NEW: Biden has Authority to END Illegal Immigration but Democratic Mega Donors CONTROL Border Agenda
NEW: Biden has Authority to END Illegal Immigration but Democratic Mega Donors CONTROL Border Agenda



@veritasvisuals Says:
@aimhigher7805 Says:
F**k u guys for sacking your boss
@alphagenisis1 Says:
Y’all still look at this channel ?
@YellowJello57 Says:
Why the eff does PV still have 1.3 million subs? Just goes to show YT is mostly bots. SMDH
@tillbot8 Says:
Just wanted to check if you snakes still exist...i'll check again in 6 months, heading back over to OMG!
@intensepassion3382 Says:
Wasn't it Bidens' executive order that opened the border, wider?
@SunnyZ Says:
1.3 mill subs 13k views 0.9% conversion rate. ouch!
@jamchico Says:
The Cloward Piven Strategy
@KacyKnight Says:
You're suing you're founders?
@cheesymiccheeseballs8227 Says:
Hey project Veritas if the Haitian immigrants are eating cats and dogs and people on your side claim that the mainstream media is avoiding it cuz they don't want to seem racist by reporting on it, your company would be the perfect candidate to expose this if it's actually true! 🙃
@alariankalwozeth9415 Says:
WOW, who are the special interest folks?
@dianekelley9590 Says:
Biden n Harris opened the border idiots
@42N8_1 Says:
Biden has no authority because he is not the president.
@CelticVictory Says:
The idea that you could just close the border and that that would stop illegal immigration is ridiculous. It's like saying that you can prevent someone from entering your home if you lock the door when they are coming through the window.
@saschaloggen Says:
The democrats are waging war on the American people. Everybody was shocked when we saw how Germany was literally raped by illegal immigration in 2015. How is it possible for an American administration to say "hold my beer, we can top this"?
@AzerinaM Says:
By mega donors you mean ✡️s . Period.
@user-fc1ld9ts8u Says:
Biden caused the illegal immigration mess. What evidence is there that he wanted to stop it?
@TimMTimM-w8h Says:
I have an idea for another video. Talk to someone who can detail what paths to legal status are available to these so called asylum seekers. If they were let in the country, all they have to do is to pay a U.S. citizen to marry them so that they can get their green card and avoid the rest of the asylum process altogether (marriage fraud). If they continue with the asylum process and asylum is granted, the asylee can bring the rest of their family into the United States as asylees (able to receive government assistance). Many will seek legal status through the violence against women act (VAWA). The unaccompanied minors will be granted special immigrant juvenile status and will be a burden on the taxpayer until they become an adult (free housing, food, medical, tuition, etc.). Often they will be residing with their biological parents who are in the country illegally. Bottom line is that once they are admitted into the United States they will not leave even if their asylum is denied (highly unlikely).
@LW0752 Says:
So much for democracy, it's all about the money😢
@traddad9172 Says:
JudeoChristians" own "liberal democracy" Employees are groomed by ivy league for the FinkleThink initiatives
@scottcpan68 Says:
Yes, there is a plan to flood our borders with illegal immigrants, but Biden has no control over it or anything else. There's a global agenda to destroy western culture as this is happening in western countries around the world. Biden and Harris are nothing more than puppets who couldn't stop this even if they wanted to.
@idontknow1134 Says:
@andysan9557 Says:
The right is just as guilty of doing nothing and actually helping illegals just look back to the fraud that is ronald Regan he gave amnesty to 6 million illegals and did not seal up the border he let more come into the nation and that was all the way back in the esrly 80's.
@1A_Media Says:
Great work, we have very little time left! Keep it up!
@potatobang7713 Says:
the right only propagates MISINFORMATION!? kamala/democrats/big corporates don't!? Ask ChatGPT about TRUMP'S ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION. see what the left wing is COOKING for trump/republicans/conservatives. yall gonna enjoy it. Go on, try it.
@musclecars6428 Says:
Follow the money like always , follow the money and it will lead directly to the problem people , businesses or countries who have a stake in whatever the hell is going on … we are being sold out for profits , not sure who or why , buts it’s business as usual in Washington and you can almost guarantee some company is making record profits from this flow of migrants …. If it’s not for profits , then it would have to be because you don’t like our country or something along those lines , yuri bezminoff not sure on spelling , said this would happen in the 1980’s tv interview , almost to a TEE , interesting watch … either way , this is nuts , these are humans and this is our country has to leave politics or we are doomed , it’s just too tempting to these power hungry people …
@traillesstravelled7901 Says:
@jordanduran2131 Says:
👇use this button if you know who is running the country.
@logmeindog Says:
People don't want to hear this....
@boricua0073 Says:
Democrats are losing the black vote- illegals will more than make up for the loss.
@peakmaster3273 Says:
@dcc1517 Says:
The problem with all of this is that it reaches conservatives and not liberals. We already know, so this helps nothing!
@intorsusvolo7834 Says:
So they’re escaping “persecution”. Interesting…
@ImProudtobeCanadian Says:
bought and paid for. "We live in a "fair and just" democracy".
@virginiadonnelly1031 Says:
The fake Biden has no authority to do anything!
@UDCMComedy Says:
Not all immigrants are bad. Some are fleeing communism and don’t even want to be here.
@namenameson9065 Says:
The left will always need slaves. Someone has to pay for all the Socialism, after all. And Democrats will always need a constant supply of ignorant and dependent voters since their policies don't work for citizens.
@markcatanzaro9699 Says:
Trump had the authority to close the border- OF COURSE JOE DOES! He just wont do it DUH 🥴
@DanH-u3f Says:
So donors like Soros are setting immigration policy.
@creepycrawler4690 Says:
We all know about this,and theres not a f-cking thing we can do about it. We're being controlled by a uniparty. A buch of get rich quick politicians.
@Demshavenobrains Says:
Sad thing is… he’s the only one going to lose his job…
@carsonwood3605 Says:
Public law 414, Chapter 2, Section 212 (Immigration And Nationality Act)
@jasonbourne1985 Says:
The zionists are the ones behind the mass illegal immigration that is why nobody says anything about it and the authorities do nothing about it.
@Lyrakill Says:
@nefigaha Says:
@missmykael Says:
So our nation is for sale.
@madmartigan1634 Says:
You have to use codenames like "Frankists" or you get blacklisted from everything!
@NaneeH63 Says:
The U.N and E. U. is behind it.
@alkalisunshine Says:
white erasure and replacement.
@lawrencenicolaides2361 Says:
Thank a voting Democrat

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