Boogie2988 SUCKS More Than I Ever Imagined
Boogie2988 SUCKS More Than I Ever Imagined



Can you please keep your solo channel up , the duo podcast is cool and everything but we enjoy your solo stuff just as much if not more ,
@StonedMexicanGuy Says:
You crowd funded for your mail order Ukrainian bride
@rdzu834 Says:
If anyone’s ever heard of the JessiSlaughter situation (a 10 year old was groomed by a shitty crunkcore “artist”) you’ll know that Boogie was one of **MANY** who ripped her to absolute pieces instead of her abuser.
@domerino-ft6sd Says:
twisted his bucking tipples
@wilsonalvarez9580 Says:
Come on D. Give us some political content!!
@fnordwolfe1269 Says:
Real quick broke up with your girlfriend because you could only hang out late and you were concerned for her grades? I'm gonna call cap on that. Come on man. You broke up with her because you weren't into it and that was the excuse. If you liked her at all you would have found a way to shift your schedule around, or see her on weekends or whatever. That was some weak sauce my friend.
@MelancoliaI Says:
Boogie's REAL fans will always support him!
@rabidcheesemonkey1092 Says:
You have changed since the last time I saw you. Still spot on though.
@garyisfat Says:
i came for the gay, i stayed for the gay. youre a based lad, im glad i found you thru the gay
@Artificer1911 Says:
I have no idea who Boogie and the other people in that video are, but it's nice to see another video from you. Glad you are well. The shorts have been hilarious.
@halkeye20 Says:
Before now. The only thing i knew about boogie was that he got yelled at by anita
@theequestriandojo3768 Says:
Little did Destiny know at this moment, he was next.
@glasswhisperer Says:
Boogie never had anything or thought he had anything. Boogie is a sympathy addict liar.
@ronaldbargain4925 Says:
I forgot abt this guy he’s a OG
@JamesThomasJeans Says:
Keem's point is there is a line, and for him faking cancer crosses it.
@RA-xx4mz Says:
Packing the courts? My guy, those seats were filled constitutionally. Packing is when you make extra seats because you aren’t getting your way.
@jacobalexander7192 Says:
Gotta say I've been loving the gay parodies. I think its hilarious that SomeBlackGuy switched from anti-SJW content to gay buttrock parodies
@albadude1922 Says:
Boogie’s channel could shut down tomorrow and lose everything and I wouldn’t care a bit.
@AbrasiousProductions Says:
you lost me at the trump bullshit, could've been a great video but you had to be the minister of propaganda, if you're anti-trump, you're anti-america, nuff said.
@harryshearer992 Says:
“He’s DATING someone?! Fuck this guy. I dated someone and broke up with them because blah blah morality blah blah, so naturally this guy needs to break up with his partner because reasons”. Douche.
@Beezer1742 Says:
Yoooo where you been
@nyyankeesfan9865 Says:
Didn’t Boogie also scam thousands of dollars from his viewers with a Crypto Scam? As someone who lost a parent, 2 grandparents and a biological father that is in remission it makes me sick that he faked having cancer
@maineman5757 Says:
Oh okay
@bethanythedford9226 Says:
Crazy to think this guy was thought of the mr. Rogers of theinternet, now he’s faking disabilities? How sick in the head do you have to be to do that?
@SecretSquaff Says:
Packing the courts? That never happened. Democrats threatened to do that after Trump got three picks through. That's a normal part of being president. I need to avoid you dramatubers like you're a plague. Always opening your mouth to say something stupid.
@LukaBlight69 Says:
Boogie does not deserve hate, he deserves worse; he deserves to be forgotten.
@jeffreydrake5851 Says:
Haven’t seen you in ages. Glad to see you are doing well. I’ll be checking out the podcast. Be nice to hear Chris again too.
@somechupacabrawithinternet8866 Says:
if only we had a machine that switched people to their good side .. .then we would get the old Boogie... sorry for people who's only side ls their evil one... like vegan gains... it won't work
@pjmonkeyjohnson Says:
Dog piling.. damn bro..i thought you were above this petty content.
@hallarious506 Says:
The Trump thing is a terrible example. Because the complete opposite is happening. The crazies who warned about Trump are the ones doing the crazy shit. Its like saying, if xxz happens someone will get shot. And then you are the one shooting someone. A selfullfilling prophecy isnt quite impressive, if you do your part to fullfill it.
@SweetChib Says:
Ok from my understanding, when this youtuber says "calm down, it's not gonna be that bad" It is most certainly gonna be bad 😂 Jk man, You're right though we're all human and make mistakes 👍
@jablesboogley Says:
nice to see you out of the closet and in your new place
@lodougherty Says:
Boogie is a pedophile.
@MrPete1985 Says:
I already been down the Chris Chan rabbit hole, I watched an hour long video about the Liquid Chris saga yesterday
@Iblameyouu Says:
I agree with SBG, besides it being odd at best he should have thought about her well-being but instead went for it. But he is an obese overweight incel and to me it seems like more of a trophy for him like oh I can get this type of girl? A normal sized pretty girl? Although she seems a little vanilla to me. (Not skin color) But he thought about HIM. He is a true self-serving narcissist. So it’s really no surprise.
@bradmiles1984 Says:
So according to Derek if your views change over 15 years they must be fake, smh. Pretty funny because Derek's own views have changed over the years too but now because Joe doesn't think the same his views must be fake.
@Lolzosaurus Says:
Sure the guy making all them gay parodies isn't excited about getting a camera shoved up his ass! 😂🤣
@TonyDanza4Lyfe Says:
For a new channel, maybe don’t go 32 minutes deep, at least when you don’t have enough entertaining material to include in your commentary. Maybe try to think more critically with your wit. Put your brain to work if you want to make truly entertaining videos. Just a thought, the passion and effort is real, this is meant constructively.
@therealxzenu843 Says:
I don't know who's worse. Boogie or Destiny ? They are both horrible ppl
@ArkhamJacks Says:
I think hes more of a compulsive liar, he straight up cannot stop himself. Pathological lying is more of a delusion of believing their own lies. This dude knows hes full of it, he just tries to coerce people to give him attention
@BorkKillsOneLegMan Says:
You look more youthful after coming back to California 😮
@joea9222 Says:
You're both trash, lets be real
@johnathanrush4666 Says:
Boogie sat and lied to a man who actually has cancer and is dying from it for over an hour. I know that's not nearly the worst he's done but that really burned me
@adsafgasgasdfasdf Says:
I think youre confused about what a lolcow is, they are people that lack self awareness to know what they do is embarrassing or people are making fun of them. Chris chan, wings, phil all lack self awareness and that is why we make fun of them. boogie isnt a lolcow, yes we make fun of him but it's because he intentionally does bad things
@g33p61 Says:
you shouldn't feel bad about that shit I think you were actually right that there wasn't enough evidence presented of boogie being a horrible person to assume that that's who he was yet Giving people the benefit of the doubt is a good decision Even though, in this case, you ended up being wrong
@authentic_shaggy4318 Says:
Yooooo I got this in my algo, the channel is back
@Kurachi84 Says:
That lady could've been with a boring nerdy guy (nah, not talking about myself here... shh!) and be more happy, than with Mr Drama Queen Boogie! Man, i weigh around 100-120kg(been a while since i checked, but i've lost some without trying), and our family doc said it's unhealthy, so boogie (above 180kg) is way beyond just being unhealthy! Sad, cuz i was encouraging him to lose his unneeded f4t... but a year or 2 later he started scamming people! Dude, i was on your side, but you weren't! Having mountains of money(if he'd have that) for a few years, isn't making you happy, while having way less while being healthy, would give you way better chances in life! It's funny that even people like Destiny and Keem, who's just side switching whenever convenient, also can have good takes. Just never trust them for 100%! I learned it the hard way. I just don't think it was clear enough back then (at least on YT) that Boogie would go as far as he's gone lately. Red flags don't need to always point at huge things like this, so it could've just been some BS talks. Boogie will now lose believers, even if he gets cncr for real ... so he's gonna F himself over!
@Mango98219 Says:
I watched a boogie a few times back when he was doing his Francis videos when I was about 13 and thought they were funny but never really watched him much through out the years but l always he was a chill dude and like you said the “Mr rogers of the internet” and up until 4ish years ago was when I saw all the things he’s been saying/doing and it’s just crazy how his fall from grace has been and I’m not surprised but kinda am at the same time on how much lower he seems to get every year it’s actually crazy 💀
@vitalepitts Says:
The whole point of the lolcow podcast was also for them to benefit for once from people shitting on them, but at this point why would you want to ultimately still support him? It clearly from the crypto scam also gives him more incentive to do harm. I don't feel like I'm enabling wings to do anything actually gross by tuning in occasionally
@Refertech101 Says:
The people who freaked about trump been proven wrong, Trump has done so much to bring America back closer to the constitution, he made some mistakes in who he trusted but he did so many great things, and I am hoping he has a chance to do more great things now he knows just how much and deep of slime the swamp is

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