Nikki Haley's War Plan Makes No Sense
Nikki Haley's War Plan Makes No Sense



@illuminati5160 Says:
I usually don't agree with tyt. Even their name is a bad choice, but i do agree with them about nikki haley.
@kevock7100 Says:
Really he saw the future Americans have always seen Russia as a the Enemy, the increased drone strikes. Obama was the one who really ramped them up.
@asedoradunkan Says:
Lol first of all before one of the candidates is saying he is against to help to Ukraine let’s call to Budapest Memorandum and US constitution! Good luck!
@myvu9918 Says:
@Mmm_Kay Says:
Holy shit ana lmaooooo trump tampered NK??? Stop it😂
@socomxx Says:
TYT, have you ever thought about having a republican on your show to diversify your positions? You might learn a thing a two and get to know us a little better =) We are not as bad as you think lol.
@math4U1234 Says:
Crap, I clicked TYT. OOOOOPS.
@DownBadDaddy Says:
Needs a bit of diverse voices here
@massimomari8449 Says:
The guy with the red shirt is full of 💩!! USA 🇺🇸 is being Terrorised every corner of the Planet!! They involved in two wars and they thinking of a third,against China 🇨🇳🤦🏻‍♂️
@massimomari8449 Says:
Haley works for the M.I.C. She is a CROOK!!!!💯🙅🏻‍♂️
@beadsy-dl5up Says:
Haley was a disaster when she was the US representative at the UN
@beadsy-dl5up Says:
The biggest waste of human lives and money was the Vietnam War,the Iraq invasion and the war in Afghanistan
@turanmardanov7264 Says:
Haley 2024
@edwinlink3115 Says:
But Nikki Haley’s “generosity” with your tax dollars and her support for all foreign aid in the context of a $34 TRILLION dollar debt is in no way libertarian or conservative. Nikki Haley believes that all internet posters should be registered and verified. This flies in the face of a free American Republic whose founders wrote anonymously the Federalist Papers and routinely posted newspaper articles and pamphlets under Pseudonyms.
@mjsbbs Says:
Without a doubt China is watching this situation closely. They want Taiwan without any sort of confrontation. If Ukraine is abandoned, that's a green light for them. Secondary topic, what happens with chip manufacturing?
@philliphessel6788 Says:
Flying literal stacks of cash to Afghanistan was at least a gross offense against accountability (in a Pentagon that consistently fails audits). I don’t know how much of what filled the tonnage on the way back was heroin, but suspect it was non-trivial. More trackable currency verifiably not only contributed to rampant corruption that helped make the enemy look less bad, but more directly went into payoffs to opposing forces to let our convoys resupply our futile fire bases. The military spending gravy train could roll on just fine with the Federal government itself paying the profiteers, cutting out the foreign middle men. In fact, executive transfer of weapons to Israel was at least rampant back in the 1980s, if not to this day.
@suzannebennett8987 Says:
Oh for God's sake, Ana! Why don't you just go campaign for 45?
@TheRepublicOfUngeria Says:
With the weapons, an important point to note is: most of the weapons we are sending them is obsolete surplus we were going to allow to rust and dispose of already. To a degree, Ukraine is helping us in that respect, because it would have cost more to let them rust and dispose of them than to trade them for international favoritism and let those countries use them for their intended purpose against our international enemies.
@marscrumbs Says:
Less insane than Trump
@leotrnt Says:
Not The Young Turks doing their best to ensure Donald Trump will be the Republican nominee.
@jefferyhampton9323 Says:
Biden bashing there…Trump smoozing here…Ana you’re a soft Trumper.
@vladtheimpaler9577 Says:
It makes perfect sense. They don't want the money to be stolen or makes its way into a corrupt officials pockets so instead send the actual items you want the money to be spent on so they have no choice but to use that and such items can be reliably tracked and inventoried unlike cash which is fungible and easily covered up.
@mambojazz1 Says:
Whats wrong with you people?! Nikki Haley is 100% correct we should send weapons not money!!! Stop being biased please🙄
@darquanhannah3494 Says:
Anna…. Just tell us ur voting for trump already. Like damn girl …you love that man
@curtismay2076 Says:
The way it works is funding is actually given directly to US weapons suppliers to cover sales of what wespons the recipient nations requests. Cash is almost never given.
@claytonwilson2389 Says:
By far some of the worst analysis coming from Ana so far!
@tonyahinrichs8828 Says:
I miss Obama
@retunedas3390 Says:
Lets bring her to the ukrian frontline for 2 month and then let‘s hear her mind about voting for wars…. simply unbelievable!
@retunedas3390 Says:
Assume she holds a ton of shares in military industries….. like some of the current administration do….
@Robertlojo23 Says:
The post-Oct. 7 Moscow meetings with Iran and Hamas and Russia’s current disinformation campaign On Oct. 26, Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Bagheri Kani met with Russia’s Bogdanov and Hamas’ Marzouk for a trilateral meeting in Moscow. Officially, the three gathered to discuss dual-national Russians who were being held hostage by Hamas. Little more than that was said publicly, besides Marzouk praising Moscow’s position on the conflict and the active efforts of Russian diplomacy. The New York Times presented the meeting as a belated effort at diplomatic catch-up by Russia to demonstrate its diplomatic engagement in the crisis, after initially seeking to “keep its distance” from the conflict. If one draws a straight line from the Oct. 26 meeting back to the successive series of Russian-Iranian, Russian-Hamas, and Iranian-Hamas meetings that occurred in the months prior to Oct. 7, it is plausible to suggest there was more on the agenda than diplomacy. The growing evidence of the ongoing systematic Russian effort to disseminate pro-Hamas disinformation, including the retention of Moldovan agents by a Russian national to carry out destabilization efforts in France, provides a further clue of Russia’s continuing efforts to help Hamas and stoke conflict over the Israeli-Hamas conflict in the West. There is a pressing need for Western intelligence agencies to gather enough information to reach solid conclusions about the extent of Russian involvement in the Hamas attack, and to make those conclusions public. The findings will be an essential element of managing as well as containing the conflict going forward. Any such findings could also have legal implications. Under U.S. law, countries designated as state-sponsors of terrorism have no immunity to civil suits by their U.S. victims. It is thus squarely in the public interest for the truth to come out.
@Robertlojo23 Says:
The day after the Oct. 7 attack, an official Ukrainian source claimed, “Some of the fighters of the Wagner [Group] PMC, who left Belarus in the direction of African countries, were involved in the training and transfer of combat experience to Hamas militants.” According to the Ukrainian Center for National Resistance, a Ukrainian government news and information agency formed after the Russian re-invasion of Ukraine, Hamas fighters had been training to use small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to drop explosive material as part of their attack. The center stated, “Only the Russians, among the allies of Hamas, have experience using drones with reset mechanisms on enemy equipment.” The center further asserted that Wagner provided Hamas fighters this training in an unspecified African country and that its information had come from “the Belarusian underground,” another country where the Wagner Group had carried out activities in 2023. On Oct. 10, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy stated, without providing further specifics, “We are certain that Russia is supporting, in one way or another, Hamas operations”; Zelensky reiterated the charge, again without specifics, on Nov. 20. Whatever the case, someone trained the Hamas fighters to undertake their sophisticated attack on Israel, as well as to behave as they did. In contrast with previous attacks by Hamas, the verified atrocities documented on Oct. 7, seen in footage recorded by body cameras worn by Hamas fighters, resemble the tactics used by Russian PMCs to intimidate and terrify local populations. Gunmen shooting the dead bodies of civilians in cars, beheading a body with a hoe, throwing burnt corpses in a dumpster, and committing heinous acts on the living — these are tactics used by Russian PMC fighters, not only in Ukraine but in the Central African Republic, Mali, Syria, and Libya. The Ukrainian account provides one theory of who trained Hamas. Further independent reporting is needed to determine the truth. Of potential relevance is the release of declassified intelligence by U.S. officials on Nov. 21 that the Wagner Group has been recently preparing to provide an air-defense system “to either Hezbollah or Iran” at the direction of the Russian government.
@Robertlojo23 Says:
Did the Russian government directly, or indirectly, through proxies — Iran, Syria, or others — provide weapons, military training, financial support, terrorist finance facilitation, or the provision of intelligence and/or strategic or tactical advice to Hamas ahead of its brutal Oct. 7 terrorist attack on Israel? Could the Russian government even have provided Hamas implicit or explicit approval for the attack before it occurred? Below is some of what is known to date. Taken together, the datapoints command attention. Evidence of Hamas’ access to Russian-origin weapons and technology For years, Hamas fighters have relied on Russian weapons, for example Kornet anti-tank missiles, to attack Israeli targets such as buses carrying Israeli soldiers. Hamas has contended the weapons are made locally — that is, inside Gaza — but the laser-targeting technology used to precisely guide them is not likely to be readily manufactured there. Iran has long been believed to be the supplier. But there is growing evidence that more of Hamas’ weapons originated from Russia as well. On July 1, Hamas’ military arm undertook an open-to-the-Palestinian-public, Soviet-style show of its military inventory. Among the Hamas weapons on display were locally made missiles and launchers, Shihab drones, grenade launchers, and Russian-built Kornet anti-tank missiles. One Palestinian publication described the weapons displayed at the show as “Made in Gaza” and “Made in Russia.”
@Robertlojo23 Says:
Against this backdrop, it becomes easier to decode the possible substance of important meetings that took place between Russian and Hamas leaders on March 16, 2023, in Moscow, held just days after Hamas received an invitation from Russia. The timing of those meetings is significant, coming one year after the re-invasion of Ukraine and the burgeoning imposition of Western sanctions on Russia and six and a half months before Hamas’ attack on Israel. So why did Russia decide to convene it there and then? At those meetings, first Lavrov and then Bogdanov met with two of Hamas’ most significant leaders, political head Marzouk and military commander al-Arouri. Coming out of the talks, the top Hamas officials made statements consistent with Russia promising to support Hamas in changing the status quo with Israel. Al-Arouri was quoted stating the Moscow trip “was an important visit [for Hamas] that highlights the role of the movement with many global actors,” in which the Hamas “delegation affirmed its legitimate right to armed resistance [emphasis added] in order to confront the Israeli occupation and continued Israeli violence and oppression of Palestinians.” In response, Bogdanov reportedly emphasized Russia’s “unwavering support” for the rights of the Palestinian people. After the meeting with Deputy Foreign Minister Bogdanov, Marzouk described the visit on Hamas’ website as “different from its predecessors” since the “[special] military operation in Ukraine [the Russian regime’s term for the war] caused special confusion in the world and in the international system.” One possible explanation: this time was different because, in the context of its stalled invasion of Ukraine, Russia had agreed to help Hamas, with the strategic purpose of opening up a costly second front for Western states supporting Ukraine. Now, the West would simultaneously have to support Israel at both military and political cost, especially vis-à-vis the Western countries’ relations with the Global South. The evidence not only documents Russia’s long-term political support of Hamas, which it does not recognize as a terrorist group, but the meetings with Hamas and Iran also offer circumstantial evidence of engagement on the military side, as reflected by the suggestive timing of the March 16 Moscow meetings with Hamas convened by the Kremlin, and Shoigu’s meeting with Iran just ahead of the Hamas attack.
@geared2cre8 Says:
She wants you to retire at 70, enough said. She's a corporate ho and needs to be shutdown
@lennonavaitraison8158 Says:
Stop saying between Israel and Hamas. Hamas is an excuse. It's Israel and Palestinians.
@TioKeats Says:
A lot of military support/aid is the US giving these allies ordinance like missiles, bombs, and shells etc because believe it or not these things do have a shelf life. They can give these allies our huge stockpiles that will expire and become unsafe to use soon because it was going to be destroyed anyway. Might as well give it to the guys using that stuff right now. Then they can turn around and use the military budget that has been approved for the fiscal year. Now they can buy completely upgraded or brand new weapons systems. When to realize everyone in power in this country including the executive and legislative branches of our government at the very least own stock in the worlds largest defense contractors. Many times these companies are some of their biggest campaign donors. Sometimes you can retire from government and take executive level jobs in this industry especially if you have military or intelligence agency employment/experience in the past. Some of these salaries are north of a million. Even when they are still in elected office, it is in the best interest of these peoples bank accounts, and not the American people they are elected to represent. This is what lobbyists do. Look up how much a congressman or senator makes a year and tell me how some of these career politicians that have been in office for decades and become very very wealthy millionaires by time they retire? How is that possible when you are sending your children to private and then Ivy League schools, owning Malibu or Hamptons property on top of the large homes in the area you represent, re-election campaigns for themselves and colleagues, and huge donations for tax right offs to the philanthropic charities and foundations that they are the founder and director of.
@jimmyp5600 Says:
@JohnDoe-ls1vd Says:
The name young jerks tells ya everything you need ta know about these idiots.
@patrickrowe6745 Says:
$13 billion a year? Hmmm
@grant4011 Says:
Young Turks slowly realizing that Trump is the lesser evil.
@letitrest4662 Says:
Time to abandon ALL these countries that want our money and weapons, and re-invent OUR country in an energy independent way.
@kaykisor8411 Says:
Niki Haley scares me. Another Hilary clinton.
@BallisticBen247 Says:
Maaannnn, you really had me going there for a second. Then I heard old Cenk, I want to legalize bestiality and I know they'd change the Constitution for me because I'm a narcissist, there at the end. I thought y'all were gonna make sense there for a minute.
@letitrest4662 Says:
Americans will be electing Trump. He's a mess but he's ours. He doesn't belong to The World Trade Organization.....
@Screeeeeeee Says:
I cant believe people still watch this garbo
@ala.r609 Says:
Dear concern US citizens, Nikki Haley, is part of the old base multi national totalitarian Fascism, she is a shameful Hindu descent, as a faithless opportunity seeker, and proven as Hater from the backward state of South Carolina, under the Arch conflict and war monger senator L Graham, Haley is an obstructionist, she must be rejected as a candidate, and later on ban for any political office.
@themichaelmadl Says:
Is this a Trump talking head channel? Sounds like it. Our country is in trouble and for some reason cannot find intelligent governing on either side. It is all about greed and power [and stupidity when we talk about Trump] --- In saying that the world is going according to plan and slowly encircling the toilet. Turn to Christ before it is too late.
@Tym4477 Says:
@vikingraiders6703 Says:
Flannel boy knows nothing about Russia, Ukraine War

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