The Real Kamala Harris Described by DC Insiders | "WORST Candidate Of All Time!" #NOTWithHer
The Real Kamala Harris Described by DC Insiders | "WORST Candidate Of All Time!" #NOTWithHer



@veritasvisuals Says:
The reinvention of Kamala Harris might be a real head-scratcher for anyone who was paying attention a month ago. So we thought it was only fair to bring you this video proof that DC doesn’t believe anything they’re currently saying about Kamala Harris...
@KATONKA... Says:
ACTUALLY she's done a lot for America Just nothing good
@KATONKA... Says:
Her fake dad is a fake Jamaican and her mom is Caucasian
@KATONKA... Says:
The worst vice president in history is not gonna make a good president people wake up
@cheesymiccheeseballs8227 Says:
Bro I've heard High School gossip that's more damning than this shit
@biga4240 Says:
Why is everyone gay
@tripas421 Says:
Your videos are not being suggested by YouTube even though I’m subscribed with notifications on…
@JamesSmith-ye6pe Says:
The us is fake😂 you haveno rights😂
@wendywren19 Says:
Reproductive tour🤮😠😓, wtbf ( bleeding heart!!!)
@isaned Says:
It's sad when people are afraid to speak out about their government or even vote against them, even if they suck!!
@decemberbaby9549 Says:
If knowing inside details that she’s a terrible leader & will continue to fail our country doesn’t convince voter to not vote for her, our country will never recoup. We will lose our sovereignty to gangs, shariah, & Marxism within the next 4.5yrs. The election isn’t Homecoming Court. It’s not a popularity contest or pageant. We are voting for the one person of the 2 candidates who is most capable & competent; the one who will protect & uphold the Declaration of Independence & the Constitution. The values & protections in those documents are for American citizens not lawless invaders who have no intention of being productive community members. We don’t have to agree or even like our President but the President is to work for the people. This seems to have been forgotten.
@byWhizz Says:
@rnatgrg Says:
The statement "Dont change how you're going to vote, I wont either" That describes the entire problem. He just admitted she has done NOTHING and yet you would vote for.her anyway! God fucking help us! This country needs a catastrophic reset!
@robertbordevik5072 Says:
Biggest psy-ops by the media ever!
@bitty_beastly47 Says:
No one watching this is voting for her anyway. You arent changing anyones mind or doing anything helpful with this
@Chris-hq7nl Says:
@JAMZ1960 Says:
Kamala Cackling Kamala says; 🤣the new way forward after falling out of the coconut tree is to be unburdened by understanding how important it is to understand the passage of time and the passage of time is important to understand 👀wait a minute; what time is it? Oh yeah; I haven’t been to the border or Europe either but I know Poland is a small country near Russia which is a big country; See; I got this🤣 A true study in comedy…
@ryzen397 Says:
Good job project veritas exposing this BS!
@ryzen397 Says:
she's horrible
@AR-ly7yt Says:
They will still vote for her
@hbrws813 Says:
Wow. This is what the voters need to hear.
@jackmehoffer7819 Says:
That first dude is trying to do the dirty with the other dude and is just talking big.
@beachlover5045 Says:
Kamalatoe sucks!
@vanyou2269 Says:
Where's the full clip?
@SubliminalJunky Says:
Kamala cannot give a good speech. She is completely fake and cannot remember her lines or anyone´s name. Her Dad is a Marxist. So she is a no for me. She seems like a joke. There are very few decent females in politics as they all try to either act like men, or lie.
@funkyfiss Says:
We should all share this. This needs more views for sure!
@maxgluteus4263 Says:
The next dem Candidate will be a paper cutout with a bullhorn. Playing the same sound over and over again.
@Higherseeker Says:
To be fair, you could get just as many people to say bad things about Trump.
@BuffaloSoldier1965. Says:
Are there ANY heterosexuals in Washington DC?
@loucollins6367 Says:
I like the information Veritas uncovers, but isn’t it illegal to record someone without their knowledge/consent?
@crystalthomas5278 Says:
Kamala just sent a bill for illegal alien to receive $150,000 to buy a house 0% rate and the state will figure out the rest. No they di not need a social security #, just their ITIN#.
@popixel Says:
Yet... they some how have brainwashed people into following her.
@logosrising865 Says:
grinder strikes again!
@ManInTheBigHat Says:
She's not "likeable" or good with the press or talking in general. But the campaign with the media's help are fixing that with the Joy Train. The brainwashing is fabulous. Plus there's plenty of people who Think Trump Will Destroy The World.
@leslied.2173 Says:
It looks like what is going on is demonic. It's very serious.
@davidnelson6874 Says:
Kamala Harris seems like nothing more than a perfectly willing empty headed marionette.
@wolfwalker5924 Says:
There is no text in the US Constitution addressing Abortion. That's why a Constitutional Amendment is necessary to secure abortion rights. VP Harris should have been working with Democrat & Republican Pro-Choice Congressional advocates the day after Roe v. Wade was repealed to draft a reasonable Pro-Choice amendment. She's doing nothing but whine and blame Trump. The 10th Amendment says, "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." Abortion is the states' rights unless addressed in the US Constitution.
@joannfarrell5660 Says:
We need Divine intervention to get rid of these two clowns. The Republic will be finished if these two Marxists win!
@EverythingFilmmaking Says:
This should be one of Trumps ads
@JOHNSMITH-ve3rq Says:
This is so gross. It’s not worth it guys. The get is tiny yet the psychic damage is real. Politics is not worth this.
@davids11131113 Says:
‘She’s fine’ … wellllll her staff were constantly quitting, they say she’s pretty evil and horrible.
@yesitis1395 Says:
She's realized she'll never be president might explain all the anxiety, over-medication and wine.
@Alexis-wu7gk Says:
@TJMM864 Says:
Not with her .. ever ...
@ermac6466 Says:
the G's are the best singers after a couple of drinks.
@sheilamcclellan8693 Says:
When that many gay guys don’t like her, that’s telling.
@davechappy6478 Says:
So shes a terrible candidate but you are still going to vote for
@therookiemistake9714 Says:
Guess who’s back
@imstevemcqueen Says:
What it's like living in Fairytale land.
@drdirk2 Says:
Have you been to the border? No, but I haven't been to Europe either. Lol 😆 CACKLE

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