Cop Who Killed Breonna Taylor Hired As Sheriff's Deputy In Nearby County

Cop Who Killed Breonna Taylor Hired As Sheriff's Deputy In Nearby County


Cop Who Killed Breonna Taylor Hired As Sheriff's Deputy In Nearby County #Shorts #TYT #News #Government #Politics #CenkUyger #AnaKasparian #BreonnaTaylor #GunViolence #GunLaws #GunDebate #CommonSenseGunLaws #Racism #RacismInAmerica #Law #LawEnforcement #PoliceViolence #PoliceCorruption #PoliceMisconduct #PoliceKilling




@NaymitMayne Says:
Why are they always yelling stfu and stop pretending you care about Palestine
@Jonas-kr3on Says:
Police didnt open fire first. The boyfriend used taylor as a shield. Theres nothing the officers couldnt have done. We will never know wether they announced themselves or not. Just dont open fire on people you cant see @boyfriend
@daniellebenfield95 Says:
1. Not like theres such a thing as a good cop. They are all trash. 2. Breonna really wasnt all that innocent.
@modefocoeur6647 Says:
Cops Got Family as Well
@taxesv1nce142 Says:
I have one question for anyone who thinks that those cops are murderers, if someone was shooting at you for to your knowledge no reason, and you had a gun, would you shoot back?
@flyinglemon04 Says:
I have never been shot at and neither has this woman but I can guarantee that if I am getting shot at across a hallway Im going to fire back, its breanna’s fault for standing there in the first place.
@jeffrecob8646 Says:
@kevinhardy8997 Says:
Well... what exactly should the cops do when they get shot through the door? I am so confused what is the right answer? Please explain
@jjreddick377 Says:
They want to reward the killing of black people
@frankwilson4717 Says:
Probably Told Him, GOOD SHOOTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@c.a.3358 Says:
Look up how many cops DeSantas not only hired, but gave monetary perks, to come to FL to work, who have been let go from other police departments with similar issues on their work record.
@charleskidney4279 Says:
Breonna Taylor. I looked into the shooting. Her boyfriends were both drug dealers. Her boyfriend opened fire at police officers hitting one in the leg and they returned fire. 4 years prior a murdered drug dealers body was found in her car, it was suspected her boyfriend at the time did it. The moral of the story, don't go out with drug dealers or killers.
@Kiki- Says:
The fact that he wasn't charged with murder is insane
@MaryMary-gn3in Says:
@ladyruger8024 Says:
Killing blacksis their main Target May God has mercy on their souls
@jacobtaylor1188 Says:
This will always happen no matter what
@beyondconfusion3458 Says:
Which county by chance did he go too. I live in Kentucky and will show up to his place of work and protest till he’s fired
@vickimcburney8977 Says:
Unbelievable! This is horrible. He should not be a cop, not have a gun. He should have been in jail.
@SykoticBanana Says:
The danger is, that not only does it show that the police don't care about the safety of the public.... but the public should reciprocate and not care about the safety for the police, that no one should trust the police. If the police cannot be trusted to enforce the law, People will take the law into their own hands and America will descend to anarchy. If its not there already.
@carterdjohnson9673 Says:
The United States has made built and destroyed many monsters in its short history. Currenrly there is know simple solution to resolve all the cultural biases of the raging American population that since COVID have lot their minds thinking Washington should be run like the Appreciate show was on TV, their cultural hate fed daily by media on TV and internet. I've lived her 70 years to  helping with the family farm, designing and engineering system in many countries. The United States is the only place I have had guns pointed at me for doing my job, or partial sticks of dynamite thrown from cars at our family farm and neighbors. My Great Grandfather was a Scottish Moor killed in Tennessee for having a farm both he and his wife, we survive under a farm bureau that bearly recognizes us as Black people. Part of the problem is America is very good at creating and seeing MONSTERs Education is 30% intelligence, 30% teaching, 40% parent participation. Black parents in many case are less engaged, their day to day environment is much different from Caucasians and Asians, because in America they are the Monster. Every country that wants to be a world leader or nation needs monsters to battle within and without. The monster is a tool for political and social control, POWER, over the majority of the populous! 1 propaganda - a tool to keep the public focused on an enemy (MONSTER) using national media and doctrinal rights. 2 The monsters ideologies can be used to target people and groups and keep the focus population they want controlled engaged so that population dose not look to closely at what they do. 3 The monster has to be made socially reprehensible to the population as a whole, so that any excuse for going after the monster can be used to incite the populous to action when needed. 4 Fear: Fear of the monster can spread like a virus within and without, so getting the populous to volunteer for duty through propaganda is a must. 5 Hate: the monster must be hated, he is not like you, he is a criminal,  he is violent, he is brutal, he us disruptive to the good of the populous as a whole. Keep in mind, every country, nation, and culture has a geopolitical monster they put before the public or populations that they use for internal political need to keep power! In America it is Black people because they can not be folded easily into the Caucasian system ( right now Mexican or peopleof Hispanic heritage are included), Europe gypsies and minority immigrants, Russia Jews, China Wegers, Africa the tribe not in power. 6 Revisionism: any history the monster has is distorted, changed, revised, classified, marginalized as something else and is always less important to the historical needs of the majority populous to be controlled.
@donboo6692 Says:
American police are so corrupt i feel for the innocent people have to put up with it.. From the 🇬🇧 ✌️ 😊
@pennynorris6144 Says:
Oh no.. .that is terrible😢
@quitaulla1569 Says:
The lady killed by the cop got no justice because she is a woman. 😢
@creative.lights Says:
Systemic racism at its finest. Would he have been in this position if he broke down the door and shot some senator’s white daughter? Go ahead, I’ll wait.
@bigt8753 Says:
They investigated and decided not to charge. Breonna was standing next to her drug dealer boyfriend who shot at police. Doesn't mean she should die, but if you make poor choices sometimes it cost you big.
@glenbateman5960 Says:
And it's safe to accept it was that part of his resumé that got him hired. That's right. They didn't hire him in spite of his murderous nature, but because of it.
@TuffC00Kies Says:
defund police remember that
@TuffC00Kies Says:
This channel is like blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
@LiRoSo123 Says:
Police are their own gang, unfortunately. They’re a very tight clique. Ugh! Frustrating to hear this information.
@KingJamie2229 Says:
😅 stop crying
@troyhutchinson2245 Says:
@ericblue5436 Says:
Even if he didn't have qualified immunity, the results would have been the same because he would have faced the American Justice System...which works in favor of white people. SMDH
@LetsBeHonest30 Says:
Karma is coming for him
@NomoreliesRC4 Says:
He should be in prison!
@NothingButTheTruth2.0 Says:
To add further insult to injury the DA is African American and where is the Qualified amenity.
@SkiRedMtn Says:
How can you possibly explain this to someone who thinks it’s okay? There’s no analogy that is simpler than cop kills innocent sleeping woman after raiding wrong apartment. No comparison. And he’s working…as a cop.
@Istandby666 Says:
Blue shirts get promoted everytime the murder someone. They're judge, jury, and executioner. Welcome to the law's of the u.s.. Blue shirts are trained to see people as animal's. That way, when they take a polygraph test. They'll pass it. As a citizen the rights you think you have are an illusion. I'm glad I'm not from this country and I'll never fly this countries flag, When a blue shirt dies, america becomes free.
@guiseppe46 Says:
Now be sure you don't tell the whole story princess. You're job is to incite hate and get the ignorant to riot. The courts had no case. Even the justice dept. did not prosecute this officer
@leonkellerhuis3642 Says:
They do the same in Minnesota
@thejak Says:
That police force is sending the message
@CheebsCheeby Says:
@charlestheodoreheissman8418 Says:
@monie1527 Says:
Tells me a LOT about who hired this murderer.
@jamescard299 Says:
How someone not just waited outside his house one morning or night and taken him out?
@karenabrams8986 Says:
End qualified immunity NOW. Awful. He belongs in prison.
@vernalc2449 Says:
Like sex offenders, they should be on a registry so when they do this again (and they will) any damages are automatically increased by a factor of 5 because they hired someone off this list!
@toddbell1748 Says:
This is so sad... fortunately time will take care of this
@craigdiekhuis-pg7hz Says:
Yup, this have become normal.
@yungromeo6183 Says:
As usual
@jamesbecker-yy1gm Says:
Say her name. Is the police like the Catholic Church. Just move him to another precinct? Never forget her name. Opps wrong house? The police need to keep there piglets in line

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