Study Reveals Climate Change NIGHTMARE May Now Be Inevitable
Study Reveals Climate Change NIGHTMARE May Now Be Inevitable



@JokersRevenge48 Says:
Well we had a left leaning president pull more fossil fuels out of the earth than EVER before!: More than Trump even. I guess the Earth no longer has any representation.
@chandleredwards Says:
Read a scientific report stating the point of no return is as soon as 2035. Previous estimates did not fully take into account contributions from methane releases from Siberia or the CO2 from Salt Lake drying up. We need to be red alarm all behind our common interest and preservation. Mar A Lago is worth nothing underwater.
@Rick-yk5qb Says:
How clueless to scams are these people?
@robertmartinez4174 Says:
and the real scary part of this is how some people believe that the climate change is a hoax.
@barrybateman9857 Says:
Complete nonsense. Sea Level Rise remains about two feet per century. Wait 100 years. Take one baby step up. And meanwhile learn something about the overwhelming benefits of more CO2 to an environment made of it.
@cocoaleaves6492 Says:
Don't look up was a perfect movie about how easily people are duped into believing what the oligarchs want them to and how greedy politicians bend to their will. Which has gone on forever.
@nativespiritindian8278 Says:
The Planet RED KACHINA is here again mother earth will move
@hassansyed5661 Says:
What will be the effects on cost of living crisis if Miami goes under water?
@Petee2024 Says:
The IPCC Target to be No more that 1.5 degree warmer in 2030 than benchmark 1850 has ALREADY been crossed, 2023 average was +1.5 c. Carbon credits do nothing to actually reduce emission, we need to get real!
@ofadeesnatz Says:
im finally shocked at this weather... we finally got a snow blower this year... never used it ONCE. im worried
@larrypilcher3791 Says:
We were concerned and climate/social activists back in the sixties. Too late smart. So sad, real bad.
@vanguardau Says:
But isn't Climate Change just a hoax, perpetrated by the Chinese to gain economic advantage?
@PeaceProfit Says:
‘Let’s see what happens’ 🔥🤣🌎😂🔥 Mankind's future. The natural wilding of lowlands by repeated storm damage of human infrastructure until the sea covers costal cities. Leaving one path to modern societies survival. Adopting cooperative sustainable technologies, enabling mass migration to higher ground, as this movement will entail a complete rebuilding of society and there will be neither time nor resources available for conflict, as the endeavor will require every aspect of cooperation humanity can muster... 👣🕊👽
@johnbatson8779 Says:
since climate oscillations are 100% natural, the outcomes are inevitable.
@The-Wide-Angle Says:
Those oil executives who organized this human-made climate change denialism propaganda should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity.
@Hugllls1971 Says:
Or build up, leaving behind some of the seriously old infrastructure in exchange for high tech, there could be a whole world on a different level, especially if we could use block of stone like used on the pyramid & other ancient mega stone structures!
@Hugllls1971 Says:
I know, let's start moving and recreating famous places like the French quarter, meanwhile build something cool in its place that could also be used & enjoyed even after sea level rise!
@LTUGang Says:
It already was "Inevitable" back in 2012. After that, "Inevitable" also was back in 2019. It will be "Inevitable" also in 2025.
@tehmackness Says:
Not enough people watch this channel
@ilksendogan9363 Says:
It is directly linked with chemtrails
@nitrofreak67 Says:
The reality on climate change is 10X worse than any news agency has the guts to tell. I've followed this subject for 40 yrs and always had an open mind. I assure you climate change cannot be reversed. Please bring on the best on the subject and you'll better understand everything you'll wish you didn't know. Here's a few names to consider bringing on or at minimum looking up. Dane Wigington. Paul Beckwith. Guy McPherson. Kevin Hester. Sam Carana. Jason Box. Peter Wadhams. David Wasdell. John Doyle. Consider putting these guys on the show, if you want the realistic reality, or just keep pretending to present truth. We are facing massive consequences right now! We are in a catch 22 and I hold news agencies responsible for it. Thanks for doing Nothing! I'm not angry, just extremely disappointed. It's mind blowing how little those spewing information actually know, they just don't get it!! Population all by itself guarantees our demise, so can you imagine how impossible it becomes to actually solve the problems? Ugh.. look up the people who are telling the truth, not looking for likes and followers... Take Care.
@sharonnoble3877 Says:
There is an important video from PBS called "The Earth From Space." It takes data from various observations, especially spacecraft data on ocean temperature change. It puts all this data together to give you an understandable picture of the way the Earth "works." It can help people to understand the situation better.
@kathyhallock2528 Says:
This is going to damage the earth. This will severely change the Gulf stream.
@MendingWall2 Says:
Skip to 5:00 for the "nightmare" . The sea 'might' rise 10' over the course of centuries. Oh no, what will we do! Elect Cenk President, that's what! He will assuage the Nature gods with solar panels and wind turbines. Or, we could just build sea walls. I think we can manage that during the next 300 years.
@martiansoon9092 Says:
Balrog is already here and awakening. Just check 2023 list of climate related catastrophes: Canadian wildfires. Bathtub temperatures near Florida Dying fishes in Gulf of Mexico and many other places like Amazon lakes, heat related deaths Heatwave, drought, wildfire, flood - cycle, specially in mediterranean area. Most of the planet suffered on heatwave (except Scandinavia and Antarctica) Hawaii lost one city One day category 5 hurricane (Acapulco) Extreme melting season in... All across the planet 50C deadly temperatures Hurricanes Loss of Antarctica sea ice (at one point 2,7 million square km's, ~size of Argentina) Dry rivers Crop losses (ie. olives) Floods with floating cars can be seen multiple times per month Over 50 above billion dollars catastrophes ... Situation is worsening every year.
@martiansoon9092 Says:
Mars escape apocalypse plan is for next century. Yea, 2100... But even that needs more things to go right than just dealing with climate change on our planet Earth. Making a totally hostile planet suitable for humans instead of saving a planet that has been supporting our life last millions of years... And Elon's 1000 Starships with severa öaunches per day will create pretty high methane emissions too...
@martiansoon9092 Says:
Berkeley Earth observatory says, that there is 99% chance to go over 1,5C this year... (with measured november 1,77C temp...)... Yea, it's one year temperature, but indicator where we are soon going (I'd estimate in 5-10 years) as a 10-year average, that climate science uses. In next 15-17 years it is likely that we are at similar point with 2C temperature rise than we are now with 1,5C. (Hansen, WMO)
@martiansoon9092 Says:
2C warming will cause 12-20 meters of sea level rise by 2300 (State of cryosphere). Even IPCC says 10-20 meters of sea level rise will happen with current ghg levels (compared to palaeo historic data). So most coastal cities are under threat. Having sea walls that exceeds 20 meters is pretty unlikely, specially when storms and storm surges are getting stronger too... And when cities dies, think about all nuclear plants and chemical plants... It is hard to see how far inland we have to move to reach more than 20 meters height from sea level. And even that might not be enough, because of gravitational changes, continueing emissions and so on... And all this happens while more and more people are migrating to coastal cities...
@doug6489 Says:
In Canada, it's not climate change. Its the climate has changed.
@andrewordog4397 Says:
50 plus years of this nonsense, prediction after prediction, and what has happened? Nothing.
@meeks2375 Says:
am I the only one who thought the thumbnail pic was a ufo spacecraft? lol...
@anthonymorris5084 Says:
According to NASA sea levels are rising at 3.4mm per year. This is imperceptible without scientific instruments. Get a grip.
@leespencer9843 Says:
it's too late...nothing left to be done. Nature bats last!
@kidbookjamboree Says:
It’s funny people get on here and come up with all these other explanations or act like they know the truth over everybody else and it’s all bs 😂
@SumNumber Says:
Being forewarned is forearmed . What goes along with this is large groups of people believing and backing ideas that are stupid to say the least . Even when evidence that directly opposes what they believe they continue to push forward. I attribute this to over 70 years of television and Hollywood and the fashion industry that generations of children have been subject too their entire lives . For instance some , many , think a Hollywood movie hero would make a good leader for a country and really believe it and the list goes on . We the people are in trouble on so many avenues it is crazy. I can clearly see why many believe that this is the prelude to the end of the world . :O)
@davidrojas7909 Says:
Climate change is inevitable, it’s natural, and happens every so often. Stop trying to scare people and tell them it’s their fault.
@michaeldavis9774 Says:
WE HAVE TO FIND A BETTER ECONOMIC SYSTEM THAT DOES NOT INVITE CORRUPTION. Capitalism only helps rich people get more affuent, while passing their effluent to the lower class to deal with.
@orpheuscreativeco9236 Says:
The mass extinction event that we're all in is possibly more pressing ✌️😂
@tube-vt4hl Says:
We went solar and all electric, cut our household emissions to near zero and are saving money.
@Ianpact Says:
I'm sorry, what did you say about Baton Rouge? 😨 So, are we talking about the outskirts of BR or are there places that need to move?
@TheMonkdad Says:
Very few people give a shit about climate change anymore. Most humans are essentially ignorant, lazy and incredibly easily distracted without intense physical pain. Climate change is happening so slowly that we’re the frog in the hot water. Even the young people who will experience the future pain don’t really change their own behavior. If they can afford it they’ll absolutely fly to some exotic location to put on social media. Flying is so bad but people still do it in record numbers.
@tyler-rr6dy Says:
climate change is real climate emergency is nothing but a fraud started by the UN
@IanChristopherson-t9v Says:
You can always count on an army of ignorant trolls on a climate change video.
@Mobly5009 Says:
Ooo. Scary.. the more these types of clowns stammer on about climate crisis is “tell tail“ Of lies! This guy is the clownyist
@issith7340 Says:
These are not issues for” young tuurks”. Go to your mosque to pray and leave that to civilized people
@JDMEXforme Says:
All planets in all solar systems and galaxies have climate change. Colder or hotter. It's nature you can't stop it. Even if we go zero gasses. The earth will still get warmer because of the Sun which is a Star. All Stars get hotter and will eventually explode and destroy the surrounding planets. Thats life.
@dbadagna Says:
The world's oceans continue to absorb 91% of the solar radiation trapped by greenhouse gases, which as of 2023 amounts to 10 Hiroshima bombs worth of heat per second, every second of the year. That's over 800,000 Hiroshima bombs worth of heat per day. According to James Hansen (2022): "Greenhouse gas (GHG) climate forcing is 4.1 W/m² larger in 2021 than in 1750, equivalent to 2×CO₂ forcing. Eventual global warming due to today’s GHG forcing alone – after slow feedbacks operate – is about 10°C." [That's 18°F!]
@neiljohnson6815 Says:
Such bullshit. Climate change is natural and has been going on since the beginning of time. Carbon dioxide is NOT a pollutant , it's essential for plant life. None of this is irreversible, it'd cyclical.
@tdublove9558 Says:
First time I ever watched a full 10 minutes of these clowns
@dmatty2373 Says:
If you don't like the results, change the baseline 😅😅😅😅. Hint 1750.😊

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