Bill Maher CONFUSED Over 100,000 "Uncommitted" Michigan Democrats!
Bill Maher CONFUSED Over 100,000 "Uncommitted" Michigan Democrats!



@margaretadami6358 Says:
Sorry, with all these illegals getting a free ticket to vote it doesn’t seem like we have a chance
@masterofceremony3728 Says:
@brownleatherboot277 Says:
Bill is NOT a smart man. He is vlue team and won't look past that. So he is blind to.common sense and thr truth. He backs Newsome, enough said. Hopefully he passes peacefully in his sleep soon.
@blackerbatman6657 Says:
The first freeze frame was miles better lol.
@theewhiteman2818 Says:
ABL is the best news channel on YouTube
@BtsurvLT Says:
Rashida talib op put out a video to her voters to vote uncommitted
@jwtlucky Says:
Because they know it would be better if Trump won but they can’t get over their own TDS to vote for him.
@oneenigma4u Says:
1:43 It doesn't matter what reason people don't want him anymore. It's just the fact people don't want him anymore.That's all that matters.
@angryalbertan2263 Says:
Is Maher as stupid as he appears.
@remittanceman4685 Says:
What's there to be confused about? Democrats in Michigan were offered a choice about who they wanted to be on the ballot in the Gnereal election in November. Some voted for Biden. Some voted for someone else. Some voted, "none of the above." I'm guessing they have their reasons but it was a legitimate one. As for preferring Trump ... erm ... no. They didn't like the choices they were offered for the Democratic candidateship for the November election. Trump was not one of the choices. In November they will be presented with a totally different set of choices in a totally different election. There will be a Republican (most likely Trump), a Democrat (most likely Biden) and one or two others. There will also be some. means to indicate "none of the above," be it scrawling rude words, drawing obscene pictures or simply not making any mark on the ballot paper at all. That is when they will be able to say if they prefer Trump over Biden. Now, I'm a Brit living in Africa and if I understand that better than Bill Maher maybe I should be getting his salary.
@jonathanrayne Says:
Bill is so out of touch.
@wilrivera9453 Says:
How they still take him seriously is just amazing.. Trump 24 🎉
@sailawaybob Says:
I still can't believe in Michigan 600,000 people still cast a vote for shuffling joe. The need to be evaluated along with joe.
@nonnynu Says:
5:09 ABL, when you fixed her freeze frame…you’re a very nice person. ❤
@redcape4205 Says:
It'll merge sounds a little racist in my opinion
@redcape4205 Says:
Bill Myers one of the biggest a******* on television 😂😂
@redcape4205 Says:
Joe Biden will definitely be sending illegal aliens to Michigan 😢
@scottb4579 Says:
Islam is not compatible with the U.S. Constitution. Dearborn Michigan is a Muslim beachhead. And the Democrats were never for securing the border, or, they would have secured the border.
@Rockhound6165 Says:
Reminds me of the movie Brewster's Millions when Brewster started a campaign for None of the Above for NYC mayor and it won.
@kirbyk7370 Says:
He's a clown, so you won't find any wisdom in Bill Maher.
@hphillips7425 Says:
I noticed ABL has to pause the video much more often when the video is from an unhinged liberal
@joeburch9220 Says:
Not really the Mexicans outside star nursery want 15-20 an hour use 2 pay them 5 dollars
@nKm-2023 Says:
RFK was JFK'd off the ballot 👀
@dowhatsright4889 Says:
Totally agree with ABL 👍🏼!
@iamkesha. Says:
I do think this is something both parties need to pay attention to. We have to admit, there are people out there who do not want Season 2 of this rematch. The good news for Trump is he have dedicated base that is going to show up for him. The puppet’s base is basically people who are suffers with severe TDS, the rich who is getting richer profiting from the policies that are hurting most Americans and they hate this country. What these campaigns should be paying attention to and how to analyze the primary is turnout. Who was able to get their supporters out?
@palimpalim5291 Says:
Maher is such a loser. Trump negotiated the ABRAHAM ACCORDS. And got a Nobel Peace Price nomination for it. So much about "Trump hates Moslems".
@francesfinnerty3753 Says:
I don’t think all of the 100,000 Dem uncommitted votes in Michigan were about the war in Gaza, but I do think that at least half of these votes were bc of the war in Gaza bc of the Muslim population there.
@johnray1956 Says:
Anthony Brian logan: Clip: 2:20 is actually correct. The voter block uncommited explains there reasons. the reason given is that there pro-palestinian. the demographic is colledge age adults that does not understand the root issue. the issue can get pretty lengthly. Russia, and Iran wants control over the Med seaports. Russia wants the seaports of UKraine, while Iran wants israels seaports. So Iran backed groups like Hamas causes all the problems, the leadership of the PLO is iranian backed people. If you removed iranian involvement in the issue, there would be one state, and there would be a peaceful solution. The major sea lanes is why some countries is wealthier then others. The pro-palestian groups should be reverse, and demanding iranian backed groups barred from gaza, and westbank. Trump's peace deal was about pushing Iran out of the gaza, and westbank which would allow palesitnians to succeed, and have a decent life. I was planning on voting for RFK, but there was no option for it.
@erikabenham1907 Says:
RFK isn’t on the primary ballot because he’s running as an Independent
@whitestone4401 Says:
I'm in Michigan and Trump wins here whenever he runs. I rarely see a Biden sign, bumper sticker, or flyer. Its all Trump and has been since 2016. People here are hurting financially and more focused on the economy.
@twproductions5262 Says:
I’m from Wayne county Michigan Joe is just a bad president nothing out of his presidency has been positive everything went down hill
@therealaustinpowers1967 Says:
I don't think RFK Jr was on the Michigan ballot on the Democratic side was that, according to Wikipedia, back in October of last year he announced he was running as an Independent. I guess that makes him ineligible to be on the Democratic primary.
@marchofsaints Says:
I didn't see the link for the original clip in the description.
@harrymills2770 Says:
Bill Maher and his audience of trained seals are irrelevant.
@FeltWarrior Says:
Leave it to a Democrat to make it all about race.
@MW-uk5ji Says:
I don't think it's that hard to confuse Bill Maher
@HikeColorado Says:
Another comment if I will. Here in the Denver area they are now pushing for “job training programs” Who do you think they are going to focus on? Take a guess. Venezuelans. You guessed it!
@HikeColorado Says:
Bill Maher is a wealthy comic and Liberal talk show kind of guy. What relevance does he really have or influence concerning politics? He’s an okay guy I think but definitely Out of Touch with the common people.
@cjpreach Says:
REMEMBER? Richard Pryor in the movie "Brewster's Millions?" He ran for office with the campaign slogan, "NONE OF THE ABOVE." Hilarious.
@joannejennings7649 Says:
I am wondering where is Obama, he is very quiet.
@jesusiscomingsoon5273 Says:
This election will be Trump or new world order agenda
@KeyboardShark Says:
Imagine supporting the Zionists. Imagine being so evil you still think Israel is in the right in anyway. We fund their military, their government, their social programs. A we pay, for them to get state sanctioned health care. If you're supporting even a dime for that nation, deport yourself.
@Aydin-Adam Says:
“It’s the economy, stupid!”
@40beretta1 Says:
We just have to hope these peoples eyes are opened up to the local and state elections
@Mike-cp7sj Says:
Reminder, when going out to vote, always make sure to double check your ticket selection before finalizing. Like last time, the computers might "glitch" and changed the selection at the last minute
@Perdont Says:
The Muslims in Michigan are very conservative i believe its the ABC community that they're voting on
@nonoyorbusness Says:
He's on video laughing about what has happened to london uk.
@evelynblack1355 Says:
Democtats are such liars !
@bobwhite2 Says:
Bill is brainwashed so badly he’s doesn’t understand reality.
@cazgerald9471 Says:
Wanna win the race? Change your name to NoneOfTheAbove

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