Exposing the Dark Underbelly of 'Transgender Surgery': Director of Gender Transformation

Exposing the Dark Underbelly of 'Transgender Surgery': Director of Gender Transformation


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@FactsMatterRoman Says:
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@GNewcomb-q9v Says:
Awesomely fake documentary you mean! The Epoch Times is a proven propaganda pusher to basically fake news outlet that is run by far right radicals! You have zero clue about anything transgender related! If you did, you would know that once the bottom surgery is done, that’s it, no going back! Just like you leave out how it’s not even a percentage of transgender people that actually do go back! By the way, how much is Russia paying you to do these? Facts are something you right wingers know nothing about!
@allintensiveporpoises2688 Says:
"Facts matter" The facts: "well you see i had a feeling about something so i made a bunch of shit up"
@allintensiveporpoises2688 Says:
"Studies show transitioning increases the risk of suicide" What studies? Oh you mean there MIGHT be studies if i go see the documentary... that i have to pay for to view What studies? Do you have sources for this? Every scrap of info ive ever seen shows that transitioning notably decreases the risk of suicide, and that the higher rates of suicide in trans people before transitioning are due to harrassment and social ostrization by people like.... well people who watch these videos and take it all at face value
@allintensiveporpoises2688 Says:
Man the "facts dont care about your feelings" crowd really has strong feelings about trans people and they make up facts to support that huh. Mid-video gotta be honest
@lenzielenski3276 Says:
This is a textbook example of a trick question like 'so, when did you stop beating your wife?' Its not a choice between a live son or a dead daughter the actual choice is between a HEALTHY daughter or a screwed up daughter. The current common rhetoric is the same as the industrial medical complex has been pushing for decades. Never cure the problem, treat the symptoms so that there will be a never ending cash flow to pay for the never ending treatment. Why cure the disease when money can be made by NOT curing it. Transitioned individuals, if they don't self delete, can't self sustain without drugs that are highly profitable to the manufacturers. Furthermore, examine the facts. 20 years ago there were literally a handful of centers catering to sex change. Now that "transitioning - sex reassignment" are largely government or insurance funded there are, literally, THOUSANDS of centers catering to and making literal fortunes providing these mutilations. Yes, by definition, chopping off healthy body parts, literally at whim, is mutilation. Going back to history, most if not all the great empires of the past have gone through and fallen because of the same thing. Sexual degeneracy and perversion grows rampant in a bored and largely otherwise satisfied population. The Roman Empire may be the best example. When a significant enough percentage of the population, no where near a majority mind you, stops embracing marriage, fidelity and procreation passing on the same standards that have been part of the human condition since homo sapiens walked upright society breaks down. Do you doubt it? Look at the statistics and policies of the US Government for yourself. There is a slush fund that pays to silence the sex crimes of Congress. The ranking Democratic Senator has availed himself of it TWICE to pay off the young lady and her family. Said young lady committed self termination because of what was done to her. We have video evidence of pornographic acts being committed in congressional hearing rooms in the Capitol. MANY current and acting politicians and industrial/banking leaders frequented Epstein's island of under age victims yet ZERO have been arrested or charged even though investigators have the names of the perpetrators. Why do you think that is? A past President has been accused of rape at least 4 times THAT WE KNOW OF yet he's still walking around a free man. This my friends, is the fall of healthy society ensconced and codified by a relative handful of politicians and media leaders. This is EXACTLY why Rome fell. We're watching it happen right before our eyes. Gay pride, transitioning, "sexual liberation" of women is all part and parcel of the same thing. It doesn't take a majority, just a few LOUD, persistent antisocial miscreants and all western civilization will be gone in 20 years. Thankfully I'm old enough that I won't be around when the collapse happens.
@atilabie Says:
A depressingly unscientific analysis
@seancameron8209 Says:
The world has gone mad. It seems like it all started in 2012 and things just got crazier, and crazier each year.
@ErnestImken Says:
How can any person in the USA be "kidnapped" into a hospital, put under anasethia, and have body parts removed, without their families knowledge? This is henious crime.
@melvinlovejones9722 Says:
Mother Nature is undefeated and reality always gets the last word.
@dougtaylor7724 Says:
The world was horrified when news of Nazi experimental surgery in prison camps was exposed. This is as bad or worse.
The fact that you are fully aware of the Nazi's murder of trans people in the 40s via hateful propaganda and misinfo causing vigilantism, and are seeking to do the same today with this channel is criminal. You will be lucky if you end up socked in the face on air like Nick Spencer, but I'm hoping you end up like the Fuhrer personally.
@southernbelladonna78 Says:
It's close to Hitler type experiments across the board using compassion to drive it only without one madman behind it. 😢
@paulkelley9636 Says:
Talk to mel Gibson
@kate60 Says:
Children are training parents. Parents need to take control and teach the truth to the children. Ridiculous!
@Lhostel Says:
He said lbtq, he’s not saying it right! He’s discluding g’s I’M OFFENDED. 🤭🤫😬🤔😝🫣🤭
@bryanlord3659 Says:
the devil has always been after the children
@billdoherty5332 Says:
Thank you for talking and making lite of this insanity.. why does this continue. These poor kids. Doctors are not allowed to be modern-day Frankenstein
@ainisgrudzinskas8948 Says:
"Arguing with a smart person is hard.But arguing with dumb one is immpposible.
@ainisgrudzinskas8948 Says:
I mean we shouldn't be against this operation for mqture people because they're old enough.they have more expierence while kids see it different
@show_timeclips Says:
Father God continue to expose these dark and evil lies of Trans. Return the lies back to the senders. Push it back times 10 into their homes, families, and businesses. In Jesus mighty name
@paperroses7615 Says:
If one low dose gram of estradiol replacement for a female who's had a total hysterectomy caused pre cancerous tumors that caused having a double mastectomy low dose then Hormone replacement for Tranny's can effect them as well causes CANCER! Hormone replacement causes CANCER!
@paperroses7615 Says:
Real women with hormone imbalance and it effects WOMEN that they have facial hair beards can't get medical insurance to pay for electrolysis hair removal but a tranny man can get same medical insurance to pay $$$ for beard hair removal a MAN ! Not Fair!
@paperroses7615 Says:
Even causes breast tumors and CANCER!
@paperroses7615 Says:
Hormone replacement causes CANCER! Trans surgery is a DEATH Wish!
@annpenso7299 Says:
It is demonic and it is really affecting kids that are autistic
@maureendibari2384 Says:
The children are being pushed into this insane attack of their gender
@theshredguitarist25 Says:
11:04 i could feel my eyes start to well up. Damn that is beyond sad….
@crediblecat7498 Says:
Breast implants are gender affirming for women, hair transplants are gender affirming for men. Most gender affirming care isn’t invasive as that. It is as simple as calling your child by a different pronoun, or a different name. Maybe they choose to dress differently. And maybe it sticks, and maybe it doesn’t. What we are seeing in this video is the studies where things go wrong of the people who transitioning didn’t work for them. Their story definitely deserves to be told but not as a fear tactic to feed into not providing care who needs it. If you are that scared of what transitioning looks like, maybe look into it. Having to get therapy, a doctor to verify that you are trans. It means talking to specialists, sometimes for years, before you are able to transition. I get you don’t want to see children harmed and that’s great! No one should, but don’t let fear prevent those who need specialised care to receive it.
@Coughtry Says:
The untold side is that a considerable majority of trans are clinically autistic seeking a justification of being a social victim to demand compensation.
@WilleyGHD3 Says:
I recently saw your video on the Celebs signing an open letter wanting Social Media to censor 'Trans "Hate" speech' but to protect THEIR OWN VIEWS on Transpeople. My question to them is this: Do they believe an 8yo,12yo or even 16yo have the mental awareness to make a decision to alter their gender permanently? When in most countries military involvement or driving requirements by age are AT LEAST 18????
@vanslang5385 Says:
This is literally just the latest example of BIG PHARMA and all their $/influence profiting off of human misery. SCUM BAGS
@AflacMan13 Says:
Our Children, My Wife, and I would rather D | E than get gEnDeR aFfIrMiNg CaRe for Our Children. It is sat an ¡c.
@OGMann Says:
Let's be honest. The social "sciences" are not scientific. Limitations of the existing transgender literature include general lack of randomized prospective trial design, small sample size, recruitment bias, short study duration, high subject dropout rates, and reliance on "expert" opinion. Existing data reveal significant intervention-associated morbidity and raise serious concern that the primary goal of suicide prevention is not achieved.
@BrianDawkins10 Says:
Came to dislike and report. Bye bozos
@ahjso98756 Says:
God's children are not for sale, Sound of freedom
@ivannightly1919 Says:
All I can say is I hope they thought this all out carefully, because I only see this ending in one of three ways. If your right the kid lives a happy life. If you were wrong a messy court battle or if the child feels they were manipulated later in life and their future was stolen to push a political agenda, some thing far more bloody may occur.
@teambeforeself6839 Says:
They are worse than profiting, they are preying on kids.
@sunshinem.8216 Says:
Excellent documentary.
@timsteinkamp2245 Says:
All medical treatments are designed to be life long. We are brainwashed to go to the doctor to get checked. That turns into issues of health and future appointments. It is a never ending cycle. Your body heals itself. Doctors and drugs do not heal. I had cancer. The doctors tried to kill me and my body healed me.
@terraloft Says:
Jesus Christ was indignant when adults "rebuked" those bringing children to Him! "Let the children come to Me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it" and He took the children in His arms and placed His hands on them and blessed them. Mark 10:13-16
@ruthcowden1386 Says:
Great interview. Thanks.
@Robbie0415768067 Says:
Hey my US brothers and sisters. The reason why they are going after your children with this is to depopulate you guys and control population numbers. If you put 10 men on an Island with 100 trans women what will you get in 100 years? There will be nothing left but the skeletons of 110 men. Ask yourself why Bill Gates is buying up all your damn farm land (controlling produce) and wanting to feed the world bugs and artificial meat (under the guise of Climate Change control) and invested into Pfizer stocks which are now responsible for numerous debilitating side effects for that magic elixir which you were all forced to take?
@tashachristy09 Says:
No ones talking about the menstrual cycle of a female transitioning to a man...
@stephenwhite5444 Says:
Anyone know which US states are *requiring* that everyone from parents, doctors, therapists, teachers affirm the childs mental identity?
@chatryna Says:
Can't talk about transgenderism without talking about ALL the sexual perversions. Women's lib really opened up pandora's box.
@chatryna Says:
What is the difference between sex before marriage and transgenderism or homosexuality?
@chatryna Says:
Is this about transgenderism or sterilizing Western Civilization?
@chatryna Says:
Our shallow way of life has left us defenseless against stupidity.

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