59-Year-Old Lottery Winner Buys Pool Table, Then Accomplishes The IMPOSSIBLE
59-Year-Old Lottery Winner Buys Pool Table, Then Accomplishes The IMPOSSIBLE



@MarkKolich-y4w Says:
Its good to see someone win but I don’t believe the lottery is honest all the millions and millions going into it but when you have winners they are from outside states and they don’t divulge who won. I had numbers of fast plays I won small amounts and after scanning it tells me previous payed winner. Something is wrong here. It needs investigation.
@mychellevanschaick4321 Says:
I learned how to play chess during the pandemic...
@mychellevanschaick4321 Says:
meaning I knocked some pool balls around the table
@randomuser6378 Says:
Any way you make a larger amount of money you could consider being a thing of luck. Tons of people wanted and have tried to do what you do on TYT, for it to amount to nothing.
@IanChristopherson-t9v Says:
Lucky bastard. 60,000 would change my life forever. Instead, I'll struggle for the rest of my life and die penniless. If I'm lucky I may actually manage to leave some kind of legacy for my kids. ....unless the FKNG bank decides to screw them which quite frankly will probably happen. I've been a carpenter, a nursing assistant, a gourmet chef and most recently an engineer Go to college, they say. Learn career skills be a productive member of society It is all BS I am a born US citizen, and all this country has ever done is take from me. Now to top it all off I've got fascist MAGAt neighbors literally threatening my family with guns. This country is a hell hole.
@ScottEsser Says:
This is what would happen for lots of people if we had a big enough UBI for people to survive on. Everyone would pursue their PASSION instead of doing whatever pays the bills for so many hours that their passion is just a hobby. Imagine how much stronger our country would be if everyone was able to fully pursue their strongest passions. As long as activities that are harmful to others remain illegal and prevented, of course, everyone would do what they wanted in life. So every shop you went into wouldn't need to charge an arm and a leg just to keep the doors open and every person working there would be happy and helpful!
@upsidedownnoise Says:
Cenk!! 'They're British so, they don't make sense.' Replying in English and commenting on the nonsensical nature of the English people's English language usage is; nonsense.
@trulybtd5396 Says:
The obvious progressive argument somehow lost here is the nees to have solid social syatems in place allowing for people to take risk and explore opportunities without fear of economical ruin if they do
@robertahauck6804 Says:
They kept working.
@sndr_rcvr Says:
Knock = knock about (playing around)
@ChicagoClout Says:
@shad0wCh8ser Says:
If I win the lotto... F! Everybody. Do I know you? LOL JK... I have plans to implement. I would start random businesses just to see if it works. But I don't play the lotto bc my dad is addicted to it and it has left a bad taste for me. In fact, when I feel like I'm getting addicted to anything I just stop cold turkey bc I refuse to let anything dictate my life that I can't control.
@itsenergybob8917 Says:
When you're doing what you love to do it is not practice, it's just learning more about your interest.
@Empowerman Says:
Jeez, Cenk! Maybe you should give up talking & saying whatever comes to your mind! OMG! It seems that You Keep Contradicting your self...one way or another! 🤐😶🙄🤭😒
@Empowerman Says:
@hanselmansell7555 Says:
I very rarely feel patriotic but... 🇬🇧✊️
@AuntieMamies Says:
Great story ❤
@robertsmelt6638 Says:
Tax free in the UK. The USA sucks, such freedom....
@tommycollier9172 Says:
Super cool story
@mzavros Says:
Imagine how many people could pursue their dreams if we didn't have to work for the man.
@williambilly3269 Says:
Could do with a lottery win.. I'd play billiards again.
@DarkKingsKing Says:
Around 10 years ago, I won $15mil (after taxe) in the lottery. I immediately paid off my house, car, and other debts. Then I did the same for my mom and put a new roof on her house and installed a septic tank for her. Then I paid off my 7 siblings' houses, debts, and cars. That took up roughly 60%. Over the following 6 years, I slowly wasted the rest and now I live a fairly good life making only $17 an hour. I'm not well off by any means, but neither am I hurting for cash.
@lorrie2878 Says:
Ana, my husband is a journeyman brick layer and tile setter, also highly talented rock and stone mason. Want me to send him to you? 😎
@pixelfive1272 Says:
Being able to spend your time and mindspace on things you actually love, I stead of worrying about survival, is great for the world. That is the goal of socialism.
@rmcleod1960 Says:
"I used to think that." Cue spit-take....
@ray_donovan_v4 Says:
👏👏👏 Personally, i put alot of time into drumming over the past 7 years.. because.. "what else is there?" 😂
@BennyBsolo Says:
He is "knocking the pool balls" . Good Ol'Brits
@CBGuitars Says:
Having a knock or a knock about is having a (normally friendly) game, be it pool, football, darts etc.
@philliph8991 Says:
The vast majority of people with wealth are lucky. If ur born the right size. Inheritance...if ur born smarter, etc. Its all luck for the most part. Very rare someone makes it with a crappy avatar and 0 stats.
@GrandmaBev64 Says:
That's the thing Americans are missing. When we have everything we need to live, we can do other things, like invent and create new things and beautiful art, anything that makes people happy. We have to work so much, our creativity side doesn't stand a chance.
@1chiTheKiller Says:
If I won the lottery, I'd work with my sister to make movies. If the pot was big enough I could just fund the movies myself. You don't need to make super high budget flicks, but simply DOING IT would do miracles for my mental health, despite the insane amount of work and time it takes to actually make a complete film.
@mattsamoto4451 Says:
Now i think i would get rid of all my debt, and see that my mom is well taken care of and she want for nothing for the rest of her time. She has worked so hard for everything, even today. If i could lift that burden, and help my brother.. i would. Money did not bring me joy. It just made me worry less about "how will i afford". It made me happy to see the look on my brothers face when i handed him 10K. I told him Take this, and get my nephew BACK! and he did.
@mattsamoto4451 Says:
I like to ask what if i won the lottery, what would i do with it. Cause i think everyone has a idea of what they would do with great wealth. Now at 21 i had 35K that i could do with as i pleased. But i lived in much the same way. Only difference was, i always had weed on the table, food in the fridge and freezer internet service provider and a big TV. It did not go too far, after i decided to buy a decent truck, after my last car was a hooptie deathtrap.
@8arrows Says:
Takes money to make money.
@westonhemperley5289 Says:
Oh he won millions so now he's the enemy because he's rich, right? Leftist Jealousy is a hell of a drug 🤗
@jso6790 Says:
This is a great story, but it begs the question of how much genius and talent was lost because of the necessity to survive and/or "pay the bills". It's like the hypothetical posed by Virginia Woolf.. "What if Shakespeare had a sister?"
@betenu1 Says:
I think a knock is a shot/drink
@duncanyourmate2433 Says:
Cenk , your (self stated weird obsession ) is a greatly appreciated Gift to Us all , whom view religiously ,we Love the Truth ,Like You ,like Ana , yet with You ,in each story You a take particular interest in , has that unmistakeable Cenks Essence added,just a few drops is all thats required for truth & fairplay , its unique ,palpable and tangible, ( the Only network in the world that has corrections and apologies)that when presented (rarely needed due to accuracy) are not done so in anyway begrudgingly, when presented are timely .Thank You ,it does not go unnoticed ,just leaves me in a place where I'm looking for a place to put the sixth mark for credibility.
@invisiblekid99 Says:
He was actually the captain on the english B team if i recall correctly. I never understood how lottery winners can fall to bits etc. If I won big, like the Euro Millions 100M big, I'd tour the world visiting charities etc and donating. If you suddenly win millions and you "cheat" your way into that lifestyle I get it can be a challenge yes. But I've read enough stories and am not stupid enough to think doing eff all is now my life.
@beautomasi1701 Says:
This story makes up the core situation behind thousands of artists as well. Struggling with trying to do what they love, but may never get that break out opportunity, to make a living at it. Personally, I have been in some sort of advanced art, since grade school. Now 47 after a life of military, nearly every form of blue collar trades, and factory work, decided to quit my factory job and pursue creating something of my own. Unfortunately, I live in rural Indiana, where I am struggling without a local market that's willing to pay what some of my creations are worth. Working on that, but mentally, feels a lot better. So many talented people that will never be discovered because it's always a matter of luck.
@seviregis7441 Says:
This really is a great story. Thanks for bringing it, Ana
@msha9584 Says:
Ana can be such a downer without realizing it.
@bovinityleak2066 Says:
Follow your bliss
@soulbeatzmajor Says:
I love the perspective of atheists thinking
@narcissistwhisperer Says:
Cenk, I hate to say this, but the super rich are also cheating. I would not feel bad at all. I would put it to use.
@PrinceKeldar-f6d Says:
"They are Briddish, half the things they say don't make sense", you would be speaking German if it was not for us. Or more likely Japanese if you live in California, Spanish if you live in Texas.
@timweaver4551 Says:
You are totally missing a point. If he started out going after his love for billiards, he would have failed. Because he would not have had the money to buy the table or the free time to practice as hard as he did. This is an argument for UBI. Free people from the burden of having to work to feed themselves and get off the streets, and they suddenly have the ability to pursue what they love instead of becoming a wage slave. This is what rich people do for their kids that poor people can't.
@robertmurphy6566 Says:
I just knew you were going to say he took up scuba diving and was eaten by a great white shark.
@tintins4021 Says:
Winning The Lottery is not cheating, the odds are Astronomical. If you even have a Squirrel or a rats ass of winning, you can bet your bottom Dollar, they will make it harder. You've probs got more chance of striking oil in your back garden. (btw, don't dig up your back garden. you're gonna make a mess, and you probs need a permit)
@fiddlestickzmuzik Says:
"had a knock" had a game etc..just means he played some snooker, balls knocking against one another you know, ffs its not that hard to understand.

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