Trump Promises 'Ideological Screening For All Immigrants' In Campaign Speech
Trump Promises 'Ideological Screening For All Immigrants' In Campaign Speech



@AshrafMMA Says:
Strange politicians , when country is split on an issue, instead of reasoning & debating, it is just name-calling and "us vs them", fearmongering. what a shit show!
@ClemCasanova-w6o Says:
You go first, your an immigrant
@thepsychnurse4406 Says:
I'm a lifelong democrat and I just switched to Republican bc Biden is more concerned with Ukraine, Israel, and open border for illegals to come here and receive better options then the lifelong residents. Its a slap in the face seeing people who just came here using up tax money that citizens pay but the citizens don't t even get options like this.I'm so upset to see my fellow brothers and sisters in cities like Chicago that is putting illegals before their constituents. It's not fair. I'm black and there are many like me that are changing. Biden is the worst and I'm glad I left the dumbocratic party. The main issues I have right now are aligned with the Republican party. How can any true patriot support what's going on. I do however not agree with the attempts to stop freedom of speech bc people support palestine. I support palestine and struggle with Republicans that bash palestine supporters and accusations of being antisemitic bc of that support. But I have to look at the two options and in my opinion the lesser devil is the Republicans. Americans aren't first right now and if that is disagreed with then heads are in the sand.
@renardleblanc5556 Says:
Let's be honest, the *only* reason Donald is obsessed over a muslim ban is that he thinks it'll keep Obama out of the country... or, restrict Barak's movement inside the country, maybe.
@renardleblanc5556 Says:
Oooh, so... *now* somebody wants a purity test for their echo chamber in the deep state. (Obviously, the only departments suitable for adminstrating purity tests are deep in the deep state). You know that "horseshoe" theory of politics? (The concept that either extreme of the political spectrum functionally approaches the opposite end, making them indistinguishable in practice). I think Donald just invented a whole new level, where *first* you fabricate one end of the political spectrum (ie; build a strawman of your opponent), then, in your effort to distance yourself from the fabrication *you* concocted, you wrap around and become the fictional version of your opponent you propped up to vilify.
@landon1626 Says:
Why do i KNOW that most right wing voters would fail such a test 😂😂
@david78212 Says:
Trump is going to do the Arab travel ban again…really? Wasn’t one of the first things he did after being president to have a bunch of Arabs in a golf tournament? Didn’t Jared get $2B dollars from an Arab nation? Absolutely amazing that Trumps dealings with the same Arabs that he’s talking about benefited him financially.
@cct2557 Says:
Disappointed in the Grim Reaper for not visiting Trump
@afafsulieman462 Says:
Of course he says this crap, hos family IMMIGRATED from Nazi Germany 2 genetstions ago and father was a KKK member in Queens. Send this fascist back... oh wait, his father tried to return to Germany but Germany didnt want them back! No wonder
@TheRecollection007 Says:
look at Poland and compare it with Denmark, France and other European country who taken middle east refuges......... decide for yourself
@gbrown4x4 Says:
He want's to keep it nice and WHITE !!!!!!! if you don't look like him or maybe his kids bc he's orange. You are not welcome !!! I can't see how anyone of whatever race support this clown....He hates same ppl his cult hates......Anyone none white !!!!!!! He showed me who he was yrs ago. F tRUMP & anyone else who supports him whoever they may be !!!!
@suzanneporterfield8726 Says:
He will never be dictator why does he bother !!
@vitinmanriver Says:
Cenk summarized it perfectly. Trump supporters are either ignorant and hopeless against his lies or you know the truth and are just the worst kind of person.
@brendashafer4864 Says:
I wish more people would watch programs like yours.
@rickywade5964 Says:
What about his mail ordered wife??
@rickywade5964 Says:
Separate church and state. This separation is how America welcomes all faiths.
@rickywade5964 Says:
His fan nor he sympathizes with Israel. They hate Jews. That’s where the word antisemitism stems from. Hating blacks is second nature to them.
@janealamosmack8151 Says:
trump is a pos. Sorry cenk but he needs to be send back to Europe to whatever county is nazi run.
@justinegorski2703 Says:
Someone needs to do a montage of trump saying... " has anyone ever thought of that"? I must have heard that from him ten times
@cassetiquette Says:
“our religion”
@linklaing6404 Says:
It's probably too late to say this, but voting trump into office damaged America in ways that Americans will live to regret(making a deal with the devil).
@RogerioPerez-l8o Says:
man I can't hate anybody. Mr Trump the rapist is out of control and is dangerous for the true American. how can the American people support a man who raped a woman. the American women don't have no half of you who support the rapist.
@danielsundqvist2078 Says:
Yes we see the news about the safe Afghanistan only translate staff and families that come with the airplanes back to America 🤔 was it 20% and the rest was Afghan muslims fighters 🤔😁 or something like them.
@johnnyquid-xj4kk Says:
His whole family is full of immigrants.
@desperadox7565 Says:
I really feel sorry for America.
@donaldblankenship5163 Says:
Weird that the least religious politician you can think of is talking about a national religion. He has never read the Bible. He has no clue what being a Christian is…🙄
@JackWashburn-s8m Says:
idiocy personified 🤦🏽
@stacyharvey3554 Says:
LOL Trump!! Which religion?? There is not a national religion in this country?? Trump wouldn't like me either because I don't believe in any one religion myself. But he wouldn't be able to get rid of people like me that were born in this country and have had family here for generations. Can't get rid of Native Americans either, because this IS their country!!!
@HicSvntDracones Says:
@wildmaneatingcatfood Says:
For 1500 hundred plus years, Muslims have been invading everyone, it’s time to remember and remove!
@seankopperstad8884 Says:
Hey cenk i wanted to ask you a favor...if i may ask to interview you about your presidential run .
@richardwilliams9944 Says:
Trump just figured that out?
@Tim56ge Says:
When you wanted everyone who wasn't vaccinated cenk to be kicked out of hospitals and not allowed to be treated it's laughable to think you really give a dam about people
@Demanicon Says:
Trump's proposal doesn't sound like fascism at all... Oh wait, yes it does.
@dma9646 Says:
He's a liar, sex offender, corrupt, gossip monger, spreads fear and discourse. He accomplished exactly what he set out to do, plant doubt, mistrust, confusion by his constant negativity feeding fear and disbelief in the good of our government and society. He wanted you to doubt, the more he hammered his negativity on every established governmental organization ie FBI, CIA, USPS, newspapers, all televised news outlets, Pentagon/Military, Congress, Senate, Election processes, National Arhives process, the more it trickled fear, anxiety and doubt in the confidence citizen's view opposite of his message, that being the US is rotten to the core and he will fix it all with his slogan make America great again. His mission is to breakdown the trust and faith in every aspect of the long standing practices at the core of the United States. He does not protect the "community" but hurts our country at every turn. His constant negative rhetoric is eating away what is great about the US, turn him off - VOTE BLUE VOTE BLUE VOTE BLUE VOTE BLUE
@mookmook5715 Says:
Trump supporters have many things in common with each other.
@AP-op4rc Says:
Even if this moron could implement such a plan. Think about how stupidly easy it would be to circumvent anyway lol. I honestly don’t think this dude is stupid enough to believe in any of this. It’s just another wall type marketing pitch that was only ever intended to rally idiots who think it’s real.
@KimmersR-og3ex Says:
Feeee-uk Donnie and his dictator ideas.
@shamrock73 Says:
These goofy grifters won't tell you we've already caught over 200 people on the terrorist watch list at the border these were people we caught btw. And that was before the Israel war started.
@racionador Says:
hummmm what is ''our religion''? catholicism? protestantism? Judaism? theres so many variants
@luap2551 Says:
Get Trump in to start the Deportation of the illegals - There is an invasion on our borders - No Vetting ! Terrorism is going to explode inside the US - I believe they will bring the Military in to smoke out all these people - My God, What has the Biden Administration Done ?? People should be worried, things could get ugly in the next few years
@jean-lucpicard5510 Says:
Too bad you won't t be in a position to enact it.
@kittycatwithinternetaccess2356 Says:
multiculturalism dosent work!
@atix50 Says:
Wait until Trump finds out about the division in the muslim world and their plans for each other. Trump's mind would be blown!
@TotalWater-d2o Says:
Trump: "I want to implement strong ideological screening, if you hate America, if you want to abolish Israel" Cenk: "Trump wants to ban people like me." Pretty big self-report from Cenk.
@lauraknapp906 Says:
I know this isn’t the point of these videos but every video I always think, “Dayum Ana, your hair is amazing!”
@BladedBear Says:
Israel provides universal healthcare to its citizens. We do not. We're currently paying the salaries of displaced Ukrainians....we don't even do that for our own citizens, and instead let them succumb to crippling medical debt or otherwise.... and we're seriously having a conversation on how many MORE refugees we're going to take in?
@GX328382 Says:
Don't care STILL voting Trump in 2024 #Trump2024ever No Trump *NO VOTE*
@kathysguidedlighttarot3418 Says:
America doesn’t have a single national religion we have diversity of most religion

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