Part Two | Director at Mt. Tamalpais School Blocks Admission if Families Don't Align with DEI
Part Two | Director at Mt. Tamalpais School Blocks Admission if Families Don't Align with DEI



@54fighting5 Says:
How can a private school turn away money (admissions) based on the family's values? What kind of business model can survive like that? Unleeessssssss....they get government subsidies via tax money?💡 END all subsidies from tax money now! If these programs are so great, let them survive on tuitions and private donations!
@Harry_Dunn Says:
Bruh lookin sick😂
@frontlineobservationdeck2142 Says:
He's far too confident -disgusting
@frontlineobservationdeck2142 Says:
So " slow play" is a black thing? Like how a white person is jerked around when applying for housing subsidy vouchers ?
@LivNoTByLyes Says:
Reverse Racism and discrimination.
@William24009 Says:
Shame on him, thanks for sharing, keep up the great work.
@DblOSmith Says:
When people yalk about how atrocities are made to form, this is how. Insistence of ideological purity and yhe echo chamber it creates. Amazing.
@hustle3011 Says:
Welcome to the Black Klan.
@jrfan8552 Says:
Why not show us the entire video?
@sheilawhite7952 Says:
the contraction is real! the truth is coming out!
@darrenm3377 Says:
only 6,841 views in 19 hours????????
@luisgdjr Says:
The people blaming others of discrimination are the ones discriminating and the racists are calling others out falsely accusing as racist. Pure projection at its finest. This is the new world we live in and are expected to all maintain a semblance of agreement. How will it end? Stop agreeing and push back until they sit down.
@csell871 Says:
Pure racism is what it is
@logmeindog Says:
@jannmichael313 Says:
O.M.G. I didn't know the people at veritas we're still working
@ronpunt6029 Says:
Dont worry they aren't coming for your kids
@kobayashimaruaikiken Says:
Mafia behaviour.
@bennyshawny2129 Says:
America lives in LGBTQ+ fascism
@isrbillmeyer Says:
Exposing the playbook... There will be massive civil lawsuits incoming at the very least.
@isrbillmeyer Says:
If nothing destroyed the DEI scam yet, this expose will damage it badly.
@gillianorley Says:
This guy is a hero. I want to buy him a drink. He is doing people a huge FAVOR by excluding their kids from his school. The bottom line is this: Parents should not want their kids to attend schools like this. If anything, we should be instructing parents on how to spot indoctrination factories like his school. Tell parents that, if at any time in the admissions process, “DEI” is even MENTIONED, that is a red flag and they should RUN, not walk, away. God bless this man for excluding kids from his horrible school and saving them from being indoctrinated.
@policematrixx Says:
I never realised blacks where so racist
@vegasprogambler5336 Says:
why wait over a year to release this video?
@1A_Media Says:
Great work guys!
@liquidusblue Says:
Discrimination, exclusion & indoctrination.
@Lux_Tizer Says:
Also the new term to follow is bridge, since the clowns realized most ppl dont like dei anymore
@justamanevaluatingstuff2078 Says:
why did they wait over a year to release this video???
@jenniferturner9012 Says:
Sounds like they are majorly funded and controlled and ran by the California public school system, but call themselves a private school.
@RyanTheLion335 Says:
You know, even though DEI is total cancer, I would not feel at all bad if I got declined by this guy. I would hate to spend 50k to send my kid to school and find out they're doing all this shit after they were in. I'd rather be denied at the door and keep my money, as well as prevent my kid from being brainwashed
@birdsinacage6627 Says:
Imagine the outcry, lawsuits and arrests if a conservative agenda was being similarly, covertly injected. It's astounding how such sick, evil individuals can be articulate, intelligent and charming. Goes to show how mind control is more powerful than intellect and personality.
@T12i99iN Says:
Notice who the real racists are?? 😂
@grumpyoldman5567 Says:
‘all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others’
@darkpheonix77 Says:
Is key to point out in their own words what diversity equity and inclusion mean. cause they use a double meaning. many that see this will think nothing of it cause they fall for the mott and baylie
@swardinc Says:
that fine parents should do the same and when they mention they have DEI get up and leave
@arthurcullen4956 Says:
Total BS 🤮 DEI is Destroying America 🇺🇸🙏
@WhoTFisPaulFinebaum Says:
Fraud, go to jail, go directly to jail, do not collect $200.
@johnconstable8512 Says:
d i s g u s t i n g
@powerhouse1981 Says:
Let the scales of power shift and let there be sweet justice delivered. Of the most potent type.
There was a group back in the late 1930' s and 1940' s that used the same methods to start their own youth groups and tried to take over the world.. A new world order...WOW
@FinickyGreek Says:
How to practice discrimination whilst simultaneously blowing smoke up everyone's ass and getting paid for it.
@conanthedestroyer7123 Says:
colleges have gotten out of hand. they are way too expensive and don't provide any value unless you're going into the medical field, or engineering, or accounting.
@sharonbowers9929 Says:
So much crap.😢
@Exercise-01 Says:
@theclowninghasbegun3442 Says:
Gatekeeping is important
@chambo5554 Says:
Defund now
@Justnn Says:
This is not a hidden camera but it's meant to suggest to the viewer that it is. It's not.
@trythcnchester5353 Says:
It's a group of rich billionaires that ate two many paint chips growing up 😂
@tammysweetbrat2669 Says:
This is when you need to read "If I was the devil I would" it is from 1965. Everything going on now was predicted then. Walter Kronkide read it out loud. Crazy
@lawdawg4539 Says:
U can't make this sh!t up
@bearrichmond3698 Says:
Lawsuits lots of lawsuits we'll take the biased taste out their mouth

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