John Griffin... Rick Saleeby... Is there a pedophile problem at CNN?

John Griffin... Rick Saleeby... Is there a pedophile problem at CNN?


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@davidwhitten3596 Says:
Some people ain't no damn good You can't trust 'em, you can't love em No good deed goes unpunished And I don't mind being their whipping boy I've had that pleasure for years and years No, no I never was a sinner-tell me what else can I do Second best is what you get-till you learn to bend this rules Time respects no person-what you lift up must fall They're waiting outside-to claim my crumblin' walls Saw my picture in the paper Read the news around my face And now some people Don't want to treat me the same When the walls come tumblin' down When the walls come crumblin' crumblin' When the walls come tumblin' tumblin' down
@ianbuick8946 Says:
When is the trial?
@GinaPressley Says:
Sickening, this is why cnn doesn't like movie out about child trafficking
@JohnJSteinbeck Says:
What a sick evil devil … he will face his own deep oblivion with all the other deviant pedophiles
@melaniewalker1352 Says:
Sure they're all for it 😢
@speaklifegardenhomesteadpe8783 Says:
Woodchippers. Or. Live in prison.
@1All-TimeAuntie Says:
Judging by the views, YT is clearly censoring Project Veritas channel. I'm an all notifications subscriber and I still had to go search for their content 🤦🏾‍♀️
@Amanda-vi3di Says:
She doesn’t exactly give you good vibes either. How did this relationship come about? Why does she sound stoned/ out of it ? Take all that production makeup off and you’ll have what looks like a child predator too. I don’t get a good feeling from this woman whatsoever either…
@nicolepaul6317 Says:
Doubt this story will be on CNN
@kingdomofhope3371 Says:
🤮 burn baby burn!! Firey hot millstones await your arrival. 😤
@AriArcher Says:
@GleichUmDieEcke Says:
@bigcat2520 Says:
What happened to the show how to catch a predator?? Is that still on? We need more of that. Chris Hanson?
@anthonymaddison9588 Says:
Trump's Fault for sure
@truthseeker1278 Says:
Why this case should interest the whole nation?! What has became of Project Veritas?! Will U start with propaganda now as well??
@JuliaRoberts45 Says:
You f#ckerz got rid of James. What were you thinking?
@JuliaRoberts45 Says:
You f#ckerz got rid of James. What were you thinking?
@tootalllaw6774 Says:
Would be real nice if PV hadn’t F’d over JOK
@ferrelli1001 Says:
This is old
@Bereshere Says:
James O'Keefe covered this a long time ago folks
@Seaileanu Says:
Tip of the iceberg...
@jbtechcon7434 Says:
If you're a Democrat, you support pedophiles.
@nurg881 Says:
This isnt new info.....
@user-fc1ld9ts8u Says:
It is imperative that Project Veritas continue to uncover these evildoers. Whoever is running the Project along with current staff deserve credit.
@Tom67X Says:
The demons are loosed- not figuratively.
@garethwest9069 Says:
Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him; Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, Because of the man who brings wicked schemes to pass. Cease from anger, and forsake wrath; Do not fret—it only causes harm. For evildoers shall be cut off; But those who wait on the Lord, They shall inherit the earth. For yet a little while and the wicked shall be no more; Indeed, you will look carefully for his place, But it shall be no more. But the meek shall inherit the earth, And shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace. The wicked plots against the just, And gnashes at him with his teeth. The Lord laughs at him, For He sees that his day is coming. The wicked have drawn the sword And have bent their bow, To cast down the poor and needy, To slay those who are of upright conduct. Their sword shall enter their own heart, And their bows shall be broken. - Psalm 37:7-15
@nayrtnartsipacify Says:
its too bad project veritas got taken over by the rainbow mafia
@lauraleigh5562 Says:
How about CNN bringing back kink meister Jeffrey Toobin after his disgusting behavior.
@travisramey4122 Says:
You didn't expose the pedophiles James O'Keefe did.
@MatthewSumpter Says:
So, now that James is gone, they just take his old videos and edit him out and repost?
@250sabre Says:
CNN is full of pedophiles !!
@repentjesusiscomingsoon1529 Says:
@inhust4881 Says:
#cnn #pedophilia #corruption
@reliableandrew Says:
How is it a ‘CNN’ thing, as opposed to simply these two individual men’s depraved behaviours? Reaching for salaciousness.
@PJ-gi1vw Says:
That mother needs to not marry him and get a restraining order ! Yes that is a pedophile and he going to groom or just go straight to rape her daughter. He marrying her for the daughter to get exploited and fucked up for life.
@gangstaslim852 Says:
Go get this mf of the street gov.
@lightfountain Says:
The obvious answer is yes.. I know this was 2yrs ago..but it appears the problem hasn't adequately been dealt with....
@patricia7606 Says:
@johnsouth3912 Says:
There is a pedophile problem in the entertainment industry!
@WillieKroukamp Says:
Now that you kicked out James you can't produce new investigations? You are dying... Corrupt. Would be funny if OMG expose project very
@MsFreedom62 Says:
Bust this slime bucket!
@jax408 Says:
These people are sick and Evil
@robertb.seddon1687 Says:
World on Fire...and gone astray!
@johnmoniger3008 Says:
@RoosterOvenMittz6969 Says:
Does the entire entertainment have a pedophile issue, yes or yes? Tell us how to help, Veritas!!
@Justin-bass Says:
Americans with their step father or step mother culture lol in my country we find that culture disgusting
@jenniferturner9012 Says:
@marciabosteder5682 Says:
@disaffected_malcontent Says:
this is obscene.
@marciabosteder5682 Says:
Who is this demon talking?

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