Parents Pay $50K and Have No Say? Private School Educators Deceive Parents to Advance DEI | PART ONE
Parents Pay $50K and Have No Say? Private School Educators Deceive Parents to Advance DEI | PART ONE



@edramos975 Says:
Thank you for exposing this sick person. I cant believe I am hearing this.
@jayc9184 Says:
Amazing what happens when nobody is looking and the system installed stupid and the historically unemployable, now they slither lie and deceive in order to spread their sickness.
@SssoFluffy Says:
This is monstrous. Why people with mental illnesses are allowed to be near the kids?
@pattipwoman Says:
These people should be no where near children.
@AnubisMRM Says:
Why are the Catholic schools even hiring DEI zealots? Anyone with eyes can see most of these 'guys' don't belong anywhere near a Catholic school as they will obviously inject their antireligion in these children.
@frontlineobservationdeck2142 Says:
Harm Reduction is a scam to keep people on herion and other harmful drugs working as prostitutes.
@playground2583 Says:
and this is y wen i have further kids i will have to say "i know about project veritas and this bs your telling me is full of bs" me n my future childs father is never on board to this nonsense and he is a liberal military man, but the force is wat he cant deal with, he cant deal with the exclusivity in the military.
@loricover4735 Says:
Holy indoctrination.. reason number 3,467 to home school your children. Get them away from this evil.
@dre4602 Says:
I fully embrace allowing children to express themselves AUTHENTICALLY as they are. Some girls are tomboys and some boys are feminine, let them be just that. They've got plenty of time to figure out their "identity". These "educators" are grossly overstepping. We literally teach our kids not to lie and these people are over here showing kids how to deceive their parents and live a double life. Far from authentic nor is it professional. I don't buy into any of this BS and my heart goes out to any child being manipulated or any parent who has been deceived by people we are supposed to trust our children with. Why are they making it so f'ng difficult. Gay, Straight and Bi. Man and Woman, that's it. Literally, nobody you. My generation broke the taboo on this, we grew up watching celebrities like Ellen come out on live TV, with RuPaul being FIERCE and drag queens were adult entertainers who were AMAZING and FUNNY and TALENTED. They performed in nightclubs not kiddie stripper pole story time. This world has really lost its way and DEI is making it worse. If you talk to my child about pronouns you're going to learn that mine are FAFO. #mamadontplay #sickofthis #prayonit
@dre4602 Says:
let me find out my kids school is hiding this type of shit....gtfoh
@isrbillmeyer Says:
The disgusting smugness of these people as they openly admit that they subvert parents. This is MASSIVE.
@louisbaldinosr.8350 Says:
These adults who have mental illness problems themselves are trying to push something that they feel and think what they see are signs telling them that kids are this way when their not,example a girl likes boys sports a tomboy of sorts well their pushing their ideologies onto this kid telling them their the only one who cares for them and wants to see them grow into what they want to be their the one twisting and grooming them to be something their not this is no different from a pedophile grooming a child for sexual needs just their doing it to push agenda period it wrong kids should be allowed to be first and foremost period!
@saintapathy Says:
Absolutely wicked. Commies hate families because they view it as the ultimate expression of private property. You don't own your kids, the state does. Never forget this fundamental belief of theirs.
@barbaracarlson5018 Says:
This is a sick evil world.
@cindybealer2219 Says:
First of all, they are God's children .He has trusted their PARENTS to raise, not these evil teachers! Better start worrying about judgement day.
@fifwuhk3123 Says:
Nasty sick people
@redsnow846 Says:
weakness corrupts.
@rickhatchett3317 Says:
This is why they banned the P T A !!!!!!!
@glenvalley4326 Says:
These Marxist teachers have utter contempt for the parents. 5:37
@gst2800 Says:
as a career educator on two continents, let me just say that if you are not home schooling, you don’t love your kids, at this point. Stop helping infiltrators achieve the “45 communist goals to destroy America” - taking children from parents by infiltrating schools is on the list.
@michellewinkler3985 Says:
This is not happening in China. They are educating all their young ones. What will be the future ramifications of that? It's not hard to guess.
@robertfeller1672 Says:
These alleged "educators" need to have their credentials revoked immediately and be listed on a child predator database to prevent them from having any further contact with children for life.
@victoriajalepeno5755 Says:
Oh well. Most of the parents who send their children to these elite institutions are more interested in belonging to the trendy woke world than protecting their children from radicalism. Some of their children will hate themselves for being White, some will mutilate their bodies, and some will rebel against this sick cult. In each outcome, the weak-minded parents are to blame.
@normacook8325 Says:
@logmeindog Says:
A bunch of groomers surrounded by narcissists and groomer enablers.
@falrus Says:
@keithobrien1403 Says:
When did gender identity become part of the curriculum ? Whatever happened to math reading an history & science oh an Phys Ed ? The things I listed American kids are Failing in but they all know 100 genders
@carlescutiberius Says:
Unbelievable. This is devilish.
@OfftoShambala Says:
Hilarious… I will tell all the parents I know that there are a huge number of teachers who think they are the vessels for creating the next generation of of little Nazis.
@yangashi Says:
These people belong six feet under.
@thominaduncanson7596 Says:
Homeschooling is the only way to keep your children away from these people…their agenda is clear…to confuse and damage vulnerable children—and lie to parents about what is being taught by them to the children. 😑
@jamaielwashington3159 Says:
The western world has lost its way! This is sick! Glad I don’t have kids! My heart goes out to parents in these End Times! Wow
@clint9344 Says:
Look at the people in these wonder these kids are so messed up...They need Role models not influencers....Disgusting breach of Fiduciary Duties and Child abuse.
@christopherbellegodbrought9555 Says:
When these kids get to grow up they're going to hate these fraudulent pseudo teachers and if their parents dont stop this abuze unfortunately they will hate as well their Parents
@MAJorgy70 Says:
@TheOtherNormie Says:
Eff these people. That is all.
@iloveTRUMP Says:
This is wayyy too close to sexual grooming...
@waynebarker7951 Says:
Pure evil when an institution feels they have more rights to a child's upbringing than the parents.
@Neonagi Says:
Why do so many homosexuals want access to influencing and mentoring kids.
@nanticokeroads8966 Says:
Every classroom should have camers so parents can observe what's happening in the classroom.
@LilannB Says:
God gives parents authority over their children. The Bible stresses that children are to obey parents Eph 6:1-4. Disobedience to parents is one of the signs of the last days before Armageddon 2 Tim 3:1-5. Teaching children to lie to parents is a satanic practice.
@thomasjakobsen9208 Says:
Stop calling them teachers and start calling them Pedos.
Why don't parents put listening devices in the kids backpack so they can monitor this nonsense
@LeeChinko Says:
Hell fire is real and the devil is living amongst people. How can u summon courage to say parents have no right when u have taken on a role never assigned to u to raise these children. Not in my world
@scoreycorey3348 Says:
@dannorth3447 Says:
This is horrible they are hurting vulnerable children. They are doing harm to everyone and themselves. The police should arrest them for child abuse. The parents need to be told.
@randomactivitiesco.5848 Says:
Wow, these people are literaly religious adherents. They are the same as the cults of the sevevnties through the nineties. Their church of gender needs to be run out of town.
@kirbfx Says:
In an interview from a few decades ago with the leader of the Church of Satan, Anton Levey explained how their end goal was to usher in pedophilia by subverting the institutions, including education, and slowly eroding them and getting each successive generation to accept more and more deviancy and degeneracy. Behold! It's horrifying seeing just how successful they have been as they are one maybe two generations away from achieving this psychotic, evil end goal which is why they are laying the foundation of "consent" by first claiming children can consent to their "changing their gender" which will act as the backdoor into claiming children can choose their sexuality and therefore "can give consent". If this is allowed to continue, the current generation being indoctrinated with this insanity will one day be dealing with their children coming home from school and making the same arguments that they, the parents once used when they were in school to claim children can consent to "choosing their gender", now being used to by their kids to claim children can somehow "consent" to being with an adult. Rightfully horrified, these parents will realize just how insane and destructive their claims regarding children and gender have been all along but by then, will those parents be in any position to intervene? Will there be systems put in place to prevent those parents from disagreeing with the regime or their perverse and outright diabolical agendas, which may include losing custody of their kids like we are already seeing happen in certain states? This is why they are pushing this agenda so hard despite knowing just how eye-opening and wildly unpopular it has been, why it must continue to be exposed, and why parents and the community must unite together and remove these programs entirely.
@Arx9845 Says:
Demons in the flesh. Sick!

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