What Really Happened To Malaysian Airlines Flight 370? | Candace EP 80
What Really Happened To Malaysian Airlines Flight 370? | Candace EP 80



@MAF3103 Says:
Hi Candace, I am Malaysian (and a long-time Candace Owens listener) and thankful that you chose to cover this topic. I remember the day MH370 went "missing", because my mum's brother in law was the head steward on that doomed flight. When the early news of it going missing hit mainstream media, my mum was frantically on the phone with her sister to ask if her husband was on that flight. Unfortunately, he was. It wasn't even one of his usual routes. The roster somehow changed last minute and he had to work on that flight with less than 24 hrs' notice. Most, if not everyone in Malaysia, knew that this incident was a huge cover-up for things more sinister. One of them being the prime minister at the time's scandal with billions of taxpayer dollars. Many families were torn apart that day, all because some very powerful people had shit to cover. We will never forget.
@Stanlater Says:
Do you have an episode on Snowden?
@crazyham Says:
911 was also a tech experiment.
@nicolasbascunan4013 Says:
@V.aldete Says:
We are not shocked anymore . This sick
@crazyham Says:
Look this up ! "Scenarios for the future development of technology and international development" published in 2010 on the Rockefellar website (Since removed). It is very revealing.
@gabrielleseals-cook9511 Says:
If yall don't think that's aliens then you're still not believing what your eyes told you. That whole video about the government plasma ray whatever was too convenient and too non complex- complex for me. It said a bunch of words and a bunch of scientific terms to make it sound like some crazy scientific situation. Those were 3 ufos who surrounded that plane, when they move around like that it's an energy sequence and it's go get the plane all confused and discombobulated and then before you know it it disappears. That plane didn't fly away fast. It was there and then it wasn't. It blinked. They took it to their dimension. Argue with your mom😭😭🤷🏾‍♀️
@tomnash7382 Says:
The first jack reacher movie seems to fit this incident. If it was ufo's, they are seemingly stupid aliens to leave a evidence trail.
@heasley1971 Says:
I'm always sceptical when under a video, there's a warning and a link to Wikipedia. It's like this is a signal to say that what the video is saying is true.
@DillTheDog Says:
Brilliant Interview as always Ashton, 💯👍😎😎, and a week later 2.7 million views
@TheDabKing710 Says:
Really enjoyed this video. I like Ashton and he makes sense but the whole Aether Tech situation turned me off a bit. Hope he sticks to actually trying to prove things and collecting evidence.
@jackbaron4628 Says:
Love u Candace, stay strong!!
@BNenny Says:
Diego Garcia…. Crowd source the navy personnel. A ground crew saw something. Other air crew saw something.
@meltedmarshdaddy Says:
Candice is the only youtuber who does this cool stuff. thank you Candace 🎉
@Da-King-of-Swing Says:
So what happened to the plane and passengers??
@Da-King-of-Swing Says:
What exactly does this guy do for a living? What's his educational level? What's his IQ 🤔?
@Logan.Ninefingers Says:
That guy has to be genius level.
@RubyRedDress Says:
At that time I read that an inventor was aboard the plane with five other important colleagues. The machine he invented was also on board the plane. Apparently it was an amazing invention and in part of the contract was that if anything happened to the owner/inventor the next person who would gain ownership of it was a very well known super wealthy person at the top of the establishment pyramid. Sounds like a freaky conspiracy theory, but these days, conspiracies are actually the truth.
@Pandacuddless Says:
On the part where he said he thinks sent him that email or letter. If that was the case, do you think that by giving us a few pieces of the puzzle that it would spark us to go against our own government? In his search for the truth he might also put himself in a situation where he has to decide between the lesser of two evils.
@Pandacuddless Says:
They can’t control you if they gave you all the knowledge we’re supposed to know from the very beginning. Humans were able to advance but never to the extent they were supposed to. They handicapped us.
@Tellmetimothy Says:
Thanks Candace! I swear I was going crazy thinking, I was the only person who still thought about this missing plane…
@juliel6254 Says:
Thank you for the truly fascinating and educational conversation. Like you, I started waking up about 15 years ago. I also dove down a few rabbit holes in free energy and how devices for uplifting humanity (especially in poverty stricken areas) have been suppressed by the deep state (or blob), even though this information has been around for many decades. I don't think I have heard the science explained so clearly. Ashton is awesome. I am optimistic about our future. We have been in a paradigm shift for over a decade now and we are in the middle of the "changing of the guard". It's our destiny to ascend and it's happening whether the deep state wants it to or not. We, the people, a force even more powerful than they are - that is why they have spent so much time, money and energy trying to trick us into believing we are not.
@nathanpuckett2892 Says:
Hi Candace and all the viewers! So I don’t think Ashton ever mentioned but does he believe the passengers are just sitting in a plane dead at Diego Garcia or does he think the plane and the passengers were all taken apart by now?
@Gamespectives Says:
Probably a military mishap from US or a proxy that shot down the plane n didnt wanna take responsibility...
@lfc63 Says:
Yeah! I'm so glad you covered this. It's the stories like this that will wake people up. Look at the passenger list of the Titanic. That cruise ship didn't hit an iceberg. It started the federal reserve.
@kec5701 Says:
It looks like a duck smells like a duck. It's a duck 🦆🦆🦆🦆
@hvngfunnn Says:
You're awesome Candace! 😊
@speige2 Says:
@JustXAshton Elon Musk practically agreed with you during an interview with Tucker Carlson. He said that because of SpaceX he would know if UFOs existed and he has seen no evidence, however he said that all the crazy leaked things like the tic-tac video are secret military operations that are so deeply classified that the leaker didn't know it was military. youtube /shorts/1G3NQcQzdR4
@JulieEidem Says:
Can't wait to follow this and learn more.
@4bdu74z3z Says:
who would have 3 different types of cameras pointing at a random plane?
@heatherzullin1029 Says:
I saw it ..pieces fit and I’m a puzzler
@sandraw8862 Says:
Rather than deep state it’s the elites (which are the people that have their hands in all the energy cookie jars)
@bltlove2005 Says:
Best one yet Candace 👏
@MirjanAcademy Says:
from day one i knew it was taken to their earth or underground because those who were in the airplane were scientists. its very obvious
@mdp_lady Says:
So, it was the 437 lbs of lithium ion batteries caught fire or was it a worm hole? I’m confused.
@hawaiiborn93077 Says:
They followed the rivers of Babylon.
@Unlimited0X Says:
So what really happened to the flight? Was it abducted by the U.S? If so, why? What are they hiding?
@568843daw Says:
Lithium Ion Batteries in vehicles: if you have an accident in a car, truck or van that has these batteries, the 911 dispatcher will ask if your vehicle is gas or battery powered. If Battery Powered, the caller will be instructed to wait until a Special Firetruck is available. Apparently, there are very few of these specialized trucks. Also, once the Fireman finally arrive, they may or may not quash the fire, but will instead retreat from the burning vehicle. Why? Because the batteries jet gases and heat… violently. The gases are deadly toxic. Perhaps your only chance, when putting out a lithium Ion fire, is to keep a class D fire extinguisher in your car and home. Only the extinguisher rated D will work… or just run. 😅
@logan1068 Says:
..I can’t even describe how I feel after watching the plane GO INTO A BLACK HOLE YALL THERE IS A CHANCE THIS PLANE COULD COME BACK
@VanessaComfort Says:
If scientists can make this plane disappear then for sure scientists can make a man landing on the moon easy.
@chykcha Says:
@julieswhirled9532 Says:
Christian prophet confirms this guys theory ! Not a joke! https://youtu.be/njsbPxT2yPA?si=13wnhKr7rupGRoZ9
@cbtube1677 Says:
That looks like a weapon
@kari8187 Says:
Where are all those passengers?! That thing just POOFED out of existence 😳
@GabrielEddy Says:
Very neat black triangular UFO (“UAP”) above MH370. I wonder what government could have designed and manufactured such a marvel to capture the airliner in midair — and for what purpose.
@iloveeggrolls13 Says:
You guys should look up Dolores Cannon. I love how all these rabbit holes come together, it's just like he said. You can tell what's real and what's disinformation once you start paying attention. Im sharing tf outta this. It's time the general mass gets spammed. KEEP TALKING ABOUT IT 👏👏
@memyself7195 Says:
Elon musk is not the biggest he only gets about 20 percent of contracting NASA gets the majority they try not to give him contracts he has to fight to get contracts at least that is what he says
@cryptocred5754 Says:
Great podcast, Candace.
@diversafriday Says:
This is a masterclass on interviewing. He presents phenomenally complicated information in digestible bits. She keeps him feeling comfortable and plays devil's advocate in a good faith manner. They refrain from trash-talking all the haters and stay energized the entire time. 10/10 will recommend to my open-minded foil hat homies.
@auchan42 Says:
Austin wields great autism power

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