirely over Christian and Jewish subjects. Apart from the Bedouin in the earliest days, the only Arabs west of the Jordan were the garrisons". Even though the Arabs ruled the Land from 640 c.e. to 1099 c.e., they never became the majority of the population. Most of the inhabitants were Christians (Assyrian and Armenian) and Jews.
@marcusduckworth Says:
Laboratory and laboratory mice that have been used to sell Israel’s high-tech surveillance methods and industry for decades will be gone. Evidence shows that LAKUD Propped up Humas since 2010, at least since then, they have declared Israel a Jewish state and declared war on the Supreme Court moves that can be found in Franco, Spain, Mussolini, Italy, Hitler’s Germany. Welcome to fascism that’s why you see the allowance of ethnic cleansing on the West Bank and the very present Jim Crow was 60 laws specific to Palestinian Israelis. Hopefully if Trump wins we don’t follow.
@tingalayo6130 Says:
That’s not history. That’s distortions
@R.Pi_II Says:
that's great. doesn't mean you can be the worst humans on the planet. if you want sympathy, you'll have to behave in a way normal (non-massacrey, non-rapey) people can relate to.
@jojomakes Says:
@gX23x Says:
He just omitted the UN knew that survived jews of the Holocaust would need a home and could not be placed in Europe(or Russia) for obvious reasons, that's why they give more space(desert) to the jewish state: they did not want to assimilate jews in UK or US so they literally shove them there, then came the expulsion of 850,000 jews from all the middle eastern countries angry at the recognition of the ancient Kingdom of Israel in ME, these refugees forced to leave their homes after pogroms were forcly assimilated by Israel because nobody else wanted them. At the same time those same Muslim states declared war on the jewish state and they lost it, so (like in every war) the winner gained some portion of new territory. So yeah, just little details which the journalist should bring up to the attention of the public, unless she is unaware of it(?). Basically this all video is disinformation.
@ianiello Says:
too many bots in this sextion, oops typo, i am human, i make mistakes.
@kenst7954 Says:
There is never a justification for terrorist acts. Terrorism is not ok. Support Israel. I challenge TYT to denounce the terrorists and their acts of terror.
@User_00oo7-g9z Says:
Thank you Dr Khalidi for raising some new points in the Belfour document and explaining Zionisns oppressive consequences.
@herbwiseman9084 Says:
Read the Quran for where oppression of Palestinians really began.
@lavendereucalyptus3225 Says:
Great guest with full historic knowledge! 👍👍👍
@Kiziarayen Says:
👉Who among you believes that Zio"nism itself is the greatest danger to the Jews? Because in everything I studied about history, there was no racism against Jews in Arab or Islamic countries. Rather, the Arab countries received the Jews who were expelled from Europe during your inspection tours in Spain, Portugal... They were received by Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia...
@WayOfDiplomacy Says:
Israel is blind now. Still it must must choose between existing in the future as a democracy or continue on this path of self destruction by Zionism and racist, genocidal, Apartheid politics. Israelis don't know who the Palestinians are. Israelis are taught to see them as the inferior others, the bad Aravim, the Arabs. They are in denial of the Palestinians plight in Gaza. How else can you explain the obliviousness that led to the tragic events of Oct. 7?
@rare_addictive Says:
Gandhi called the Zionist immigration to Palestine as just another white colonel project. White European settlers coming to take indigenous land. He was in South Africa before he went back to India to fight for its independence from Britain.
@hollyaldahir5116 Says:
THE NAME PALESTINE IS OLDER THAN THE NAME ISRAEL WHICH CEASED TO EXIST IN 721 BCE WHEN IT WAS CONQUERED BY THE ASSYRIANS. The most ancient name for Palestine derives from the Egyptian name, Peleset or in hieroglyphs, Q3-Z7-D21-Z1-J18-Z1-U33-A1-B1-Z2 according to the Vygus Dictionary of Middle Egyptian. The Egyptians under Rameses III (ll86-1155 BCE) were besieged by a sea peoples whom they designated as Peleset (actually p-r-s-t as there is no letter 'L' in hieroglyphs). The Peleset settled along the Mediterranean Coast of Canaan which was known to the Egyptians as the land of the Peleset. The name Peleset was pronounced by the Greeks as Philistia. According to the Britannica: "The name was revived by the Romans in the 2nd century CE in “Syria Palaestina,” designating the southern portion of the province of Syria, and made its way thence into Arabic, where it has been used to describe the region at least since the early Islamic era." So, the most ancient name for this region is 'The Land of the Peleset" or Palestine in English. This name predates the Canaanite name, Israel, by at least 250 years.
@eddomovitch270 Says:
Utter bullshit. There was never a Palestine. Arabs were NEVER owners. They were tenants. The land was owned by Turkey for hundreds of years. After Turkey lost WW1, The British were in charge because of the League of Nations. This was no man's land after the Turks were kicked out. The Brits put the ball back in the court of the UN in 1947. His narrative about how the Brits treated the Jews better than the Arabs is pure fiction. The partition by the UN gave all the settled areas to the Arabs and the desert to the Jews. The Jews accepted. The Arabs started the 1948 war because they refused to recognized Israel. Israel won the war. Therefore Israel won the land. Israel was mostly willing to trade land for peace (except under Netanyahu). Since then it has been.(“no peace with Israel, no negotiations with Israel, no recognition of Israel”) The Arabs have started wars in 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973 and have been attacking Israel continuously during its entire history. Hamas beheads, burns and rapes women and children. They kill gays. The steal all the donations intended for Gazans. They vow to kill all Jews. You want Israel just to accept death. Netanyahu must go. Illegal settlements must go. Hamas must go and the head of the snake (Iran) must go.
@adeyminet2551 Says:
the main reason is jew banks funded the Brits and the French in the first world war period !
@yolandagarzabirdwell7188 Says:
Thanks for this great interview.
@OneBlurryLens Says:
How do you discuss these issues with people who just dismiss and completely ignore historical fact? Even if there are multiple sources and verified documentation to support? The ability to support an argument without going full ad hominem is difficult but not impossible. Lol.
@OneBlurryLens Says:
The book 100 years war on Palestine should be sent to every single member of Congress and every member of the United Nations. The young turks should invite noted social media historian Michael Rapaport to their show with Professor Khaladi to discuss the history of the Middle East.
@jeff6660 Says:
And Israeli oppression started a long time before that. If the Palestinians would choose peace over war this would never have happened. But when you hate Israel more than you love your own children this is what you get. The Palestinians should take a lesson from Chief Joseph who choose peace instead of war in order to save his people from death and destruction.
@Jstce4all Says:
Thank you professor to holding the flag of freedom after the great Edward Said.
@roy9386 Says:
The Muslims in Israel are the least oppressed in the Middle East. There is coexistence between Jews and Arabs in Israel. You cannot accuse Israel of oppressing those who call for its destruction.
@dinaspunge Says:
At first I thought I am going to hear some thing wise and smart since title said historian but then I remember I am listing to TYT the young turds, and he is a bias Muslim so called historian and the non sense and lies started coming out of his and her Asshole they call a mouth. Non of what he said is true just pushing lefties agenda
@thomasmclean1361 Says:
Right or wrong wow zionism is racism
@thomasmclean1361 Says:
Racism from 1948 black people zionism is racism humans stand ❤with palastine ❤❤
@thomasmclean1361 Says:
Zionism is racism humans stand with palastine ❤
@thomasmclean1361 Says:
Humans have souls demons don't Humans stand with palastine ❤
@machsimillian14 Says:
Can't stand Ana but, I'll definitely show up for Rashid Khalidi...he always has good insight on the issue
@bryanjones9952 Says:
You're not going to get that education in normal school systems. Probably have to dig for it at colleges...🤔
@Corrigan65_ Says:
I love this guy. I hope history can help inform insanity.
@bialikma Says:
The Truth is there has never been country called Palestine. Jews lived in the area long before arabs even had their own religion. So all this palestinian liberation idea is just a pile of crap.

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