Let's Talk About Keffals vs SomeOrdinaryGamers
Let's Talk About Keffals vs SomeOrdinaryGamers



@SomeBlackGuy Says:
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@Gokulosestoavirus Says:
Muta respects the pronouns of Chris Chan. That alone should give enough context of how Muta is very pro trans. And I’m the opinion of neither side should care about Chris Chan pronouns.
@TonySkittleAlive184 Says:
Awesome - good job - I have just joined your channel and we are connected now!!
@l.sdarkholme7559 Says:
Its good to see you back in rare form.
@l.sdarkholme7559 Says:
@Zuthuria Says:
Started following because the sussy metallica and gets treated with commentary content 🎉
@dagestan_number_1 Says:
N word go to your planter
@androgynousmaggot9389 Says:
You saying Muta messed up already gives validation to the deflection she's using! He didn't mess up! She's a horrible human, and the drawing is exactly how she is, rotten at the core! You even follow how certain people expect special privilege when criticised? You should have completely disregarded the obvious caricature and only focused on the real issue!
Man come on, you were NOT surprised that the thunbnail thing worked lol. I know you dont do "anti sjw" stuff anymore, but you were in the trenches with these kind of people for years and they always use the same tactics. Its not surprising keffels audience is as braindead as they are.
@KarlKapo Says:
I remember when SomeBlackGuy wasn't this woke. Yeah, you gone downhill my dude. Stop lying about Muta. You fabricate stuff he never said. Why man? I hope Muta give you a ratio response.
@ChrissaTodd Says:
The thing is the thumbnail argument is bad because saying it makes her look like a man is a self report, the art looks like keffals with sweat so very transphobic of her defenders
@Luciferkrist Says:
Don't want to be portrayed as ugly... don't do ugly shit. This guy has been grooming kids for a LONG time. I will not use their 'preferred' pronouns as I do not respect them enough. Creepy dude is just a creepy dude.
@hunterking6033 Says:
Mutahar did NOTHING wrong. Fuck off with that.
@w33blord66 Says:
The drawing looks like Keffals. How is it transfobic to use a drawing that literally just looks like Keffals but sleepy and sweaty.
@derekcampbell4209 Says:
Keffals is a trans icon and hero to a TON of trans youth. Her work is important. Idc if she made a mistake. She deserves leniency. Let’s Move on shall we?
@nikoazure5235 Says:
Yeah this isnt it bruh
@xNSAxWarHawk Says:
whaaaaat keffals is full of shit? I'm sooooooo surprised 😂
@ImperatorSomnium Says:
@thesarcasticmagician9092 Says:
Youtubers always try to weasel out of critism or foul shit. When i hear about these tactics my mind immediately bounces back to Quantum TV. Corny aah shit
@WhyDoBabiesStareAtMe Says:
This is a playbook at this point. Keffals deflects well-deserved bad attention by calling someone a "transphobe". Notice how she never denied anything either? This is just a pathetic attempt at smearing someone with legitimate criticism, and it's painfully obvious. Being trans doesn't justify her awful behaviour.
@MotherFucker445 Says:
So when you make the argument about how the sheep need to be more vigilant and say you blame people for allowing themselves to get scammed are you saying dementia patients who end up getting scammed deserve it? Because those are the people that usually fall for scams now days that and the mentally weak so it’s kind of fucked up to blame them. Other than that it’s a fine video.
@BooksXD00 Says:
Man; been a long time subscriber but I always love the way you put equal playing fields at the forefront and look at everything on level.
@dyllpyll2898 Says:
The true mark of equality is when EVERYONE no matter what or who they are can get praised for doing good and get shit on for doing bad. That is true Egalitarianism.
@theafflictionvhs17 Says:
_The same thing happened during the MamaMax Drama, in that when ever someone criticized Max for scummy & shady actions Max just labeled them as “Pedo Sympathizers” or even eluding that THEY might be Pedo’s themselves._ _Or guilt trip other content creators when they didn’t want to collab or advertise for Max’s dumb ass video’s._
@majdjinn5042 Says:
...muta was insinuating she was a groomer, because Keffals is a groomer.
@OldUncleDan Says:
This is why your channel is dead
@jeffjefferson2853 Says:
This doesn't surprise me in the least
@S7.0rm Says:
ofc only a troon would do this 🤬
@na-vn5qy Says:
calling people 'nasty' and 'hateful' for referring to keffals as 'he' is wild to me. like when a trans person 'r words' a woman and then people are suddenly bigots for referring to them as the appropriate sex, the world has gone completely retarded i stg.
@benbob4038 Says:
I remember when SomeOrdinaryGamers read creepypastas
@paz8723 Says:
I do not think that HRT counts as an Illicit drug and Keffals is simply doing what the government should be doing
@KrisSchwarz98 Says:
Keffal is a shitty person, and not a woman, they're a he, period
@NecessaryDramaAddictionNDA Says:
I cannot wait till all these activists are done. Society is better off if they stay quiet
@hippaul Says:
Love seeing new videos from you man. You always had the level headed takes. Glad to see it. I was just talking to a friend about how much I missed the old guard of 2016. At least the ones who didn’t go down a hardcore political path and become hyper partisans you know?
@MySqueezingArm Says:
Nah man I'm firmly a progressive. Everyone deserves criticism when they do weird shit.
@sdm3545 Says:
I agree with most of what you said but, I get that’s potentially dangerous to give that hormones to minors without medical guidance for sure but even still those kids might need that stuff and if there are no other options available it seems like the best course of action.
So ready for the plug to be pulled, I want off this ride. Calling people who dont buy into this new bs normies as if they are out of touch is fk'n crazy.
@ottolees7208 Says:
how is cockfalls still relevant? i though his "career" died ages ago
@Imsleepeebruh Says:
I'm surprised she still has fans after all the lying she did. Didn't she scam her fans out of a lot money because she needed a lawyer or somethin during the whole kiwi farms debacle?
@Sleran777 Says:
Bro is trying so hard to not default to defending keffals "Not a good look mutahar" Bruuuuuuhhhh
@dirtydan5326 Says:
keffals have no right to complain about the thumbnail when she used the exact same artist's work for her vaush video. she just doesn't like the heat being on her.
@ilyasmasker4242 Says:
Getting destiny deplatformed is a big W tbh
@Maxxy9090 Says:
I'm certain even if OrdinaryGamers gave Keffals the uptmost respect, she'd still find a way to sway the conversation from the absolute abhorrent shit she's done.
@Yumemaru. Says:
W thumbnail. Edit: Damn, the whole drama is about the art in the thumbnail. Also, getting Destiny deplatformed is an absolute win. He's a horrible person.
@jabbarmuhammad Says:
Great video Derrick keep up the good work
@ineedbigdrink8509 Says:
I hate that she and her most ardent supporters use the excuse that his comment section had transphobes to dismiss the content of the video, going as far as to accuse mutahar’s wife of being a nazi. How is it his fault that transphobes that already know and despise keffals go to his video and leave hate comments? He refers to her as a woman the entire fucking video and disavows transphobia, but keffals and her sycophants will do anything to convince the internet that those viewers are his core fanbase, and that somehow justifies plugging your eyes and ears and pretending the content of the video isn’t real and you shouldn’t even bother watching it to find out for yourself. The crybullying in her Twitter sphere is insane. At least it seems the tide is slowly turning as more people are curious enough to watch the video and realize the truth, even in those leftist Twitter circles.
@boxers_ Says:
Israeli propaganda AND Palestinian propaganda
@BorkKillsOneLegMan Says:
We can all agree that Muta is bad at hit pieces
@nairbtj Says:
Keffals is an unequivocally bad person who should be deplatformed, I don’t really know what she did, I haven’t looked into it, but the transphobia needs to be contained or disavowed in communities and those undesirables that show up, should be called out when exposed. For people on the right, it’s how they feel when trump is called orange man or has personal attacks against him, the criticism just does not register to people that support their causes because it’s a personal attack and not a policy one. While Mutahar is not transphobic, the fact that a significant amount of his audience does use slurs against trans people and perpetuates transphobia will turn people away from the criticism and make her a martyr
@jcdenton1310 Says:
I feel like you an Muta are being intellectually dishonest, Keffals never was and never will be a woman

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