Suspicions…Are now CONFIRMED. 8.5.24 #VotesForSale
Suspicions…Are now CONFIRMED. 8.5.24 #VotesForSale



@mr.movietrailers3591 Says:
We all know there was fraud
@marktwain2053 Says:
Imagine that, another "Conspiracy Theory" turns out to be Conspiracy Fact.
@_Smitty1212 Says:
Yes, there was widespread voter fraud in Michigan! Ballots dumped at TCF center in the wee hours of the morning.
@xavierprotocols Says:
I saw enough overwhelming evidence on the days leading up to and the day of voting for it to have been called voter fraud and should have been overturned.
@toshiharuhirasugioka8668 Says:
How pitiful situation of Kamala and her partner is! Just analyze their backgrounds and falsely promises for the nation. Electors, open eyes and view back of them, love our Flag.
@Keepthefaith1 Says:
If I heard correctly the evidence was never allowed to be heard because the presenters were told they have no standing. If you do not listen then you don’t know if there is any evidence. Has anyone else heard this. I am open to learning more about how evidence was not allowed to be heard in court.
@Ahdbfbfbeh Says:
Deepstate Vs Trump
@gear1100 Says:
So the Warren commission back a couple decades ago found a crazy amount of election fraud on both sides and experienced a lot of death threats and they published a large book with their evidence yet now it doesn't exist? The corruption is on a scale so large that an independent organization with proper checks and balances to study the issue nationwide is not just warranted but desperately needed.
@blazinpuffs Says:
Trump won Iowa, Florida and Ohio. The fact that he won just one of these swing States was an election victory and yet he won all three. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind 2020 was an illegitimate election. Biden is illegitimate. Every EO since day one has been illegitimate.
@ClassicCase Says:
Vote buying is as old as the Roman Republic, where it happened in organised fashion. You styled your republic after the Roman one, are you surprised it will have the same flaws, too?
@normawingo5116 Says:
Until people are arrested tried and sentenced for treason etc, this will continue! These immigrants aren’t coming for jobs….this is an invasion to overthrow the country. After the election, nobody cared, everybody walked away to let the country collapse, then invasion, then another fixed election, then reduce the American population with civil war!!!! All while Trump stands back and watches, coz you can’t blame him! He’s the duly elected presiden, do something about it….oh no…..we have to put the country thru another fixed election. Screw. Politics!!! They’re all liars pushing you in one preordained direction or the other. I’m done with your head games, lies, and manipulation. I’ll keep my vote!!!!!! Both sides are crap!
@marloncebo242 Says:
Voter ID required at a federal level. It's a very easy solution that they do not want.
@jaylblass Says:
Wait did oketh get project veritas back?
@wintersquest Says:
Ok, so they still have no action! Right now we have the recount and the re- recount of the recount in Fulton county, GA that have ALL come up with different numbers of ballots (they were missing over 350,000 ballot images) AND video of Ruby Freeman running the same stack of ballots multiple times after dem workers lied about a 'leak' to 'close' for the night. We have Claire Woodall-Vogg in Milwaukee printed 64,000 ballots, her 'team' fill them out in RM 501, middle of the night AND ran magic ballots delivered at 1:15am. Plus the ex judge on Tucker last week tasked with investigation in WI found nothing BUT fraud. Wisconsin has 7 million on voter roles receiving mailed ballot- there are about 3.5 million eligible voters, c'mon! We have PA who also got a truck load of magical ballots we KNOW were run after deadline. We have local police in Muskegon, MI busting GBI strategies when a worker dropped off 10,000 fraudulent ballots. The FBI took a look at their office with tons of ballot applications w/ same handwriting, gift cards, swag and guns and said 'we busted them, the system works' but fail to mention TN based GBI strategies operates in cities across the country. We had massive recount in Maricopa AZ proving 150k++ ballots were fraudulent but the news only ran stories that the nameless BALLOT count was correct! Not to mention 2,000 mules and dominion being connected to the internet- a FOIA request found an officials email someone in CIA forgot to scrub from Croatia asking to start the '2020 election test run'. I could go on all day but my heart can't take it, let alone that J6 was instigated to shut down The People's voice who dared to question it. We can't move on till all Americans know!
@MortishaPoppins Says:
Anyone with intelligence already questioned EVERYTHING....Thank you for for exposing the fraud
@Ibanezish Says:
USA is a third world nation when it comes to voting integrity. In Denmark, only the person who is registered on the ballot can turn it in, and your identity is confirmed before allowed into the booth, your vote is then Registered. Also, all ballots are in paper and counted manually. Wtf are you doing? It's beyond, beyond shameful, and I don't understand why Democrats in particular whom are so in love with Europe, don't find inspiration to improve the voting laws so that everyone can believe in election results.
@kraevinmoorehed1776 Says:
YES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DUDE You are the closest thing to the Avengers that we got.
@Jcicifnfnhch Says:
Bruh! Please don’t even tell me. 😮
@lindamichigan5471 Says:
In Michigan dead people by the thousands “voted”. It is known, called out and ordered to be resolved. Was that before or after “witless” gave away her ability to honor God, family and country as she sat side by side with the globalists plotting her own kidnapping?
@evah787 Says:
Sorry but I don't trust the present Voting system/process.... The Democrats are desperate .....
@adolfolerito6744 Says:
America’s problem is that it has never gone through a period of dictatorship. If we did, we would have a voting system like the ones of basically every other Western country, ie systems that prioritize election integrity over running after everybody and their dog to make them vote at all costs. I’m an immigrant with double citizenship, so I have direct experience on how voting works in another country… and in my country of birth (in Southern Europe) people are allowed to vote: 1) ONLY on Election Day (always a holiday) from 7am to 11pm; 2) ONLY in person; 3) ONLY after presenting your VALID National ID with proof of citizenship; 4) ONLY after presenting your MANDATORY Voter ID (which of course has to be valid); 5) ONLY with a big paper ballot with big party symbols, made with specific paper and with a special pencil, which makes it extremely hard to falsify; Just to give an idea of the added layers of fraud prevention, the paper ballot has a specific serial number, which will be written down in the Voter Registry present at the section in the polling station, together with your name, DOB, ID code and residence. After you cast the vote, you will sign the Voter Registry and receive a stamp on your Voter ID that will note that you voted and when. All of this creates a combination of three magic elements, namely 1) having just ONE DAY to vote, after which the count starts immediately on site with everything from witnesses to cops, etc. means that there’s also just one day to commit fraud, thereby lowering open windows to act. 2) The graphical complexity of the process needs TONS of very specific safety features to be bypassed, and finally 3) the data in the Voter ID stamps, the barcode on the ballot, the Voter Registry, etc. are all designed to be both foolproof and perfectly coordinated, so ANY incongruence is incredibly easy to spot even by an untrained volunteer! That’s why in my country of birth, even though politics SUCK, parties are corrupt to the teeth, and the electorate is absolutely polarized, NOBODY ever dares to even SUGGEST a that the opposing party could have gained an edge because of fraud!! When I tell to my relatives there that in America there isn’t any mandatory Voter ID (and when there is it’s not implemented well, with a foolproof mechanism), that people can vote for up to ONE ENTIRE MONTH before Election Day, that ballots are usually a white paper where a simple black dot has to be filled in (which is extremely easy to falsify, and the falsified one hard to detect), and worst of all, that ballots are often sent to literally everybody BY MAIL without being solicited and then traveling around the country for the entire month, my relatives literally DO NOT BELIEVE ME! They simply don’t understand how can Americans trust their voting process when it’s so freakin’ convoluted to even DETECT any fool play, and I perfectly understand their point. Sadly, most Americans don’t know how voting systems of other developed countries function, so they don’t know how bad they are being F’d by the political establishment…. But we have to learn this, because either our voting system gains some serious integrity, or the trust in our entire democratic process will be at risk!
@IsekaiApostle Says:
I’ll be cruising the streets looking for door to door box carriers this voting season, with my “super soaker”.
@bosstheory9873 Says:
All hail the new fake black Indian woman president who nobody voted for at any point since 2020. Many of you men out there were all happy to see tulsi in charge, so just because it’s a women you didn’t like, it’s still a woman. So you are halfway getting something I could never ask for in my life as a man. Deal with it
@Not-Ken-Molestina Says:
6 days late thanks YouTube
@RJUSA Says:
Yeah we know- but we can’t anything about it
@funnyfack9854 Says:
When kamala kumswalla wins u know it's rigged
@juststeveful Says:
BRIBES are always there!! People are hurting and becoming desperate!!….to the point, they are selling AMERICA!! Wake up!! This country is becoming more like COMMUNIST CHINA!! The AMERICAN PEOPLE need to step up!! TRUMP-VANCE 2024!! SAVE AMERICA!!
@TBagr Says:
How many more votes were cast than there are eligible voters?
@holycow8683 Says:
The election is rigged with noncitizens on the voter registration roles imported by the current regime Required ID and make Election Day a National Holiday not an election week of drop boxes and mail in ballots
@TheJonathan2144 Says:
Who would have thought
@jamiem3628 Says:
More proof that this is total war against the people.....we must win at All Cost
@jessehansen10 Says:
The evidence was ballots being counted at 3am. I watched it happen on AP.
@KellyBellcambridgegiftsbykelly Says:
Why we don’t trust or use the msm any more. The Democrats and Rinos lie always. Do not trust the system. It’s one big machine
@brucewindell5885 Says:
And absolutely nothing will happen.
@tammyoday7058 Says:
Sounds like a Democrat thing to do. They all lie and cheat! And obviously complicit!
@LeftyCrusher9000 Says:
You kicked out your founder because he was willing to do the work and now you wanna be relevant again at election time?
@bidensatraitor6211 Says:
Until we have a trustworthy. D.O.J. and FBI we will never have an honest election again! The entire world knows the election was stolen now and that the disgusting mainstream media was all in on it! And until that is addressed, we have no country to defend but a hijacked system being run by traitors who want to destroy us. Our military needs to do its job or resign in disgrace!
@paintballmonkey666 Says:
the shadow ban on this channel makes it impossible for people to see this.. :/
@paintballmonkey666 Says:
here we go again.... i guess we know trump will get out cheated in this election again, all the rallies and polls show trump will win with landlide, but with alll this fruad I bet somehow kamala will get 81million+ votes just like biden 'did'
@paintballmonkey666 Says:
this is actually terrifying because there was tons of evidence last time and still you would be called a tin foil hat conspiracy theorist if you said anything about the evidence.......... I am beyond terrified that this election will go just like last time and be stolen through fraud... kamala will get millions of dead people and illigal immigrant votes... im terrified for USA
@PirithiumX Says:
We all know it. When more votes are cast than voters then it’s obvious.
@marltonmanks9891 Says:
The was a whole ass gun battle in an American city decades ago between soldiers coming back from WW2 and corrupt politicians/cops because of shit like this
@bobrr7598 Says:
NAME the "judges" who threw these claims out of court.
@samuelvf46 Says:
Sadly no surprise there
@aubreybush5287 Says:
forgot to unsubscribe, OMG MEDIA ALL DAY BABY
@copperfer Says:
Shameful organization
@mystriddlery Says:
Hmmm, the guy so despised his own party had a coup to force him out, the first president to not run for re-election in ages. THIS is the guy who won the most votes in US history? Yeah sure, OK 🙄
@jerrym2321 Says:
And YT hasn't pulled this video yet? Does anyone really believe that Google will let this be shown.....telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
@kennethmoles4643 Says:
It's far more wide spread than I'm hoping for. I could see hope with only a little fraud, but it's more likely to be off the hook!!!!
@mte874 Says:

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