'WE NEVER TELL': Planned Parenthood Helps 13 Year Olds Get Abortions in Nearby States to Evade Law
'WE NEVER TELL': Planned Parenthood Helps 13 Year Olds Get Abortions in Nearby States to Evade Law



@southernhotrodder Says:
Journalisms best. Thank you so much for bringing the truth out
@Queenweezy Says:
Pure evil
@evettepierre2262 Says:
Does anyone Ever think about what They Do with the unborn, little human???????????
@anamoraes902 Says:
In a scenario like this, if it was real, an abuser could take his victim straight to the abortion clinic
@anamoraes902 Says:
this is so illegal and disgusting! Shame shame , shut down planned parenthood
@copescale9599 Says:
That woman in charge is infuriating. She's so good at breaking the law... It's almost as if she enjoys it.
@gothic7821 Says:
You never tell the parents their baby had been sexually abused?! WHAT?!? That's harmful in so many ways. What in the world are they thinking?!?
@daciandraco6462 Says:
This sounds a lot like... you know... trafficking minors?!
@coxrocks25 Says:
Only 19k views on this? This needs to be 19 million views
@kirbierose2589 Says:
Wow. They help rapists.
@MultiCaro2011 Says:
The devil will do anything to kill a n unborn child! What if it was the next genius Einstein, a great musician, a great president huh???? thank you PV for exposing this evil!! Ephesians 5:11-14
@shikuanne Says:
Baaaaabe! WTF is wrong with you people???? Bypass? Pick up service????? 13 year olds going across state lines?????? We always assume that armageddon would be a one major event... this video has corrected me real quick! Planned Parenthood must go down!!!
@guillermoiturriaga7863 Says:
@filthyhippie6889 Says:
The smile this demon gives when she says “she’s an adult in our clinic” should tell you everything you need to know about these people.
@robtaylor7038 Says:
Feel for them. God said I knew u before u was convinced. Explain this to him.
@abipapala8314 Says:
I see this as a problem with lawmakers more, shouldn't the same laws on abortion apply to all the states?
@taisan7928 Says:
These people are evil😡
@matta5498 Says:
Objective evil.
@crystalliberis7842 Says:
This is really bad. How is it legal?!
@politicaldissidence Says:
This is why Idaho made it a felony for anyone but a parent transporting a minor across state lines for an abortion.
@KG8B Says:
They have people willing to pay. They organize the hotels. They have girls doing this everyday. They know its illegal...
@bitrudder3792 Says:
Business as usual. PP makes money off of baby parts.
@1A_Media Says:
We have been investigating this for a while...It's happening all over!
@62Latinfire Says:
So disgusting. How do they sleep at night?!?!?!?!
@admiraledgeseawolves1833 Says:
So any man or woman can bring in a child and they not be their children and get them an abortion. Wow, so they are helping facilitate people who may have abused a child or helped in the abuse to hide their crimes. This is so Evil!!!
@Vsal23 Says:
The context warning is based on these people being a “Licensed Professionals”. Jack Kevorkian was a “Licensed Professional”.
@juliedavis9659 Says:
Absolutely disgusting and evil
@scoon2117 Says:
Why are the views so low????
@elvialopez8426 Says:
@EquineAdvocateForever Says:
Please get records on the 100 million dollar brain research that obama funded. Brain control research? Since when was obama a neuro scientist? What was his interest in it and WHO was in charge???
Democrats want to take your guns so you can not defend your family but is ok with a suction vacuum is placed into a woman to suck out just flesh based on there definition EVIL
@303808909ct Says:
This makes Project Veritas mad cause they wanna get those 13 year olds preggo as fast and often as they can.
@Gigi-sj4qx Says:
I can't believe what I even watched. First of all a man walks into an abortion clinic to inquire about getting an abortion for a 13 year old girl and they just respond like that's a normal everyday thing. Did it not raise a red flag with one of these idiots that this guy might be a rapist or pedophile, and that he might be holding this girl hostage somewhere against her will? Obviously a crime has probably been committed at some point, but they don't even consider that. It's just, sure bring her here and we'll make sure her baby gets killed and not let her parents know. Take her across state lines without her parents permission (an actual crime), get her a medical procedure without her parents consent(another violation). I want to know who takes responsibility if the child having the procedure is harmed, suffers complications or God forbid should die from this procedure her parents don't know she is having. Who is held accountable then? Because you know it's bound to happen eventually.
@iloveTRUMP Says:
This is SATAN'S work!! Thank you Project Veritas!!!
@christinelivebird Says:
With the Christmas tree in the background talking about butchering a baby.
@salvadorseekatzrisquez2947 Says:
🔥 *_"Cuando veas un alma que anuncia el aborto como un acto bueno, sabrás que en ella reina el príncipe de las tinieblas y que está en peligro de muerte eterna. ¡Ay, de nosotros, si consentimos con ese miserable y mortal pecado! No osemos tomar el lugar del Creador y no permitamos que ningún hombre lo haga. No seamos cómplices de este crimen maldito por culpa de nuestro silencio o nuestra tibieza"_* 🔥 _(San Pío de Pietrelcina)_
@ellem1184 Says:
@mrs.damonjameshendley8098 Says:
@intensepassion3382 Says:
I don't know if it's the chicken or the egg. Pregnant children or pedophillic adults. But I think it's the chicken. When will this country protect children?
@louismcintosh9144 Says:
Good for them. These doctors should be awarded. Project Veritas lies about most of it but intelligent people can see the good.
@Johnsmith-hp6tw Says:
Planned parenthood must be shut down globally at any cost.
@kew69 Says:
@shadow72728 Says:
@DannyHiggons Says:
@Earthgrand234 Says:
tbh after James Okeefe was ousted from PV, i didnt there there would be anything of value coming from PV anymore. I seem to have been wrong however.
@SoloBoxer Says:
@michaelschaefer1904 Says:
This has been common for over 20 years. PP is never sued because of legalized bribery known as campaign finance reform. Read the old book Lime 5 for an eye-opener.
@terencew7716 Says:
@timjarrett3596 Says:
Sad part these workers are proud of it
@aaronyox6319 Says:
How the heck is a 13 year old an adult ??

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