
Are All WYPIPO Racist?? Institutional structural systems of institutional systemic structures or white privilege. Regards, ???? ??? My Twitter page: Subscribe at Rumble: .. and Locals: Bearing @ BitChute Bearing @ Odysee Bearing @ Parler Bearing @ Minds Support @ SubscribeStar Support @ Patreon Support @ PayPal Bearing Merch Bearing's music @ Bandcamp Bearing's music @ Spotify ??? Fair use. This video may contain copyrighted material; the use of which has been for the purposes of criticism, comment, review and news reporting which constitutes 'fair use' under section 107 of the US Copyright Law. Not withstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work for purposes such as criticism, comment, review and news reporting is not an infringement of copyright. ??? Background music by DJ Quads Outro music by No Credit Business enquiries sales[at] Bearing enquiries bearing.australia[at]




@G94Nick Says:
2:25 "i want a show of hands of everyone at this table.. who is r@cist" Me eagerly: πŸ™‹β€β™‚πŸ˜ƒ .. oh.. was I not supposed to be.. okay then.
@Freedom2FlyDrones Says:
Anyone notice the black woman don't think she's a racist?
@Freedom2FlyDrones Says:
Bearing, I'm tired of hearing this introspective "oh woe, is me" BS. Who can we blame for our own failings, if it were racism the Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Indian and Colombian and immigrant african kids would also be failing, bit they don't its those non-whites born to formerly African heritage in these respective predominantly white western nations that cry about racism and lack of opportunity etc. Truth is they don't want to graft for what they want, when they can be gifted what they want by creating guilt in the majority group. Truth is, it's not about white people, it could be just as easily Chinese or Korean or other Africans or middle Eastern muslims, anyone who out numbered them would be their target. This is not about whites being racist its about whites not giving these lazy, opinionated and quite frankly arrogant bastards what they demand. US is the key framing here so let's look there unemployment crime and unmarried childbirth, gang culture, weapons crimes are all significantly higher in black populations, that is an issue with their communities and behaviours, thus is why a few succeed as these are either already away from that, cone from mixed parentage (black and white) or are determined not to stay in that environment and push themselves. The rest wallow in this ghetto, with their language, attitudes and lifestyles. That is not western racism its black reluctance to make the effort to excel and exit. If everything is to return to what it was in history then we must end Islam, go back to roman laws and lands and pay our debts to black slaves, when they've paid for enslaving their own first. This is stupid thinking and typical of any grift, look at israel now claiming it was always israel, despite it never in history ever being called israel or anywhere called israel. The world is filled with grifters all out for something for nothing and claiming they are owed.
@skylerwicker7432 Says:
The black lady should've raised her hand. im racist lol against other people behind closed doors, of course. lol πŸ˜‚, conservative racist πŸ˜‚ like all Americans, no harsh feelings, just normal stuff πŸ˜‚
@BaronVonStauffenberg Says:
The women who are actually racist as fuck are calling the women who are not being racist racist. Every last one of the "WOC" should have raised their hands (both of them) when asked who there was racist. Idk if the white women are actually racist or not, but they are really $tupid for paying those racist women to be treated like crap. Idk why anybody would actually do that. It's ridiculous.
@mattmccullough1093 Says:
I can tell you what good white people have done in the last four hundred years. Freed the slaves. Approve the 1964 civil rights act. Gave black people the same equal opportunities and same rights as whites. Good white people gave black people the right to vote. It was good white people that tried to stop slavery from ever happening on the high seas And white people were the very first people on the face of the year to ever end slavery.
@DavidReynolds84 Says:
She asked why she gets so upset being told she's racist?....... Why do you get so upset being told you weren't a slave??
@freelancenerd4804 Says:
Essentially ur watching open racism on tv. Nutty. Iv worked in a lot of inner cities and Iv never been on the look out for dangerous white women….. check the stats.
@getinTHEBIN318 Says:
She is Asian. They are the richest people in America.
@Fyrecide Says:
Grifters. Plain and simple. Literally tried to invalidate anything anyone in the room said based on their skin color. Wow.
@cdreg9133 Says:
Lmao πŸ˜‚ these 304s are nuts πŸ₯œ! Sad but funny as hell.
@AliAntarAllahsServant Says:
Why don't people use the "it didn't happen to you" argument with jews? Black Americans have faced systematic racism since 1492 to today.
@daduronronron3955 Says:
No. And anyone who makes generalizations about a person based on their race and not their character is the text book definition of racist. You can muddy the water about privilege all you want but at the end of the day when you meet your maker and you have acted like that he's going to want to know why you are as racist as Hitler was.
@jimmcmillan8192 Says:
why do we listen to women in the first place
@IhategoogleAlot Says:
God you people are so fucking sad πŸ˜‚
@dervakommtvonhinten517 Says:
cause you have never given me anything.... oh so how much have you given white people? why should white people care about you at all? ok, i cant watch this bullshitfest to the end. what is the original video called?
@dervakommtvonhinten517 Says:
are all black people racist?
@irvingguzman2612 Says:
Every time I see a racie grifter I become a little more racist lol. And I'm Mexican, we're racist already, put us in a room with people of every color and we're gonna make fun of every mf
@andywheeler8003 Says:
There are extremes to all sides. What is worse this dumb shit or hate filled racists? I would take this over the right anyday.
@Eener1000 Says:
The US just had a black guy for president for multiple terms... If that isn't proof of equal chances I don't know what is. I know for a fact I'm not a privileged white male; my family comes from peat digging yokels barely scraping by while working long grueling hours stuck up to their wastes in marshland. We didn't have slaves, we WERE the slaves
@Sopranos990 Says:
What has good white people done Ended slavery Fought in wars for freedom (including black people) Led countries and states
@6banzai5 Says:
the trails of their liberal tears are bothering the shite out of these women
@SinnerChrono Says:
Its funny how nobody mentions that only 500k africans were brought to America, 2.5 million were brought to the Caribbean, 4m were brought to brazil. Nobody talks about brazils slavery past. Slavery was a thing there decades after we abolished it in america. But nobody brings that up.
Hearing these woman talk makes my brain atrophy.
@JFire2006 Says:
Notice how all the (once upon a time) well-to-do nations and areas are being over run with migrants who drastically lower the quality of life and drastically increase the rates of crime and violence? Notice who's doing the "mostly peaceful" protests? Notice who are in the flash mobs of looters? You're goddamn right we're racist, it's a survival instinct. Not all cultures are compatible, not all diversity is strength, it has been a detriment. Trash in, trash out, and we wonder why society has gone to shit. Let real violent racism come back, and these bitches will pine for the days of this limp wristed "racism"
@spekz7070 Says:
bro where the fk did you find this shit? xD this just reminds me of the will smith/jada pinket red table thing haha
@TheBayzent Says:
7:40 In hindsight, keeping in mind the success of the Grey novels and so on, that may indeed be the problem. She wants somebody to call massa while she gets her ass pounded into 1860.
@TheBayzent Says:
"Color blidness is white supremacy" OK, geesh, I'll tell my kids to hate brown people, Curry Karen.
@SleepySkullhead Says:
9:35 This is hilarious out of context, everyone cheering about being racist. XD Must be like those white supremacist meetings I've heard about.
@Rand00mThing Says:
This is closest thing we have to a tupper party in 2023.
@picobyte Says:
There are not many white oeople.
@sammorgan31 Says:
Well, seeing as how we haven't disposed of everyone else, probably not.
@SNFLR Says:
Sorry mate, i always enjoy your videos but I actually can't listen to those women anymore haha
@michaelb2547 Says:
Id be racist on purpose just to get on their nerves, cause they already think I am so fuck it. Like i would ask if they could sit at a different table. Like fuck you were all gonna be uncomfortable. Like just refer and address them as darky. Like ask them if they've cooked food with dirty hands or stolen from Walmart recently.
@HaggisMuncher-69-420 Says:
Honestly, because of these two women and all the others like them, I'm actually a racist. I think that, if us whites managed to enslave them, free them AND it still triggers them to this day despite never actually being slaved, then that makes us superior.
@michaelpaliden6660 Says:
These. :women: are dangresly stupid.
@LaaLas-hw1cg Says:
They demand reparations from the whites all the time
@falconcorban4128 Says:
Eye's that ladies house.. Yea, sure, nothings changed in 400 yrs, who's house is that? I don't have a house like that, I know more about hardship than the 'oppressed' minorities in that house. Grew up near the Ghetto, these fecks don't know wtf they are talking about with their white supremacy BS and likely never had to do hard labor and worry about missing a meal or getting kicked onto the street ( I have). This Black lady and Indian woman are both racist, by trying to force whites as being racist just cause of skin color, not by actions/ words.
@KP4views Says:
Ofcourse not
@raistrose7773 Says:
Martin Luther King Jr must be rolling in his fucking grave. We should set up a damn power plant...
@dannyknightblade4592 Says:
What have whyte people done for the last 450 years? Let me see, invented cars, trains, airplanes, computers, phones, light bulbs and a ton of other things that have enhanced the quality of life for human beings all around the world. Also, the British and American whyte majority ended slavery in their countries while the Africans kept the slave trade going in Africa. People don't have to kiss whyte people's feet for all they've done for humanity in just the past 450 years; but they could at least be grateful for whyte people's many positive contributions to humankind.
@doctormalleycat Says:
"what about being called a racist makes you so upset?" How the hell are you supposed to answer that question any other way than because i am not racist so i take offense to being called one even the most eacist people dont think they are being racist its an offensive tetm to everyone you dummy
@bradfromthewell Says:
Everytime i finish watching something like this the first thought that genuinely goes through my brain is "well, if i wasnt racist before I guess I am now".
@JSchaffer214 Says:
I left my white privilege in the run down trailer I grew up in as a child in the 80's. The same place I lived when my Mother couldn't get a full time job and so My Dad worked a full time and part time job at the same time just to make ends meet. My parents did the best they could for me and I'm thankful for everything I they provided for me and everything I have today. But now I've worked my way out of that poverty and so have my parents. "White privilege" didn't GIVE any one of us a damn thing! We all worked for it! I apologize to no one outside of our family for anything.
@christopherdickinson4291 Says:
These people are proof that racism is alive and well... its just done a 180.
@paulhercules1740 Says:
I just can't watch these Fools.
@gooner72 Says:
There's a Minor Threat song called "Guilty of Being White." I suggest you give it a listen.....
@TheCrapOnYourStrapOn Says:
I am now 100% racist. Thank you for opening my eyes and showing me the error of being tolerant, leftists.
@CrashBandiii Says:
Oh god this is hilarious πŸ˜‚ America is so fucked πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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