MAGA Man: I Know What Really Caused The Civil War
MAGA Man: I Know What Really Caused The Civil War



@clivemanning6630 Says:
Ask majority of Americans about history, Hey Bud yeah Yesterday me and the family went to the diner, 4x2 ltrs 7 up Super meal deal for 8 + 2 king buckets of fries. Extra double large box of donuts take away, to watch the game The wife and the 2 kids loved it. Can,t wait till Wednesday table booked.
@joehumpston7937 Says:
These people are all traitors! Doesn’t matter if they’re American Citizens; there’s no place for the likes of them American society.
@Howitendzz Says:
He isn't thinking. Usa has had waves of immigrants. People realize what Usa is living here.
@imawake11 Says:
We the smart folks don’t have to say anything or put signs in the yard you idiot! We will just go vote. It’s how real mature adults do things.
@imawake11 Says:
This guy needs to go back and get an education.
@chrismcdaniel3666 Says:
All trump supporters are traitors.
Chump is a dumbass.
@sgtcrab2569 Says:
"No Irish need apply"
@neilbruce123 Says:
TRUMP won CALIFORNIA...........................too funny.
@ArizonaSquatch Says:
Honestly it was the price of tortillas and caviar that started the civil war
@sandyago4735 Says:
Easy. Biden caused the Civil War and of course our Lord and Savior Trump ended it
@geoffmorris1769 Says:
What a bunch of morons.
@wesmccullough3985 Says:
Lol...the people who believe these videos are real think the hot 20 year old chick they got a friend request from really wants to get to know them
@billyjohnson1977 Says:
I do too. Democrats and their love of racism. The democrats held slaves, they authored segregation. And to this day they use racism as a weapon at every opportunity. A democrat has racism in their DNA, the party was litterally founded on it. Now democrats attack white people and Jews. Racism never ends, they just change the race they attack depending on which one they can get more division out of.
@LH-fp8kr Says:
DO YOU???? Hmmmmmm. As we all know, Trump supporters are not college graduates, not cultured intellectuals, but hard working rural citizens and have no idea he will cheat them, take their money and their rights......just like sheep they will follow him off the cliff. Poor violent misguided thug...Biden has been doing things to make YOUR life better....trump just gave wealthy Wallstreet tax breaks. The economy, jobs, EVERYTHING is better under Biden WAKE UP!!!!!
@sierra-dweller Says:
Where is your family fromb HACK?????
@BeavisSaves Says:
Not a single thought behind those blue eyes. I bet he's got domestic charges.
@Junebugreen Says:
I don’t put up Biden signs. Trump voters are lunatics and I’m not looking for trouble. I was soooo relieved when Biden won 2020. The stress was unbearable under Trump.
@Junebugreen Says:
We had too many white Europeans to begin with. America is the melting pot of the world. The diverse cultures work together and it’s a wonderful thing.
@CrochetIsLife54 Says:
Just which rights have MAGAts lost? We women now have less bodily autonomy than a corpse. I think they are the ones taking rights away.
@tomaddie1969 Says:
This type of American (and there are way too many of them), have no idea or understanding of the history of even their own country, far less any practical knowledge of the rest of the world. Sadly we are stuck with these chumps who will do their best to elect Trump to office, because what he says has happened already, will happen again, per his 'vision'. Trump is Putin's best friend (not my opinion, Trump has said it himself more than once), just as he has also repeatedly said that he admires 'good, strong' leaders like Kim Il Jung , the life-long leader and bloody tyrant of North Korea, and also of China's leaders, past and present.
@coachgkap Says:
I hope Michael is showering after these interviews so he doesn't get any stupid on him.
@kottomack Says:
Dim! Like is anybody home🤪
@rathertiredofthemess2841 Says:
I’m sure he can’t recall a lot about the Constitution…like all of it except 2A which he misinterprets.
@rathertiredofthemess2841 Says:
Shooting in this country? Lol…mass shootings are always angry white guys like him.
@gambitsfox4216 Says:
Just cause you see a flag more for one than the other means nothing! Just means you went down the wrong roads.
@Dan-ge1pz Says:
@ilabelle1 Says:
We sure be looking good and real smart. Welcome to the USA.
@tranhoang7687 Says: we are not in kansas anymore.
@multitudeofidols Says:
They really are convinced that Trump is so popular that he could have won all 50 states? Really? Alternate reality.
@morganleah1980 Says:
As a Canadian, i am so embarrassed by our fellow Americans, how can you be so ignorant!
@grandpachas1267 Says:
Bravo to Michael you handle the shear ignorance is amazing.
@Bargoth60 Says:
So, according to this guy's "logic", (such as it is), "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness for all"...except for Mexicans. But, he loves them. Good thing, eh?
@Yowza78 Says:
No, I'm not saying you're stupid, I'm asking how stupid do you have to be to believe the stupid things that you stupidly believe.
@wookie20f Says:
How stupid,you ask? 😡
@ArizonaSquatch Says:
Just a question, why can't Mexico step up and do more before the caravans start? The migrant caravans use Mexico, as it is the only country that has a Southern border with America. The caravans start in Mexico or further south. Biden can only do so much, without Congress acting. Closing the border would be catastrophic to America within 2 weeks. Most of our produce comes from our neighbors to the South.
@jayscherotter0169 Says:
Takes about two seconds to see someone’s character.
@charlesstorie1819 Says:
Thomas Jefferson 20 Dec. 1787 quote "If once elected, and at a second or third election outvoted by one or two votes, he will pretend false votes, foul play, hold possession of the reins of government,...."
@jennywitkop8467 Says:
Thought he was being articulate and just spoke a bunch of hash. He learned well from his Lord Trump
@anonamos9202 Says:
This guy! 😳
@samuelcooke502 Says:
This guys has been dropped on his head one too many times!!!
@myleswelnetz6700 Says:
So do I, and it’s slavery.
@kentdelahay2336 Says:
I Know What Really Caused Biden to make these comments: Biden QUOTE 1977: He said forced busing to desegregate schools would cause his children to “grow up in a racial jungle." Biden QUOTE 2007: "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man." Biden QUOTE 2006: "In Delaware, the largest growth of population is Indian Americans, moving from India. You cannot go to a 7/11 or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking." Biden QUOTE 2019: "Poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids." Biden QUOTE 2020: "If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black." Biden QUOTE 2012: (Says this to a black audience after one of them boo's him. He says this with a southern accent) "They gonna put yall back in chains." Biden QUOTE 2020: "geez, the reason I was able to stay sequestered in my home is because some black woman was able to stack the grocery shelf." Biden QUOTE 2020: "Unlike the African-American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly diverse attitudes about different things.”
@Allen-tm9xn Says:
You can't fix stupid😂 I guess you don't realize that California and Texas and most of Arizona New Mexico all belong to Mexico, before the United States started bullying them and pushing them back !
@RODNEY-en6wh Says:
@joshuastenzel8101 Says:
Look at him in his suit! They polished a turd! So cute!
@vimes3702 Says:
What an idiot he likes think he's being clever. Just another racist d-bag.
@Mia-fm5uh Says:
@christophercottam5560 Says:
Kelsey graham has never looked so stupid🤣🤣🤣
@Jamie-ht5ec Says:
Trump is nothing more than a chaos agent. His supporters want to retain their ill-gotten privilege at the expense of the entire country. If we don't learn to work for the collective good of everyone, we're all going down together FAST!

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