Hidden $1.2 Trillion Debt Bomb that Next President Will Have to Defuse
Hidden $1.2 Trillion Debt Bomb that Next President Will Have to Defuse



@FactsMatterRoman Says:
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@DazedandInsane Says:
Another reason to stop voting dem
@alfredocalzadilla7251 Says:
This is why a lot of companies are returning to the office. Specially those who own the office buildings and have loans on them... Amazon, Stellantis
@zedleppelin6466 Says:
this means by 2026 if rates dont go to 0 these buildings will be worthless if business does not pick up
@blodrush25 Says:
do you know what the bank can do make all thse buildings in to appartments people can afford to leve in that not cost 40000 dollars or 10000 dollars make 500 appartments an paid it all back that way but no no its all about ripping people off as much you can in NY an other places stupid system the USA have to many rules benefit the rich an dont make space for the lesser fortune people to leve in Ny or any other plave whare rich people have set their eyes on.
@giuseppepennisi8699 Says:
I strongly agree with this guy and on his time frame. Late 2025-2026. This video can save a lot of people.
@AllenBarclayAllen Says:
Well then you will need the greatest tax weapon to replace the money 💰 . The american malty trillions business is the lato . 1:54
@chrisAgoodwin Says:
Shit hits fan. Intr'estin' -- something quite different hit my Dad in 1940 - he owned lots of rental property in London - most of his tenants upped and left - for some reason - I was not paying attention, not being born yet -so all his mortgages went belly up. He went to the mortgage holder, and said, "I can't pay" - and they said - "No, we understand -and we cannot foreclose and sell the properties -because nobody else would be so stupid as to buy. So you just hang on to them, and we'll all pray." A few years later, and London got RATHER BUSY - with lots of people trying to manage a war, and needing somewhere to live - and all the accommodation was in great demand. So bacon was saved. Don't worry - keep your cool - it should all blow over.
@KlaasKiel-u4m Says:
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤WE LOVE IT❤❤❤❤❤❤
@joemulkerins5250 Says:
Clickbait much?
@Preston_Smith Says:
Its all profesied and its going to get worse before it gets better. The desolating sickness, the earthquakes, the riots. All of it. 31 And there shall be men standing in that generation, that shall not pass until they shall see an overflowing scourge; for a desolating sickness shall cover the land. 32 But my disciples shall stand in holy places, and shall not be moved; but among the wicked, men shall lift up their voices and curse God and die. 33 And there shall be earthquakes also in divers places, and many desolations; yet men will harden their hearts against me, and they will take up the sword, one against another, and they will kill one another. Doctrine and Covenants 45:31–33
@Fortex555 Says:
Global G0V was successful in derailing the US economy with global lockdowns. Global G0V will end the U$.
@Preston_Smith Says:
You can turn all that office space into indoor farms. Probably not for animals but plants
@Preston_Smith Says:
See that everyone wants to go work at a desk job Bill Gates promotes being lazy and then he starts buying up all the farmland then there's not going to be any farmland and everyone's going to starve to death.
@Preston_Smith Says:
Maybe they should be building out and not up. You'd probably do better with smaller buildings that are scattered than one tall building. Like Jesus said lay not for yourselves Treasures upon Earth where moth and rust of corrupt and thieves break through and steal rather lay up for yourselves Treasures in Heaven where neither moth Northeastern corrupt and thieves do not break through nor steal for where your treasure is there where your heart be also. So in the end that skyscraper is a temporary thing and not something you're going to take with you to the next life anyway so when companies decide to work at home instead of having Office Space then you're sort of out of luck
@Preston_Smith Says:
Maybe the government should stay out of it and just let them go out of business. Support smaller businesses
@Preston_Smith Says:
You're looking pretty swole man
@Preston_Smith Says:
I could definitely use some space for a few things however I don't think a skyscraper would be a good spot for it LOL
@Preston_Smith Says:
My great-grandfather was there when they took the picture of the flag raising on Iwo Jima
@Preston_Smith Says:
I think there's too many office jobs and not enough farm jobs because people don't want to farm anymore they just want to sit at a desk and do nothing which I feel like would be fine if we could have robots do the farming however would I see the problem is is people like Bill Gates buying up all the Farmland because it looks like they want to pull the plug on the food supply. However I'd be totally fine with making robots to do all the farming so that we can focus on other things like making new technology
@Preston_Smith Says:
Was there ever enough businesses to fill that office space? Or did they just build the buildings thinking that they could find people to rent it?
@michaelholder3933 Says:
America really isnt that far in debt. Yeah its 37 teillion or whatever but the dollar is worthless. 37 trillion times ,3 cents osnt alot for a nationike america. Hold your. Ash ,when the bottom actually falls out the banks will beg for cash. On the world stage it will be worth nothing, here at home it will be worth everything. Look at Russia its a prime example. Jere a ruble is worth about one cent ,there it was at 97 cents last week. Big difference. The value of fiat. Currency is relative to wants it.
@alanhobbs4498 Says:
Did the last few presidents increase the debt by trillions each?
@mikedubovs1574 Says:
The federal reserve is a private bank that loans us our money at a interest rate and taxes is a ponzi scheme and theft
@mikedubovs1574 Says:
Remove welfare system and alimony and child support and remove personal income tax under 400k and remove homestead property tax under a certain amount area
@chevtruck1000 Says:
What you failed to mention is the amount of profits the babks made prior to the scamdemic. Let the ones who misjudged what is to come fail. They deserve what should happen to them.
@frankromero4048 Says:
When everything that used to cost $20 dollars... Now costs $50 dollars... Something has got to give in... Communisum requires a pesant class... In order to take over a country... "Open Border". This is an attempt to take over the World..! By Globalist / Communist, this is why they want to Disarm American Patriots..!
@ktrethewey Says:
It’s a pity you feel the need to talk like an auctioneer. Otherwise good.
@sparkybob1023 Says:
Is this trü? Sounds like it, as a percentage ^%, what are we talking about here
@seeker_n259 Says:
We managed to forget that these banks were going on a buying spree and owning nearly all US land to inflate its price. It seams to me that everything is going back to normal and that nobody is losing money but actually losing the profit they so dreamed of with great greed.
@PeterBalko Says:
and in a lot of cities, you do not even have anything working at the bottom of the building
@khankrum1 Says:
Gold is the money of Kings. Silver the money of gentlemen. Barter the money of Peasants. Debt is the money of slaves. Us the USA now a nation of SLAVES?
@Mithra53 Says:
Stop talking BS. Every day, the date is pushed away. Last year, it was 2024, then 2025 and now next year. Just make a video on YOU HAVE NO IDEA
@coolcatfunhouse Says:
Was in an office building in Vegas yesterday. There were 6 offices on the floor, and 4 of them were empty!
@HandsomeStranger1963 Says:
''THE FUTURE OF WORK IS WORKFROM HOME''. SAVINGS FOR US ALL. sry bout the caps. save on travel less stress on infrastructure, greenhouse emissions, convert to housing. good for all.
@rutessian Says:
It's almost as if high taxes and high criminality drive businesses into bankruptcy or to other places.
@MK-ft3qt Says:
You cannot expect people to believe your timeline when for the last decade you keep moving the goal post...it's ridiculous at this point. Also, most people know the Federal Reserve caused the great depression...those that control the the monetary system will decide when the debt bomb goes off.
@bobkost5731 Says:
Sounds like another bank bailout on the horizon
@34ofaninchofbrain80 Says:
I suppose that some of those buildings could be turned into appointments as a lot of people work out if there home's now days.
@aaronhope8366 Says:
Well that's a bucket of interesting. Gonna be a rough one.
@khaleel_as Says:
The background music is annoying......... It is much easier to watch and understand without the music, just cut it.
@GG-mx9fj Says:
Keep an eye on who are buying these buildings. Follow the money. I imagine they will use the spaces to coup us up in cities with no air.
@knutknutsen5610 Says:
AND when the “democrats” get another term they will raise taxes even higher and that will end in bankruptcy.
@Memememe-is1yn Says:
This is how they will pull the rug out from under Trump, probably a little more than halfway through his next term. Just like they did last time with Covid (planned or not, I'm talking about their response here). Then they will come screaming that they are the solution and we need Communism under a different name.
@ashleywynn4923 Says:
All the democrats, politicians and liberals can pay that debt. They the ones who dont know how to balance a check book.😊
@DavidRose-m8s Says:
1st small farms, and support business struggled with dying rural towns. Now the same economic drivers have hit cities. Even housing is becoming corporate so who will need bank staff for personnel home loans when a plethora of companies owns 100,000 homes each, and will even self insure, and so it goes into swirling into dystopia. Approaching the traps of communism from the other corporate direction with the same shared ultimate result.
@henrytwigger2245 Says:
Could it be that everyone just died in the pandemic and there's no one to go to the offices now ?
@brotheradam Says:
2004 to 2009 all over again and it will again affect the world. Biggest holder of those repurchased notes are not our banks that wrote them but China and Russia and Korea.
@Rebecca-nx5ec Says:
This is how everyone will.own nothing and be happy
@Terry-n4d Says:
Wonder what the scrap value of one of those skyscrapers is ? 🤔 I mite give them a buck or two.

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