CONFIRMED: Elon Musk's Twitter team reveals that the platform did engage in "Shadowbanning" users

CONFIRMED: Elon Musk's Twitter team reveals that the platform did engage in "Shadowbanning" users


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@mariantreber8055 Says:
Oh, we KNOW we've been shadowbanned. Now, DO SOMETHING about that. Jail, is a good start.
@VictorAvera Says:
I'm still suspended from Twitter, AKA X, for just posting only the truth. YouTube is still shadow-banned by its users and censors anything they politically-biasedly hate.
@vergiltheartofpower6616 Says:
No wonder why is no interacting to my post even i posted for millionth time in twitter... Liberals smh.
@UmaROMC Says:
This is what you're doing now that you removed o keefe? Tragic, but expected.
@jasonroy1890 Says:
So when does that guy go to jail for lying to the Senate?
@michaelp1999 Says:
James O'Keefe rules.
@johnmknox Says:
Project Veritas is now shamefully attempting to silence and censor James O'Keefe the primary reason for their success.
@GleichUmDieEcke Says:
I'm shocked I tell you. Shocked. Well not that shocked...
@nicolepaul6317 Says:
Youtube shadowbanned bryson gray
@TheOptimalmax Says:
Proof Elon still has weeds to pull
@JaguarPanda Says:
"twitter engeneer didn't know this code existed".... yeah right, the function coded itself 😂
@popeye8736 Says:
I wonder how much Youtube use this method?
@jeromewalker8637 Says:
If this is in 2018, what does it have to do with elon
@langwaydpful Says:
Thank you James O'Keefe
@ricky2152 Says:
I miss James
@Toro1966..... Says:
How about you cover big pharmaceutical or Rock. James did....
@littlehorror1057 Says:
This was revealed by Elon Musk post takeover. He released several documents showing what Twitter was engaged in. AKA this was confirmed LONG ago. Are you rehashing old info because someone decided to talk? At least James made sure he found NEW topics when people talked
@rramsdell93 Says:
O'keef Media Group exposed Blackrock! Blackrock! Pitiful Project Veritas exposed an account not being seen by people.... lame!
@Raul.Ultimate Says:
Everyone in here still all mad about the whole O'keefe vs PV ordeal but no one in here has actually made strides to find his new channel.
@McDinglefart_69 Says:
Veritas Fake News
@thesuperioraffection4502 Says:
YouTube does it too.
@Syncopia Says:
Sometimes PV engages in a bit of shadow banning of its own staff.
@FloopyNupers Says:
They shadow banned me from this video actually
@aaronadams6622 Says:
Thank goodness for James O’Keefe’s work exposing this
@cruzcam Says:
Thanks for reminding me I hadn't unsuscribed from this empty shell of a channel. Bye!
@barrylarsen3850 Says:
Heres some real journalism.
@kathy4241 Says:
It's not so much the companies or employee's- it really is about the ones who are contolling the companies. Of course, employees could and should say no. They are guilty by association if they are still employees and not whistleblowers.
@meehere7414 Says:
YouTube does this constantly
@christopherbellegodbrought9555 Says:
I would like to think that twitter is not dead and that fakebook is not horrendously worst
@hobsdigree2 Says:
So what happens now? Nothing? That Twitter exec lied to Congress if this is true. So will he face contempt charges? No? Every week something new gets uncovered, where we find out some liberal elite lied under oath, yet they NEVER face any consequences.
@christagijsman3753 Says:
Schaduw banking is a sick wat with sikk induvideuls
@christagijsman3753 Says:
Elon musk is a nerd aswell
@christagijsman3753 Says:
Sick twitter
@sIXXIsDesigns Says:
Odd that YouTube has STOPPED any and ALL Notifications to Comments and Replies (for me) on ONLY THIS CHANNEL/Video? ... damn Communists! ... Google/YouTube clearly do not like this.
@rogerc23 Says:
You tube has been doing this to me since 2016. They hate anyone who supports Trump.
@charliesschroedinger Says:
Still don't have Twitter, insta-whatever or tik-china.... I only use Facebook messenger to chat with my grown children. YouTube is the extent of my social interactions 😂
@michmunroe.9196 Says:
Yes but don't believe these politicians will do anything about it, they've known & been talking about it for donkeys years, my account is permanently suspended, I guess I spoke too much truth 🤭
@dianalivingconsciously9013 Says:
They do it on YT a lot.
@shithead Says:
As soon as I learned about shabanning, and noticed I was being shabanned, I became determined to ruin the sites that were engaging in this. They think they're being clever, but really they are expediting their own demise. I was simultaneously shaboinked and flagged on the highest level at read-it, while also being employed by them and destroying them from the inside as well. They still don't know. And they never will know. Hi, Paul.
@johnnyboppy9782 Says:
And some people believe he is one of the good guys
@shithead Says:
Duh? That's pretty obvious. All social media sites are doing that including this one
@lightblue8818 Says:
Whats with the ultra dramatic music for a couple tweets. Is this the news you are discovering? The news that youre leaking from big companies? The news that journalists put themselves in risk for? Its clear how hard you fell "Project Veritas".
@vanessanesener4028 Says:
Digital ghosts
@TheNotsoignorant Says:
Yeah, many of us figured that out since 2017. When you have 16K followers and nobody interacts with you suddenly, you know! Then we were de-platformed outright if we dared post too much truth. That always gets you in trouble with the corrupt powers that be.
@christagijsman3753 Says:
Vreselijke twitter
@Ty1972 Says:
And will that person who lied be fined or go to jail. Probably not.
@BaFunGool Says:
*Myself recently posted a short vid, 1500 views in two hours, then vid went completely dead.*
@Yabberfrat Says:
@aguiremedia Says:
Didn’t we know this already?
@theone031 Says:
Facebook is still doing this in 2023

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