Two-Party System: Time to Go? | Fireside Chat | PragerU
Two-Party System: Time to Go? | Fireside Chat | PragerU



@Nachtom Says:
What a wrong take. UK system broke the same way as US and is pretty much 2-party now. If you put most of parties (and people) in EU on right-left axis they would be around middle, between US parties. We have freedom to vote center parties - we don't need to pick one of two extremes, we have freedom to not be tribalist and switch parties depending on their performance and our stances (which is principle you praised in another video about voting). Parties switch around as they gain and lose popularity. We don't have to vote for someone just because we don't want the other one to get elected. These systems are not even close, you can't compare. You can just cope because there's probably no way out of 2-party system.
@mythicfolfi4652 Says:
HOW HOW HOW how is Dennis prager wrong on literally everything???!!! This is the easiest issue to take a side on, and he somehow takes the wrong side!!
@fillosofer2001 Says:
The two parties use collusion to remain in power, and manipulate and control the population to do so.
@independent5564 Says:
The only Party we need is the MAGA PARTY!
@notsosuavemate Says:
Two wings same bird does it really matter?
@OneWildTurkey Says:
I think the two party system would still work if we actually had a bigger separation between them. Too many 'leaders' of each party restrain the objectives of the overall party.
@DanielBrown-nb9zz Says:
As much as I agree with PragerU and many of the views expressed here, I must say that I believe the Poplar vote is nothing more than a political theater that pretends to give you some portion of the decision that you never had a chance in understanding. No one believes the votes count why are they still showing up to vote? The electoral collage and the money sharks are the ones who get the say. Lets all be real here!
@maxxon99 Says:
The problem with the two-party system -- whether it's the US system or a devolved parliamentary system like UK -- is that you can't dismantle it from one side. That will only lead to single party rule. That's why when a multi-party parliamentary system devolves into a two-party system, there's really no way back. Note: an important distinction between two-party and one party systems is that while in a two-party system only two parties have real power others can exist, in a single party system all the other parties are outlawed.
@ColdWarII Says:
The two-party system is not the reason, but the deterioration of the quality of voters.
@tmireviews2684 Says:
Your title is click bait, you said the Two party system has to go but you didn't offer a solution. The best way to clean up our system is to have term limits, eliminate lobbyists and limit campaign contributions to $1000 and limit SCOTUS terms to 8 years. I'm an Independent and don't have an affliation to any political party.its pathetic to think politicians will add value to a persons life in a good way. Our country is run better under Democrats and Republicans never offer any solutions, wastes money and the GOP is so corrupt. Evangelists and churches making a profit need to pay taxes, they are corrupt charlatans.
@Arnsteel634 Says:
Time for AIPAC to go
@freedomwriter1995 Says:
Any party or person that promotes, or defends, socialism or communism in any way should be banned from running.
@crowmob-yo6ry Says:
Yes time to go! We need more than just two parties that can win. Exactly why I voted for the libertarian presidential candidate.
@rphb5870 Says:
So Dennis defends the US two party system as he fears the crazy small parties that a PR system surely would bring? But he forgets that they also have to moderate when entering a coalition and always have to defend them. And it prevents the crazies by having much power as it leads to a normal distribution of parties. There is a lot more crazy in America now, and it can only end badly
@gilgameshruler7746 Says:
I rather America to be a two party system so we don’t have to be authoritarianism and be call the land of the free
@L.Scott_Music Says:
Also, when the Left likes to point out that they're candidate won the popular vote it is a BS statement. It's like saying you scored a Touchdown in Soccer. Neither candidate ran a campaign where getting the popular vote was the goal, therefore the popular vote is meaningless in an electoral system.
@robertjackson1407 Says:
Thank you 😊
@michaelb1037 Says:
Need rank choice voting
@gazoontight Says:
Two parties? I see a leftist authoritarian party and a rightist authoritarian party. Any group that espouses freedom from government domination will be destroyed by the two authoritarian parties.
@thomasphillips7215 Says:
Our for of government could be better, but it would require sacrifice on the part of the elected. They would have to pass laws limiting their own authority. Term limits,no stock trading, no accepting money from lobbies, a salary equal to the average salary of their constituents and clear transparency of their personal income. Money is the problem in Washington and removing it as a temptation is necessary to remove corruption. Of course this is next to impossible. It would be very difficult to find competent people who only want to serve their country out of duty alone.
@Badazvegan Says:
Its only one system and its a christian system
@Philipp-dt2zy Says:
Switzerland 🇨🇭 owns the best democratic system in the world. My opinion.
@TickedOffPriest Says:
A two party system creates the illusion of control.
@SpidermanandJeny Says:
I'm sorry but he sounds ignorant when he says the only alternative is a parliamentary system one that's not the case at all. You could easily have a ranked choice voting system or AV Plus as a similar alternative is called.
@GabrielPryse Says:
Wyoming is a population is 586,000 as of 2024
@jamespier7801 Says:
The advantages of the two major parties should be removed. That can be done without changing to a parliamentary system.
@mr.e2962 Says:
Libertarianism is going to take the high ground over the democrats and Republicans.
@Jessica-w6r6g Says:
I was homeless, did drugs, went into prison, where I got to know God. He changed my life. Now I have a home, a Husband and a lovely daughter (Jessica), and a stream of income that gets me $44,000 Every month. Plus a new identity - a child of God. Hallelujah!!!
@TheLibertarianCapitalistUSA Says:
Our two-party system is broken. The problem with the two-party system is that it always leads to corruption on both sides. I get so irritated with the Republicans because they're not willing to elect the libertarians with in the Republican party because they are unwilling to accept the fact that Conservatism has failed and the future of the Republican party is Libertarianism.
@joshuawells835 Says:
While the Republicans and Democrats are equally frustrating, the two-party system to me is still better than either a single-party tyranny (ex. China) or multi-party systems that lead to constant collapse of coalition governments (ex. Israel having 5 elections in 3 years).
@bonnienix4557 Says:
I do not think anyone has came up with a better system than what we have. Our bigger problem is the movement away from our Constitution and bill of rights. I do agree with you. What is the alternative? This is the question that has to be answered first.
@MorgorDre Says:
A second chamber is not unique to USA 🤦🏻‍♂️ the rules for second chamber usually differ from first chamber That your founders where so wise is a very american way to look at them
@stevecook413 Says:
5 party. Then the top two have a run off
@kingbillycokebottle5484 Says:
Im australian and i see the two party system as little more than a duopoly, both side push the same sorta crap but with different spins. Like ya lose rights with the dems but the republicans deregulate and make it easier for the big end of town to move and shake (kinda needed imo) a two party system only takes away from local systems as they become beholden to federal policy as a party line. I dont like parties, should be independent representatives not party affiliation, as usually what happens is the local concerns are seconded to the party line.
@annawehmeyer Says:
I think a 2 party system is good. If it were 1 party then it would surely be hijacked by the left and we'd have no choice. I know the 2 party arguing is tiring, but it's better than a dictatorship.
@paulweber4684 Says:
The two party system is NOT enshrined in the Constitution. Our history as a country as seen many different parties come and go.
@carlmontney7916 Says:
In fact the founding fathers were so against democracy that the word doesn't appear in any of our founding documents. If anyone wants to know what our founders thought about democracy of any kind read the Federalist papers.
@zeitgeist888 Says:
The sad fact is that people want to be(and vote) as part of the winning group. If people voted their conscience instead there could be more than a two party system with centrists and groups that are further right and further left balancing out center right and center left groups. Congress could be made up of 3-4 groups of more than a handful of member who don't always vote along party lines for better or worse. What independent doesn't vote consistently with Dems? Why even be called a Independent?
@jdecar1 Says:
The 2-party system is a mathematical result of the voting method we use: "first past the post". There are other, better, voting methods that don't devolve into a two-party duopoly. I'm convinced this is the single most important flaw of our whole system of governance. See the CGP Grey videos on voting systems.
@jeffreybomba Says:
There are two parties? What are they, the Globalist Party is the only one I see.
@vitalino1981 Says:
Best politicians as of now, Czech (Pavel), Finland (Niisto), maybe Norway or Sweden (debatable). All being elected from multiple party systems.
@lordeliaslaframboise5792 Says:
What about the Swiss system?
@FirstHistoric Says:
No. I disagree. Why? Because the two parties encompass all the philosophical leanings into the Republican and Communist parties. Big government or small government. Fair or free.
@lonzo61 Says:
What about ranked choice voting, with five to eight parties, and eliminate the electoral college?
@texaslovelylady Says:
America 🇺🇲 is a Constitutional Republic. We only use a democratic voting system. Don't know why.
@MJF40 Says:
@roywest6557 Says:
The answer no party system. That way there is no fighting for power.
@boblynch7348 Says:
As always Dennis, you provide intellegent and profound answers to questions. Thank you.
@glennsampson5945 Says:
A problem with multiple parties is that there is no good way to conduct an election. Kenneth Arrow (joint winner of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics) came up with is now known as Arrow's paradox. There are a few basic simple properties that everyone agrees any good voting system should. As an example, if every voter prefers candidate A over candidate B, there should be no scenario in which candidate B wins. Kenneth Arrow proved that these properties are contradictory, that no voting scheme can satisfy them all. With multiple candidates, some very strange things can happen when holding an election.
@gfodale Says:
We no longer have a two party system. We have a Uniparty, consisting of fast communists and slow communists. Most are corrupt sellouts.

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