MAGA Pundit Calls Campus Protestors 'LITTLE HITLERS' On CNN
MAGA Pundit Calls Campus Protestors 'LITTLE HITLERS' On CNN



@miatfree Says:
Hitler zionist
@dazzle1933 Says:
Scott Jennings speaks for most Jews and most Americans on this All of the Hames terror supporter are the H youth of this generation Yet on Columbia, the Jewish professor is kicked off campus Mondale Robinson another Black Supremacist
@ChewingToons Says:
If anyone has ever tried to have a conversation with a red cap wearer you will know that they dont have answers to your questions or they just repeat what Trump says. Its exactly the same as a cult. They will do whatever their master says.
This chick may be easy on the eyes but her analysis is incredibly boring. Young Turks should be insulting anyone of these obsolete retards on MSM using the Hitler argument for anything- as though we haven't heard this childish insult millions of times in the past. They just can't divorce themselves from TDS propaganda.
@pharaohbubbles1547 Says:
Of course the Reich Wing are tryna spin this
Hahahaha this is where you draw the line on calling people nazi's or Hitler? 🤣
@themasterofinfinity Says:
Comparing Isreal to the nazis shows a lack of understanding of the nazis
@jameshall2775 Says:
The leftist campus nazis actually do have far more in common. 🤨 And we have lots of video evidence and social media posts to prove it.
@PinocchiosMentor Says:
Daily reminder: Fascism is a far-Right authoritarian ideology . stupid MAGAt's.
@BigHomieSteveTheMetalHead Says:
Scott Jennings is right.
@RayZavala-Chosen Says:
Yasmin Yummmmy 💎
@Sky_Bridge Says:
I cried when Hillary Clinton lost. Hope I don't have to go through that again.
@plopcoen6222 Says:
Scott Jennings' "little Hitlers" comment is the absolute epitome of gormless whataboutism and deflection.
@Sky_Bridge Says:
Kamala will win in landslide. I'm Team 🥥
@Sky_Bridge Says:
Kamala touched Biden inappropriately
@NeroCloud Says:
Must nice having the name hitler thrown you in your face for once
@vulturellsociety7406 Says:
Well Palestinians are fascists as well , Islamonazis pedophiles rapists .
@GrossSlob Says:
You call him Americas Hitler I'll call every leftie Hitler, how childish can you get.
@Sharky1101 Says:
Scott Jennings is a guy that would defend Trump no matter what he says or does. He has no principles and that makes him dangerous.
@jordanhashem Says:
Fuck this guy! What a disgrace to anything freedom loving!
@GAMakin Says:
LUV THAT PRACTICED, HOLIER THAN THOU EXPRESSION ON HIS FACE. 💬** 🐧 **[ALTERNATE EXPLANATION: He just experienced an "unscheduled" bowel movement... Maybe BOTH occurrences, simultaneously, on opposite ends of the FOOD TUBE.]
@GridleyMike Says:
Scott Jennings is a right wing a hole
@MWhaleK Says:
Fool, they are far more like the Edelweiss pirates! A loosely organized group of youths opposed to the status quo of Nazi Germany. They are also like the The Leipzig Meuten, who were anti-Nazi "gangs" of children, teenagers and young adults based in Leipzig during the Nazi period of Germany.
@dlkuyekk9025 Says:
lol Why not? You call Trump H all the time p3rvs. There
@janithcoats638 Says:
Scott is a disgruntled Republican that has long talked like a fool and a disgusting male chauvinist pig this is why Kamala Harris gets under his skin and he goes down the wormhole to defend misogynistic patriarchy he is so fearful of losing to a woman Women will have the last word Enough is enough of these jerk-offs defending the biggest crook rapist felon fraud ever as though he is perfectly the greatest man that ever ran for President🤮🤮 He will say anything to defend the fascist loser He should be shown the door at CNN When his mouth opens I change the channel He is a complete failure and does nothing to address the truth of the felon leading his party
@brettt141 Says:
No he was talking about the people who are blocking jewish people which is anti semitic .You can be pro palestine without being anti jewish. Thats why he said the people harassing jewish americans. Which is perfectly reasonable. But tyt says "pro Palestine protestors" to change what he said like always
@Bobsbusters Says:
I’ve got to agree w the CNN dude. The left are straight fascist.
@bustaknutt7729 Says:
There's only One Little Hitler... Benjamin Netanyahu!!!
@Yosef-i8z Says:
Tyt ran by cenk a muslim turk. Off course he calls hateful protests "peace protests"
@dieterradeke4612 Says:
@dieterradeke4612 Says:
@roddyrod583 Says:
Ridiculous. How much did AIPAC pay him?
@MilkByCow Says:
GOP LOGIC: The tiki torch march in Charlottesville and their iconic chant isn’t H!tler, it’s freedom. ALSO GOP LOGIC: Ceasefire protesters are H!tler
@vladtheimpaler9577 Says:
Hamas are literal Nazis. They want to exterminate jews. It doesn't get any simpler then that.
@robertdickerson8195 Says:
Jennings needs to go. He serves no other purpose other than to spread Trump’s hate and division. CNN used to be, at one time, a reputable news source. Now it is no better than a supermarket tabloid rag.
@no-brakes Says:
Hitler was committing genocide, not protesting against it.
@philliphessel6788 Says:
Antiwar protestors are definitely not fascists. That they are opposing the Israeli warmongering doesn’t even make them anti-Jewish; plenty of Jewish Americans are among them. Their cause is human freedom from tyranny and violence: the very opposite of fascism.
@RecklessReactions3 Says:
So by TYT standards if one or more people say someone said something then it’s 100%true! Well I guess everyone on TYT are ignorant buffoons because I’ve seen a bunch of people call them that so it must be true,, by TYT standards
@058279941 Says:
Progressives = Groypers
@briendoyle3823 Says:
You have people who march around yelling White Power and waving flags with Swastikas emblazoned on them and according to Republicans that is allowed because it's free speech. You have people marching in Charlottesville opposing the removal of a Confederate statue carrying Tiki Torches saying Blood and Soil and Jews will not Replace us and according to Donald Trump and Republicans that's okay it's freedom of speech. Yet when it comes to students on campus protesting against a war that the United States is enabling by allowing Israel to destroy the Palestinian people and slaughter thousands of innocent civilians including women and children now that's Antisemitic.
@ZacharyStefano-b6l Says:
*********** BREAKING*********** Isn't that what trump calls his Penis, the Microscopic " Little Hitler" ******
@timothykeith1367 Says:
TYT is antisemitic
@moosemagic3429 Says:
I do not support the young liberals who are misguided and harass Jewish students. But at this current time, when Trump is fairly being called out for being Fascist, something that should have been plainly said since 2015, it's reprehensible of Jennings to say what he did. Trump is Fascist; it's confirmed by his own words, the company he keeps, and the testimony of his own inner circle. Which makes my concern here two-fold. First it's too broad a stroke to label all Pro Palestinian campus protesters as Fascist, notwithstanding my admitting that I think some of them harass Jewish students. Second the most important issue before us now is and must remain defeating Trump's candidacy. The Fascist label being applied to the Pro Palestinian students by Jennings is shameful right wing projection meant to dilute the seriousness of the label being applied to Trump.
@noigelskram2435 Says:
Its not fair that we have to pay for these little c*nts college loans.
@kundun5 Says:
These war mongerers love that Zionist PAC money… they’re shameless opportunists
@Americans4KeepingOurDemocracy Says:
There are "little Hitlers" running around college campuses? Scott Jennings has lost his mind in his support of Trump.
@scotgraham3059 Says:
Its Ok to Call Trump Voters "Nazis" but its not ok to call RIOTERS "Little Hitlers"...??...."And By Their HYPOCRACY You Will Know The Followers of Satan..."..-GOD-...
@metalheadtribe Says:
Free Palestine 🇵🇸
@brianchoo298 Says:
He's 100% correct. Trump has never expressed any hatred towards Jewish people. Meanwhile the brainwashed c@mmun!$t cultists are constantly spewing racist rhetoric towards Jews. COPE.

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