FBI Warns of Coming Attack on US Water System
FBI Warns of Coming Attack on US Water System



@FactsMatterRoman Says:
🇺🇸 Election season special: Subscribe to The Epoch Times for $1 to support Roman's fact-finding mission https://ept.ms/RomanSale
@Jesusiscominglive777 Says:
TY & shared on FB, wake up people! 🙏🏻🇺🇸🕯
@ollieoxen626 Says:
Found this after the American Water hack. Where I work, one of the guys there came in and told us that they were working with the DOD.
@jankemjunkie6564 Says:
Recently an e coli outbreak in bottled water
@Christian_Prepper Says:
0:19 *That's scary....I mean the cat. HA!*
@ManInTheWoods76 Says:
If We the People don't ALREADY have our water squared away, it's because We aren't paying attention or are intentionally ignorant. Nearly everyone who will do anything about it already has. This is the level of preparedness we will have.
@MrOldclunker Says:
I work in water facilities and you cannot add chemicals as the pumps are designed to NOT dose above a set range and cannot physically be hacked to dose at rates that would be fatal. Pumps are sized properly and there are not a unknown number of chemicals in the facilities to begin with like uneducated tend to believe.
@MrOldclunker Says:
Who trust Wray or anything he says? No ne!
@MrOldclunker Says:
I work in the water and wastewater treatment utilities. Our country's utility infrastructure is very vulnerable to say the least. All your folks saying stay offline have o idea how operations work and are carried out. Have you ever worked at a treatment facility? NO! I have and have worked in them for nearly 40 years. Do you know how much is connected to the net...every operation in the facility as SCADA is all done on computers, servers and cloud. Throw your cell phone away and I'll stop using internet connect programs at work. I sat in on the best practices webinar and it was a joke. All we heard was how the DEI hires back slap that they got these jobs but couldn't do anything to combat the hackers. What an utter waste of time and resources to hear them talk about their credentials and lack thereof.
@jasonh3220 Says:
people really drink tap water lol
@MelissaOhlrich Says:
😂 who gave this guy a job..... especially on a channel named FACTS Matter?!?!?! Not ONE statement he made reflected the TRUTH.
@MelissaOhlrich Says:
😂😂😂 LOL hackers from other countries don't you mean our government, tell the truth let's be real here buddy
@TWH-k9i Says:
Wait a minute.... this is that yahoo from the Falun Gong. Epoch times propaganda bullshit.
@KRAKEN91O Says:
FBI warns of attack on water supply 😂 you mean other than what we allow corporations to do to our own water supply. News flash, you all have cancer chemicals. Just some bodies can handle better until they get old
@brett.c1649 Says:
All part of Klaus shwab plan. I am a waer plant operator replace your PLC to counter this issue
@TakinErEasyHere Says:
@patriot639 Says:
Yeah still wondering why Biden wasn't impeached when he straight up committed treason on television. What is there a law somewhere that says if you commit treason and it's broadcasted then it's not treason?
@Earthstein Says:
The attack on our water will come from our Federal Government. A powerful tool for a dictator to have complete control of. Like electric vehicles with a maximum range per charge of 80 miles. Who controls the electric grid? Same people who control water delivery.
@V4VestA Says:
*You mean like the attack in Flint Michigan?*
@LM-qs9lz Says:
poisoning would be unpleasant but beam me up Scotty there is no intellegent life here!
@davidcox8580 Says:
I wouldn’t put it past our government to cut our water off before some other country does.
@Artifactsofmars Says:
In Rochester, NY a dirtbag scaled a 15 foot fence in the Hyland reservoir in February 2024. It was not a cyber attack, but I think the dirtbag may have been attempting a biological attack. The media has been dishonest about this. They said that the dirtbag accidentally drowned in the reservoir, which makes no sense because the reservoir would have been frozen over. The dirtbag came from the part of the world where you are taught that martyring yourself will get you 72 virgins. I think the dirtbag offed himself. So far no one has gotten sick. I stopped drinking Rochester water immediately. A biological attack does not have to manifest itself immediately. I have a microscope, and I might put some city water under the microscope to see what is swimming around in it.
@leilanala Says:
In 1995 I wrote to my Government NOT to digitize critical infrastructure, it stil happened though at the beginning with an open connection to the internet, so could I poke around in many government facilities and if I would I could bring chaos to the whole Country, for instance stop a electric plant totally for months, SAME WARNING keep critical infrastructure from the internet and NO office PC's on the same network where critical infrastructure is connected to, only use the specific PC for critical infrastructure by prioritized personal with a passkey on name.
@natebyars2439 Says:
Got an ad for this video, you monotized again? For the algo
@waterlifepets3964 Says:
Dang Roman lookin fit bro!!
@lyndaspeight856 Says:
Shame on you. What happened to our beautiful wonderful America whereor we didn't have to worry about stuff like that. Parents, work with your children please
@Archangels1 Says:
Sponsored by your local neighborhood bottled water companies. Like Coca Cola Bottling Co.
@sundownbradley393 Says:
Biden-Harris and China have already been attacking Our water supplies. Covid did not spread naturally. Chinese balloons over Our open water sources… it has been happening with Biden-Harris-military approval.
@noelellis144 Says:
Whatever. Where's that Comet?
@PardonTheInteruption1 Says:
I noticed a lot of his videos like to put fear in it's viewers
@PardonTheInteruption1 Says:
isn't the water supply already under attack
@sarcasticone1489 Says:
Analog ftw.
@4310corey Says:
Thank God, because I have a very deep well.
@darrellrichard9800 Says:
Always during election season Water problems, virus problems, war problems. Next
@shawnrose5795 Says:
Does anyone else just cringe down to their souls whenever they hear “Russian hackers”? Ugh! It’s even worse hearing it from yourself
@shawnrose5795 Says:
So the FBI is gonna sabotage our water. Got it. It’s just gross and stupid how they always know that something is gonna happen. How? Yet, can’t prevent any of it. And of course why would you even want to thwart yourselves?
@shawnrose5795 Says:
So the FBI is gonna sabotage our water. Got it. It’s just gross and stupid how they always know that something is gonna happen. How? Yet, can’t prevent any of it. And of course why would you even want to thwart yourselves?
@Think-dont-believe Says:
We have unlimited amount of Glacier Filtered Fresh Water!!!!
@jaycomber4154 Says:
Traitors on the inside a helping these groups
@Goodnews4man Says:
At least they are confessing in advance. What we are also witnessing is perhaps the pretext for taking the internet offline the in the name of "safety" or in the interest of national security...
@ronrothrock7116 Says:
Today, 10 days after this video drops, there is a local news article about the town of Shady Cove Oregon being under a state of emergency because their water has been out for 4 days now. The news is not reporting that this was a cyber attack, but one has to wonder. The news reached out for comment from the company and for 3 days the company did not respond. Now they are just saying a pump failure. Just Google Shady Cove water outage to see the news....
@nicksantos43 Says:
I work in IT and have been noticing that our small water utility customers have been beefing up their cybersecurity tremendously in recent years!
@slavkagough3023 Says:
Only Russia, China, and North Korea are the “ bad guys” you forgot Iran. 😂😂😂😂😂
@fierachick Says:
Cyber attack done by the FBI themselves.
@mresquire3328 Says:
I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s the FBI or another acronym agency that does pollute/poison our water.
@lplyons8685 Says:
Thanks Roman for always bringing that 💯 percent. 🙏🏾
@harrygaul4475 Says:
Biden probably gave Russia all they wanted in exchange for secret moneys to him, his son, and his family especially since he was involved in Ukraine taking moneys when he was VP
@jmell2562 Says:
So what is the govt. going to do to our water?
@YmaRebaul Says:
Today in Texas....foaming agent found in the water.
@elijahsanders3547 Says:
A lot more things could probably be manual and analog. And people should be looking at collecting and filtering their own water.

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