Electric Vehicles Are WORSE For The Environment Than Gas-Powered Cars!
Electric Vehicles Are WORSE For The Environment Than Gas-Powered Cars!



@getinthespace7715 Says:
With EV's all the pollution is built in from the start. It takes about 100k miles for the EV to break even with an ICE vehicle and this is if they aren't using coal power for electric source.
@neogator26 Says:
I just bought an electric motorcycle and plan to get a Tesla in the near future. I was a heavy diesel tech/trainer for a decade before switching over to engineering. I work on all my own vehicles and repair everything I own myself. I want EV's for the low maintenance and so I can charge them on solar and won't have to pay or depend on a power company to be able to drive my vehicles. Most people can't make gasoline in their back yard but you can charge a car with solar. It is not likely that solar and battery backup will be cheaper than paying an electric bill but it will be more reliable and I won't be subject to price gouging. My current EV (bike) is charged on grid from mostly nuclear and hydroelectric for my area. My golf cart and riding mower are 100% solar charged and are $0 cost of operation. All my power tools with the exception of a saw or two are battery powered and could be charged from solar. Man isn't causing climate change and I plan to keep at least 1 vehicle that can run without electronics but I like the idea of one day being self sufficient energywise since half our government wants to stay dependent on our enemies. They won't get my money. (after I buy all the electronics I need that are only made in China lol)
@nickflix33 Says:
As long as I am seeing persistent contrails being sprayed in the air I don't give a F about the environment.
@carolcone6591 Says:
You are so right Sir!!!
@brandontuck2725 Says:
Just another government scam
@benmartin5714 Says:
There are still slag heaps and poisoned mines all over Cali and Nevada from the silver and gold rush days. Those are still environmental hazards from an extinct mine from 200+ years ago. You still have to dig for oil or metals, always messy and risky. Great vid, provocative topic.
@brianmurray2687 Says:
This BS (EV's are worse) has been disproven many times. Disappointed - otherwise I am a big fan, btw.
@ozzieluvaya2202 Says:
Electric vehicles are a dumb idea
@ozzieluvaya2202 Says:
The government is only pushing electric cars because they get a kick back. They dont care about the environment.
@randylahey8207 Says:
All of this is also based on ranges given for EV's that are wildly inaccurate. The conditions they're tested in are completely ideal(perfect temperature, flat road, little to no wind) and in no way compensate for how much EV's lose range based on environment and accessory use(phone charger, radio, etc). The average difference is between 25-30, as high as 38% which therefore drives up the carbon footprint of the car. This has become the largest scam ever foisted upon the world, with little to no end in sight...
@pftburchell5197 Says:
Electric cars are cool but they don’t save the environment & until they hit the $25,000 range, they are simply expensive toys.
@michaelarmstrong6483 Says:
They probably give off dangerous magnetic radiation 😂
@bumblebee623 Says:
Well... EVs are harder to tip! 😂
@cindybain6054 Says:
Same thing applies to fixing potholes . It makes more sense to use used tires instead of what they use to build roads . Check that out ...
@cindybain6054 Says:
Have you seen one of these vehicles catch on fire ? If the power goes out how you going to charge it ?
@cindybain6054 Says:
The reason they came out with folk's being able to get a loan to buy car's was because horse dung was bad for the environment . I love horses and cars and other animals and rock crawler's etc ... My point is this even before clock's and rock's and bicycle and motors . There was the environment it has taken care of itself before the civil war and after . Get over it already.
@Coolmike19 Says:
That why I'm not going to let go of my gas car
@harrywalleriii7220 Says:
Buying a Tesla Model 3 standard range sedan was the biggest financial mistake I have ever made! Been waiting over 3 months for parts to arrive for a repair and the value of my car is 50% of what I paid for it in less than 2 years!
@douglasmatheson403 Says:
EVs also are much less efficient the cooler the temperatures get, and if cold enough won't work at all, unless kept heated by another energy source. If the batteries are too hot or something goes "south" within the batteries, they can catch on fire and usually experience thermal runaway( which is very bad!!)
@douglasmatheson403 Says:
Try taking a rotary hammer drill one is gas powered the other is battery powered, for drilling/cutting rock to a remote location and see which one you choose in the end. You'll need either a heavy solar charging system, or a gas generator for charging the batteries (that are as heavy as a liter of gas, which will run one all day, versus a few holes per battery charge) Gas powered is much more efficient from my experience of being a trail worker of almost 30 years (living in work camps for months on end for about 20 years)........
@SAM-dm5qg Says:
When It Comes To EV's? Remember To Thank Joe Biden And The Democratics For Putting America First. For Being So Smart And Wise. And Intelligent. And How Safe And Cheaper It Will Be To Have And Own One Of These. And To Remember To VOTE Democrat And For Joe Biden. 😁 Who Is The Smartest Person In America. 🇺🇸
@stevejamieson8468 Says:
What does the scale say about the weight of the Electric Vehicle? It's over 9000!!!
@AbrahamisaacAndjacob Says:
You know bridges come with maximum wheight listings Telling you how much is too much. Imagine 50 of those broncos on a bridge.
@wwatson8891 Says:
You wrong, i have been to countries that made the move to more ev and there was a clear difference from my previous excursions, i saw the sky and mountains which i could not see b 4 due to smog
@zacharymcmillan2788 Says:
I am Jack's complete lack of surprise. 🤨
@bubbadiesel4961 Says:
And brain chips..oh but Elon Musk is such a great person. No he's not. He's as normal and messed up like me and you.
@eyesolatedrock Says:
I agree with most of your assessment, except for brakes. Electric cars barely wear out brake pads because most of the time they use the electric motor to slow and stop.
@marquisgt Says:
EV's are going to save the planet, the human race, the turtles, and Tesla will bring my Grandma back to life!!
@mladenmiletic3718 Says:
Always remember that diesel cars were presented as ecological alternative.
@jasonverhagen5253 Says:
California roadways are crap because of EV cars and trucks
@Dick-m4u Says:
Lol yeah thats the point. The windmill generators are even worse...much worse. Why aren't they innovating internal combustion engines? Tom Crowder in Quanah Texas sold a carburetor to GM in 89 that got 400 mpg on a 400M ford bus. Bought it , buried it.
@SwaggerLikeUz Says:
If you know history the first cars were electric. They were phased out for a reason and not reliable then, or now.
@user-zs5of5en5o Says:
No sh($&?! ABL. I remember an AG in the 60’s saying cigarettes were safe. 🤣
@realchurch2693 Says:
I agree with your message, but brakes wear less on EVs because of the regen during braking. Just a heads up.
@ms6071 Says:
I’ve been seeing several of these vehicles used with less than 20,000 miles on them, the batteries are at least $10,000 and are suggested to be replaced every 5 years.
@charliepatterson9321 Says:
Evs are now deemed as SCM vehicles . Spontaneous Combustion Motors
@grahfkarate1799 Says:
I like most of the content on this Channel but this is mostly propaganda. It is true that “making”a EV is more toxic for the environment than making a ICE vehicle but that difference is made up very soon as it hits the road. This country has over 200 thousand oil refineries. Each one of those facilities uses the same amount of electricity in one that that it would take to charge one Tesla for 70k miles. Not to mention the oil doesn’t magically go to your gas pump. It has to be sent to a plant for refining. Sometimes crossing the ocean. 😂 not to mention the manufacturing for all the different moving parts in a ICE vehicle. I don’t believe everyone should buy a EV today. Our systems wouldn’t handle it. Slow and steady progression. Ultimately I’m a market guy. Let the market dictate it but this is pure propaganda.
basically powerwheels for adults who have more bills then brains.
@pilotmiami1 Says:
Thenks it's truth
@titooregano7416 Says:
The interiors of Teslas are not nice for the price. Legit Nissan interiors
@stevegonzales527 Says:
Another good point is semi trucks pay more and can’t go over the weight in certain areas for a reason
@stevegonzales527 Says:
This was obvious it’s worse, it was just trying to control people and make them think EV is eco friendly
@troyfall6573 Says:
How green is fracking and transporting oil around the globe. EVs are significantly better for the environment and these articles are debunked over and over again. ABL you need to do some real research on the topic instead of talking about articles that are sponsored by big oil and Toyota. Why don't you discuss Teslas instead of quoting stats from a super heavy Hummer instead of the number on selling vehicle in world, Model Y.
@purplesprigs Says:
In other news, motorcycle helmets don't save lives, leaded gas was better, etc. I am old enough to remember people saying that seat belts would break your spine. Like it or not, fossil fuels are a FINITE resource. One way or the other, we will need to find an alternative. Somehow, like everything else, it has become politicized. "I'm a MAGA Trumper, so I hate EVs."
@sebaztionabsolution Says:
damn it abl, we never goin green. the car companies & politicians are complete idiots 4 tryn 2 push this shyt on us humans.
@Xandil Says:
1. There are many more F150s on the road than EVs, so it's a tough argument to make that EVs as a group are harder on the roads than big trucks and SUVs that are much more of the population. At the individual level, maybe. But there are very few Hummer EVs and extreme cases...to the point where they're not a factor. The average EV is no worse than a full-size SUV or truck. 2. EVs do not save the environment. I bought an EV6 and ID.4 to avoid visiting dealerships and gas stations. Saving the environment wasn't a decision factor. I argue that most buyers are closer to myself than a tree-hugging environmentalist. 3. I'd rather use U.S. coal to power my car than foreign oil. Also, I don't worry about my wife being robbed at a gas station since we charge at home. 4. EVs use regenerative brakes, which means the brake pads often last the life of the car. I one-pedal drive and must remind myself to use the brakes occasionally to avoid rust developing on the rotors. 5. Tire wear is not a problem if you don't have a heavy foot. The combination of weight and instant torque will shred tires quickly if you launch from red lights all the time. I use economy power setting and drive normally. At 21K miles my EV6 has normal tire wear, no difference from my previous ICE cars or trucks. 6. The best argument against EVs is the rapid depreciation. They are losing half their value within two years. If you trade cars every few years, don't buy an EV. If you do, brace for impact, just ask a Porsche Taycan owner.
@fasteddie7997 Says:
This was all about the Benny from the beginning been hearing about this for decades
@marilynfolz1826 Says:
I completely and totally agree that electric vehicles are more costly and only a future problem. I have paid attention to the electric grid. The other issues are that solar and wind are Nota solution and they both contribute to worse environmental issues.
@merovingian688 Says:
Picture of a Tesla on fire buy swear he loves some Elon Musik. A man who has built nothing out to destroy a man who actually creates things people need. MAGA? Yeah right.
@merovingian688 Says:
These Republican geniuses plan to use Elon for political reasons like they did Kanye West then throw him in the trash once his business is destroyed. They absolutely resent Elon and vote the oil cartel.

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