VERITAS VS. OREGON: Our First Amendment Fight Against the Criminalization of Undercover Journalism
VERITAS VS. OREGON: Our First Amendment Fight Against the Criminalization of Undercover Journalism



@florenbaron7111 Says:
An`tifa is like Hi`ters bro`wn co`ats.
@florenbaron7111 Says:
Fa`scist Yo`uTube unsubscribed me from this channel.
@brotherbruns2989 Says:
I wish Project Veritas would go after the California anti-Constitution lobby and politicians, and announce to the nation who is funding them and encouraging the behaviors.
@janinebrumley3168 Says:
You have my support in Oregon!
@kilgoretrout4461 Says:
We support you in Oregon!!!
@joshm3064 Says:
From Oregon thank you! 🙌 Portland is so corrupt. We have the top worst human trafficking here in the entire nation. They let antifa run the streets, police are not safe. Let homeless people camp and poop in the streets of the city, leave dirty needles everywhere. it's so sad. The shanghai tunnels that were operated to traffic American citizens used to be open to the public and they were recently closed a few years ago for no reason, when all this crap started happening again. Brig the light here please! Oregon is full of genuinely good people, overall is a very nice place, but the world deserves to know the reality of the dark side of Portland. Oregon doesn't have the electoral vote power as other states, but there is a nexus of social conditioning that happens here that affects the rest of the United States in ways that people might not expect I believe God's wrath and punishment will come to Portland soon (an overdue 9.0 earthquake). it will be a time to see what will crumble and who stands true, and an epic opportunity for journalism to be unearthed, literally. Too big to be blacked out
@JerGol Says:
This is such a big deal! Amazing work and big congrats to the whole team working on this campaign.
@PULSEXBillionzz Says:
Great job. 6 generations of Oregonians but we are all gone now.. Its become commyforia all over.. I remember dad telling me in the late 70s. OR is going to hll.. He was so right :-( Californians brought their liberal BS to OR and WA.
@unstrungstudios818 Says:
They can u cant..yup oregon.😮
@takemedreaming Says:
Oregon over here…please record it all. This state is crooked
@mr.hamster6459 Says:
I het no notifications lol
@jnelson3458 Says:
Go get them!
@wasatrumpvoter7929 Says:
Heads up. If you see job sites recruiting for vets, spouses, or nurses beware. It is to be used to push this bird flu, and scam demic so don't apply because we will be working for the deep state. You all are going to be spinning your wheels. This about using the funds by this corrupt government who is printing fake money, or burrowing it from China, or other nations. Maybe this recruiting is by the dems/ rino uniparty to boost Biden failing poll numbers. Who knows why they are having all this. For what reaaon Under this economy. We are in a recession you just don't hear it. Banks closing down, inflation, dollars soon to be crashing. It is common knowledge for people to see if they step out of the forest. Look around. Seriously. One haves to work two, or three jobs to make ends meet. Everything in prices like for food, fuel, rent, are all up by 25 to 30%. Unemployment above 8 to 9 percent. You are just not being told. This is all a nation buster, or market buster. I read online statistics. I listen too Newsmax, OANN, EpochTimes, independent news channels like INFO Wars, The War Room, Charlie Kirk, Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson, Right Side Broadcasting. MSNBC, FOX, NBC, CBS, CNN are in it because you know why. The bankers like Blackrock, the IMF, Vanguard all own them. So I stop listening to MSM. People can't afford to pay rent,  or a mortgage. Mortgage rate ate now over 8 percent. Like these collage students. They graduate then what.  All that money they spent on an education for what. To be in dept because they can't find work. Trillions in debt.  35 trillion dollars in debt, maybe more by now and you think hiring a veteran,  or their spouse will be able to afford to live..We have service members on active duty on base collecting federal food stamps. Really want to do something vote Biden out,  along with congress, and the senate who intentionally driving America into a wall. Why. The Charles Schwab who runs the WEF. Who said you will own nothing, or buy nothing, eat bugs, and be happy. Why. They doing this with our own politicians. It is because they want to rule this world, take all resources, destroy America so to get rid of the Constitution.  Then they will tell you to use the CBDC, the great reset. If not you will not have nothing in your bank account. You will be broke, because they run all the banks, and the governments. They'll have it all. The power all because people allowed it to happen. Time for a new election. You think the 2008 housing market bubble crash was something. What is coming now, and if we do not stop this destruction we will all be worse off then the great depresiion in the 20s.  Thank you. Pray God sents us a miracle.
@rectorkirk1158 Says:
Criminals being paid by taxes hate cameras.
@eyesopenwide9210 Says:
I live in Oregon. Kate Brown did a lot of underhanded stuff that people don't know or don't care. One of many was passing the trade act with out the approval of the voters. She signed it in just before the lock down in 2020. This State has become so anti American that people have no clue. Brown also made it to where any FOIA cost a fortune for the public to get. There was a news reporter that covered the police removing homeless in a park in Eugene Oregon. She ended up getting arrested, then when she went to get the body cam it cost her $200. and the complete video was blurred. Now the farmers are having to fight for water rights for their livestock. I don't see anyone trying to stick up for the farmers. Tina Kotex is just as bad for Oregon as Brown was. I am so sick of these people not doing what We The People want and overriding the Constitution.
@rogerscottcathey Says:
"duly appointed"? Illegal acts are never duly appointed, since "duly appointed" implies accession by the constituency and upheld by Constitutional laws.
@TD-wg5xt Says:
Tyrmand is a Tyrant, don't want no parts of Project Veritas without its founder. Bye RINO Cretin Traitors
@I_am_Diogenes Says:
SO under the guise of the 1st Amendment it would now be legal for Nixon to record his conversations . Has ANYONE bothered to apply this ruling to non-journalism situations , since the media is NOT the only one affected by the 1st ? Says:
God bless America, land that I love, Stand beside her and guide her Through the night with a light from above. From the mountains, to the prairies, To the oceans white with foam, God bless America, My home sweet home. While the storm clouds gather far across the sea, Let us swear allegiance to a land that's free. Let us all be grateful for a land so fair, As we raise our voices in a solemn prayer: God bless America, land that I love, Stand beside her and guide her Through the night with a light from above. From the mountains, to the prairies, To the oceans white with foam, God bless America, My home sweet home. God bless America, My home sweet home.
@user-fc1ld9ts8u Says:
Absolutey great work. Thanks for acting to protect the constitutional rights of citizens that are contrary to unlawful legislation.
@kevinscoggin3286 Says:
Thank you
@CH-ud7xz Says:
I just wish someone in the government would watch these videos, take the evidence and then prosecute the crimes that are revealed in the videos.
@robm5903 Says:
@halo3odst Says:
They deserve no privacy
@gorillamilitia6327 Says:
You're a joke
@kacym.118 Says:
Love it! Congratulations to PV!
@D.D.-ek3ns Says:
The communists have reached their peak. It's all down hill for them now.
@darkkiss7247 Says:
Oregon is a very corrupt state. Go get em.
@lindamysweet1 Says:
@alicecoppers8980 Says:
I have a neighbor whose daughter is 911 operator here in Douglas Co. He is drunk and assaults me with metal bar and calls sheriffs to have me arrested. 4 times this has occurred.As soon as I get to jail they release me without charges. He also has been doing sexual things in the street and expects me to cooperate and take off my clothes. I have recorded him saying he has a 12" knife and will use it on me. Judge threw out my evidence and even though I am over 65 , he said this drunk has more rights than me on my property. I have never been on his property. Crocked cops also plant drugs on peoples houses as I have videos of this also.
@pennymurdock4507 Says:
Thank you #ProjectVeritas 😊 🙏
@kristibelly Says:
RIP Senator Nancy Schaffer Georgia
@billjenkins687 Says:
You folks scammed your founder and you have ZERO credibility.
@nwaubaniogogooriaku9879 Says:
Need to look into the teacher/school indoctrination and now trying to rid schools of phones to prevent being recorded abusing kids.
@DakotaAP Says:
"but, if they do undercover work... They'll find out we are corrupt, and we can't have that."
@H.C.Q. Says:
You cannot outlaw Freedom of the Press!
@jaybird7534 Says:
So you have to tell people you're going to record unless you're the government who has cameras on every corner.
@ljr869 Says:
I’m a retired cop. Every hour of my existence from the time I was sworn in until the time I retired was documented. If someone doesn’t want their audio, video, or time to be recorded, they want to hide the truth.
@westdeuce Says:
All this doesn't matter, because every lawyer, D.A, and judge are criminals. A Oregon supreme court judge stated, that our constitutional rights aren't abosolute. Oregon is 100% a communist and fascist state..
@dp2901 Says:
Look into the DA Mike Schmidt and his failure to prosecute domestic terrorists.
@crystalle8982 Says:
👍❤️ Project Veritas ❤️🙏
@drummer2532 Says:
This organization still exists? Why bother pretending to investigate others' corruption when you can just look within? People will never forget what you did.
@roxannakarn6072 Says:
Thank you❤
@onlashukshugaharra6779 Says:
Return control of Project Veritas to its founder and original owner. You guys are a bunch of thieves, and I don't care what work you are doing. You are all STILL a bunch of thieves no better than the RINO's, no better than the Demon-crats, no better than Attorney's/Lawyers who are trained in the art of lying. So, why are you lying about how you came into control of a company that you did not create, hm, liar?
@debbiegradowski9885 Says:
Been a long time- Let’s Go Vote! 🇺🇸 Trump 2024 🇺🇸♥️
@pammiller1711 Says:
The DHS children service is under investigation for children in foster care who are abused. DHS refuses to comment. Go get them. And the protest at PSU.
@TheFreedom4you Says:
Keep fighting or America is lost.
@tomjefferson2024 Says:
Jesus Christ is God and God is Jesus Christ 🙏
@teresasevans1926 Says:
I live in Oregon and I say, go for it. we have cronies in government here that need exposed.
@amandaburton650 Says:
We need more Journalists like Project Veritas ! Thank you for ALL your hard work🙏

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