#ThePendragonCycle | Everyone Told Us We Couldn't Do This | Production Diary 8
#ThePendragonCycle | Everyone Told Us We Couldn't Do This | Production Diary 8



@animegirl.316 Says:
So awesomely insane!
@Nargon46 Says:
@benjipixel1438 Says:
@zsedcftglkjh Says:
What experience does Boering have in directing? Why make this his vanity project? Give it to a professional.
@Maccaboy1984 Says:
Wow, I genuinely had a lump in my throat when the guy back flipped over that bull. This looks amazing.
@alessatrx Says:
I was here a week ago,didn't even know you guys filmed here
@thedanklord1556 Says:
Christ is King!
@rafaellesdesign Says:
that looks AMAZING!!
@saosaosson6139 Says:
Amazing. It looks beautiful AND NO CGI ❤❤
@cihatyildiz3565 Says:
08:02 Rose Reid is goddess.
@sepandghanouni7741 Says:
Dw is king
@borneandayak6725 Says:
Super impressive
@ryanwilliams174 Says:
@GM-qq1wi Says:
Whats with the metalic sandals?
@stickykitty Says:
@timothywilliams2252 Says:
Looks incredible! Too bad Matt & Ben hate the fandom... I won't be giving them a red cent to watch this
i have a feeling that this show will most likely suck... specially considering they have to resort to the old technique of using a sexualized woman to attract attention with a poor story, rubbish script, and even worse actors.
@JesusisLOVEJohn- Says:
Why put idols and witchcraft in the movie? I thought DW was against evil.
@awesomeninja9433 Says:
I got chills watching this!! I cannot WAIT to see it!
@Nanadina51 Says:
Bill leaping was done in Crete at the Minoan palace at Knossos in Crete. I was lucky enough to see the palace and paintings in person on Crete 2022. Meant a lot to me. My liberal arts/science education is paying off. 😊
@henhair1018 Says:
I'm SOLD! DailyWire+ I'll HAPPILY subscribe for this amazing series! Well done!
@ashleytaylor7621 Says:
I'm so confused i thought this was meant to be based on the actual real myth of Arthurian legend not some fantasy book some guy wrote that desperately tries to link the romans to Arthurian times????? uhhh 1 problem with that rome is all but gone from Briton at the time Arthur emerges the last remnants of the roman empire vanishes and its a period in which Briton is at a loss as for 100s of years they've been under romes rule, there should be nothing and i mean nothing to do with Rome when talking about Arthur except yes Rome invaded and then fucked off and years and years later Arthur emerges when Briton went back to reinstating druids (representation of merlin he wasn't a wizard he was a druid basically an elder) such a shame was sort of looking forward to this looks like its another miss, to any americans reading this leave my cultures myths and legends the fuck alone stick to your shit and we will stick to making classics, stop remaking British history and culture and myths to fit your own agendas its getting fucking old and misrepresents our culture so much this is no different from what the little mermaid did or the exact same thing you guys connnnnstantly talk about within the media this is literally no different if you include Merlin, Arthur, Genevieve, then its already a cop out I completely understand that this is from a book series somewhat kind of not really at all based on the myth of Arthur but you cant just use the exact same cover all the woke Hollywood sell-outs are doing.
@juliaschumacher9336 Says:
Looks Amazing! I just hope they add a larger crowd watching the fight in post production
@khuzla Says:
This is absolutely insane, major props to everyone involved in this production!
@terrathunderstorms3701 Says:
That flip was cold 🔥
@P.Whitestrake Says:
Real bulls! That's BOLD!
@nicoleackerman205 Says:
What would be terrible is if he did that and they forgot to hit record. 😂
@kp9894 Says:
I am just speechless. The fact they didn't even used CGI to perform this dangerous stunt is INCREDIBLE. Mad respect to the entire crew FOR REAL 🔥🔥🔥
@miaojeda1193 Says:
Bro, I thought for sure they'd cut this scene or do a cgi, but REAL BLOODTHIRSTY BULLS!?! Look out Hollywood, you're about to gored!
@jobjg5900 Says:
Can't wait.
@aaronjohnson1286 Says:
Am I dreaming this?
@leannek8132 Says:
Absolutely fabulous. These just keep getting better.
@MGOsilentscope Says:
If I see an ad for this video one more time on YouTube… 😡
@Deborita777 Says:
I nominate whatever award to this crew for best stuntwork in a motion picture. I also give them whatever award for best stunt work in a motion picture. Rachel Ziegler - take serious notes!😮😱
@Cbutton Says:
These guys want to be Hollywood so fucking badly 😂 they sit there and talk shit and grift because they couldn’t get in so here they are cosplaying using there fracking funded company to do what they always wanted.
@nightlinger923 Says:
I literally just read this part in the book. Can't wait to see it for real!
@alljuststoies Says:
I am so excited for this series! Mad respect for the team dancing with the bulls!!
@LisaGrimm-LG Says:
Jesus, this looks so scary! And yet so strangely primevally beautiful.
@kherise Says:
It looks amazing. After showing it on your DW platform, you really should sell the series to some mainstream platform so that it can reach more people. Good luck. Can’t wait to see it 🙌🏻
@johndustoncpa5302 Says:
Do they have an estimated release date yet
@myrzamarilyslassus956 Says:
@stevenw5013 Says:
This looks dope
@wastelandsniper789 Says:
@sararichman6612 Says:
Omg this made me cry i dont even undrstand why
@CarlGorn Says:
Okay, that's INSANE! Please tell me you're going to release this for pay-per-view, because I'd pay $10 to stream it.
@RealConserveAtive Says:
That's awesome!
@charliewoot22 Says:
Looks absolutely legit, really impressive. Actually looking forward to this.
@jffilms1442 Says:
I’m just now reading the first book in anticipation for the series. This looks insane
@mendy2008 Says:
so a few things. when is it coming out? and is there going to be more seasons to come?
I played bull hockey once in a rodeo half-time show and can attest that there is NOTHING else like being in the arena with a bull that has murder on it's mind. Now I have to watch this!

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