The American Flag Represents Liberty on Earth
The American Flag Represents Liberty on Earth



@joshuabeacham3423 Says:
It still IS the flag that is representative of liberty. No matter how many critiques or interpretation people give a work of art, its true meaning it solely up to the artist.
@n8zett Says:
So what does it say when our presidential candidates come down to old, pathetic and senile or old narcissistic and auto lame duck?
@ewakolodziej9165 Says:
No free country exist- united state are not free people in United States do not have freedoms - how can u call freedom when u need to pay taxes for bastards corrupted politicians? How can people be free when u wanna drive the car I need papers , if u wanna buy build the house on your own land bought by your own money u need permits etc etc .. government giving u illusion of freedom
@vidar188 Says:
Fun fact: the french government did not pay for or commission the statue of liberty, the french citizens basically crowd funded it. To me that makes it even more meaningful
@dennishansen3298 Says:
Free... lol
@bobolsen442 Says:
The French actually created 2 statues of liberty. They gifted America the one that is famous in New York today, and kept the other for themselves, where it stands to this day, in France.
@FacefulJizz Says:
Этот флаг несёт только страдания
@ebriggs3498 Says:
Happy INDEPENDENCE Day! Every nation has a fourth of July - not every nation has an Independence Day! ❤🇺🇸❤️🎉❤️🎆❤️🎇❤️🇺🇸❤️
@mannygomez7980 Says:
I love my country and our beautiful flag and my generation hates our country and they are brainwashed
@AmberLois Says:
God bless America
@jtb2586 Says:
The title says "represents" i think you mean represented
@maga2024ever Says:
Why has not one single other nation adopted our way of government?
@cubiusblockus3973 Says:
He isn't wrong... when i wqas a young aussie, i looked at the USA with awe, like we should be like that.... Now i look at the USA like its an asylum run by ms. Rachet.
@speedibusrex Says:
Never ever lose it.
@estewald Says:
When fbi and cia act obeying someone against their own president, like when some agents went to impose to Twitter and Facebook to ban the sitting president on beginning of January 2020, how can you say that is a free country. If someone non elected run the agencies in the interest of some rich and powerful people against the will of American people how can you say that you live in a free country?
@sikanderali3170 Says:
The Americans are so full of themselves. They are not free, they are enslaved. Enslaved by corporates, enslaved by politicians. Both of them in the pockets of the Israel. Why else would you pay tax to send Israel billions of dollars but not have free health care, free education for your children.
@johnlacey3857 Says:
So sad how the CCP destroyed Hong Kong. It was such a beautiful place 😢😢
@brndxt Says:
I am a Canadian, and I am glad the US is our neighbor. I also happen to come from Hong Kong, now being messed up by the ccp. Most people in Hong Kong speak (some) English. Today's 4th July. Happy 4th July, too.
@louismastrangelo3781 Says:
Thank you Dennis has AmericansWho actually understand this concept it is becoming less and less true day by day all courtesy of Biden and the Dems
@garrettkraniak3020 Says:
Wrong…again Does Prager even try?
@emmy_grace Says:
We need to go back to representing what this great country was built on!!
@lolflashlight1010 Says:
I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the **Republic** for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all
@zlg5013 Says:
Too bad people like you weren’t around 40 years ago…….. oh wait
@jeronimotamayolopera4834 Says:
@jeronimotamayolopera4834 Says:
@LBGirl1988 Says:
Beautiful and accurate video! Thank you!
@LBGirl1988 Says:
There are many of us who would put our all on the line for that flag.
@hfyaer Says:
When a European Nation gets independance: "Colors and orientation please?"
@selohcin Says:
The United States WAS the freest country. Not anymore. We can't even collect rainwater in our back yards without a government permit!
@chalsfo Says:
The cost of that, is death 60 years later
@NotDeadYETTTT Says:
The USA is, in fact, a Police State. We are not a free nation by any stretch of the imagination. If our government can weaponize law enforcement to persecute Donald Trump, our former and future president, just imagine what they can do to the rest of us!
@traceysorensen2753 Says:
And this is why they have demonized it!
@RacoonLord-mt9hv Says:
How free were the slaves?
@katamas832 Says:
Most free nation? Is that why police can illegally jail you without often facing any consequences?
@stephenbrown6041 Says:
America is 17th most free country in the world today 2024 ? What happened ? If you look a human freedom index when you include personal and economic freedom. Most free country Switzerland Second, most free, New Zealand.
@ndb232 Says:
@BigChiefWiggles Says:
Maybe a long time ago this was true, one could argue the end of WW2 was the last time, today it represents a dying empire rampaging across the planet, a modern day version of the redcoats.
@SONicNRG Says:
hear, hear
@blades9152 Says:
“You are Jewish” -NJF
@zombifiedpariah7392 Says:
It's very depressing trying to be patriotic in this day and age. I miss the united spirit this country and the media used to have.
@derjoh1986 Says:
We have to get that type of freedom back into the United States, but it takes All of the patriots of the United States to do so.
@thanksfernuthin Says:
Well! You missed Flag Day by a couple of weeks but I'll let that go. It's my birthday! And... ummm... Trump's birthday as well.
@Pa-we1lw Says:
Happy 4th Dennis! God bless America.
@sheepbeeps3369 Says:
prager u bullshitting us all and supporting the destruction of this great nation
@dabidibup Says:
Low population density and homogeneous culture are the key elements. It was a new world, unburdened by age-old feuds… for a while anyway
@Granimal8 Says:
Freest nation in the world yet we still have people fighting for basic human rights
@thepoetrybender Says:
God bless America 🇺🇸!
@johnhodgson4591 Says:
The Constitutional represents Freedom. Not the Flag.
@comfortablesofa Says:
Didn’t we slave some black people along the way for over 200 years and give speeches about how black people like to be slaved to justify whipping them … or something like that?
@r.a.panimefan2109 Says:
It breaks my heart to see our nation divided. It.breaks my heart that people burn our flag and rip down our statues.

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